Poly is, I believe, outdated and no longer exists; however, it was the original implementation language for PolyML, and three papers (copied here) describe it in deep enough fashion to warrant capture and study. All appear to be by David C.J. Matthews.
This report is a tutorial introduction to the programming language Poly. It describes how to write and run programs in Poly using the VAX/UNIX implementation. Examples given include polymorphic list functions, a double precision integer package and a subrange type constructor.
Poly is a programming language which supports polymorphic operations. This document explains how it is used on the VAX.
The system is entered by running the appropriate program (e.g. /mnt/dcjm/poly at Cambridge). The compiler will then reply with a prompt (>). To exit from Poly at any time type ctrl-D (end-of-text) or ctrl-C (interrupt). There are three types of instructions which can be typed to Poly; declarations of identifiers, statements (commands), or expressions. An example of a command and the output it produces is
> print("Hello"); Hello
Note the closing semicolon which must be present to indicate the end of the command. If you forget it the compiler will print a # as a prompt to indicate that the command is not yet complete.
An example of an expression is
> "Hi"; Hi
Poly prints the value of an expression without the need to type the word 'print'.
Commands can be grouped by enclosing them with the bracketing symbols begin and end or ( and ). For instance
> begin # print("Hello"); # print(" again") # end; Hello againAny object in Poly can be bound to an identifier by writing a declaration. For instance
> let message == "Hello ";declares an identifier 'message' to have the value of the string 'Hello '. It can be printed in the same way as the string constant.
> message; Hello
Names can be either a sequence of letters and digits starting with a letter, or a sequence of the special characters + - * = < > etc. Certain names are reserved to have special meanings and cannot be used in declarations. Those words can be written in upper, lower or mixed case, all other words are considered to be different if written in different cases. When declaring a name made up of the special characters remember to put a space between the name and the == or colon which follows it. Comments are enclosed in curly brackets { and }. They are ignored by the compiler and are equivalent to a single space or newline between words.
Statements or groups of statements can be declared by making them into procedures.
> let printmessage == # proc() # (print("A message "));
A procedure consists of a procedure header (in this case the word proc and parentheses ( and ) ) and a body. The procedure body must be enclosed in bracketing symbols (in this case '(' and ')') even if there is only one statement.
This is simply another example of a declaration. Just as previously 'message' was declared to have the value "Hello#", 'printmessage' has been declared with the value of the procedure.
The procedure is called by typing the procedure name followed by ().
> printmessage(); A message
The effect of this is execute the body of the procedure and so print the string.
Procedures can take arguments so that values can be passed to them when they are called.
> let pmessage == # proc(m : string) # begin # print("The message is :"); # print(m) # end;This can be called by typing
> pmessage("Hello"); The message is :Helloor by typing
> pmessage("Goodbye"); The message is :Goodbye
As well as having a value all objects in Poly have a specification, analogous to a type in other languages. It is used by the compiler to ensure that only meaningful statements will be accepted. You can find the specification of a declared name x by typing ? "x";.
> ? "message"; message : stringThis means that message is a constant belonging to the type 'string'.
> ? "pmessage"; pmessage : PROC(string)This means that pmessage is a procedure taking a value of type string as its argument. Since message has that specification the call
> pmessage(message); The message is :Hellowill work. Likewise the call
> pmessage("Hi"); The message is :Hiwill work because "Hi" also belongs to type string. However
> pmessage(pmessage); Error - specifications have different forms
will fail because 'pmessage' has the wrong specification. Incidentally, the specification of the procedure is the same as the header used when it was declared, ignoring the differences in the case of some of the words.
So far the only constants used have been those belonging to the type string. Another type, integer provides operations on integral numbers.
> print(42); 42The usual arithmetic operations +, -, *, div, mod, succ and pred are available.
> 42+10-2; 50However, unlike other languages all infix operators have the same precedence so
> 4+3*2; 14
prints 14 rather than 10. Also - is an infix operator only, there is a procedure neg which complements its argument.
Another 'standard' type is boolean which has only two values true and false. Its main use is in tests for equality (the = operator), inequality (<>) and magnitude (> < >= <=).
> let two == 2; > 1 = two; false > 2 = two; true > 3 <> 4; true > 4 >= 5; falseThe expression '1 = two' has type boolean. Identifiers can be declared to have boolean values in the same way as integers and strings.
> let testtwo == two > 1;
declares testtwo to be 'true' since 'two' is greater than 1. There are three operators which work on boolean values, &, | and ~. ~ is a prefix operator which complements its argument (i.e. if its argument was false the result is true, and vice-versa). & is an infix operator which returns true only if both its arguments are true. | is also an infix operator which returns true if either of its arguments is true.
Boolean values are particularly useful since they can be tested using if. The if-statement causes different statements to be obeyed depending on a condition.
> if two = 2 # then print("It is two") # else print("It isn't two"); It is twotests the value of the expression 'two = 2' and executes the statement after the word then if it is true, and the statement after the word else if it is false. This could be written as a procedure,
> let iszero == # proc(i: integer) # (if i = 0 then print("It is zero") # else print("It isn't zero"));which could then be called to test a value.
> iszero(4); It isn't zerosince 4 is not zero. If-statements can return values as well as perform actions in the then and else parts. An alternative way of writing 'iszero' could have been
> let iszero == # proc(i: integer) # (print( # if i = 0 # then "It is zero" # else "It isn't zero" # ));
This version tests the condition, and returns one or other of the strings for printing. This can only be used if both the then and else parts return values with similar specifications (in this case both sides return string constants). The version of the if-statement which does not return a value can be written with only a then-part. If the then-part returns a value there must be an else-part (otherwise what value would be returned if the condition were false?).
Procedures can be written which return results. For instance a further way of writing 'iszero' would be to allow it to return the value of the string.
> let iszero == # proc(i: integer)string # (if i = 0 then "It is zero" # else "It isn't zero"); > ? "iszero"; iszero : PROC(integer)stringCalling it would then cause it to return the appropriate string which would then be printed.
> iszero(0); It is zeroAnother example is a procedure which returns the square of its argument.
> let sqr == # proc(i: integer)integer (i*i);declares sqr to be a procedure which takes an argument with type integer and returns a result with type integer. The body of the procedure evaluates the square of the argument i, and the result is the value of the expression. The call
> sqr(4); 16
will therefore print out the value 16.
Procedures in Poly can be written which call themselves, i.e. recursive procedures. These are declared using letrec rather than let.
> letrec fact == # proc(i: integer)integer # (if i = 1 then 1 # else i*fact(i-1));This is the recursive definition of the factorial function. The procedure can be called by using
> fact(5); 120
which prints the result. letrec has the effect of making the name being declared available in the expression following the ==, whereas let does not declare it until after the closing semicolon.
Constants are objects whose value cannot be changed. There are also objects whose value can change, these are variables. Variables are created by declarations such as
> let v == new(0);The procedure 'new' returns a variable whose initial value is the argument.
> v; 0A new value can be given to v by using the assignment operator.
> v := 3; > v; 3Thus v now has the value 3. The new value can depend on the old value.
> v := (v+2);Sets the value to be 5. The parentheses are necessary because otherwise the order of evaluation would be strictly left-to-right. Variables can be of any type.
> let sv == new("A string");
declares sv to be a string variable. The specification of a variable is not as simple as it may seem and will be dealt with later.
It is often necessary to repeat some statements more than once. This can be done using the while statement. For instance
> let x == new(10); > while x <> 0 # do # begin # print(x*x); # print(" "); # x := pred(x) # end; 100 81 64 49 25 16 9 4 1prints the square of all the numbers from 10 down to 1. The body of the loop (the statement after the word do) is executed repeatedly while the condition (the expression after the word while) is true. The condition is tested before the loop is entered, so
> while false # do print("Looping");
will not print anything.
We have already seen examples of operators such as + and &. In Poly operators are just procedures whose specifications include the words infix or prefix. They are declared in a similar way to procedures, for instance
> let sq == proc prefix (i : integer)integer (i*i);has declared sq as a prefix operator. It can be used like any other prefix operator:
> sq 3; 9
The difference between a prefix operator and other procedures is that the argument to a prefix operator does not need to be in parentheses. Infix operators can be defined similarly.
All objects in Poly have specifications. This includes types such as string, integer and boolean.
> ? "boolean"; boolean : TYPE (boolean) & : PROC INFIX (boolean; boolean)boolean; false : boolean; print : PROC (boolean); true : boolean; | : PROC INFIX (boolean; boolean)boolean; ~ : PROC PREFIX (boolean)boolean ENDTypes in Poly are regarded as sets of "attributes". These attributes are usually procedures or constants but could be other types. The attributes of a type can be used exactly like ordinary objects with the same specification. However, since different types may have attributes with the same name, it is necessary to prefix the name of the attribute with the name of the type separated by $.
> integer$print(5); 5This invokes the attribute 'print' belonging to integer and prints the number. Most types have a print attribute which prints a value of that type in an appropriate format. $ acts a selector which finds the attribute belonging to a particular type. It is not an operator so operators always work on the selected name rather than the type name.
> ~ boolean$true; false
Poly allows new types to be created in the same way as new procedures, constants or variables. One way of creating a new type is by making a record. A record is a group of similar or dissimilar objects.
> let rec == record(a, b: integer);This declares 'rec' to be a record with two components, a and b, both of type integer.
> ? "rec"; rec : TYPE (rec) a : PROC(rec)integer; b : PROC(rec)integer; constr : PROC(integer;integer)rec END'constr' is a procedure which makes a record by taking two integers, and 'a' and 'b' are procedures which return the 'a' and 'b' values of the record.
> let recv == rec$constr(3, 4);creates a new record with 3 in the first field (a) and 4 in the second field (b). The result is given the name 'recv'.
> rec$a(recv); 3 > rec$b(recv); 4
show that the values of the individual fields can be found by using 'a' and 'b' as procedures. They must of course be prefixed by 'rec$' to show the type they belong to.
Records can be made with fields of any specification, not just constants.
> let arec == # record(x:integer; p: proc(integer)integer);declares a record with fields x and p, x being an integer constant and p a procedure.
> let apply == # proc(z : arec)integer # begin # let pp == arec$p(z); # pp(arec$x(z)) # end;is a procedure which takes a constant of this record type and applies the procedure p to the value x and returns the result. In fact, it is not necessary to declare pp in the body of the procedure. An alternative way of writing apply is
> let apply == # proc(z : arec)integer # (arec$p(z)(arec$x(z)));
Another way of constructing a type is using a 'union'. A union is a type whose values can be constructed from the values of several other types. For instance a value of a union of integer and string could be either an integer or a string.
> let un == union(int: integer; str: string);This has created a type which is the union of integer and string. A value of the union type can be constructed by using an injection function. This union type has two such functions, their names made by appending 'int' and 'str' onto the letters 'inj_', making 'inj_int' and 'inj_str'. ('int' and 'str' were the 'tags' given in the declaration, in a similar way to fields in a record).
> let intunion == un$inj_int(3);This has created a value with type 'un' containing the integer value 3.
> let stringunion == un$inj_str("The string");creates a value, also with type 'un', but this time containing a string. Given a value of a union type it is often useful to be able to decide which of its constituent types it was made from. For each of the 'tags' there is a procedure whose name is made by prefixing with the letters 'is_', which returns 'true' or 'false' depending on whether its argument was made from the corresponding injection function.
> un$is_int(intunion); trueprints 'true' because intunion was made from 'inj_int'. However
> un$is_str(intunion); falseValues of the original types can be obtained by using 'projection' functions, which are the reverse of the 'injection' functions. Their names are made by prefixing the tags with 'proj_' to make names like 'proj_str' and 'proj_int'.
