BuildIt: A framework for rapidly developing high-performance Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) with little to no compiler knowledge. Source
gel: Generic Extensible Language (PDF) NOTE: One of the things I like about this paper is that it points out that Lisp and XML are essentially the same creature: Lisp: (if (< x 3) (print x))
== XML: <if><test op="lt"><var name="x"/><const>3</const></test><then><call fun="print"><arg>x</arg></call></then></if>
I kinda love that.
coAST: coAST is a universal abstract syntax tree that allows to easily analyze each programming language. Especially adding new languages should be easy and generic. (Last update Dec 2018)
Creating a DSL in Python: Uses ply
which is apparently a lex and yacc clone in Python. Yay?
MLIR: Creating a Toy Language and AST
Creating a DSL Step by Step, Part 1
Create a programming language that the whole company can understand
Creating a Ruby DSL: A Guide to Advanced Metaprogramming
Towards Dynamically Extensible Syntax: introduces CherryLisp -- a Lisp dialect with dynamically user-definable syntax that suffers from neither of [drawbacks listed in the abstract].
Type-safe embedded domain-specific languages:
Last modified 22 January 2025