Hello, world
print! "Hello, world!"
print! "こんにちは、世界!"
print! "Γειά σου Κόσμε!"
print! "!مرحبا بالعالم"
greetings = ["Good morning", "Hello", "Good evening"]
for! greetings, greeting =>
print! "\{greeting}, world!"
Empty = Class()
empty = Empty.new()
print! empty
MyInt = Class {value = Int}
# You cannot access private instance attribute `value` outside of the class
get_value self = self::value
i = MyInt.new {value = 1}
print! i.get_value()
MyStr = Class {.value = Str}
s = MyStr.new {.value = "aaa"}
print! s.value
# Inheritance is prohibited by default. Remove this decorator and check for errors.
# [<: Self] means that the attribute is public within the class and its subclasses
Point2D = Class {::[<: Self]x = Int; ::[<: Self]y = Int}
# Private variables & methods
one = 1
# Restricted variables & methods
Point2D::[<: Self]
two = 2
# Public variables & methods
zero = Point2D::one - 1
p = Point2D.new {x = 1; y = 2}
assert p.norm() == 5
norm self = self::x**2 + self::y**2
Point3D = Inherit Point2D, Additional := {z = Int}
# Overloading is prohibited by default. Remove this decorator and check for errors.
new x, y, z =
Point3D {x; y; z}
norm self = self::x**2 + self::y**2 + self::z**2
# the constructor of `Point2D` is private, use `Point2D.new` instead
p = Point2D.new {x = 1; y = 2}
print! p, p.norm()
print! Point2D.zero
# print! Point2D::one # cannot access private variables
q = Point3D.new 1, 2, 3
print! q, q.norm()
# Newtype notation
# Shorthand of `IorS = Class {base = Int or Str}`
IorS = Class(Int or Str)
is_int self =
# self: IorS
# self::base: Int or Str
match self::base:
(_: Int) -> True
_ -> False
is_str self =
match self::base:
(_: Str) -> True
_ -> False
# `.new` is of type `Int or Str -> IorS`, not `{base = Int or Str} -> IorS`
x = IorS.new 1
print! x
assert x.is_int()
assert not x.is_str()
Last modified 22 January 2025