> un$proj_int(intunion); 3 > un$proj_str(stringunion); The stringprint the original values. It is possible to write
> un$proj_str(intunion); Exception projecte raisedbecause 'intunion' has type 'un', just like 'stringunion'. However, 'proj_str' is expected to return a value with type string so when this is run it will cause an error. The effect will be to raise an 'exception' called 'projecterror' which means that a projection procedure was given an argument constructed using a different injection procedure.
> let unprojstr == un$proj_str; > ? "unprojstr"; unprojstr : PROC(un)string RAISES projecterror
shows that 'proj_str' may raise 'projecterror'. Exceptions will be dealt with in more detail later on.
It is often useful to be able to construct a type which is similar to an existing one but with additional attributes. This can be done by using the type-constructor.
> let nrec == # type (r) extends rec; # let print == # proc(v : r) # begin # print(r$a(v)); # print(","); # print(r(v)) # end # end; > ? "nrec"; nrec : TYPE (nrec) a : PROC (nrec)integer; b : PROC (nrec)integer; constr : PROC (integer; integer)nrec; print : PROC (nrec) ENDThis declares 'nrec' to be a new type which is an 'extension' of an existing type 'rec'. It then lists the new attributes, in this case just the procedure 'print', which are declared just as though they were ordinary declarations. The name 'r' in parentheses which follows the word 'type' is the name for the new type within the body of the type constructor, so the argument of the procedure 'print' is given the type 'r'. It is important to remember that the new type is a completely separate type from 'rec'. Values can be changed from the old to the new type and vice versa, but they cannot be used interchangeably. The specification of nrec is similar to that of rec except that there is now an extra procedure 'print'.
> let nrecv == nrec$constr(5,6); > nrec$print(nrecv); 5,6makes a value with type nrec, and prints it using the new 'print' attribute. It is possible to write simply
> print(nrecv); 5,6because there is a procedure 'print' which looks for the 'print' attribute of the type of the value given, and then calls it. This is the way integers and strings are printed (they both have 'print' attributes). Many of the other operations such as ':=' and '+' work in a similar way. A further alternative is to write an expression.
> nrecv; 5,6
In this case the compiler looks for the 'print' attribute and applies it.
This record could be extended in a different way, to make a double-precision integer. Suppose that the maximum range of numbers which could be held in a single integer was from -9999 to 9999. Then a double-precision number could be defined by representing it as a record with two fields, a high and low order part, and the actual number would have value (high)*10000 + (low). This can be implemented as follows.
> let dp == # type (d) extends record(hi, lo: integer); # let succ == # proc(x:d)d # begin # if d$lo(x) = 9999 # then d$constr(succ(d$hi(x)), 0) # else if (d$hi(x) < 0) & (d$lo(x) = 0) # then d$constr(succ(d$hi(x)), neg(9999)) # else d$constr(d$hi(x), succ(d$lo(x))) # end; # let pred == # proc(x:d)d # begin # if d$lo(x) = neg(9999) # then d$constr(pred(d$hi(x)), 0) # else if (d$hi(x) > 0) & (d$lo(x) = 0) # then d$constr(pred(d$hi(x)), 9999) # else d$constr(d$hi(x), pred(d$lo(x))) # end; # let print == # proc(x:d) # begin # if d$hi(x) <> 0 # then # begin # print(d$hi(x)); # if abs(d$lo(x)) < 10 # then print("000") # else if abs(d$lo(x)) < 100 # then print("00") # else if abs(d$lo(x)) < 1000 # then print("0"); # print(abs(d$lo(x))) # end # else print(d$lo(x)) # end; # let zero == d$constr(0,0); # let iszero == # proc(x:d) boolean # ((d$hi(x) = 0) & (d$lo(x) = 0)) # end;
This is sufficient to provide the basis of all the arithmetic operations, since +,-,* etc. can all be defined in terms of succ, pred, zero and iszero.
In the section on union types above mention was made of exceptions. In the case of the projection operations of a union type an exception is raised when attempting to project a union value onto a type which was not the one used in the injection. An exception is simply a name and any exception can be raised by writing 'raise' followed by the name of the exception.
> raise somefault; Exception somefault raisedraises an exception called 'somefault'.
> let procraises # == proc(b: boolean) # (if b then raise afault);has specification
PROC(b: boolean) RAISES afault
Various operations, as well as projection, may raise exceptions. For instance many of the attributes of integer, such as 'succ' raise the exception 'rangeerror' if the result of the operation is outside the range which can be held in an integer constant. 'div' will raise 'divideerror' if it is asked to divide something by 0.
As well as being raised exceptions can also be caught, which allows a program to recover from an error. A group of statements enclosed in brackets or 'begin' and 'end' can have a 'catch phrase' as the last item. A catch phrase is the word catch followed by a procedure. e.g. 'catch p' will catch any exception raised in the group of statements and apply p to its name.
>let proccatches == # proc(excp: string) (print(excp)); > begin # procraises(true); # catch proccatches # end; afault'proccatches' has been declared as a procedure which takes a argument of type string. The exception is raised by 'procraises' and, since it is not caught in that procedure it propagates back to the point at which 'procraises' was called. The catch phrase catches the exception and calls the procedure with the name of the exception as the argument. The catching procedure can then look at the argument and decide what to do.
> begin # procraises(false); # catch proccatches # end;
does not print anything because an exception has not been raised and so the procedure is not called.
If the block containing the catch phrase returns a value, then the catching procedure must return a similar value.
> let infinity == 99999; > let divi == # proc infix(a, b: integer)integer # begin # a div b # catch proc(string)integer (infinity) # end;
This declares 'divi' to be similar to 'div' except that instead of raising an exception it returns a large number. Since 'a div b' returns an integer value the catch phrase must also return an integer.
The specification of a variable in Poly is not, as one might expect, a constant of some reference type or a separate kind of specification, but each variable is in fact a separate type. Since a type in Poly is simply a set of constants, procedures or other types, a type can be used simply as a way of conveniently grouping together objects.
> let intpair == # type # let first == 1; # let second == 2 # end;
This has declared 'intpair' to be a pair of integers containing the values 1 and 2. 'intpair$first' and 'intpair$second' can be used as integer values directly.
The specification of an integer variable is
TYPE assign: PROC(integer); content: PROC()integer ENDA variable is a pair of procedures, 'assign' which stores a new value in the variable, and 'content' which extracts the current value from it. The standard assignment operator ':=' simply calls 'assign' on the variable. The compiler inserts a call to 'content' automatically when a variable is used when a constant is expected. 'assign' and 'content' can both be called explicitly.
> let vx == new(5); > vx$assign(vx$content() + 1); > vx$content(); 6As an example of a more complicated variable, suppose we wanted to write a subrange variable, similar to a subrange in Pascal, which could hold values between 0 and
> let sr == # begin # let varbl == new(0); # type # let content == varbl$content; # let assign == # proc(i: integer) # (if (i < 0) | (i > 10 # then raise rangeerror # else varbl$assign(i)) # end # end;'varbl' is an integer variable which is initially set to 0. 'assign' checks the value before assigning it to 'varbl', and raises an exception if it is out of range. 'content' is just the 'content' procedure of the variable. It can be used in a similar way to a simple variable.
> sr := 2; > sr; 2 > sr := 20; Exception rangeerror raised > sr; 2
The double-precision type declared above has one drawback. The specification contains the 'hi', 'lo' and 'constr' attributes in the specification of the type which would allow someone to construct a value which had the type 'dp', but had, for instance, fields outside the range -9999 to 9999 or with different signs. This could make some of the operations fail to work. We need a way of hiding details of the internals of a type declaration so that they do not appear in the specification, and so cannot be used outside. In Poly a specification can be given to something explicitly as well as having it inferred from the declaration.
> let aconst: integer == 2;declares 'aconst' and forces it to have type 'integer'. The specification is written in the same way as the specification of the argument of a procedure.
> let quote : proc(string) # == proc(x: string) # begin # print("`"); # print(x); # print("'") # end;is another example of explicitly giving a specification to a value. An explicitly written specification is the specification of the name which is being declared. It need not be identical to the specification of the value following the '=='. However it must be possible to convert the specification of the value to the explicit specification (the 'context').
> let avar == new(3); > let bconst: integer == avar;declares 'avar' to be an integer variable and 'bconst' to be an integer constant. In the latter case the specification is necessary, otherwise 'bconst' would have been a variable and would have been another name for 'avar'. The conversion of a variable to a constant in order to match a given specification is one example of a 'coercion' of a value to match a 'context'. There are several others which can be applied depending on the particular specification. For instance the specification of a procedure may be changed from an operator to a simple procedure or vice versa.
> let plus: # proc(integer;integer)integer raises rangeerror # == integer$+ ;declares 'plus' as a procedure which is the same as the '+' attribute of integer except that it is not an infix operator.
> plus(3,4); 7
The list of exceptions raised by the procedure must be included in the specification. The exception list in the specification given must include all the exceptions which may be raised, but may include others as well. A special exception name any can be used to indicate that a procedure can raise any exception. Any exception list will match a context with exception list 'raises any'.
The specifications of the arguments and result must all match.
> let dble: # type (d) # succ, pred: proc(d)d raises rangeerror; # print: proc(d) raises rangeerror; # zero: d; # iszero: proc(d)boolean; # end # == dp;
creates a new type 'dble' with the specification given. The specification is the same as that of 'dp' but with some of the attributes of dp missing.
In the case of types the specification of the value must possess all the attributes of the explicit specification, but the explicit specification need not include all the attributes of the value. If a type is regarded as a set of named attributes then it is possible to take a subset of them and make them into a new type, simply by giving the new type the required specification. The specification of each attribute must itself match the specification that is given for it.
This mechanism provides a way of 'hiding' internal operations from the specification of a type. The specification of 'dble' above has only those attributes which are necessary to use it, and none of the operations which are used internally.
So far we have considered procedures which take constants as arguments or return constants as results. In Poly values of any specification can be passed to or returned from a procedure. For instance
> let subrange # == proc(min, max, initial: integer) # type (s) # content: proc()integer; # assign: proc(integer) raises outofrange # end # begin # type # let varbl == new(initial); # let content == varbl$content; # let assign == # proc(i: integer) # (if (i < min) | (i > max) # then raise outofrange # else varbl$assign(i)) # end # end;This procedure is similar to the definition of the subrange type 'sr' previously. However the bounds of the type are now arguments of a procedure so their values can be supplied when the program is run. Also new subrange variables can be created by calling the procedure.
> let sv == subrange(0,10,0);
This creates 'sv' as a variable of this subrange type. As with any procedure the arguments can be arbitrary expressions provided they return results with the correct specification.
Types can be passed as arguments as well as being returned from procedures.
> let copy == # proc(atype: type end) # type (t) # into: proc(atype)t; # outof: proc(t)atype # end # begin # type (t) extends atype; # let into == t$up # let outof == t$down # end # end;This procedure takes a type and returns a type with two operations 'into' and 'outof'. 'up' and 'down' are procedures which are created when 'extends' is used, and provide a way of converting between the original and the resulting types. The specification of 'atype' merely says that it must be passed a type as an argument, but since it does not list any attributes then any type can be used as an actual argument (this is effectively saying that the empty set is a subset of every set). The procedure can be called, giving it an actual type as argument.
> let copyint == copy(integer);The specification of the result is
TYPE (copyint) into: PROC(integer)copyint; outof: PROC(copyint)integer END;The specification of copyint allows mapping between integer and copyint since the type integer has been included in the specification.
> let copy5 == copyint$into(5); > copyint$outof(copy5); 5has mapped the integer constant 5 into and out of 'copyint'.
> let copychar == copy(char);
creates a similar type which maps between char and copychar.
