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The following copyright notice applies to everything below this line; all I have changed is formatting for easier reading (into Markdown).

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*                        COPYRIGHT NOTICE                       *
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*   Copyright (C) 1988 Jack W. Crenshaw. All rights reserved.   *
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This file contains all of the installments of Jack Crenshaw's tutorial on compiler construction, including the new Installment 15. The intended audience is those folks who are not computer scientists, but who enjoy computing and have always wanted to know how compilers work. A lot of compiler theory has been left out, but the practical issues are covered. By the time you have completed the series, you should be able to design and build your own working compiler. It will not be the world's best, nor will it put out incredibly tight code. Your product will probably never put Borland or MicroSoft out of business. But it will work, and it will be yours.

A word about the file format: The files were originally created using Borland's DOS editor, Sprint. Sprint could write to a text file only if you formatted the file to go to the selected printer. I used the most common printer I could think of, the Epson MX-80, but even then the files ended up with printer control sequences at the beginning and end of each page.

To bring the files up to date and get myself positioned to continue the series, I recently (1994) converted all the files to work with Microsoft Word for Windows. Unlike Sprint, Word allows you to write the file as a DOS text file. Unfortunately, this gave me a new problem, because when Word is writing to a text file, it doesn't write hard page breaks or page numbers. In other words, in six years we've gone from a file with page breaks and page numbers, but embedded escape sequences, to files with no embedded escape sequences but no page breaks or page numbers. Isn't progress wonderful?

Of course, it's possible for me to insert the page numbers as straight text, rather than asking the editor to do it for me. But since Word won't allow me to write page breaks to the file, we would end up with files with page numbers that may or may not fall at the ends of the pages, depending on your editor and your printer. It seems to me that almost every file I've ever downloaded from CompuServe or BBS's that had such page numbering was incompatible with my printer, and gave me pages that were one line short or one line long, with the page numbers consequently walking up the page.

So perhaps this new format is, after all, the safest one for general distribution. The files as they exist will look just fine if read into any text editor capable of reading DOS text files. Since most editors these days include rather sophisticated word processing capabilities, you should be able to get your editor to paginate for you, prior to printing.

I hope you like the tutorials. Much thought went into them.

                            Jack W. Crenshaw
							CompuServe 72325,1327


This series of articles is a tutorial on the theory and practice of developing language parsers and compilers. Before we are finished, we will have covered every aspect of compiler construction, designed a new programming language, and built a working compiler.

Though I am not a computer scientist by education (my Ph.D. is in a different field, Physics), I have been interested in compilers for many years. I have bought and tried to digest the contents of virtually every book on the subject ever written. I don't mind telling you that it was slow going. Compiler texts are written for Computer Science majors, and are tough sledding for the rest of us. But over the years a bit of it began to seep in. What really caused it to jell was when I began to branch off on my own and begin to try things on my own computer. Now I plan to share with you what I have learned. At the end of this series you will by no means be a computer scientist, nor will you know all the esoterics of compiler theory. I intend to completely ignore the more theoretical aspects of the subject. What you WILL know is all the practical aspects that one needs to know to build a working system.

This is a "learn-by-doing" series. In the course of the series I will be performing experiments on a computer. You will be expected to follow along, repeating the experiments that I do, and performing some on your own. I will be using Turbo Pascal 4.0 on a PC clone. I will periodically insert examples written in TP. These will be executable code, which you will be expected to copy into your own computer and run. If you don't have a copy of Turbo, you will be severely limited in how well you will be able to follow what's going on. If you don't have a copy, I urge you to get one. After all, it's an excellent product, good for many other uses!

Some articles on compilers show you examples, or show you (as in the case of Small-C) a finished product, which you can then copy and use without a whole lot of understanding of how it works. I hope to do much more than that. I hope to teach you HOW the things get done, so that you can go off on your own and not only reproduce what I have done, but improve on it.

