import basics
func main {
print("Hello World!")
import basics
func main {
name String = "Alan"
age int = 36
height uint = 189
print("Name is " + name)
print("Age is " + age)
print("Height is " + height + " cm")
import basics
func main {
func greet(name String) {
print("Hello " + name)
import basics
record Person (name String, age int) {
func print {
print( + " is " + this.age + " years old")
func main {
Person("John Smith", 36).print()
import basics
struct Configuration (
filename String,
numBatteries int,
numPorts int,
constructor(filename String) {
this.filename = filename.commit()
this.numBatteries = 4
this.numPorts = 10
func toString(config Configuration) String {
return config.filename + ":" + config.numBatteries + ":" + config.numPorts
func main {
import basics
func main {
x, y int = 0
print("x = " + x)
print("y = " + y)
func addOneTo(pointerToNumber *$T~__number__) {
import basics
func main {
name String = scan("What is your name? ")
age int = scanInt("How old are you? ")
// If conditional
if name == "Isaac" {
print("Hello Isaac :)")
} else {
print("Nice to meet you " + name)
// Unless conditional
unless age > 21 {
print("You are too young to drink")
// While loops
while age < 18 {
age += 1
print("You are now old enough to smoke")
// Until loops
until age >= 21 {
age += 1
print("You are now old enough to drink")
import basics
record Invitation (to, from String, priority int)
func main {
invites <Invitation> List
invites.add(Invitation("Isaac", "Peter", 4))
invites.add(Invitation("Mr. Smith", "Mrs. Smith", 12))
invites.add(Invitation("James", "Paul", 3))
each Invitation in invites {
printf("invites[%zu] = %S\n", idx, toString(it))
func toString(invite Invitation) String {
return + " invited " + invite.from + " with priority " + invite.priority
For values that use ownership-based memory management
(e.g. String, List, Grid)
we must transfer ownership if we want to keep them
alive for longer than their owner's scope
import basics
func main {
everyone <String> List = getEveryoneAttending()
each fullname String in everyone {
print("=> " + fullname)
func getEveryoneAttending() <String> List {
everyone <String> List
person1 String = getFullnameReturnImmediately("Alice", "Golden")
person2 String = getFullnameStoreAndThenLaterReturn("Bob", "Johnson")
// Commit ownership of strings held by 'person1' and 'person2'
// to be managed by the list
// Commit ownership of the list to the caller
return everyone.commit()
func getFullnameReturnImmediately(firstname, lastname String) String {
// '.commit()' is not necessary here
return firstname + " " + lastname
func getFullnameStoreAndThenLaterReturn(firstname, lastname String) String {
fullname String = firstname + " " + lastname
// Ownership of the result is held by 'fullname',
// so we must transfer ownership to the caller in order
// to keep it alive after this function returns
// '.commit()' is necessary here
return fullname.commit()
import basics
func main {
func makeNumericSkewer String {
// Example output: `0-2-4-6-8-10-13-16-19-22-25-28`
skewer String
while continue preparing {
if skewer.length < 30 {
continue preparing
return skewer.commit()
func makeAlphabetSkewer String {
// Example output: `a-c-e-g-i-k-m-o-q-s-u-w-y`
skewer String
while still_making_skewer : skewer.length < 30 {
skewer.append('a'ub + skewer.length as ubyte)
if skewer[skewer.length - 1] == 'y'ub {
break still_making_skewer
return skewer.commit()
import basics
// Will be re-evaluated with each use
define GREETING = "Welcome"
define STRANGER_NAME = "guest"
// Will only be evaluated once when the program starts
ARCH_STRING String = #get __arm64__ ? "arm64" : #get __x86_64__ ? "x86_64" : "other"
func main {
print("You are using architecture: " + ARCH_STRING)
import 'sys/cstdio.adept'
import 'sys/cstdlib.adept'
import 'sys/cstring.adept'
func main int {
withMallocAndFree('Will', 'Johnson')
withNewAndDelete('John', 'Wilson')
return 0
func withMallocAndFree(firstname, lastname *ubyte) void {
// Manual C-String manipulation using malloc, free, and sprintf
fullname *ubyte = malloc(strlen(firstname) + strlen(lastname) + 2)
defer free(fullname)
sprintf(fullname, '%s %s', firstname, lastname)
printf('Fullname is: %s\n', fullname)
func withNewAndDelete(firstname, lastname *ubyte) void {
// Manual C-String manipulation using new, delete, and sprintf
fullname *ubyte = new ubyte * (strlen(firstname) + strlen(lastname) + 2)
defer delete fullname
sprintf(fullname, '%s %s', firstname, lastname)
printf('Fullname is: %s\n', fullname)
import basics
func main(argc int, argv **ubyte) {
// C-Style
// Print out each argument specified
each *ubyte in [argv, argc] {
printf("args[%zu] = %s\n", idx, argv[idx])
// Collect arguments into string list