There are often cases where, in addition to passing a type as a argument, one or more values of that type are passed as well. For instance a procedure to find the second successor of a value might be written as
> let add2 == # proc(atype: # type (t) # succ: proc(t)t raises rangeerror # end; # val: atype) # (atype$succ(atype$succ(val)));The specification of 'val' is that it must be a constant, and its type is 'atype'. However 'atype' is also an argument to the procedure so the specification really means that this procedure could be called by giving it any type with the required attributes, and a constant which must be of the same type as the first argument.
> add2(integer, 2); 4Similarly
> add2(char, 'A'); CHowever
> add2(integer, 'A');and
> add2(string, "A string");
both fail, in the first case because 'A' is not integer, and in the second because string does not have a successor function.
Many types have a 'print' attribute which prints a constant of the type.
> let pri == # proc(printable: type (t) print(t) end; val: printable) # (printable$print(val));declares 'pri' as a procedure which takes as arguments a type and a constant of that type and prints the constant using the 'print' attribute. This can be called by writing
> pri(integer, 3); or > pri(char, 'a');since both 'integer' and 'char' have a 'print' attribute. Having to pass the type explicitly is really unnecessary, since it is possible for the system to find the type from the specification of the constant. It would be possible for the system to convert 'pri(3)' into 'pri(integer,3)' since '3' has type integer. In Poly types which can be deduced from the specifications of other arguments can be declared as 'implied' arguments. A argument list written in square brackets, [ and ], can precede the normal argument list and those parameters, which must be all be types, are inferred from the other actual arguments when the procedure is called.
> let prin == # proc [printable: type (t) print: proc(t) end] # (val: printable) # (printable$print(val));This can now be called by writing
> prin(3); or > prin("hello");and is in fact the definition of 'print' in the standard library. Alternatively 'prin' could have been declared by giving it an explicit specification and using 'pri'.
> let prin: proc[printable: type (t) print: proc(t) end] # (printable) # == pri;This is another form of conversion which can be made using an explicit specification. Using implied parameters can simplify considerably the use of procedures with types as arguments, and allow infix or prefix operators to be used in cases where they could not otherwise be used. For instance, consider an addition operation defined as
> let add == # proc(summ: type (s) + : proc infix (s;s) raises rangeerror # end; # i, j: summ)summ # (i + j);would be used by writing
> add(integer, 1, 2); 3However, by writing
> let + # : proc infix [summ: type(s) # + : proc infix (s;s)raises rangeerror # end] # (i, j: summ)summ raises rangeerror # == add;
'+' can become an infix operator, since it has only two actual arguments. Similar definitions are used for many of the other declarations in the library.
We have already seen how constants can be written as "Hello" or 42. These are known as literal constants, because their values are given by the characters which form them, rather than by some previous declaration. They are however, only sequences of characters, it is only by convention that "Hello" is a string constant and 42 an integer constant. This is only important when we wish to use some other definition than the 'standard' one. For instance, if the type integer were restricted to the range -9999 to 9999 then the constant 100000 would be an error if it were treated as an integer. The definition of double-precision integer above, would, however, be able to represent it.
In Poly, therefore, literals have no intrinsic type, they must be converted into a value by the use of a conversion routine. The compiler recognises certain sequences of characters as literals rather than names or special symbols. The three forms of literal constants recognised by the compiler are 'numbers', 'double-quoted sequences' and 'single-quoted sequences'. 'Numbers' begin with a digit and may consist of numbers or letters.
42 0H3F6A 3p14159are examples of 'numbers'. 'Double-quoted sequences' are sequences of characters contained in double-quotes. A double-quote character inside the sequence must be written twice.
"Hello" "" "He said ""Hello"""'Single-quoted sequences' are similar to double-quoted sequences but single rather than double-quotes are used.
'Hello' '' 'He said ''Hello'''When the compiler recognises one of these literals it tries to construct a call to a conversion routine which can interpret it as a value of some type. For instance, the standard library contains a definition of 'convertn' which the compiler calls if it finds a 'number'. That definition has specification
All conversion routines must have similar specifications, but the result type will differ and some exceptions may be raised. The literal is supplied as a constant of type 'string'. The conversion routine can examine the characters which form the literal and return the appropriate value. It may of course raise an exception if the characters do not form a valid value, if either the value would be out of range or if the literal contains illegal characters.
There are also two other conversion routines in the standard library, 'converts' which converts double-quoted sequences into string values, and 'convertc' which converts single-quoted sequences into values of the type 'char'. These definitions can be overridden by preceding the literal by the name of a type and a $ sign. For instance
> let int == integer; > let one == int$1;
applies the 'convertn' routine belonging to 'int', so that 'one' has type int rather than integer.
Lists are a convenient example for polymorphic operations. List types can be constructed by the following procedure.
> let list == # proc(base: type end) # type (list) # car : proc(list)base raises nil_list; # cdr : proc(list)list raises nil_list; # cons: proc(base; list)list; # nil : list; # null: proc(list)boolean # end # begin # type (list) # let node == record(cr: base; cd: list); # extends union(nl : void; nnl : node); # let cons == # proc(bb: base; ll: list)list # (list$inj_nnl(node$constr(bb, ll))); # let car == # proc(ll: list)base # begin # node$cr(list$proj_nnl(ll)) # catch proc(string)base (raise nil_list) # end; # let cdr == # proc(ll: list)list # begin # node$cd(list$proj_nnl(ll)) # catch proc(string)list (raise nil_list) # end; # let nil == list$inj_nl(void$empty); # let null == list$is_nl # end # end;
'void' is a standard type which has only one value (empty), and is used to represent the 'nil' value of the list. The list structure is made using a recursive union with each node containing a value of the 'base' type and the next item of the list, or containing a nil value. 'cons' makes a new node of the list, 'car' and 'cdr' find the 'base' and 'list' parts of a node respectively, and 'null' tests for the value 'nil'. 'car' and 'cdr' both trap the exception which would be raised if a projection error occurred and raise 'nil_value' in its place.
A particular list type can now be created, for instance a list of integers.
> let ilist == list(integer); > let il == ilist$cons(1, ilist$cons(2, ilist$cons(3, ilist$nil)));A polymorphic 'cons' function could be declared to work on lists of any base type.
> let cons == # proc[base: type end; # list: type (l) cons: proc(base; l)l end] # (bb: base; ll: list)list # (list$cons(bb, ll));It is now possible to write simply
> let il == cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, ilist$nil)));Polymorphic 'car', 'cdr' and 'null' functions can be written similarly. As further examples some other polymorphic list functions are given.
> letrec append == # proc[base: type end; # list: type (l) # car: proc(l)base raises nil_list; # cdr: proc(l)l raises nil_list; # cons: proc(base; l)l; # null: proc(l)boolean end] # (first, second: list)list # ( if null(first) then second # else cons(car(first), append(cdr(first), second)) ); > letrec reverse == # proc[base: type end; # list: type (l) # car: proc(l)base raises nil_list; # cdr: proc(l)l raises nil_list; # cons: proc(base; l)l; # nil: l; # null: proc(l)boolean end] # (ll: list)list # ( if null(ll) then list$nil # else append(reverse(cdr(ll)), cons(car(ll), list$nil)) );A useful function would be one which would print the data part of a list if the base type could be printed.
> letrec pr == # proc [base: type(b) print: proc(b) end; # list: type(l) car: proc(l)base raises nil_list; # cdr: proc(l)l raises nil_list; # null: proc(l)boolean # end ] # (ll: list) # begin # if null(ll) # then print("nil") # else # begin # print("( "); # print(list$car(ll)); # print(". "); # pr(list$cdr(ll)); # print(") ") # end # catch proc(string) () # end;The list created above can now be printed.
> pr(il); ( 1. ( 2. ( 3. nil) ) )
Other polymorphic functions on lists can be declared in a similar way.
This document is intended as an introduction to Poly and to give some idea of the ways in which it can be used. It is not a rigorous description and various details, such as the precise checking rules for specifications, have been deliberately skated over in order to explain the language simply. A companion document, the Poly Report, is the reference for the precise details of the language.
Although Poly is not intended specifically as a database programming language
it was convenient to implement it in a persistent storage system.
This allows the user to retain data structures from one session to the
next and can support large programming systems such as
the Poly compiler and a Standard ML system.
Poly[Mat85] is based on the idea of types as first class values first used in the language Russell.[Dem79] In the terms used by Cardelli and MacQueen[Car85] it uses the abstract witness model of a type. Treating a type this way means that polymorphism, parameterised types and modules are all handled by the general concept of function application.
A type in Poly is a set of values, normally functions. For example the type integer has operations +, - etc. Other types may have these operations, the type real also has + and - but will not have a mod (remainder) operation. The operations need not be functions, integer also has zero, first and last which are simple values, and other types may contain types. All values in Poly have a signature, called a specification in earlier reports, which is only used at compile-time. It is the analogue of a type in languages like Pascal and corresponds in many ways to the idea of a type in Ponder\cite{Ponder}. There are three classes of value in Poly, the simple value which corresponds to what are normally thought of as values in, say Pascal, numbers, strings, vectors etc.; the procedure or function which operates on values and the type which is a set of values. Each kind of value has a signature. To show why this view of types is useful we will consider some properties of other languages, and how they are handled in Poly.
A polymorphic function is one that can be applied to values of many different types. The phrase is sometimes used where overloading would be more appropriate, for example the + operator in Pascal. In Pascal, or languages like it, there are operators which can be applied to values of more than one data type and their meanings are different according to the type of their arguments. They can be thought of as a set of overloaded operators in the same way as operators in Ada can be overloaded. Truly polymorphic functions are somewhat different. They are functions which are applicable to values of a wide variety of data types, including types which may not exist at the time the function is written. The fundamental difference is that a new polymorphic function can be written in terms of other polymorphic functions, while a function written in terms of overloaded functions must be defined for each data type even if the program is the same for each. For example
function min(i,j: integer):integer
if i < j then min := i else min := j
function min(i,j: real):real
if i < j then min := i else min := j
The ML [Mil84] programming language provides polymorphic operations on an all-or-nothing basis. This allows one to write an identity function which simply returns its argument, and this function is applicable to values of any type. One can also write functions which operate on lists of any type or on functions of any type. This generally works very well but has problems when one wants to write an operation which operates differently on different data types. For example it is still necessary to overload = since comparing two integers is different to comparing two lists of real numbers. The min function cannot be written as a single function in ML. What is required is a way of writing operations which are type-dependent.
A type in Poly is characterised by the operations it has. Both real and integer have < operations though they will be implemented in different ways. Many other types may have < operations since Poly allows the user to make new types. Poly allows a function to be written which selects certain operations from a type and values of any type with those operations can be used as a parameter. For example there is a single < function which works on types which have a < operation and simply applies the operations to the arguments. The effect is as though < were being overloaded. However, we can write a function in terms of this, such as the min function. This will also work on values of any type which has a < operation. For example, min is a function which will work on values of any type with the < operation. Such a type has signature
type (t) < : proc(t;t)boolean end
This type has an operation, <, which takes two values and returns a boolean. We will first write a version of min which takes three parameters; a type and two values of this type and returns a value of the type. It has signature:
proc(t: type (t) < : proc(t;t)boolean end; t; t)t
We can write the whole function.
let min ==
proc(t: type (t) < : proc(t; t)boolean end; x, y: t)t
if x < y then x else y
It can be applied to integer values
min(integer, 1, 2)
or string values
min(string, "abc", "abd"
or values of any type with a < operation. The first parameter is a type which must have a < operation which compares two values of the type, and the second and third parameters must be values of the type. When we call
min(integer, 1, 2)
the actual parameters are matched to the formal parameters from left to right. First the types are matched by checking that the type given has the appropriate operation, and then the values are matched. They are not of course the same type as t, since they have type integer, but we invoke a matching rule which says that if we have matched an actual type parameter to a formal type then we can match values of corresponding types. In addition the type of the result becomes matched so that the result has type integer. This can be thought of as a systematic renaming of t with integer.
