ReScript compiler and syntax provide the best experience to write JS and React applications. Unifying the tools in one coherent platform and core team allows us to build features that wouldn't be possible in the original BuckleScript + Reason setup.

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(Used to be BuckleScript)

ReScript is a robustly typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable JavaScript. It comes with a lightning fast compiler toolchain that scales to any codebase size.

Example in Rescript:

module Button = {
  let make = (~count: int) => {
    let times = switch count {
    | 1 => "once"
    | 2 => "twice"
    | n => Belt.Int.toString(n) ++ " times"
    let msg = "Click me " ++ times

    <button> {msg->React.string} </button>

... compiles to Javascript:

var React = require("react");

function Playground$Button(Props) {
  var count = Props.count;
  var times = count !== 1 ? (
      count !== 2 ? String(count) + " times" : "twice"
    ) : "once";
  var msg = "Click me " + times;
  return React.createElement("button", undefined, msg);

var Button = {
  make: Playground$Button

exports.Button = Button;

Tags: language   browser  

Last modified 22 January 2025