This is admittedly an ambitious undertaking, and it won't be done in one page. I expect to do it in the course of a number of articles. Each article will cover a single aspect of compiler theory, and will pretty much stand alone. If all you're interested in at a given time is one aspect, then you need to look only at that one article. Each article will be uploaded as it is complete, so you will have to wait for the last one before you can consider yourself finished. Please be patient.

The average text on compiler theory covers a lot of ground that we won't be covering here. The typical sequence is:

I'll be taking a much different approach in this series. To begin with, I won't dwell long on options. I'll be giving you A way that works. If you want to explore options, well and good ... I encourage you to do so ... but I'll be sticking to what I know. I also will skip over most of the theory that puts people to sleep. Don't get me wrong: I don't belittle the theory, and it's vitally important when it comes to dealing with the more tricky parts of a given language. But I believe in putting first things first. Here we'll be dealing with the 95% of compiler techniques that don't need a lot of theory to handle.

I also will discuss only one approach to parsing: top-down, recursive descent parsing, which is the ONLY technique that's at all amenable to hand-crafting a compiler. The other approaches are only useful if you have a tool like YACC, and also don't care how much memory space the final product uses.

I also take a page from the work of Ron Cain, the author of the original Small C. Whereas almost all other compiler authors have historically used an intermediate language like P-code and divided the compiler into two parts (a front end that produces P-code, and a back end that processes P-code to produce executable object code), Ron showed us that it is a straightforward matter to make a compiler directly produce executable object code, in the form of assembler language statements. The code will NOT be the world's tightest code ... producing optimized code is a much more difficult job. But it will work, and work reasonably well. Just so that I don't leave you with the impression that our end product will be worthless, I DO intend to show you how to "soup up" the compiler with some optimization.

Finally, I'll be using some tricks that I've found to be most helpful in letting me understand what's going on without wading through a lot of boiler plate. Chief among these is the use of single-character tokens, with no embedded spaces, for the early design work. I figure that if I can get a parser to recognize and deal with I-T-L, I can get it to do the same with IF-THEN-ELSE. And I can. In the second "lesson," I'll show you just how easy it is to extend a simple parser to handle tokens of arbitrary length. As another trick, I completely ignore file I/O, figuring that if I can read source from the keyboard and output object to the screen, I can also do it from/to disk files. Experience has proven that once a translator is working correctly, it's a straightforward matter to redirect the I/O to files. The last trick is that I make no attempt to do error correction/recovery. The programs we'll be building will RECOGNIZE errors, and will not CRASH, but they will simply stop on the first error ... just like good ol' Turbo does. There will be other tricks that you'll see as you go. Most of them can't be found in any compiler textbook, but they work.

A word about style and efficiency. As you will see, I tend to write programs in VERY small, easily understood pieces. None of the procedures we'll be working with will be more than about 15-20 lines long. I'm a fervent devotee of the KISS (Keep It Simple, Sidney) school of software development. I try to never do something tricky or complex, when something simple will do. Inefficient? Perhaps, but you'll like the results. As Brian Kernighan has said, FIRST make it run, THEN make it run fast. If, later on, you want to go back and tighten up the code in one of our products, you'll be able to do so, since the code will be quite understandable. If you do so, however, I urge you to wait until the program is doing everything you want it to.

I also have a tendency to delay building a module until I discover that I need it. Trying to anticipate every possible future contingency can drive you crazy, and you'll generally guess wrong anyway. In this modern day of screen editors and fast compilers, I don't hesitate to change a module when I feel I need a more powerful one. Until then, I'll write only what I need.

One final caveat: One of the principles we'll be sticking to here is that we don't fool around with P-code or imaginary CPUs, but that we will start out on day one producing working, executable object code, at least in the form of assembler language source. However, you may not like my choice of assembler language ... it's 68000 code, which is what works on my system (under SK*DOS). I think you'll find, though, that the translation to any other CPU such as the 80x86 will be quite obvious, though, so I don't see a problem here. In fact, I hope someone out there who knows the '86 language better than I do will offer us the equivalent object code fragments as we need them.