Having to pass the types explicitly is often a nuisance so there is a sugared form which gives a way of omitting the types and having the compiler insert them automatically using the types of the parameters. The only difference to the definition of the function is that the types are written in square brackets before the other parameters. The definition of min would then be:
let min ==
proc$[$t: type (t) < : proc(t; t)boolean end$]$ (x, y: t)t
if x < y then x else y
It can be used by just giving the values.
min(1, 2);
min("abc", "abd");
This sugaring also allows us to define operators such as + and < which simply apply the operation with the same name from the types of their arguments giving the effect of overloading.
let + ==
proc infix 6 $[$t: type (t) + : proc(t; t)t end$]$ (x, y: t)t
t$+ (x, y)
So far we have seen how having types as parameters to a procedure allows us to write polymorphic operations. Types can also be returned from procedures and this provides a way of defining types which are parameterised by either types or values. As an example, suppose we wanted to construct an associative memory in which to store values of arbitrary type together with a number which would identify each. This could be defined as follows
let associative ==
proc(element: type end)
type (assoc)
enter: proc(assoc; integer; element)assoc;
lookup: proc(assoc; integer)element;
empty: assoc
type (assoc)
extends struct(next: assoc; index: integer; value: element);
let empty == assoc$nil;
let enter ==
proc(table: assoc; num: integer; val: element)assoc
assoc$constr(table, num, val)
letrec lookup ==
proc(table: assoc; num: integer)element
if table = assoc$nil
then raise not_found
else if table.index = num
then table.value
else lookup(table.next, num)
This is a very simple minded definition but it illustrates the point. We start by giving the header of the procedure which includes the signature of the argument, in this case that element is a type but that any type will do, and the signature of the result. The result is a type with three objects, a value which denotes the empty table and procedures to enter and look up items from the table. It is implemented in terms of a struct (a record with a nil value and equality) which makes up a list of index/value pairs. enter just returns a new list with the new pair "cons-ed" onto the front (We could have written simply let enter == assoc$constr; since the arguments are in the same order). A better implementation would check to see if there was already an entry with that index and return a list with the old entry replaced by the new one. lookup searches the list for an entry with the required index and either returns the value or raises an exception.
There is no particular reason why we should use integers as the indexing value, it would be perfectly possible to use any type which had an equality operation. The procedure header would then be
proc(element: type end;
index_type: type (i) = : proc(i;i)boolean end)...
with integer replaced everywhere in the body by index_type. A more efficient implementation for index types with an ordering would be to use binary trees rather than lists. We would then have to add a > or < to index_type, or at least replace the = by one of these. Now, since types are values we could incorporate an if-statement into the procedure and use one or other of the implementations depending on the value of a further parameter. We might want to do this because one implementation may be more efficient for, say, small tables and the other for larger ones. For the example we will assume a parameter use_binary_tree. The procedure will now look something like this.
proc(element: type end;
index_type: type (i) = , < : proc(i;i)boolean end;
use_binary_tree: boolean)...
if use_binary_tree
type .... {Binary tree implementation}
type .... {List implementation}
This could now be called as
let a_table == associative(string, integer, true);
let another_table == associative(string, integer, size > 30);
In the second case the expression may not be able to be evaluated when the call to the procedure is compiled, but this does not matter. We do not know at compile-time which of the two implementations of the type will be used, but we know that either of them have all the operations required so they will do equally well. There is however a problem with this idea of types which this example shows quite nicely. Since the expression may not be evaluated at compile-time how do we know when two values have the same type? The type system must ensure that we apply the lookup procedure which understands the representation of the particular associative memory. It would be catastrophic to try to look up a value assuming that the value represented a tree when it was in fact a list. We need the type system to assure us at compile-time that the expressions
let y == X$enter(X$empty, 1, "hello");
where X stands for a type or type-returning expression, will not give faults at run-time because of a mistake in interpreting the representations. There are several possible approaches to the problem of which Poly and Russell illustrate two. In Russell values can have types such as
associative(string, integer, size > 30)
provided nothing in the expression involves a global variable (Variable in this context means something whose value can be changed by assignment.) This essentially means that all functions have to be "variable-free", not just those which directly return types. Given this restriction it is possible to say that if two expressions are syntatically the same in a given context then they return the same value. If however, size were a variable, or associative looked at the value of a global variable, then we could not say with certainty that two values with type
associative(string, integer, size > 30)
had the same type. Taking a purely synatactic view means that expressions like
associative(string, integer, 2 > 1)
associative(string, integer, true)
are not the same type. In Poly types are only regarded as the same if they are the same named type. So while values with types which are expressions can sometimes be produced there is very little that can be done with them. To be useful a type-returning expression has to be bound to an identifier.
let a_table == associative(string, integer, true);
let a_val == a_table$enter(a_table$empty, 1, "hello");
let another_table == associative(string, integer, true);
let another_val == another_table$enter(another_table$empty, 1, "hello");
a_val and another_val have distinct types a_table and another_table.
A side-effect of this is that "types" such as
cannot be used directly. We have to write
let int_list == list(integer);
and then use int_list as the type. However this is not such a problem as might at first appear. Since we can write functions which take implied parameters we can write an append function which will work on values of any type with the appropriate hd, tl etc., irrespective of their actual implementations.
A module is conventionally thought of as a collection of types and functions which can be separately compiled. It has an interface which is the types of these functions so that other modules can make use of it without having to know the precise implementation.
Types in Poly can be thought of in the same way. A type is a collection of operations and its signature gives their "types" (We usually think of a type as being something like integer which has values, but a type in Poly can be any collection of objects. So a collection of floating point functions sin, cos etc. could be combined as a type even though there is no such thing as a value of this type.). A module which makes use of other modules, imports them in conventional terms, can be represented as a procedure which is applied to types and returns a type. One of the big advantages of this view of modules is that binding modules together is done using statements written in Poly and type-checked using the normal Poly type-checker. There is no need, as with MESA and C-MESA[Mit79] for a separate module binding language.
The module system for ML[Har85] is essentially a system built on top of the kernel language. Structures and functors correspond to values and functions in the kernel but the ML type system makes it impossible to unify these concepts.
Poly is an interactive system in which the user types expressions and declarations and these are compiled and executed immediately. When objects are declared they are added to the objects the system knows about and they can be used in subsequent expressions. Such systems are quite common and usually work on a core image which can be saved from one session to the next. This is fine provided that the core image does not grow too big. However as the core image gets larger the costs of reading it in and writing it out get more serious. Also the cost of garbage-collection rises. There is a further question about the security of the data if the machine crashes while writing out a large image.
For these reasons Poly is implemented in a persistent store [Atk81a][Atk81b] which can be thought of as a core image where objects are only read in when they are actually required. The cost of loading objects from the image, or database, depends on the amount of the store which is used by a program rather than the total size of the image. A simple transaction mechanism ensures that the database remains in a consistent state in the event of a machine crash or if the program is killed halfway through writing out. Some experiments have been done on using multiple databases so that large programs such as the compiler can be shared between several users.
Using this persistent store the Poly compiler has been boot-strapped so that it is just another procedure. A Standard ML compiler has also been written which uses the same back-end as the Poly compiler.
In a typical interactive programming system there is a single name space for all identifiers, but as the number of declarations have grown it has become necessary to divide up the name space into separate environments. An environment is very similar to a directory in a filing system or to a block in a programming language. When an environment is selected all new identifiers are entered into it and looked up in it. There is the equivalent of the scope rules in a programming language so that an identifier is looked up in a series of nested environments until it is found. It could be thought of as a Poly type since it is a collection of objects, but it cannot be quite the same because declarations can be added or removed dynamically to an environment while a Poly type must be "frozen".
Poly was designed as a general purpose language and has been used successfully for some medium scale projects (there is about 20000 lines of code in the Poly and ML compilers). After some years of programming in it the type system has proved to work very well. Treating types as first-class values seems to result in a generally simpler language than languages where types are treated as purely compile-time objects. Experience with Standard ML suggests that pattern-matching and exceptions with parameters (exceptions in Poly cannot carry parameters) are something that should be added. Some kind of type inference based on unification could be used to reduce the amount of type information which must be given explicitly, though it cannot remove it completely. The presence of a persistent store tends to break down the distinction between compile-time and run-time, since the compiler is just another function to be applied. Compile-time does have some meaning in this system however. Compiling an expression means checking the interfaces between functions and their arguments so that the result can be guaranteed not to produce a type-checking error later on. If we compile a procedure then we want to produce a type for the procedure as a whole and remove the type information within it. Not only does this improve the efficiency of the procedure but it also gives us a degree of certainty that the procedure will not fail. It is a little way along the road to proving the correctness of the procedure. There is a cost in this static type checking in Poly in that some procedures which are in fact type-correct will fail to pass a static type-checker, but the advantages of static type-checking more than outweigh the disadvantages.
[Atk81a] | Atkinson M.P., Chisholm K.J. and Cockshott W.P. "PS-Algol: An Algol with a Persistent Heap." Technical Report CSR-94-81, Computer Science Dept., University of Edinburgh. |
[Atk81b] | Atkinson, M.P., Bailey P., Cockshott W.P., Chisholm K.J. and Morrison R. "Progress with Persistent Programming." Technical Report PPR-8-81, Computer Science Dept., University of Edinburgh. |
[Car85] | Cardelli L. and MacQueen D. "Persistence and Type Abstraction." Proc. of the Persistence and Data Types Workshop, August 1985. |
[Dem79] | Demers A. and Donahue J. "Revised Report on Russell." TR 79-389 Dept. of Computer Science, Cornell University. |
[Fai85] | Fairbairn J. "A New Type-Checker for a Functional Language." Proc. of the Persistence and Data Types Workshop, August 1985. |
[Har85] | Harper R. "Modules and Persistence in Standard ML." Proc. of the Persistence and Data Types Workshop, August 1985. |
[Mat85] | Matthews D.C.J. "Poly Manual" SIGPLAN Notices. Vol.20 No.9 Sept. 1985. |
[Mil84] | Milner R. "A Proposal for Standard ML" in "Proceedings of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and Functional Programming", Austin, Texas 1984. |
[Mit79] | Mitchell James G. et al. "MESA Language Manual." XEROX PARC, 1979 |
Poly is a general purpose high-level programming language. It has a simple type system which is also very powerful. Higher order procedures, polymorphic operations, parameterised abstract types and modules are all supported by a single mechanism.
Poly is strongly typed. All objects have a signature which the compiler can use to check that operations applied to them are sensible. Type errors cannot cause run time faults.
The language is safe. Any faults that occur at run time will result in exceptions which can be caught and handled by the user. All variables must be initialised before they are used so faults due to undefined variables cannot occur.
Poly allows higher order procedures to be declared and used. A higher order procedure is one which takes a procedure as a parameter or returns a procedure as its result. Since Poly is statically scoped (the value bound to an identifier is determined by the static block structure) the procedure that is returned may refer to the arguments and local values belonging to the procedure that returned it, even though that procedure is no longer active.
Poly allows polymorphic operations. For example, in many languages such as Pascal or MODULA-2 programs to sort arrays of integers, arrays of strings or arrays of real numbers are textually almost identical. They differ only in the actual operation used to compare two elements of the array. In Poly one program can be written which will sort arrays of any type provided elements can be compared.
Poly allows abstract types to be created and manipulated. A"hash table" type can be defined that allows an arbitrary object to be stored along with a string which acts as a key. There would be a look-up function that will return the object stored with a given key. These can be written so that only the functions to create a table, enter a value against a key, and return the value with the key, are available to the user of the hash table. This has the advantages that the writer of the hash table function can change the way it is implemented provided it has the same external properties. The user can make use of the hash table knowing that he will not be able to upset its internal structure by accidentally using a function which was intended to be private.
