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Fully Functional Web Application

import rife.engine.*;

public class HelloWorld extends Site {
    public void setup() {
        get("/hello", c -> c.print("Hello World"));

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Server().start(new HelloWorld());

Let's change the example some more and create a single route that can respond to both get and post requests.

public class HelloForm extends Site {
    Route hello = route("/hello", c -> {
        var t = c.template("HelloForm");
        switch (c.method()) {
            case GET -> t.setBlock("content", "form");
            case POST -> t.setBlock("content", "text");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new Server().start(new HelloForm());

With HelloForm.html being:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!--v content/-->
<!--b form-->
<form action="{{v route:hello/}}" method="post" name="hello">
  <input type="submit" name="Submit">
<!--b text--><p id="greeting">Hello World</p><!--/b-->

Tags: distribution   jvm   presentation   browser   web  

Last modified 22 January 2025