Injections: The dependency injection in Darling.js allow you to declarative describe how your application is wired. And any component which doesn't fit your needs can easily be replaced. (Based on Angular.js)
Modular: Separates the functionality and data into individual Systems and Components that are mostly independent of one another. So composition is used instead of inheritance. Also group components and system in Modules that can be plugged to game application. Gallery of modules.
Super-light: Engine doesn't depend on any additional library and only implement Entity, Component, System approach. So it's up to you to use any renderer libraries (2D or 3D), physic simulation and AI. But for easy integration there is exist some adapter for popular libraries and common use cases. (Highly inspired by Ash Framework by Richard Lord.)
Easy to use: Use fluent interfaces (jQuery and CraftyJS like). Support Bower. Node.js, Yeoman.io scaffolding is coming soon
Last modified 22 January 2025