Many additional implementations from Apollo project.
schema |
GraphQL schema definition |
query |
Read and traverse data |
mutation |
Modify data or trigger an action |
subscription |
Run a query when an event occurs |
Int |
Signed 32‐bit integer |
Float |
Signed double-precision floating-point value |
String |
UTF‐8 character sequence |
Boolean |
true or false |
ID |
A Unique identifier |
scalar |
Scalar Type |
type |
Object Type |
interface |
Interface Type |
union |
Union Type |
enum |
Enum Type |
input |
Input Object Type |
String |
Nullable String |
String! |
Non-null String |
[String] |
List of nullable Strings |
[String]! |
Non-null list of nullable Strings |
[String!]! |
Non-null list of non-null Strings |
type Query {
users(limit: Int): [User]
type Query {
users(limit: Int = 10): [User]
type Query {
users(limit: Int, sort: String): [User]
type Query {
users(limit: Int = 10, sort: String): [User]
type Query {
users(limit: Int, sort: String = "asc"): [User]
type Query {
users(limit: Int = 10, sort: String = "asc"): [User]
input ListUsersInput {
limit: Int
since_id: ID
type Mutation {
users(params: ListUsersInput): [User]!
scalar Url
type User {
name: String
homepage: Url
interface Foo {
is_foo: Boolean
interface Goo {
is_goo: Boolean
type Bar implements Foo {
is_foo: Boolean
is_bar: Boolean
type Baz implements Foo, Goo {
is_foo: Boolean
is_goo: Boolean
is_baz: Boolean
Object implementing one or more Interfaces
type Foo {
name: String
type Bar {
is_bar: String
union SingleUnion = Foo
union MultipleUnion = Foo | Bar
type Root {
single: SingleUnion
multiple: MultipleUnion
Union of one or more Objects
type Root {
stateForUser(userID: ID!): USER_STATE!
users(state: USER_STATE, limit: Int = 10): [User]
Last modified 22 January 2025