Every program needs some boiler plate ... I/O routines, error message routines, etc. The programs we develop here will be no exceptions. I've tried to hold this stuff to an absolute minimum, however, so that we can concentrate on the important stuff without losing it among the trees. The code given below represents about the minimum that we need to get anything done. It consists of some I/O routines, an error-handling routine and a skeleton, null main program. I call it our cradle. As we develop other routines, we'll add them to the cradle, and add the calls to them as we need to. Make a copy of the cradle and save it, because we'll be using it more than once.

There are many different ways to organize the scanning activities of a parser. In Unix systems, authors tend to use getc and ungetc. I've had very good luck with the approach shown here, which is to use a single, global, lookahead character. Part of the initialization procedure (the only part, so far!) serves to "prime the pump" by reading the first character from the input stream. No other special techniques are required with Turbo 4.0 ... each successive call to GetChar will read the next character in the stream.

program Cradle;

{ Constant Declarations }

const TAB = ^I;

{ Variable Declarations }

var Look: char;              { Lookahead Character }
{ Read New Character From Input Stream }

procedure GetChar;

{ Report an Error }

procedure Error(s: string);
   WriteLn(^G, 'Error: ', s, '.');

{ Report Error and Halt }

procedure Abort(s: string);

{ Report What Was Expected }

procedure Expected(s: string);
   Abort(s + ' Expected');

{ Match a Specific Input Character }

procedure Match(x: char);
   if Look = x then GetChar
   else Expected('''' + x + '''');

{ Recognize an Alpha Character }

function IsAlpha(c: char): boolean;
   IsAlpha := upcase(c) in ['A'..'Z'];


{ Recognize a Decimal Digit }

function IsDigit(c: char): boolean;
   IsDigit := c in ['0'..'9'];

{ Get an Identifier }

function GetName: char;
   if not IsAlpha(Look) then Expected('Name');
   GetName := UpCase(Look);

{ Get a Number }

function GetNum: char;
   if not IsDigit(Look) then Expected('Integer');
   GetNum := Look;

{ Output a String with Tab }

procedure Emit(s: string);
   Write(TAB, s);

{ Output a String with Tab and CRLF }

procedure EmitLn(s: string);

{ Initialize }

procedure Init;

{ Main Program }


That's it for this introduction. Copy the code above into TP and compile it. Make sure that it compiles and runs correctly. Then proceed to the first lesson, which is on expression parsing.



If you've read the introduction document to this series, you will already know what we're about. You will also have copied the cradle software into your Turbo Pascal system, and have compiled it. So you should be ready to go.

The purpose of this article is for us to learn how to parse and translate mathematical expressions. What we would like to see as output is a series of assembler-language statements that perform the desired actions. For purposes of definition, an expression is the right-hand side of an equation, as in

x = 2*y + 3/(4*z)

In the early going, I'll be taking things in VERY small steps. That's so that the beginners among you won't get totally lost. There are also some very good lessons to be learned early on, that will serve us well later. For the more experienced readers: bear with me. We'll get rolling soon enough.


In keeping with the whole theme of this series (KISS, remember?), let's start with the absolutely most simple case we can think of. That, to me, is an expression consisting of a single digit.

Before starting to code, make sure you have a baseline copy of the "cradle" that I gave last time. We'll be using it again for other experiments. Then add this code:

{ Parse and Translate a Math Expression }

procedure Expression;
   EmitLn('MOVE #' + GetNum + ',D0')

And add the line "Expression;" to the main program so that it


Now run the program. Try any single-digit number as input. You should get a single line of assembler-language output. Now try any other character as input, and you'll see that the parser properly reports an error.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have just written a working translator!

OK, I grant you that it's pretty limited. But don't brush it off too lightly. This little "compiler" does, on a very limited scale, exactly what any larger compiler does: it correctly recognizes legal statements in the input "language" that we have defined for it, and it produces correct, executable assembler code, suitable for assembling into object format. Just as importantly, it correctly recognizes statements that are NOT legal, and gives a meaningful error message. Who could ask for more? As we expand our parser, we'd better make sure those two characteristics always hold true.

