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The platform provides the following ingredients:
- Meta-languages for high-level declarative language definition
- An interactive environment for developing languages using these meta-languages
- Code generators that produces parsers, type checkers, compilers, interpreters, and other tools from language definitions
- Generation of full-featured Eclipse editor plugins from language definitions
- Generation of full-featured IntelliJ editor plugins from language definitions (experimental)
- An API for programmatically combining the components of a language implementation
With Spoofax you can focus on the essence of language definition and ignore irrelevant implementation details.
Spoofax is the integration of many different tools, compilers, (meta-)languages, (meta-)libraries, and runtime components. This integration is made concrete in the spoofax-releng Git repository on GitHub. This repository contains all components via Git submodules, which are updated by our build farm that builds Spoofax whenever one of its components in a submodule changes.
Spoofax currently contains the following subcomponents as submodules:
- releng - release engineering scripts for managing and building the spoofax-releng repostory.
- Java libraries and runtimes
- mb-rep - libraries for program representation such as abstract terms
- mb-exec - Stratego interpreter and utilities
- jsglr - JSGLR parser
- spoofax - Spoofax Core, a cross platform API to Spoofax languages
- spoofax-maven - Maven integration for Spoofax Core
- spoofax-sunshine - Command-line integration for Spoofax Core
- spoofax-eclipse - Eclipse plugin for Spoofax Core
- spoofax-intellij - IntelliJ plugin for Spoofax Core
- Meta-languages and libraries
- esv - Editor service language
- sdf - Syntax Definition Formalisms, containing the SDF2 and SDF 3 languages
- stratego and strategoxt - Stratego compiler, runtime, and editor - "Stratego is a small and efficient domain-specific language for program transformation. It is based on the paradigm of programmable rewriting strategies, which makes it extremely well-suited for traversing and transforming all kinds of tree structures. Its library and supporting tools are geared towards processing computer programs in the form of concrete or abstract syntax trees, as produced by text parsers."
- nabl - Name binding languages, containing the NaBL and NaBL2 languages, and support libraries for NaBL2
- ts - Type system language
- dynsem - Dynamic semantics language
- metaborg-coq - Coq signatures and syntax definition
- spt - Spoofax testing language
- runtime-libraries - NaBL support libraries, incremental task engine for incremental name and type analysis
language development
Last modified 22 January 2025