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Hello World:

'Hello World' echo

Factorial. Note that parentheses () do not mean anything in Novika. They're like single-character comments.

(5 to: 1) product "120"

First 100 Fizz buzz rounds:

1 to: 100 each: [
  [ [ 15 /? ] 'FizzBuzz'
    [  5 /? ] 'Buzz'
    [  3 /? ] 'Fizz'
  ] choose echo

Sieve of Eratosthenes:

2 to: 120 ||-> [ $: n (stack without: [ n /? ]) asStack n ] each: echo

Zigzag problem from LeetCode, with the examples as tests. Observe the boundary between terseness and readability.

Not the mathy one but the naive one, because programming is
not math thank goodness!

[ dup 1 = => [ drop ^ ]

  collect: '' dup 1 |to $: grid

  0 $: col

  [ grid |: |> |atRightBound? asc desc sel ] $: desc
  [ grid |: <| |afterFirst? desc asc sel (col 1 + =: col) ] $: asc
  desc @: action

  [ $: char grid |: [ char ~ ] ] @: put

  each: [ put action =: action ]

  grid join
] @: convert

describe 'Zigzag Conversion' [
  in leetcode

  it should 'follow the happy path' [
    'A' 1 convert 'A' assert=
    'A' 3 convert 'A' assert=
    'HELLOWORLD' 1 convert 'HELLOWORLD' assert=

  it should 'convert given 3 rows' [

  it should 'convert given 4 rows' [

runTestsInGroup: leetcode

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Last modified 13 March 2025