Abstract types can be parameterised so that a set of types with similar properties can be defined in a single definition. A specific type can then be made from that. For example, a single hash table type could be declared from which hash tables to hold any particular type could be derived.
Types in Poly are similar to modules in other languages. For example, types can be separately compiled. An abstract type which makes use of other types can be written as though it were polymorphic - it will work if it is given any type (module) which has the required operations. Its operation may be simply to return a new type (module) as its result. This new type may be used directly or as a parameter to other polymorphic abstract types. There is a mechanism for constructing large programs out of their modules and recompiling those which have been modified since they were last compiled.
The purpose of a type system is to avoid mistakes due to using a value in a way that was not intended, while making meaningful operations easy to express. For example, if we have two matrices with the same dimensions, it should be just as easy to write the instruction to add them together as if they were integers. However it should not be possible to add an integer to a matrix. A type system could be designed in which all these rules were built into the type checker. This has the problem that new types with new rules cannot be added in. A better way is to have a few simple rules which allow new types to be added and checked but which can be used to catch most of the faults which could be made. The Poly type system is based on this idea.
All objects have a signature which is checked by the type-checker. The signature corresponds to a type in other languages, but is more general to take account of the greater power of the type system. For example, in a language like Pascal, a parameter to a procedure may have type integer. This gives enough information for the compiler to check that the procedure is correctly used; it can only be applied to an integer value, but it does not specify precisely which value. It can be applied to 1, 2, 3 etc. but not to strings such as "hello" or "goodbye". The checking done by the compiler ensures that certain kinds of faults will not happen when the program is run, but it cannot prevent all faults.
In Poly this approach is generalised to include procedures, types and exceptions as well as values. The signature of an object contains the information which the compiler uses to check that it is correctly used without restricting it to precisely one object. Expressions and variables can be made to return any kind of object and the signature of the result can be worked out by the compiler, provided of course that all the signatures in the expression match. Specifications have a standard textual form which allows them to be written in a program or output by the compiler. The rules for matching each kind of signature and their textual forms are described below.
The simplest kind of object is the value which can be operated on but does not do anything itself. Examples are the number 42 or the string "hello". A value is said to belong to a type or have a particular type, which in Poly is always a named type. The signature is the name of the type. For example, the signature of the number 42 is integer and that of "hello" is string. Two values only match if they belong to the same type.
Syntax |
<value signature> ::= <identifier> |<value signature>$<identifier> |
Procedures are objects which perform a computation. They often take parameters which can be used by the procedure and always return a result. They may also have side-effects or raise exceptions. Examples of procedures are "+" which adds together two values and "print" which prints a value. "+" is an infix operator which takes two values as parameters, and returns a single result.
3 + 4
"print" is a procedure which has the side-effect of printing the value.
prints out the value 7. It incidentally also produces a result, but it has type void which has only one value, and is ignored.
Procedures can take procedures or types as parameters as well as simple values and can also return them as results. Procedures match if their parameters and results all match. The various forms of procedures will be described in the section on the procedure constructor.
Syntax | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
As an example of the set of objects, the type integer has various operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication etc. which can operate on values of the integer type. Any program which works on integers will ultimately be written in terms of these basic operations. Similarly the type real will have these operations along with others which convert between integer and real.
The signature of a type is the signature of the objects which make it up. Every object in a type has a name, and all the names in one type are different, although objects with the same name frequently exist in different types. So for instance, many types have a print procedure which takes as its parameter a value of the type, and prints it.
The name of an object in a type is intended to suggest the semantics of the operation, but there is no guarantee that the + operations in all types are commutative; in the type string it is used for concatenation. ( This would require a completely new level of semantic checking which is outside the scope of a conventional compiler. The CLEAR system [Burstall and Goguen] attempts this kind of checking.).
Most of the objects in types are procedures, but a type can contain simple values as well as other types. For instance there may be a first and a last value which give the maximum and minimum values. There is a distinction between objects which are part of the type and those which been created by operations of it and are said to belong to the type or have that type. For example, there is no 3 in the type integer but the number 3 has type integer.
As types are regarded as sets it is reasonable to be able to take subsets or select a particular object from a type. For example,
type (atype)
x, y: atype;
add: proc(atype; atype)atype;
sub: proc(atype; atype)atype
this is the signature of a type with four objects, called x, y, add and sub. x and y are both values of this type, and add and sub are procedures which take a pair of values, and return a value. The name atype in brackets after the word type is the name used to represent the type itself inside the type signature. This type will match any of the following
type (t) { Only the name has changed }
x, y: t;
add: proc(t; t)t;
sub: proc(t; t)t
type (atype) { The objects are in a different order }
sub, add: proc(t; t)t;
y: t;
x: t;
type (at) { A subset }
x: at;
add: proc(at; at)at
type (atype) { Another subset }
add: proc(atype; atype)atype
type { Another subset - No need for an internal name }
This last example is the empty type which matches any type. The text in curly brackets is comment and ignored by the compiler.
The function of the type mark is in the checking of the signatures of values. Each type has a distinct type mark which is used to identify values which have that type. The signature of a value is simply the type mark of the type to which it belongs. Checking the signatures of two values to see if they match reduces to seeing if they are the same type mark, there is no question of comparing the signatures of the types themselves.
The reason is that there may be many types with the same signature (short and long precision integers may have the same set of operations, +, – etc. but they are different types). The compiler produces type marks in various circumstances so as to guarantee that two different types will always have different type marks. The converse of this is that there are many circumstances in which two types which are in fact identical may have different type marks, and values associated with them will be incompatible. An expression which returns a type always has a type mark which differs from any other, in particular if an existing type is bound to a new name then they will have different type marks. Values which have the old type have a different type mark from the new one and so are incompatible, despite the types being in fact identical.
There are circumstances when one or other of the two ways of viewing a type becomes more important. Some types are used only as collections of objects and there are no values associated with them. The type mark for those types is irrelevant. Equally there are occasions in which a type is used where the set of objects is irrelevant. Any type matches the empty type "type end" which has no objects in it. The type mark of the matching type is still there and is used by the compiler.
This is important because of the matching rules for procedure parameters if one or more is a type. A procedure which takes a type as a parameter may use the formal parameter name in the signature of other parameters. For example a procedure may have signature
aproc: proc(atype: type end; x: atype)atype
This procedure takes two parameters, a type which may be any type, and a value which has the same type as the actual parameter. Its result also has this type. This kind of procedure is known as polymorphic. It can therefore be applied to
aproc(integer, 99)
in which case the result will have type integer or
aproc(string, "hello")
returning a string. This procedure might be the identity function which simply returns its second parameter (the value) as its result. What is happening is that the actual type parameter is matched to the formal parameter using the matching rules for types (the formal parameter must be a subset of the actual parameter), and then the type mark of the formal parameter is replaced with the type mark of the actual parameter in the other parameters and the result. The other parameters therefore match if they have the type mark of the actual parameter. The signature of the result is obtained by replacing the formal parameter's type mark by the actual parameter. It is also possible to obtain the type from the type marks of values, and this is used to remove the need to explicitly pass type parameters in many cases.
The reason for considering types both as sets and as marks is that it becomes possible to write polymorphic operations which make use of objects in types. For example a sorting procedure can be written which will work on any values provided they belong to a type whose values can be compared for ordering. How this is done will be described in detail in the section on procedures.
Syntax | ||||||||||||||||||
The fourth kind of object in Poly is the exception. The mechanism of exceptions is based on that of Standard ML.
Syntax | |||
The basic element of a Poly program is the expression. An expression has a value and a signature which ensures that the value is correctly used. Expressions consist of identifiers and constructors and operations on them, either procedure applications or selections from types.
An identifier is a name which represents an object. The binding of a name to a particular object is made by a declaration. An identifier may be any string of alphanumeric characters starting with a letter, or a string of one or more "special" characters. The underline character "_" is considered as an alphanumeric. Each of the following are identifiers, separated by spaces.
a Message integer j + := >>>>>> L999a
The "special" characters are often used for infix operators, but can be used for anything. They are
! # %& = - + * : < > / \ ? ~ ^ | . @
Certain words are reserved and cannot be used as identifiers because they are used for special purposes. These are
and | begin | cand | catch | cor | do | early |
else | end | exception | extends | if | infix | infixr |
inline | let | letrec | proc | raise | record | struct |
then | type | union | while | : | == | . |
Identifiers written in different cases are regarded as distinct, except that reserved words may be written in either or mixed case. In this manual reserved words are always shown in bold font while identifiers are given in italics.
Syntax | |||
Comments in Poly are written between curly brackets "{" and "}". Any text in the brackets is completely ignored and the whole comment is simply regarded as a separator between words in the same way as a space or a new line.
A selector selects an object from a type.
selects the "+" operation from the type integer, while
selects "+" from string.
Syntax | |||
Constructors make values from other values. There are general constructors for procedures and types as well as three constructors which make special kinds of types: records, unions, and structures. There are also constructors for values which allow literal constants to be entered in a program.
1 999 "hello" 'A' 0xff
Literal constants are either numbers or strings of characters. Numbers are strings of digits or letters starting with a digit, and strings are any sequence of characters unclosed in quotation marks. By default numbers are converted to type integer and strings to either char if they are enclosed in single quotes ('), or string if they are in double quotes (").
The result of any expression can be bound to an identifier by a declaration.
let result == 4+3* 2;
The identifier result can be used in place of the value that is bound to it.
will yield the value 16. As well as taking the value from the expression, the identifier also inherits its signature. The signature of result is therefore integer. This works for any expression including those which yield procedures or types.
let p == print;
declares p to be the same as print so
p 10;
will print the value 10.
An explicit signature may be given for an identifier.
let i: integer == 10;
The result of the expression must have this signature for the compiler to allow it. It is useful if a complex expression is being bound to an identifier to check the signature of the result when it is being bound rather than when it is used.
The identifier in an ordinary declaration is declared after the expression is evaluated.
let i == i+1
is valid provided i has been declared before. However when recursive procedures or types are being declared a different kind of declaration is needed.
letrec p == ....
letrec introduces a recursive declaration, and the p used in the expression will be the p that is being declared. Recursive declarations can only be used for procedures or types and will be described in more detail below.
Several declarations can be grouped together with and.
let a == 1 and b == 2
This declares both a and b. Grouping declarations together in this way is useful for mutually recursive declarations.
letrec p == .... and q == ....
Syntax | ||||||
Commands can be grouped by enclosing them in the bracketing symbols begin and end or ( and ).
2* (3+4);
begin print "Hello"; print " again" end
A block can consist of several expressions separated by semicolons or just one. While begin and end or round brackets can be used in either case, it is usual to use begin and end to group several expressions together, and round brackets to group parts of an expression which are to be evaluated first. The value returned by the block is the value of the last expression. All the other expressions must return values with type void. Empty blocks are allowed and these return void.
Declarations may appear in the block as well as expressions. The identifier is then available in any of the other expressions after its declaration.
begin let x == 2; x + 3 end
This block returns the value 5. x is not available outside the block, but it is available in inner blocks.
let p == print;
let ten == 10;
p ten
An identifier declared in a block "hides" an identifier with the same name in a outer block.
Syntax | |||||||||
An expression can return different results according to the value of a test.
if 3 > 4 then 1 else 2;
The result of the conditional is the expression following then if the condition is true and the expression after else if the expression is false. In this case the result will be 2, since the condition is clearly false. The expression to be tested must have type boolean which contains the two values true and false. The two expressions returned by the then- and else-parts must be the same. The else-part may be omitted if the then-part returns a void result.
if x > 3 then print "yes"
Conditionals may return procedures or types but the then- and else-parts must both return values with compatible signatures.
if ... then integer$pred else integer$succ
The expression returns a procedure which takes an integer parameter and returns an integer result.