args <String> List = Array(argv, argc).map(func &stringConstant)
// Adept-style
// Print out arguments again, except in cleaner way
each String in args {
printf("args[%zu] = %S\n", idx, it)
if args.contains("-h") || args.contains("--help") {
print("You asked for help, but I have no help to show you")
import basics
import random
func sum(a, b int) int = a + b
func mul(a, b int) int = a * b
func main {
doCalculation func(int, int) int = null
if normalizedRandom() < 0.5 {
doCalculation = func &sum
} else {
doCalculation = func &mul
print("Result of 8 and 13 is " + doCalculation(8, 13))
import basics
func main {
defer print("I will be printed last")
defer print("I will be printed second")
defer print("I will be printed first")
print("I will be printed before anyone else")
import 'sys/cstdio.adept'
func main(argc int, argv **ubyte) int {
// Will be initialized to 0
zero_value int
// Will be initialized to null
null_pointer *ulong
// Will be undefined (left uninitialized)
undefined_value int = undef
undefined_pointer *ulong = undef
printf('%d == 0, %d == ?\n', zero_value, undefined_value)
printf('%p == null, %p == ?\n', null_pointer, undefined_pointer)
return 0
pragma compiler_version '2.7'
pragma project_name 'my_cool_project'
pragma optimization aggressive
import basics
func main {
print("Hello World")
func main {
// 8-bit Types
a_bool bool = false
a_byte byte = 0sb
a_ubyte ubyte = 0ub
// 16-bit Types
a_short short = 0ss
a_ushort ushort = 0us
// 32-bit Types
an_int int = 0si
a_uint uint = 0ui
a_float float = 0.0f
// 64-bit Types
a_long long = 0sl
a_ulong ulong = 0ul
a_double double = 0.0d
a_usize usize = 0uz
// 64-bit or 32-bit depending on the system
a_ptr ptr = null
int_ptr *int = null
return 0
import basics
func main {
value int = 1234
// x as Type is equivalent to cast Type x
// Primitive value casting
result1 double = value as double
result2 double = cast double value
// Arbitrary pointer casting
result3 *uint = &value as *uint
result4 *uint = cast *uint &value
// Expression result casting
result5 usize = (value + 1) as usize
result6 usize = cast usize (value + 1)
import basics
func main {
print("Every type used in this program: ")
each *AnyType in [__types__, __types_length__] {
print(" => " + stringConstant(
print("Each member of type 'String':")
string_type *AnyStructType = typeinfo String as *AnyStructType
repeat string_type.length {
field_name String = stringConstant(string_type.member_names[idx])
field_type String = stringConstant(string_type.members[idx].name)
print(" => " + field_name + " " + field_type)
#default should_fake_windows false
#default should_fake_macos false
#default enable_secret_feature false
#if enable_secret_feature
#print "Doing super secret feature stuff..."
#set should_fake_windows true
#set should_fake_macos true
import basics
func main {
#if should_fake_windows && should_fake_macos
print("Hello from Windows and MacOS???")
#elif __windows__ || should_fake_windows
print("Hello on Windows!")
#elif __macos__ || should_fake_macos
print("Hello on MacOS!")
import basics
func sum(a, b $T) $T = a + b
func main {
print(sum(8, 13))
print(sum(3.14159, 0.57721))
print(sum(' 'ub, '!'ub))
print(sum(true, false))
print(sum("Hello", " World"))
import basics
record <$T> Couple (first, second $T)
func main {
coord <int> Couple
coord.first = 3
coord.second = 4
print("Distance is: " + coord.distance())
socks <String> Couple = Couple("Left Sock", "Right Sock")
func toString(couple <$T> Couple) String {
return toString(couple.first) + " " + toString(couple.second)
func distance(this *<$T~__number__> Couple) $T {
const x double = cast double this.first
const y double = cast double this.second
return sqrt(x * x + y * y) as $T
import basics
record Unit (hp int) {
func damage(atk int) {
this.hp -= atk
func heal(this *Unit, pts int) {
this.hp += pts
func main {
unit Unit = Unit(10)
print("Remaining HP: " + unit.hp)
import basics
func main {
my_integers <int> List
// Add numbers 0..9 inclusive to list
repeat 10, my_integers.add(idx)
// Square each number in the list
each int in my_integers, it = it * it
// Print each number
each int in my_integers {
printf("my_integers[%zu] = %d\n", idx, it)
import basics
class Shape () {
constructor {}
virtual func draw {}
class Rectangle extends Shape (w, h float) {
constructor(w, h float) {
this.w = w
this.h = h
override func draw {
printf("Rectangle %f by %f\n", this.w, this.h)
class Circle extends Shape (radius float) {
constructor(radius float) {
this.radius = radius
override func draw {
printf("Circle with radius %f\n", this.radius)
func main {
shapes <*Shape> List
defer {
each *Shape in shapes, delete it
shapes.add(new Rectangle(4.0, 5.0) as *Shape)
shapes.add(new Circle(9.0) as *Shape)
each *Shape in shapes {
Last modified 22 January 2025