There are some other features of this tiny program worth mentioning. First, you can see that we don't separate code generation from parsing ... as soon as the parser knows what we want done, it generates the object code directly. In a real compiler, of course, the reads in GetChar would be from a disk file, and the writes to another disk file, but this way is much easier to deal with while we're experimenting.

Also note that an expression must leave a result somewhere. I've chosen the 68000 register DO. I could have made some other choices, but this one makes sense.


Now that we have that under our belt, let's branch out a bit. Admittedly, an "expression" consisting of only one character is not going to meet our needs for long, so let's see what we can do to extend it. Suppose we want to handle expressions of the form:

     or                  4-3
     or, in general, <term> +/- <term>

(That's a bit of Backus-Naur Form, or BNF.)

To do this we need a procedure that recognizes a term and leaves its result somewhere, and another that recognizes and distinguishes between a '+' and a '-' and generates the appropriate code. But if Expression is going to leave its result in DO, where should Term leave its result? Answer: the same place. We're going to have to save the first result of Term somewhere before we get the next one.

OK, basically what we want to do is have procedure Term do what Expression was doing before. So just RENAME procedure Expression as Term, and enter the following new version of Expression:

{ Parse and Translate an Expression }

procedure Expression;
   EmitLn('MOVE D0,D1');
   case Look of
    '+': Add;
    '-': Subtract;
   else Expected('Addop');

Next, just above Expression enter these two procedures:

{ Recognize and Translate an Add }

procedure Add;
   EmitLn('ADD D1,D0');

{ Recognize and Translate a Subtract }

procedure Subtract;
   EmitLn('SUB D1,D0');

When you're finished with that, the order of the routines should

Now run the program. Try any combination you can think of of two single digits, separated by a '+' or a '-'. You should get a series of four assembler-language instructions out of each run. Now try some expressions with deliberate errors in them. Does the parser catch the errors?

Take a look at the object code generated. There are two observations we can make. First, the code generated is NOT what we would write ourselves. The sequence

        MOVE #n,D0
        MOVE D0,D1

is inefficient. If we were writing this code by hand, we would probably just load the data directly to D1.

There is a message here: code generated by our parser is less efficient than the code we would write by hand. Get used to it. That's going to be true throughout this series. It's true of all compilers to some extent. Computer scientists have devoted whole lifetimes to the issue of code optimization, and there are indeed things that can be done to improve the quality of code output. Some compilers do quite well, but there is a heavy price to pay in complexity, and it's a losing battle anyway ... there will probably never come a time when a good assembler-language programmer can't out-program a compiler. Before this session is over, I'll briefly mention some ways that we can do a little optimization, just to show you that we can indeed improve things without too much trouble. But remember, we're here to learn, not to see how tight we can make the object code. For now, and really throughout this series of articles, we'll studiously ignore optimization and concentrate on getting out code that works.

Speaking of which: ours DOESN'T! The code is WRONG! As things are working now, the subtraction process subtracts D1 (which has the FIRST argument in it) from D0 (which has the second). That's the wrong way, so we end up with the wrong sign for the result. So let's fix up procedure Subtract with a sign-changer, so that it reads

{ Recognize and Translate a Subtract }

procedure Subtract;
   EmitLn('SUB D1,D0');
   EmitLn('NEG D0');

Now our code is even less efficient, but at least it gives the right answer! Unfortunately, the rules that give the meaning of math expressions require that the terms in an expression come out in an inconvenient order for us. Again, this is just one of those facts of life you learn to live with. This one will come back to haunt us when we get to division.

OK, at this point we have a parser that can recognize the sum or difference of two digits. Earlier, we could only recognize a single digit. But real expressions can have either form (or an infinity of others). For kicks, go back and run the program with the single input line '1'.

Didn't work, did it? And why should it? We just finished telling our parser that the only kinds of expressions that are legal are those with two terms. We must rewrite procedure Expression to be a lot more broadminded, and this is where things start to take the shape of a real parser.


