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"The goal of Yeti is to have a clean and minimal expressive language on the JVM that allows functional style programming, has static type inference and interfaces well with Java code.
"Some of the features:
- Type inference using the Hindley-Milner algorithm. The types are statically inferred at compile time without a need for explicit type declarations.
- Polymorphic structure and variant types. Using those resembles duck typing from the dynamic languages - for example, when a value is used as a structure having a field foo, which gives string value, then any structure with string field foo will be good enough.
- Property fields in structures (access goes through function calls).
- Lazy lists
- Pattern matching on values
- Comfortable string regex support
- Easy to call existing Java code
- Interactive REPL environment for experimenting
- Compiles directly to Java bytecode
- Fast compilation and quite fast execution
"The core language and existing standard library API should be fairly stable.
"The compiler development is now frozen to be bug-fix only (and writing documentation) until the 1.0 release."
Last modified 25 March 2025