How Fluid works

Fluid was designed to deliver collaborative experiences with blazing performance. To achieve this goal, the team kept the server logic as simple and light-weight as possible. This approach helped ensure virtually instant syncing across clients with very low server costs.

To keep the server simple, each Fluid client is responsible for its own state. While previous systems keep a source of truth on the server, the Fluid service is responsible for taking in data operations, sequencing the operations, and returning the sequenced operations to the clients. Each client is able to use that sequence to independently and accurately produce the current state regardless of the order it receives operations.

Here is a typical flow:

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Hello World

In this walkthrough, you'll learn about using the Fluid Framework by building a simple DiceRoller application together. To get started, make sure you have cloned this repo and followed the steps above.

In our DiceRoller app you'll show users a die with a button to roll it. When the die is rolled, you'll use Fluid Framework to sync the data across clients so everyone sees the same result. you'll do this using the following steps.

  1. Choose a Fluid data structure to store our Fluid state.
  2. Create a container to hold an instance of that Fluid state.
  3. Write a view to render and modify that Fluid state.

Choosing a data structure

Fluid's distributed data structures underpin all Fluid apps. While distributed data structures are low-level data structures, they provide familiar APIs and consistent merge behavior, and can serve a number of needs directly.

Fluid also provides DataObjects, which are designed to organize distributed data structures into semantically meaningful groupings as well as provide an API surface to your data.

In subsequent demos you will look at building custom DataObjects, but for many use cases (including this dice roller) the built in distributed data structures will work perfectly.

Using SharedMap distributed data structure

The SharedMap distributed data structure provides the basic functionality to set and get data of any JSON-serializable type on a given key, and inform your application when the data in that key changes.

// Set the string 'some data' to the key 'MyDataKey'
myMap.set('MyDataKey', 'some data');

// Retrieve the string stored in 'MyDataKey'
myMap.get('MyDataKey'); // returns string 'some data'

// Set a 'changed' event that logs the event when any data changes
myMap.on('changed', (event) => console.log(event));

// Changed callback is called each time a key's value is changed
myMap.set('MyDataKey', 'some new data'); // logs { key: 'MyDataKey', path: '/', previousValue: 'some data' }

Creating and loading a Fluid container

Fluid containers are your application's entry point to the Fluid Framework.

In order to create or load a Fluid container you need to know its ID. Typically applications will use a service or user interaction to create and retrieve these IDs, similar to a file picker or loading a saved game instance.

For demo purposes the getContainerId function simplifies ID creation by generating and returning a hash of the current timestamp as the new container ID. If the URL already has a hash, it assumes that a container with that ID has already been created and returns that hash value as the ID. The function also returns isNew, a Boolean value indicating whether the container is to be created or loaded.

Accessing Fluid data

Fluid requires a backing service to enable collaborative communication. Before you can access any Fluid data, you need to make a call to the service to retrieve or create a container.

FrsClient is the service client used in this example. FrsClient supports deployed Azure Fluid Relay service instances for production purposes, as well as a local, in-memory service instance, called Tinylicious, for development purposes. It also provides methods to create a Fluid container with a set of initial distributed data structures or DataObjects that are defined in the containerSchema.

The service connection and container configurations will vary depending on the service. FrsClient requires only an ID for a container, but other service clients may have different requirements.

The containerSchema defines the name of the container and a set of initialObjects. initialObjects is a map that defines Fluid objects that will be created when the container is first created. The key provided can be used to access the initialObject from the container like so: fluidContainer.initialObjects.myKey.

const { id, isNew } = getContainerId();

// This configures the FrsClient to use a local in-memory service called Tinylicious.
// You can run Tinylicious locally using 'npx tinylicious'.
const localConfig: FrsConnectionConfig = {
    tenantId: "local",
    tokenProvider: new InsecureTokenProvider("tenantId", { id: "userId" }),
    // if you're running Tinylicious on a non-default port, you'll need change these URLs
    orderer: "http://localhost:7070",
    storage: "http://localhost:7070",
const client = new FrsClient(localConfig);

const containerConfig: FrsContainerConfig = { id };
const containerSchema: ContainerSchema = {
    name: "hello-world-demo-container",
    initialObjects: { dice: SharedMap }

const { fluidContainer } = isNew
    ? await client.createContainer(containerConfig, containerSchema)
    : await client.getContainer(containerConfig, containerSchema);

    fluidContainer.initialObjects.dice as ISharedMap,
    document.getElementById('content') as HTMLDivElement

Tags: library   presentation   distribution   storage  

Last modified 22 January 2025