Fay has the following properties:
cabal install cpphs
# make sure cpphs is in your PATH
cabal install fay fay-base
Write awesome software:
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
module Hello where
import FFI
data Event
alert :: String -> Fay ()
alert = ffi "alert(%1)"
setBodyHtml :: String -> Fay ()
setBodyHtml = ffi "document.body.innerHTML = %1"
addWindowEvent :: String -> (Event -> Fay ()) -> Fay ()
addWindowEvent = ffi "window.addEventListener(%1, %2)"
greet :: Event -> Fay ()
greet event = do
putStrLn "The document has loaded"
setBodyHtml "Hello HTML!"
main :: Fay ()
main = do
putStrLn "Hello Console!"
alert "Hello Alert!"
addWindowEvent "load" greet
Compile it: fay Hello.hs --html-wrapper
Run the generated Hello.html
Last modified 22 January 2025