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Website: Matrix games are different to normal Wargames and Role-Playing games. In a these games you compare lists of statistics and peer at complicated books of rules containing someone else's idea about what things are important, before rolling a dice. It takes a long time and can be very difficult to explain to a newcomer. Instead, in a Matrix Game you simply use words to describe why something should happen, the Umpire decides how likely it is, and you roll a dice. If you can say "This happens, for the following reasons..." you can play a Matrix Game.
Free Engle Matrix Game Rules: Matrix Game Rules: Start with a problem. Say what happens next. There is no order of play. Anyone can add to or alter what happens. All players may ask a player to roll if they don't like what they said. Roll 2d6. 7+ The action happens and cannot be altered. 6- It does not happen and cannot happen in the game. The game ends when the problem is solved. That is the short form of Matrix Game rules. But of course it isn't that simple. There are MANY ways to play Matrix Games. One common form is for players to make arguments for what happens next. They say an action, a result from the action, and three reasons why it happens. A referee decides what they need to roll to succeed and other players may make counter-arguments for what they think happens instead. Players then roll to see which happens. There are many ways to do this but the oldest version of the rules used a sudden death roll off. Each player rolls for their own argument. If they pass their roll, they stay in the competition. If they fail, they drop out of the contest. The last argument standing happens. Events unfold and the players find out what happens.
Last modified 22 January 2025