
From the README

TDL is a prototype-based event-driven language.

Syntax for event actions:
ObjName: ObjInheritedFrom {
EvtName: Event {

Events can have multiple actions. You can declare events multiple times, they'll run in the order added.

Syntax for event triggering:

OBJECT can be a literal (string, number, etc).

OBJECT EVENT() triggers the event EVENT on OBJECT (Similar to OBJECT.EVENT() in many OOP languages)

Inheritance and predefined objects

Non-existant objects are references to the null object (inherits from Predefined null).

Object inherits from null and adds methods to it.

Objects - excluding null, true, and false - all inherit from the object Object.

Events all inherit from the object Event (inherits from Predefined event).

Constructs all inherit from the object Construct (inherits from Predefined construct).

All Event and Construct arguments inherit from the object Argument (inherits from Predefined argument)

Numbers all inherit from the object Number.

Strings all inherit from the object String.

Booleans inherit from either true or false.

Arrays all inherit from the object Array.

Hashes all inherit from the object Hash.

All events without a receiver are ran on the Ground object.

Predefined events

The following predefined events are defined on the Predefined object:
string_concat(this, other)
string_replace(this, current, other, all) // all is true if you want to replace all instances,
// and false otherwise
substring(this, position)
substring_replace(this, position, value)
add(this, number)
subtract(this, number)
multiply(this, number)
divide(this, number)
modulo(this, number)
pow(this, number)
left_shift(this, other)
right_shift(this, other)
bitwise_and(this, other)
bitwise_or(this, other)
bitwise_xor(this, other)
lt_gt_equal(this, other)
hash_get(this, key)
hash_set(this, key, value)

Predefined constructs

The following predefined constructs are defined on the Predefined object:
while(condition, block)
if(condition, block)

Ground object

The Ground object starts as a clone of Object. It is the object which all unbound events (events not raised on a particular object) are forwarded to and all unbound objects (objects not specified in the context of another object) are defined.

Defining objects

To set A as a copy of B:
A: B

To add new events to A that are not in B while defining the object:
A: B {
foo: Event {

To add create a new object, and add new events later:
A: B {
foo: Event {

A {
  bar: Event {

Events and Constructs

Arguments to events and constructs inherit from the Argument object (which should not used directly), and are not evaluated until you invoke the call() method

Events - despite being objects - work as what most languages would call methods, very straight-forward:
A: Object {
foo: Event {
# Everything here is ran when you do A foo()

Constructs are like events but the last argument is always a block and none of the arguments are evaluated until you raise the call() event on them.
There is a call!() event (defined in core.tdl) which is the same as argName = argName call()
Number {
upto: Construct(limit, block) {
i: this
limit call!()
while(i < limit) {
block call(i)
i += 1

init {
  1 upto(10) { |i|
    i toString() print()


A property, also known by about a million other names, is a variable which references an object. There are no other variables in TDL.

Properties are per-object, since code is never actually executed outside of events (the obvious limitations of this are mentioned in "Object Initialization").
A: Object {
b: Event {
asdf = "fdsa"

Object Initialization

The init event is called when the object is created. The object is created as it is found in the code, when the program starts.

Ground init() is called when the program starts.

For instance, in the following example, A is created before B.
A: Object {
init: Event {
foo = "bar"

B: Object {
  init: Event {
    bar = "asdf"

this, This, parent, and Parent

this returns a reference to the current object.
A: Object {
foo: Event {
b: Event {
this foo() // calls A foo

This returns a clone of the current object.
B: Object {
clone: Event {
This // returns a clone of B

parent returns a reference to the object the current object is a clone of.
C: Object {
p: Event {
parent // I couldn't think of a real use for this, but it fits with this/This

Parent returns a clone of the object the current object is a clone of.
D: Object {
reset: Event {
this = Parent /* replace the current object with a new clone of
the object was a clone of, Object in this case */


All objects inherit from Object.
Object {
foo: Event {
// "foo" can be run on all objects

Special syntax

Any object following a colon is considered an object or attribute reference.

The original reasoning for adding this was to allow for objects that would otherwise be interpreted as numbers.
A: Object {
init: Event {
FOO = "meep"
001 = "meep" // unambiguous enough to not require a leading colon
FOO print() // this is the same as just FOO
2: Event { // unambiguous enough to not require a leading colon
:001 print() // ambiguous enough to require a colon, the 001 could be a number
3: Event { // unambiguous enough to not require a leading colon
print(:001) // ambiguous enough to require a colon, the 001 could be a number, this is the same as calling Ground print(:001)


Any line starting with // is a comment, and data contained within /* and */ are comments
// This is one comment
/* And this,
is yet another */


IRC: Socket {
    You can define events that only work from inside a particular class
    *insert mass suicide before people see how amazing this looks later*
  String {
    send: Event {
      parent send(self)

  run: Event {
    connect ("", 6667)
    "USER a b c d" send()
    "NICK foobar" send()

  001: Event {
    "JOIN #programming" send()

  receiveLine: Event (line) {
    words = line split(" ")
    if (words[0] == "PING") {
      ("PONG " + words[1..-1]) send()
    } else if (words[1] == "001") {

  quit: Event {
    "QUIT :Boom" send()

init: Event {
  bot: IRC
  bot run()

Tags: language   event  

Last modified 22 January 2025