Syntax | |||
Related to the if-expression are cand and cor. Syntactically they behave like infix operators of precedence -1 and -2 respectively but they are actually reserved words.
x = 1 cand y =2
is the same as
if x = 1 then y = 2 else false
x = 1 cor y =2
is the same as
if x = 1 then true else y = 2
An expression can be repeated while some condition holds.
while @x > 0 do x := pred(@x)
decrements x until it is zero, by repeating the second expression until the first returns false. The expression after the while must have type boolean and the expression after do must have type void. The result of a "while-loop" has type void.
The "while-expression" is sometimes convenient, but it is usually both clearer and more efficient to use a recursive procedure.
Syntax | |||
A procedure is an encapsulated piece of program which may take some parameters and returns a result.
A procedure is made by the procedure constructor, called a lambda expression in some languages, which is a expression preceded by a procedure header. The procedure header gives the names and signatures of the parameters as they will be used in the expression and the signature of the result.
proc(i: integer)integer . i + 1
This is a procedure which takes a parameter called i in the block, which is a value of type integer and it returns a result which is a value of type integer. The expression returns a result which is one more than the parameter. This expression is evaluated when the procedure is called and so it is equivalent to the successor function for integer.
The procedure constructor is an expression which returns a procedure as its result. It can be used directly in an expression, but usually it is bound to an identifier.
let imax == proc(i, j: integer)integer . if i > j then i else j
The identifier is then used in an expression
imax(1, imax(2, 3))
Recursive procedures are declared using letrec.
letrec fact == proc(i: integer)integer . if i = 1 then 1 else fact(i-1) * i
This has made the usual recursive definition of the factorial function. Recursive procedures are the preferred way of making loops and repeating expressions in Poly.
Procedures can be declared so that they can be used as infix operators. Infix operators have a precedence which determines how tightly they bind. For example, the expression
1* 2+3* 4
would return 20 if it were evaluated strictly from left to right, but yields 14 if it is evaluated using the normal algebraic rules. In this case the multiplication operator * is said to have a higher precedence than the addition operator +. In Poly the precedence of an infix operator is given as a number between 0 and 9, the higher the number the greater the precedence.
let rem ==
proc infix 7 (i, j: integer)integer . i - i div j * j
This declares rem to return the remainder after dividing i by j.
73 rem 4
In this case rem has been given a precedence of 7, which is the same as the multiplication and division operators. The precedence of the other operators is given in the description of the standard definitions. Operators with the same precedence declared with infix associate to the left. Operators can be made right associative by using infixr.
The imax procedure declared above takes integer values and returns the larger of the two, which is of course also an integer. A similar procedure can be written to return the greater of two strings (in alphabetical order).
let smax == proc(i, j: string)string . if i > j then i else j
smax is exactly the same as imax except for the change in the names of the types. A similar procedure could be written for any type, provided of course that values of the type can be compared with a > operator. In Poly a single procedure can be written to handle all these cases, such a procedure is called polymorphic.
let pmax == proc(a_type: type(t) > : proc(t;t)boolean end; i, j: a_type)a_type .if i > j then i else j
It works by requiring an extra parameter, a_type, which is the type of the values (recall that types can be passed as parameters to procedures). The important thing about this type is that it must have a > operator which compares two values of the type and returns a boolean value. The type signature
type(t) > : proc(t; t)boolean end
expresses this constraint. The other two parameters and the result must be of this type. pmax can therefore be applied to any type which satisfies the constraint, and a pair of values of the type.
pmax(integer, 1, 2)
returns an integer result, while
pmax(string, "abc", "abd")
will return a string. However
pmax(integer, 1, "abc")
pmax(string, 3, 4)
will be rejected by the compiler because the signatures do not match.
max(boolean, true, false)
will also fail, because boolean does not possess a > operator.
It is not very convenient to have to write an extra parameter when calling polymorphic procedures, especially since it is just the type of the other parameters. Poly allows a polymorphic procedure to be written so that the type parameters need not be given explicitly but are passed implicitly.
let max ==
proc[a_type: type (t) > : proc(t;t)boolean end](i, j: a_type)a_type . if i > j then i else j
The type parameter in this case is enclosed in square brackets to indicate that there will not be a corresponding actual parameter.
looks at the actual parameters, finds that they are integers and so passes the type integer implicitly.
max("abc", "bcd")
passes the type string.
max(3, "abc")
is incorrect because the parameters must have the same type.
Implied parameters are a very powerful facility. All the operators such as + and > are polymorphic procedures which take the type of their explicit parameters as an implied parameter. Their only action is to select and apply the appropriate procedure from the type (This does not mean that adding two integers together requires two procedure calls. These operations are implemented as inline procedures and the compiler optimises it down to a single "add" instruction.) For example, the definition of + in the standard header is
let + { addition } == proc early inline infix 6 [inttype : type (t) + : proc (t; t)t end] (x, y : inttype) inttype} . x inttype$+ y
The words early and inline are directives to the compiler. early tells the compiler that this procedure should be evaluated as soon as possible. This usually means that the compiler will attempt to execute it when it is compiled if its parameters are constants (Since procedures can have side-effects the compiler must not attempt to evaluate all procedures at compile-time. Consider, for example, a procedure which returns the current date and time). inline tells the compiler to insert the code for this procedure at the point of call rather than generate a procedure call. Both early and inline are hints to the compiler rather than instructions, and the compiler may choose to ignore either or both. \syntax{<procedure signature> . <expression>} { <procedure constructor> ::=<procedure signature> . <expression> }
Syntax | |||
Normally expressions in a block are executed one after another until the end of the block is reached. There are occasions, however, when an unusual case occurs and an escape is needed.
let p == q div r
For example, a program containing a divide operation could possibly fail if r were zero. Explicitly checking for zero before making the division would be tedious and unnecessary in most cases, so what happens is that an exception is generated. Exceptions are error conditions together with a string which identifies the cause of the failure. Dividing by zero, for example, results in an exception with the string divideerror. An exception can also be generated by using raise.
raise an_error
generates an exception with the name an_error.
Exceptions generated in a block may be caught by a handler. A handler is given control when any exception in the block happens and either returns a result or raises another exception. The handler is a procedure whose parameter is a string, the exception name, and result must be compatible with the result the block would return if the exception had not happened.
i div j
catch proc (name: string)integer
This block returns the result of dividing i by j unless an exception occurs. In that case it prints out Exception- followed by the name of the exception, and returns the (large) value 9999.
The handling procedure can be any which has the correct signature, but frequently it is written as a procedure constructor after the word catch . Any exceptions raised by the handler are, of course, not caught by it, but appear in the next block out. In addition, if the block contains declarations they are not available to the handler. This is because an exception could occur while the declarations were being made so the identifier would have no value.
let val == i div j;
let otherval == i+1;
catch proc (name: string)...
begin { Cannot use val or otherval here }
If an exception is not caught in a block it automatically propagates to the containing block. This in turn can handle it, or allow it to propagate to the next block out. An exception raised in a procedure but not caught in it causes the procedure to return and the exception appears at the point where the procedure was called. The calling block will catch the exception if it has a handler or it will propagate back further.
Syntax | ||||||
There are three specialised constructors which make different kinds of types. They are normally used to provide the "concrete" type which implements an abstract type. The development of abstract types will be described in the next chapter.
A record type allows objects composed of a group of values to be put together and taken apart.
let int_pair == record (first, second: integer) } makes a type with the operations for making pairs of integers. The names first and second are known as field names and the signature, in this case integer is the field signature. The result of this declaration is a type int_pair has three operations in it, constr, first and second.
Every record has a constr procedure which takes objects with the field signatures and makes them into a record value. The constr in int_pair takes two integer values and packages them up as a value of the int_pair type.
let pair_val == int_pair$constr(1, 2);
The field names first and second are procedures called selectors that take apart values of the int_pair type and return the first and second values respectively.
will return 1 and
will return 2. Records can be made with elements of any signature and any number of elements.
let prec == record (val: integer; pr: proc (integer)integer);
makes a record to hold a value and a procedure. A value of this type can be made by
let prec_val == prec$constr(1, integer$succ)
and the selecting functions val and pr now return an integer value and a procedure respectively.
prec$pr(prec_val)(99) + prec$val(prec_val)
Note, however that each invocation of the record constructor, as with the other constructors, yields a type with a new unique type mark. This means that two record types with identical field names and signatures are regarded as different types. A more convenient syntax for selection is available which allows
pair_val.first pair_val.second
to be used with exactly the same meaning as
int_pair$first(pair_val) int_pair$second(pair_val)
This syntax is not restricted to record selection but can be used with any procedure that is an object in a type and takes one argument of that type. The meaning of X.Y is
where X_type is the type to which X belongs. So for example,
is equivalent to
Syntax | ||||||||||||
The record constructor makes types whose values are groups of objects. Another constructor, the union constructor, makes types whose values may have any of a set of signatures.
let int_or_str == union (int: integer; str: string)
This has created a type whose values can be either integers or strings. The names before the colons (int and str) are called tags and a tag and its signature (after the colon) is called a variant. An integer or string may be converted into this type by injection operations.
let int_form == int_or_str$inj_int(99)
let str_form == int_or_str$inj_str("hello")
The names of the injection operations are made by prepending the word inj_ to the tags. The original string and integer values can be obtained by projecting the union value.
The names of these operations are made in a similar way to the injection operations and return a value with the appropriate signature. Of course it is possible to apply the wrong projection.
Since int_form contains an integer it cannot be made to return a string, and so this operation will cause an exception with the name projecterror. To avoid getting exceptions, the union value can be tested to see if it is a particular variant.
if int_or_str$is_str(int_form) then ...
will not execute the expression after then because the test will return false. However
will return true. The alternative syntax for fields of records can be used when projecting or testing unions.
As with records the variants may be procedures or types as well as values and it is possible to have two variants with the same signature.
let a_union == union (one, another: integer; p: proc (integer)integer)
The two variants one and another are different, so
will result in an exception.
Syntax | |||
The third built-in type constructor makes structure types. Structures are very similar to records in that their values are composed of groups of objects. The difference is that there is an additional value nil in the type and there are operations to compare structure values. Structures are mostly used in recursive declarations to create lists and trees. In fact most structures can be represented using record and union constructors but they are useful enough to be provided separately.
letrec int_list == struct (hd: integer; tl: int_list)
This has created a type which can construct lists of integers. It has five operations together with the the nil value. constr can be used to make int_list values.
let a_list == int_list$constr(1, int_list$constr(2, int_list$nil))
The nil value is used to end the list. Without it there would be no way to construct a structure since a value of the type is needed before a node can be made. The selector procedures, hd and tl are used to select the parts of the structure in the same way as for a record.
int_list$hd(a_list) int_list$hd(int_list$tl(a_list))
If a selector is applied to nil an exception nilreference is raised, since there is no value that can be returned. There are two operations = and <> which compare two structure values. = only returns true if they the structures are identical, that is they were made with the same call of constr or they are both nil.
let b_list == int_list$constr(2, int_list$nil)
has made a list with the same hd and tl values as the tail of a_list but
b_list = a_list.tl
will return false.
Syntax | |||
As well as the using the constructors described above it is possible to make a type by extending an existing one. This usually involves adding new procedures or replacing existing ones.
let new_int ==
type (int) extends integer;
let sqr == proc (i: int)int . i*i
This declares new_int to be a type which is an extension of the existing type integer. The name in brackets, int, is used inside the constructor to represent the type being made. For instance the parameter and result of sqr both have type int. The result of this constructor is a type which has all the operations which integer had, but in addition it has a sqr procedure which returns the square of its parameter. This new type is different from integer so it cannot be used directly on values with the integer type. The conversion operation up must be used to make an integer value into a new_int one.
