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Features have been picked for their suitability in a game programming language, and in particular to make code terse, quick to write and refactor. It is meant to not hold you back to get an idea going quickly.


def find(xs, fun):
    for(xs) x, i:
        if fun(x):
            return i
    return -1

let r = 2
let i = find [ 1, 2, 3 ]: _ > r

What do we see:

Types, dynamic dispatch, immutables and vector ops:

class Animal:
    alive = true

class Cat : Animal
    def hello(): print "meow"

class Dog : Animal
    barked = 0

def hello(d::Dog):
    print "bark!"

let d = Dog {}

let a:Animal = d

What we learn here:

Enough of dry programming language stuff, how do we draw?

import vec
import color
import gl

let directions = [ xy_0, xy_x, xy_y ]

def sierpinski(depth) -> void:
    if depth:
        gl_scale 0.5:
            for(directions) d:
                gl_translate d:
                    sierpinski(depth - 1)

fatal(gl_window("sierpinski", 512, 512))

while gl_frame():
    if gl_button("escape") == 1: return

which produces:

What do we see:

How to build a 2D shooter
Lobster is a statically typed programming language with a Python-esque syntax that combines the advantages of an expressive type system and compile-time memory management with a very lightweight, friendly and terse syntax, by doing most of the heavy lifting for you.

Tags: language   native  

Last modified 13 March 2025