In the REAL world, an expression can consist of one or more terms, separated by "addops" ('+' or '-'). In BNF, this is written

          <expression> ::= <term> [<addop> <term>]*

We can accomodate this definition of an expression with the addition of a simple loop to procedure Expression:

{ Parse and Translate an Expression }

procedure Expression;
   while Look in ['+', '-'] do begin
      EmitLn('MOVE D0,D1');
      case Look of
       '+': Add;
       '-': Subtract;
      else Expected('Addop');

NOW we're getting somewhere! This version handles any number of terms, and it only cost us two extra lines of code. As we go on, you'll discover that this is characteristic of top-down parsers ... it only takes a few lines of code to accomodate extensions to the language. That's what makes our incremental approach possible. Notice, too, how well the code of procedure Expression matches the BNF definition. That, too, is characteristic of the method. As you get proficient in the approach, you'll find that you can turn BNF into parser code just about as fast as you can type!

OK, compile the new version of our parser, and give it a try. As usual, verify that the "compiler" can handle any legal expression, and will give a meaningful error message for an illegal one. Neat, eh? You might note that in our test version, any error message comes out sort of buried in whatever code had already been generated. But remember, that's just because we are using the CRT as our "output file" for this series of experiments. In a production version, the two outputs would be separated ... one to the output file, and one to the screen.


At this point I'm going to violate my rule that we don't introduce any complexity until it's absolutely necessary, long enough to point out a problem with the code we're generating. As things stand now, the parser uses D0 for the "primary" register, and D1 as a place to store the partial sum. That works fine for now, because as long as we deal with only the "addops" '+' and '-', any new term can be added in as soon as it is found. But in general that isn't true. Consider, for example, the expression


If we put the '1' in D1, where do we put the '2'? Since a general expression can have any degree of complexity, we're going to run out of registers fast!

Fortunately, there's a simple solution. Like every modern microprocessor, the 68000 has a stack, which is the perfect place to save a variable number of items. So instead of moving the term in D0 to D1, let's just push it onto the stack. For the benefit of those unfamiliar with 68000 assembler language, a push is written -(SP) and a pop, (SP)+.

So let's change the EmitLn in Expression to read:

               EmitLn('MOVE D0,-(SP)');

and the two lines in Add and Subtract to

               EmitLn('ADD (SP)+,D0')


               EmitLn('SUB (SP)+,D0'),

respectively. Now try the parser again and make sure we haven't broken it.

Once again, the generated code is less efficient than before, but it's a necessary step, as you'll see.


Now let's get down to some REALLY serious business. As you all know, there are other math operators than "addops" ... expressions can also have multiply and divide operations. You also know that there is an implied operator PRECEDENCE, or hierarchy, associated with expressions, so that in an expression like

                    2 + 3 * 4

we know that we're supposed to multiply FIRST, then add. (See why we needed the stack?)

In the early days of compiler technology, people used some rather complex techniques to insure that the operator precedence rules were obeyed. It turns out, though, that none of this is necessary ... the rules can be accommodated quite nicely by our top-down parsing technique. Up till now, the only form that we've considered for a term is that of a single decimal digit.

More generally, we can define a term as a PRODUCT of FACTORS; i.e.,

          <term> ::= <factor>  [ <mulop> <factor ]*

What is a factor? For now, it's what a term used to be ... a single digit.

Notice the symmetry: a term has the same form as an expression. As a matter of fact, we can add to our parser with a little judicious copying and renaming. But to avoid confusion, the listing below is the complete set of parsing routines. (Note the way we handle the reversal of operands in Divide.)

