// hello.flx
println$ "Hello World";
can be run directly:
flx hello.flx
Felix is a C++ code generator specifically designed so that all your favourite C and C++ libraries can be embedded with little or no glue logic:
// required header
header vector_h = '#include <vector>';
// C++11 for smart pointers
header memory_h = '#include <memory>'
requires package "cplusplus_11"
// types
type vector[T] = "::std::shared_ptr<::std::vector<?1>>"
requires vector_h, memory_h
type viterator[T] = "::std::vector<?1>::iterator"
requires vector_h
// constructor
ctor[T] vector[T] : unit = "::std::make_shared<::std::vector<?1>>()";
// operations
proc push_back[T] : vector[T] * T = "$1->push_back($2);";
proc push_back[T] (v: vector[T]) (elt:T) => push_back(v,elt);
fun stl_begin[T] : vector[T] -> viterator[T] = "$1->begin()";
fun deref[T] : viterator[T] -> T = "*$1";
// example use
var v = vector[int]();
v.push_back 42;
println$ *v.stl_begin;
Last modified 22 January 2025