There is a similar operation down which will convert values in the opposite direction
10 + new_int$down(new_int$sqr(new_int$up(11)))
These two operations are added to the new type when an old type is being extended to allow conversion of values from the old to the new types. They can be redefined if necessary or, as we shall see, "hidden" so that conversion of values is not possible.
The above example shows how a new type can be made which is slightly different from an existing one.
The same approach is used to construct a completely new type. We have already seen that a record can be used to make a pair of integers and this pair can be extended to make a double precision integer type. Suppose that the maximum range of numbers which could be held in a single integer was from -9999 to 9999. Then a double-precision number could be defined by representing it as a record with two fields, a high and low order part, and the actual number would have value (high)*10000 + (low). This can be implemented as follows.
let dp ==
type (d) extends record (hi, lo: integer);
let succ ==
proc (x:d)d
if x.lo = 9999
then d$constr(succ(x.hi), 0)
else if x.hi < 0& x.lo = 0
then d$constr(succ(x.hi), ~9999)
else d$constr(x.hi, succ(x.lo))
let pred ==
proc (x:d)d
if x.lo = ~9999
then d$ constr(pred(x.hi), 0)
else if x.hi > 0 & x.lo = 0
then d$constr(pred(x.hi), 9999)
else d$constr(x.hi, pred(x.lo))
let zero == d$ constr(0,0);
let iszero == proc (x:d) boolean . x.hi = 0 & x.lo = 0
This is sufficient to provide the basis of all the arithmetic operations, since +, -, * etc. can all be defined in terms of succ, pred, zero and iszero. Of course they can be included in the type if required.
As it stands this type includes the operations hi, lo and constr which were inherited from the record type as well as the new operations. These old operations are a nuisance, they are not part of the double-precision type as such and they provide a security risk since it would be possible for someone to produce a value which appeared to be a double-precision number but, for example, had a positive high order part and a negative low order part. Unwanted operations can be masked out by giving an explicit signature which contains only those operations which are actually required.
let dble:
type (d)
succ, pred: proc (d)d;
zero: d;
iszero: proc (d)boolean
== dp;
This has created a new type dble which takes objects from dp but only takes those which are explicitly given in the type signature. It is impossible to create a value of the dble type or take it apart except with the given operations. An alternative would have been to have given the explicit signature in the original declaration.
let dp:
type (d)
succ, pred: proc (d)d;
zero: d;
iszero: proc (d)boolean
type (d) extends ... { The body of dp as before. }
This double-precision type suffers from the problem that the only constant value is zero. All other values have to be made by using succ or pred. It would be convenient if other constants could be made. One way would be to define a procedure inside the type constructor which would convert an integer value into a dble one.
let make_double == proc (int: integer)d. d$constr(0, int)
This assumes that no integer value is greater than 10000. If larger integer values are possible then the body of the procedure would be
d$constr(int div 10000, int mod 10000)
integer values can now be made into dble ones.
The maximum value is limited by the maximum possible integer, so very large double-precision numbers still cannot be made. It would be nice to be able to have large literal constants such as 12345678 in a program. A solution to this is to convert literals directly from their string representations i.e. from the string "12345678". This is done by defining a conversion procedure with the name convertn inside the type.
let convertn ==
proc (rep: string)d
letrec getch ==
{ Returns the result of converting the first i characters. }
proc (i: integer)d
if i = 0
then zero
let this_ch == rep sub i; { Obtains the ith. character }
if this_ch < '0' | this_ch > '9' { Must be a digit }
then raise conversionerror
{Convert the first i-1 characters}
{then multiply by 10 and add in this digit}
getch(i-1)* d$ make_value(10) + d$ make_value(ord(this_ch) - ord('0'))
getch(string$ length(rep))
This procedure reads the string and converts it into the numeric value. If any of the characters is not a digit then it raises the exception conversionerror. We assume that + and * operations have been defined for the type.
With this operation it is possible to write expressions like
dble$12345678 + dble$99999
The compiler automatically generates a call to dble$convertn when it recognises these constants. It is usual to declare conversion routines as early so that the compiler will do the conversion, rather than leaving the conversion until the program is run. If a number is not preceeded by a type name then the conversion used is the value of convertn which is in scope. The standard header contains the binding
let convertn == integer$ convertn
so that numerical constants are converted to integer by default.
There are two other conversion operations, convertc for strings in single quotes, and converts for strings in double quotes. These default to char$convertc and string$converts respectively.
Types in Poly can be treated as ordinary values. We have already seen how the ability to pass types as parameters to a procedure allows polymorphic operations, we shall now see how being able to return a type can be useful.
A type which could be used to hold lists of integer values was described above. It was defined as
letrec int_list == struct (hd: integer; tl: int_list)
A type for lists of strings would be almost identical.
letrec str_list == struct (hd: string; tl: str_list)
Indeed lists of any type could be defined in the same way. The signature of the type in each case is basically the same.
type (list)
hd: proc (list)integer;
tl: proc (list)list;
constr: proc (integer; list)list;
nil: list;
<>, = : proc (list; list)boolean
We can define a list type for an arbitrary element type using a procedure.
let list ==
proc (element_type: type end)
type (list)
hd: proc (list)element_type;
tl: proc (list)list;
constr: proc (element_type; list)list;
nil: list;
<>, = : proc (list; list)boolean
end .
letrec list_type == struct (hd: element_type; tl: list_type);
This procedure can be applied to any type, since any type matches the empty type "type end".
let int_list == list(integer);
let str_list == list(string);
let dble_list == list(dble);
The result is always a list with the same operations, but different signatures.
let a_list == int_list$ constr(999, int_list$ nil);
let b_list == str_list$ constr("hello", str_list$ nil);
The list types are different types, so only operations of the correct type are possible.
int_list$ hd(a_list);
str_list$ hd(b_list)
are valid, but
int_list$ hd(b_list);
int_list$ tl(b_list);
let c_list == int_list$ constr(999, b_list)
are not.
Syntax | |||||||||||||||
Poly is extremely flexible because much of the system is built on top of the language rather than built into it. It can be changed as required by redefining or adding new definitions. The standard definitions contain types and procedures which are likely to be of use to many programmers. For efficiency reasons some are written in assembly code or are handled specially by the code generator, but they all have signatures like ordinary definitions and can be redefined if required.
void is used as a form of place-holder when a type is expected. For example, procedures which have side effects but no result are considered as returning a value of type void. It has only one value empty, and its signature is simply
void :
type (void)
empty : void
Boolean is the type used in tests. It has two values true and false. The complete signature is
boolean :
type (boolean)
true, false : boolean;
& : proc infix 4(boolean; boolean)boolean;
| : proc infix 3(boolean; boolean)boolean;
~ : proc (boolean)boolean;
<>, = : proc infix 5(boolean; boolean)boolean;
repr : proc (boolean)string;
print : proc (boolean)
The &, | and ~ operations correspond to the normal boolean operations AND (the result is true only if both the arguments are true), OR (the result is true if either arguments are true) and NOT (the result is true if the argument is false and vice-versa). <> and = compare the two arguments and can be regarded as exclusive-OR and exclusive-NOR respectively. repr returns the string "true" if the argument is true and "false" if it is false. print prints the string representation on the terminal.
The type integer is the basic type used for numbers. Its signature is
integer :
type (integer)
first, last, zero : integer;
+, - : proc infix 6(integer; integer)integer;
* , div, mod : proc infix 7(integer; integer)integer;
pred, succ, neg : proc (integer)integer;
~ : proc (integer)integer;
<, <=, <>, =, >, >= : proc infix 5(integer; integer)boolean;
convertn : proc (string)integer;
repr : proc (integer)string;
print : proc (integer);
first and last are the minimum and maximum values that an integer can have. last is frequently one less than the negative of first.
+ and - are the usual infix addition and subtraction operations. They raise the exception range if the result is outside the valid range.
* is the infix multiplication operator which also raises range is the result is out of range.
div is the division operator and mod returns the remainder. They both generate divide if they are asked to divide by zero, and div may generate range when first is divided by minus one.
pred and succ respectively subtract and add one to a number, raising range if the result is out of range.
neg returns the negative, raising range if its argument is first.
~ is the same as neg.
<, <=, <>, =, > and >= are the usual infix comparison operations.
convertn is the operation which converts literal constants into integers. It recognises strings of digits as decimal (base 10) values unless the first character is a '0' in which case it treats it as an octal value or hexadecimal if it starts with '0x'. conversion is raised if the string does not fit one of these forms or rangeerror if it is too large.
repr performs the reverse of convertn by generating a string from a number. It is always generated as a decimal number.
print prints the string representation on the terminal.
long_integer is very similar to integer but it allows larger numbers to be handled. Its signature is
long_integer :
type (long_integer)
first, last, zero : long_integer;
+, - : proc infix 6(long_integer; long_integer)long_integer;
* , div, mod: proc infix 7(long_integer; long_integer)long_integer;
pred, succ, neg: proc (long_integer)long_integer;
~ : proc (long_integer)long_integer;
<, <=, <>, =, >, >= : proc infix 5(long_integer; long_integer)boolean;
convertn : proc (string)long_integer;
repr : proc (long_integer)string;
print : proc (long_integer);
from_integer : proc (integer)long_integer;
to_integer : proc (long_integer)integer;
The signature is the same as that of integer with the addition of from_integer and to_integer which convert between integer and long_integer. to_integer generates a rangeerror exception if the value is too large to fit into an integer.
The type char is the type of character values. It has signature
char :
type (char)
first, last : char;
<, <=, <>, =, >, >= : proc infix 5(char; char)boolean;
convertc : proc (string)char;
pred, succ : proc (char)char;
repr : proc (char)string;
print : proc (char);
Characters are regarded as being ordered according to the underlying character code. The ordering will usually follow alphabetic order. first and last are the smallest and largest characters and pred and succ give the previous and succeeding characters according to the ordering. pred and succ raise the range exception if a value would be produced outside the range. The comparison operations compare values according to the ordering.
Character strings have type string.
string :
type (string)
mk : proc (char)string;
<, <=, <>, =, >, >= : proc infix 5(string; string)boolean;
converts : proc (string)string;
length : proc (string)integer;
print : proc (string);
repr : proc (string)string;
+ : proc infix 6(string; string)string;
sub : proc infix 8(string; integer)char;
substring : proc (string; integer; integer)string
mk converts a character into a single length string, while sub selects a character at a particular position. The character positions are numbered from 1 to the length of the string, returned by length. Selecting a character outside this range results in a subscript exception. Subcripting a zero length string will therefore always result in an exception. substring extracts a string from another. It takes as parameters a string, an integer which gives the starting position in the string, and a second integer which gives the number of characters to select.
string$substring("hello", 3,2);
results in the string "ll". If the first parameter is outside the string or there are not enough characters in the string then subscript is raised. Two strings can be concatenated by +.
So far the language described has been purely applicative, that is procedures can be applied to values, but there is no way to change the value associated with an object. Variables and vectors can be created and used in Poly but they are not built into the type system.
Variables are created by the procedure new which has the following signature.
new : proc [base : type end ] (base)
assign : proc (base);
content : proc ()base
new is a procedure which takes a value of any type and returns a type with two operations assign and content as its result. For example,
let v == new(99);
declares v as a type with signature
v: type
assign : proc (integer);
content : proc ()integer
The type is here being used as a way of packaging together a pair of procedures, there is no such thing as a value of this type.
The parameter type of assign and the result of content were found from the type of the original argument (99 has type integer). The current value associated with the variable is found using the content procedure.
will return 99, the initial value associated with it. The value can be changed using assign.
sets the value to 100.
Variables can be passed as parameters and returned as results from procedures like any other value. However, note that
let vv == v;
makes vv the same value as v which means that it refers to the same variable, and hence changes to vv will affect the value returned from v and vice versa.