{ Parse and Translate a Math Factor }

procedure Factor;
   EmitLn('MOVE #' + GetNum + ',D0')

{ Recognize and Translate a Multiply }

procedure Multiply;
   EmitLn('MULS (SP)+,D0');

{ Recognize and Translate a Divide }

procedure Divide;
   EmitLn('MOVE (SP)+,D1');
   EmitLn('DIVS D1,D0');

{ Parse and Translate a Math Term }

procedure Term;
   while Look in ['*', '/'] do begin
      EmitLn('MOVE D0,-(SP)');
      case Look of
       '*': Multiply;
       '/': Divide;
      else Expected('Mulop');

{ Recognize and Translate an Add }

procedure Add;
   EmitLn('ADD (SP)+,D0');

{ Recognize and Translate a Subtract }

procedure Subtract;
   EmitLn('SUB (SP)+,D0');
   EmitLn('NEG D0');

{ Parse and Translate an Expression }

procedure Expression;
   while Look in ['+', '-'] do begin
      EmitLn('MOVE D0,-(SP)');
      case Look of
       '+': Add;
       '-': Subtract;
      else Expected('Addop');

Hot dog! A NEARLY functional parser/translator, in only 55 lines of Pascal! The output is starting to look really useful, if you continue to overlook the inefficiency, which I hope you will. Remember, we're not trying to produce tight code here.


We can wrap up this part of the parser with the addition of parentheses with math expressions. As you know, parentheses are a mechanism to force a desired operator precedence. So, for example, in the expression


the parentheses force the addition before the multiply. Much more importantly, though, parentheses give us a mechanism for defining expressions of any degree of complexity, as in


The key to incorporating parentheses into our parser is to realize that no matter how complicated an expression enclosed by parentheses may be, to the rest of the world it looks like a simple factor. That is, one of the forms for a factor is:

          <factor> ::= (<expression>)

This is where the recursion comes in. An expression can contain a factor which contains another expression which contains a factor, etc., ad infinitum.

Complicated or not, we can take care of this by adding just a few lines of Pascal to procedure Factor:

{ Parse and Translate a Math Factor }

procedure Expression; Forward;

procedure Factor;
   if Look = '(' then begin
      EmitLn('MOVE #' + GetNum + ',D0');

Note again how easily we can extend the parser, and how well the Pascal code matches the BNF syntax.

As usual, compile the new version and make sure that it correctly parses legal sentences, and flags illegal ones with an error message.


At this point, we have a parser that can handle just about any expression, right? OK, try this input sentence:


WOOPS! It doesn't work, does it? Procedure Expression expects everything to start with an integer, so it coughs up the leading minus sign. You'll find that +3 won't work either, nor will something like


There are a couple of ways to fix the problem. The easiest (although not necessarily the best) way is to stick an imaginary leading zero in front of expressions of this type, so that -3 becomes 0-3. We can easily patch this into our existing version of Expression:

{ Parse and Translate an Expression }

procedure Expression;
   if IsAddop(Look) then
      EmitLn('CLR D0')
   while IsAddop(Look) do begin
      EmitLn('MOVE D0,-(SP)');
      case Look of
       '+': Add;
       '-': Subtract;
      else Expected('Addop');

I TOLD you that making changes was easy! This time it cost us only three new lines of Pascal. Note the new reference to function IsAddop. Since the test for an addop appeared twice, I chose to embed it in the new function. The form of IsAddop should be apparent from that for IsAlpha. Here it is:

{ Recognize an Addop }

function IsAddop(c: char): boolean;
   IsAddop := c in ['+', '-'];

OK, make these changes to the program and recompile. You should also include IsAddop in your baseline copy of the cradle. We'll be needing it again later. Now try the input -1 again. Wow! The efficiency of the code is pretty poor ... six lines of code just for loading a simple constant ... but at least it's correct. Remember, we're not trying to replace Turbo Pascal here.

At this point we're just about finished with the structure of our expression parser. This version of the program should correctly parse and compile just about any expression you care to throw at it. It's still limited in that we can only handle factors involving single decimal digits. But I hope that by now you're starting to get the message that we can accomodate further extensions with just some minor changes to the parser. You probably won't be surprised to hear that a variable or even a function call is just another kind of a factor.

In the next session, I'll show you just how easy it is to extend our parser to take care of these things too, and I'll also show you just how easily we can accomodate multicharacter numbers and variable names. So you see, we're not far at all from a truly useful parser.


