Require ki (this in turns expands into an appropriate require for mori)
ki require core
Mori's persistent data structures and Clojure(Script)-like api at your fingertips
var foo = ki (vector 1 2 3)
ki (conj foo 4)
// => [1 2 3 4]
Plus lambdas
ki (map (fn [a] (inc a)) (range 5))
// => (1 2 3 4 5)
Interoperability: write js in a ki form
var fn1 = ki (js function (a,b) { return a + b + 2; })
at any level - e.g. you can use infix where it makes sense
var fn2 = ki (fn [a b] (js a + b + 2))
and you can use ki wherever in js code
function somefunc (a) {
ki (toJs (filter (fn [el] (isEven el)) (range a))).forEach(function(el) {
return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].filter(ki (fn [el] (isEven el)));
// => 0
// => 2
// => 4
// [0 2 4]
Like a pro
ki (take 6 (map (fn [x] (js x * 2)) (range 1000)))
// => (0 2 4 6 8 10)
Last modified 22 January 2025