It is not necessary to write "$content()" after every variable name in order to extract its value, the compiler will attempt to call the content object of a type if it is given one when it expects an ordinary value. There is also an infix assignment operator defined in the standard header which allows use of the normal syntax for assignment.
v := v+1
is therefore equivalent to
vector is a procedure which creates an array of variables.
vector: proc [base : type end ] (size: integer; initial_value: base)
sub: proc (integer)
assign : proc (base);
content : proc ()base
first, last: integer
It takes as parameters the size of the array (i.e. the number of variables) and a value which is the initial value for each.
let v == vector(10, "init")
A particular variable is selected by applying the sub procedure to a number between 1 and the size (the index). The result will be a variable which can be assigned a value, or its value can be read.
v$sub(5) := "new string"
Attempting to apply sub to a value outside the range causes a subscript exception.
first and last are two integer values that are set to the minimum and maximum index values (1 and the size respectively). If the size parameter given to vector is less than 1 it will raise a range exception.
Many programs involve the processing of lists or sets of values processing each one or searching for one which satisfies some condition. The standard header contains definitions to make these easier. All of these work using a standard interface, a type, called an iterator which represents an abstract sequence of values. An iterator has the following signature.
type (iterator)
continue : proc (iterator)boolean;
init : proc ()iterator;
next : proc (iterator)iterator;
value : proc (iterator)base_type
Values of the iterator type are elements of a sequence such that each has a value of some base type associated with it and a way of getting to the next element. They can be regarded as elements of a list, but equally they can be a range of integer values. init generates the first element of the sequence, and continue tests it to see if is a valid entry (the sequence may be empty or exhausted). If it is valid then value may be used to extract the associated value and next used to return the next element in the sequence. To see how this works we will examine two procedures which use iterators.
The for procedure is designed to apply a given procedure to every member of a sequence. Its signature is
for : proc [base : type end ]
(iterator :
type (iterator)
continue : proc (iterator)boolean;
init : proc ()iterator;
next : proc (iterator)iterator;
value : proc (iterator)base
body: proc (base))
It takes an iterator and applies the procedure body to each element in turn. The body of for in Poly is
letrec successor ==
{ Loop until the condition is false }
proc inline (counter: iterator)
if counter.continue
end { successor };
successor(iterator$init()) { The initial value of the iterator. }
end { for };
The successor loops generating elements of the sequence and applying body to each value until the sequence is exhausted.
The other procedure which operates on iterators is first which searches a sequence until a condition is found. It has signature
first : proc [base, result: type end ]
(iterator :
type (iterator)
continue : proc (iterator)boolean;
init : proc ()iterator;
next : proc (iterator)iterator;
value : proc (iterator)base
test: proc (base)boolean;
success: proc (base)result;
failure: proc ()result
As well as the iterator, first takes three other explicit parameters, all procedures. The first is the test which is applied to each value. If it succeeds (returns true) then the success procedure is called with the value as its parameter. If the sequence is exhausted before the test has succeeded the failure procedure is invoked. The result of first is the result of either success or failure.
This part of the system is still under development and is not guaranteed to remain stable. Parts of it are also heavily UNIX dependent.
The current environment support provides facilities for compiling text files and remaking a system from its composite modules, compiling those which have been modified. There is a simple history mechanism for re-executing commands.
The system is used interactively with Poly expressions and declarations being typed in by the user and the reponses printed by the computer. Poly is used as a command language as well as a programming language, so all commands are simply Poly procedure calls and have their signatures checked by the compiler. Commands must either return values of type void, in which case they are simply executed, or they must return values of a type which has a print operation so that the result can be printed. Variables and procedures with no parameters are allowed provided their results are void or can be printed.
environ is the type which is the nearest equivalent to a file directory in Poly. It has signature
environ :
type (environ)
enter : proc (environ; string; declaration);
lookup : proc (environ; string)declaration;
delete : proc (environ; string);
print : proc (environ);
in : proc (
enter : proc (string; declaration);
lookup : proc (string)declaration;
delete : proc (string);
over : type (iter)
continue : proc (iter)boolean;
init : proc ()iter;
next : proc (iter)iter;
value : proc (iter)declaration
out : proc (environ)
enter : proc (string; declaration);
lookup : proc (string)declaration;
delete : proc (string);
over : type (iter)
continue : proc (iter)boolean;
init : proc ()iter;
next : proc (iter)iter;
value : proc (iter)declaration
declaration is a type which the compiler uses to represent objects that it has created.
A value of the environ type is a set of procedures which map strings onto declaration values. The compiler uses the value of current_env as the environment in which to compile something. It uses the lookup procedure to find the value and signature of identifiers and calls enter to store the result of making declarations. A particular value of the environ type is made by using the in procedure to package up a type with the appropriate operations. The inverse operation out can be used to extract the type.
There is a procedure mkenv which can be used to create environ values. It has signature
mkenv : proc (environ)environ
It returns an environment which can be seen as an extension of the environment which was given as the parameter. New declarations result in entries in this new environment and they can be found by using the identifier. However, looking up an identifier which has not been declared in this environment results in a search in the environment originally passed as the parameter. This can be regarded in the same way as nested declarations in Poly where an identifier is first looked up in the current block and if it is not found there the enclosing blocks are searched. Typically mkenv is called with either the current environment or the global environment as parameter.
let new_env == mkenv(current_env);
current_env := newenv;
let new_env == mkenv(global_env);
The global environment contains declarations such as integer which it is expected that nearly all programs will require.
The computation involved when entering or looking up an identifier may be considerably more than just operating on a table. The make procedure, for example, uses an environment in which looking up an identifier may involve recursive calls to the compiler to compile the object.
? prints the signature of an object which has previously been declared. It has signature
? : proc (string)
For example, the statement
? "?";
? : proc (string)
It is useful to be able to check the signature of an object before using it.
# runs a text file through the compiler and executes the result. It has signature
\# : proc (string)
At present the string parameter it takes is an ordinary UNIX file name, without any processing of wild-cards.
sh runs a line of text through the UNIX shell. It can be used to execute any command, including starting up interactive programs. It has signature
sh : proc (string)
For example,
sh "emacs fred";
will start up and run the "emacs" editor on a file called "fred". The Poly system will wait until the process is finished before continuing.
The make command in Poly is similar in function to the "make" command under UNIX. It constructs a Poly object by recompiling only those parts of it which have changed since it was last made.
It is generally good programming practice to break a large program down into several parts, usually called modules, and develop each independently. A module usually provides several related functions and so can be represented in Poly as a "type". Such types may or may not have values belonging to them. For example, a module to construct stacks could be the type "stack" and all stacks would be of that type, but a module for a set of trigonometrical functions would be simply a set of related procedures.
A module may be complete in itself or require other modules to make it work. The latter case is represented in Poly by a procedure which takes some types as parameters and returns a type as the result. So, for example, a module for a parser may use modules for the symbols and for the parse tree.
An important point about these modules is that each can be compiled independently and then the program can be made by applying the modules which are procedures to their parameters. The process of applying a module to other modules is known as binding. Like any other procedure application in Poly it is subject to the normal rules for signature matching.
When a module is changed, for example to correct a bug, it must be recompiled and rebound. The purpose of the make procedure is to ensure that everything which must be recompiled has been and to rebind all the necessary modules. Note that a change to the signature of the module may require changes to other modules that use it, otherwise a signature fault may be generated by the compiler. A change of signature may not always require all the using modules to be recompiled. For example, a module which is a type may have several operations used by different using modules. Changing the signature of one of these operations will require changes only to those modules which actually use that operation.
The make procedure assumes that the source text of the modules is held in some UNIX text files in a set of related directories. As an example suppose we have a set of modules which are combined in the following fashion to make a program.
let a == b(c, d);
let e == f(g, h);
let i == j(a, e, h);
let z == k(i, e);
z is the result of binding the modules together and is the final program. The source text is arranged in a series of directories with the root directory called z.
z contains k, i and e and h.
z/k is the source text for k.
z/i is a directory containing j and a.
z/i/j is the source text for j.
z/i/a is a directory containing source files b, c and d. }
z/e is a directory containing source texts f and g.
z/h is the source text for h.
In addition each directory has a file called poly_bind which are the instructions for binding together the modules to make the result.
z/poly_bind contains "let z == k(i, e);"
i/poly_bind contains "let i == j(a, e, h);"
e/poly_bind contains "let e == f(g, h);"
a/poly_bind contains "let a == b(c, d);"
Supposing h has been modified and we wish to remake z. The command
make "z";
looks for a file "z" and examines its access permission. It discovers that it is a directory and so tries to compile the file "z/poly_bind". This contains the command
let z == k(i, e);
For each identifier in the command it looks up a file with that name in the current directory and only if that fails does it treat it as an ordinary identifier. k is a text file so it compares the time that it was last modified (kept by the operating system) with the time on which an identifier called k was last declared (kept by the Poly system). It sees that the file has not been modified since k was declared so it uses that declaration. If it had found that the file was newer it would recompile k (by a recursive call to the compiler) before returning the newly compiled version. It does not perform any other consistency checks relying on the type checking to ensure that k really is a procedure which can correctly be applied to i and e.
It next encounters i which it discovers is a directory and so it executes the file z/i/poly_bind. j is treated in the same way as k, but a is again a directory. It recurses again to process a and checks b, c and d. Finding that all these are text files and are up to date and that a is newer than each of them, it concludes that a is up to date and uses its current value without rebinding.
e, being a directory, is processed in the same way as a. f and g are both found to be up to date, but h is not found in the directory. The directories are regarded as nested blocks so that if a file is not found in the current directory the make program looks in the immediately enclosing one (i.e. the parent directory). It fails to find h in i and so tries z. There it finds the source text for h and discovers that it has been modified and must be recompiled. It recompiles it, returning the newly compiled h as its result. e must now be rebound so the declaration is executed and the new value returned as the result.
The next identifier in the declaration of i is h itself. The program remembers that h has been checked and uses the new value, rather than repeating the check on when the files were modified. It does this whether it has recompiled the file or just checked that it does not need recompiling. It executes the declaration of i because e and h have been remade and returns this as its result.
In the declaration of z the next identifier is e. Again it uses the fact that e has been checked to save processing the declaration of e again. Finally it can rebind z and the construction is complete. If make is rerun immediately after this it will simply check everything and not rebind any of the files.
Note that each file must be "in scope" when it is required. Because h is used by both i and e it must be in the path to both of them i.e. in the z directory.
The Poly system runs under a persistent storage system, that is any declarations of identifiers or values in variables can be retained from one session to the next on permanent storage. The database is held on a file and objects are read in from it as required. Once read in they are retained in store until the end of the session when those which are to be retained are written out again. The criterion for writing something out to the database is whether it is reachable from the root procedure which is the one used when Poly is started up. In the normal Poly system this essentially means that any declarations made in the global environment will be retained. When the user exits normally from Poly all the reachable objects are written back and the database is updated. The database can also be written back by executing the procedure commit(); which writes back the database and exits from Poly. It is currently not possible to write the database and continue.
The normal Poly system reads commands from the input stream, usually the terminal, and compiles and executes them. It also remembers the last few commands typed so that they can be re-executed if necessary. The commands in the table can be printed by the history procedure.
There are three procedures which execute commands from the history table. Each command prints the command before executing it, and also enters the command it will execute in the history table. The previous command can be executed by the !!procedure.
Another command can be executed using the !- procedure. It has signature
!- : proc (integer)
The integer parameter is the number of the command counting back from the current one, so
!- 1;
is equivalent to
The third command ! has signature
! : proc (string)
The string is the first few characters of the command to be executed, so to re-execute the last declaration,
! "let";
can be used. The command found is the first one whose characters match, working from the last command back.
Last modified 22 January 2025