Earlier in this session, I promised to give you some hints as to how we can improve the quality of the generated code. As I said, the production of tight code is not the main purpose of this series of articles. But you need to at least know that we aren't just wasting our time here ... that we can indeed modify the parser further to make it produce better code, without throwing away everything we've done to date. As usual, it turns out that SOME optimization is not that difficult to do ... it simply takes some extra code in the parser.

There are two basic approaches we can take:

There IS one more type of optimization worth mentioning, that seems to promise pretty tight code without too much hassle. It's my "invention" in the sense that I haven't seen it suggested in print anywhere, though I have no illusions that it's original with me.

This is to avoid such a heavy use of the stack, by making better use of the CPU registers. Remember back when we were doing only addition and subtraction, that we used registers D0 and D1, rather than the stack? It worked, because with only those two operations, the "stack" never needs more than two entries.

Well, the 68000 has eight data registers. Why not use them as a privately managed stack? The key is to recognize that, at any point in its processing, the parser KNOWS how many items are on the stack, so it can indeed manage it properly. We can define a private "stack pointer" that keeps track of which stack level we're at, and addresses the corresponding register. Procedure Factor, for example, would not cause data to be loaded into register D0, but into whatever the current "top-of-stack" register happened to be.

What we're doing in effect is to replace the CPU's RAM stack with a locally managed stack made up of registers. For most expressions, the stack level will never exceed eight, so we'll get pretty good code out. Of course, we also have to deal with those odd cases where the stack level DOES exceed eight, but that's no problem either. We simply let the stack spill over into the CPU stack. For levels beyond eight, the code is no worse than what we're generating now, and for levels less than eight, it's considerably better.

For the record, I have implemented this concept, just to make sure it works before I mentioned it to you. It does. In practice, it turns out that you can't really use all eight levels ... you need at least one register free to reverse the operand order for division (sure wish the 68000 had an XTHL, like the 8080!). For expressions that include function calls, we would also need a register reserved for them. Still, there is a nice improvement in code size for most expressions.

So, you see, getting better code isn't that difficult, but it does add complexity to the our translator ... complexity we can do without at this point. For that reason, I STRONGLY suggest that we continue to ignore efficiency issues for the rest of this series, secure in the knowledge that we can indeed improve the code quality without throwing away what we've done.

Next lesson, I'll show you how to deal with variables factors and function calls. I'll also show you just how easy it is to handle multicharacter tokens and embedded white space.



In the last installment, we examined the techniques used to parse and translate a general math expression. We ended up with a simple parser that could handle arbitrarily complex expressions, with two restrictions:

In this installment, we'll get rid of those restrictions. We'll also extend what we've done to include assignment statements function calls and. Remember, though, that the second restriction was mainly self-imposed ... a choice of convenience on our part, to make life easier and to let us concentrate on the fundamental concepts. As you'll see in a bit, it's an easy restriction to get rid of, so don't get too hung up about it. We'll use the trick when it serves us to do so, confident that we can discard it when we're ready to.


Most expressions that we see in practice involve variables, such as

               b * b + 4 * a * c

No parser is much good without being able to deal with them. Fortunately, it's also quite easy to do.

Remember that in our parser as it currently stands, there are two kinds of factors allowed: integer constants and expressions within parentheses. In BNF notation,

 <factor> ::= <number> | (<expression>)

The '|' stands for "or", meaning of course that either form is a legal form for a factor. Remember, too, that we had no trouble knowing which was which ... the lookahead character is a left paren '(' in one case, and a digit in the other.

It probably won't come as too much of a surprise that a variable is just another kind of factor. So we extend the BNF above to read:

     <factor> ::= <number> | (<expression>) | <variable>

Again, there is no ambiguity: if the lookahead character is a letter, we have a variable; if a digit, we have a number. Back when we translated the number, we just issued code to load the number, as immediate data, into D0. Now we do the same, only we load a variable.

