Experiment by a non-programmer: "Compilers seemed me extremely difficult and available books not in the least did not change this presentation. But I wanted to understand, how they work. In 1994 I tried to write a compiler. And though I was able to get something working for a month and between the deal, this was a long way."
General conventions:
- Each appearance of identifier in the text assumes its value. For the address calculation operator @ must be used.
- Number of operations with pointers (references) are limited, possible only dereference (tacit and by means of square brackets), comparison with NULL (equal/not equal) and assignment.
- Local variables are to be described in any place of functions, each valiable can be referenced from the place of description to the end of block, in which they described. (before the end of cycle etc.).
- There are no internal functions.
- Using of delimiter "semicolon" is reduced. It use only for termination of struct and functions descriptions and termination of assignments.
Last modified 11 March 2025