Website | Language Specification


Grace in one page of code:

//Grace in one page; run here:

import "io" as transput     // import module — the imported object is named transput
print "Hello World!"

// Comments & Layout
// comment to end of line 

// Definitions and Variables
def one = 1 // constant
def two:Number = 2  // constant with type annotation

var i:Number := 13  // variable with type - note := 
var x := 4 // variable, dynamically typed
var z is readable, writable := "Z" // annotated to give public access

0xdeadbeef // Radix zero treated as 16 
false      // Booleans
"Hello World!"
"fruit\tcost"       // string with escape for tab 
"1 + 2 = {1 + 2}"   // string with interpolation
{two.something}     // block (lambda expression) without parameters
{ j -> print(j)}    // blocks with parameters

// Requests
self.z   // explicit self request, without arguments
z // implicit self-request, without arguments
print "Hello world" // implicit self-request, single string argument
"Hello".size // request of method size with string "Hello" as receiver
"abcdefghi".substringFrom 3 to 6 
    // request of method substringFrom(_)to(_); parens optional on literal arguments
1 + 2 * 3 // operators are also requests
! false // unary prefix operators!   Can't do that in Smalltalk.

"ab" ++ "cd" // operator ++ for string concatenation
1..10        // operator .. constructs a range of numbers
(true || false) && true // only + - * and / have precedence
x := 22 // assignment request

// Control Structures — block bodies are indented when the
// block spans multiple lines
if (x == 22) then {
    print "YES"
} elseif {
    x == 23
} then {
    print "Maybe"
} else {
    print "...nope..."

for (2 .. 4) do {
    j -> print(j)
} // prints 2, 3, and 4

x := 10
while {x < 20} do {
    x := x + 3

match (x) // match(_)case(_)... can match on both values and types
  case { 0 -> print "zero" }   // literal — matches when x == 0 
  case { n : Number -> print "Number {n}" }  // type matches 
  case { s : String -> print "String {s}" }
  else { print "who knows?" }     // all other cases 

// Methods
// Grace methods can be at the "top level"
method pi {3.141592634} //simple method 
method + (other) { other + self } // binary operator 
method prefix- {print "bing!"} //prefix unary operator
method from(n : Number) steps(s: Number) -> Number { 
    // method with multi-part name, each part with an argument list
    print "from {n} steps {s}"
    return s
method fromsteps(n: Number, s: Number) -> Number { 
    // method with multiple arguments 
    print "from {n} steps {s}"
    return s  } 

// Objects
def fergus = object {  // make a new object 
    def colour is readable = "Tabby" 
    def name is readable = "Fergus"
    var miceEaten := 0
    method eatMouse {miceEaten := miceEaten + 1}
    method miaow {print "{name}({colour}) has eaten {miceEaten} mice"}


// Classes
class cat(name') colour(colour') {   // class is a factory method
    def colour is readable = colour' // note primes on names
    def name is readable = name'
    var miceEaten := 0
    method eatMouse {miceEaten := miceEaten + 1}
    method miaow {
        print "{name}({colour}) has eaten {miceEaten} mice"
cat "Amelia" colour "Tortoiseshell".miaow

// Inheritance
class pedigreeCat(aName) colour(aColour) {  
    inherit cat(aName) colour("Pedigree " ++ aColour)
        // call superclass's factory
        alias catMiaow = miaow
    var prizes := 0    // initialize an instance variable
    method winner {prizes := prizes + 1}
    method miaow is override {
        print "and won {prizes} prizes"

def woopert = pedigreeCat "Woopert" colour "Siamese"

// Exceptions
def NegativeError = ProgrammingError.refine "NegativeError"  
    // make a new kind of exception
try {
    ... // some complicated code
    NegativeError.raise "-1 &lt; 0"  // raise (throw) an exception
} catch { ne: NegativeError -> 
    print "it was negative! {ne}"
} catch { e: Exception -> 
    print "an unexpected exception {e}" 
} finally { 
    print "finally!"    // always executed

// using a module
transput.output.write "Goodbye\n" // request method on imported module

Tags: language   object  

Last modified 17 January 2025