- A Higher-Order Abstract Syntax Approach to the Verified Compilation of Functional Programs
- A Verified Compiler for a Linear Function/Imperative Intermediate Language
- A Verified Packrat Parser Interpreter for Parsing Expression Grammars
- ALIVe: Automatic LLVM InstCombine Verifier
- Alive2: Automatic verification of LLVM optimizations
- An Abstract Stack Based Approach to Verified Compositional Compilation to Machine Code
- Blackbox Equivalence Checking of Program Optimizations
- CakeML: A Verified Implementation of ML
- https://cakeml.org/
- https://github.com/CakeML/cakeml
- Verified Compilation of CakeML to Multiple Machine-Code Targets
- Verified Compilation on a Verified Processor
- PLDI 2019
- Andreas Lööw, Ramana Kumar, Yong Kiam Tan, Magnus O. Myreen, Michael Norrish, Oskar Abrahamsson, Anthony Fox
- https://cakeml.org/pldi19.pdf
- The Verified CakeML Compiler Backend
- Icing: Supporting Fast-math Style Optimizations in a Verified Compiler
- CompCert: formally-verified C compiler
- http://compcert.inria.fr/
- https://github.com/AbsInt/CompCert
- The formal verification of compilers - Xavier Leroy - DeepSpec Summer School 2017
- A Verified CompCert Front-End for a Memory Model Supporting Pointer Arithmetic and Uninitialised Data
- An Abstract Stack Based Approach to Verified Compositional Compilation to Machine Code
- Closing the Gap – The Formally Verified Optimizing Compiler CompCert
- CompCertM: CompCert with Lightweight Modular Verification and Multi-Language Linking
- CompCertS: A Memory-Aware Verified C Compiler Using a Pointer as Integer Semantics
- Compositional CompCert
- Formal Verification of a Constant-Time Preserving C Compiler
- Lightweight Verification of Separate Compilation
- Reconciling Low-Level Features of C with Compiler Optimizations
- 2019 Ph.D. Dissertation; Jeehoon Kang
- https://sf.snu.ac.kr/jeehoon.kang/thesis/
- Chapter I, Section 2, Background: A Brief Tour of CompCert
- Chapter III, Separate Compilation and Linking
- Chapter IV, Cast between Integers and Pointers
- Verified Peephole Optimizations for CompCert
- Compilation Using Correct-by-Construction Program Synthesis
- Compositional Verification of Compiler Optimisations on Relaxed Memory
- Crellvm: Verified Credible Compilation for LLVM
- Programming Languages Design and Implementation (PLDI) 2018
- Jeehoon Kang, Yoonseung Kim, Youngju Song, Juneyoung Lee, Sanghoon Park, Mark Dongyeon Shin, Yonghyun Kim, Sungkeun Cho, Joonwon Choi,Chung-Kil Hur, Kwangkeun Yi
- a verified credible compilation (or equivalently, verified translation validation) framework for LLVM
- http://sf.snu.ac.kr/crellvm/
- http://sf.snu.ac.kr/gil.hur/publications/crellvm.pdf
- http://sf.snu.ac.kr/gil.hur/publications/crellvm.zip
- https://github.com/snu-sf/crellvm-tests-parallel
- Mechanized Semantics and Verified Compilation for a Dataflow Synchronous Language with Reset
- Pilsner: A Compositionally Verified Compiler for a Higher-Order Imperative Language
- Pushing the Limits of Compiler Verification
- Self-compilation and self-verification
- The Correctness of a Code Generator for a Functional Language
- Towards Formally Verified Just-In-Time Compilation
- Vale (Verified Assembly Language for Everest)
- Vellvm: Verifying the LLVM
- Verified Compilers for a Multi-Language World
language development
Last modified 22 January 2025