A minor complication in the code generation arises from the fact that most 68000 operating systems, including the SK*DOS that I'm using, require the code to be written in "position-independent" form, which basically means that everything is PC-relative. The format for a load in this language is

               MOVE X(PC),D0

where X is, of course, the variable name. Armed with that, let's modify the current version of Factor to read:

{ Parse and Translate a Math Factor }

procedure Expression; Forward;

procedure Factor;
   if Look = '(' then begin
   else if IsAlpha(Look) then
      EmitLn('MOVE ' + GetName + '(PC),D0')
      EmitLn('MOVE #' + GetNum + ',D0');

I've remarked before how easy it is to add extensions to the parser, because of the way it's structured. You can see that this still holds true here. This time it cost us all of two extra lines of code. Notice, too, how the if-else-else structure exactly parallels the BNF syntax equation.

OK, compile and test this new version of the parser. That didn't hurt too badly, did it?


There is only one other common kind of factor supported by most languages: the function call. It's really too early for us to deal with functions well, because we haven't yet addressed the issue of parameter passing. What's more, a "real" language would include a mechanism to support more than one type, one of which should be a function type. We haven't gotten there yet, either. But I'd still like to deal with functions now for a couple of reasons. First, it lets us finally wrap up the parser in something very close to its final form, and second, it brings up a new issue which is very much worth talking about.

Up till now, we've been able to write what is called a "predictive parser." That means that at any point, we can know by looking at the current lookahead character exactly what to do next. That isn't the case when we add functions. Every language has some naming rules for what constitutes a legal identifier. For the present, ours is simply that it is one of the letters 'a'..'z'. The problem is that a variable name and a function name obey the same rules. So how can we tell which is which? One way is to require that they each be declared before they are used. Pascal takes that approach. The other is that we might require a function to be followed by a (possibly empty) parameter list. That's the rule used in C.

Since we don't yet have a mechanism for declaring types, let's use the C rule for now. Since we also don't have a mechanism to deal with parameters, we can only handle empty lists, so our function calls will have the form


Since we're not dealing with parameter lists yet, there is nothing to do but to call the function, so we need only to issue a BSR (call) instead of a MOVE.

Now that there are two possibilities for the "If IsAlpha" branch of the test in Factor, let's treat them in a separate procedure. Modify Factor to read:

{ Parse and Translate a Math Factor }

procedure Expression; Forward;

procedure Factor;
   if Look = '(' then begin
   else if IsAlpha(Look) then
      EmitLn('MOVE #' + GetNum + ',D0');

and insert before it the new procedure

{ Parse and Translate an Identifier }

procedure Ident;
var Name: char;
   Name := GetName;
   if Look = '(' then begin
      EmitLn('BSR ' + Name);
      EmitLn('MOVE ' + Name + '(PC),D0')

OK, compile and test this version. Does it parse all legal expressions? Does it correctly flag badly formed ones?

The important thing to notice is that even though we no longer have a predictive parser, there is little or no complication added with the recursive descent approach that we're using. At the point where Factor finds an identifier (letter), it doesn't know whether it's a variable name or a function name, nor does it really care. It simply passes it on to Ident and leaves it up to that procedure to figure it out. Ident, in turn, simply tucks away the identifier and then reads one more character to decide which kind of identifier it's dealing with.

Keep this approach in mind. It's a very powerful concept, and it should be used whenever you encounter an ambiguous situation requiring further lookahead. Even if you had to look several tokens ahead, the principle would still work.


As long as we're talking philosophy, there's another important issue to point out: error handling. Notice that although the parser correctly rejects (almost) every malformed expression we can throw at it, with a meaningful error message, we haven't really had to do much work to make that happen. In fact, in the whole parser per se (from Ident through Expression) there are only two calls to the error routine, Expected. Even those aren't necessary ... if you'll look again in Term and Expression, you'll see that those statements can't be reached. I put them in early on as a bit of insurance, but they're no longer needed. Why don't you delete them now?

So how did we get this nice error handling virtually for free? It's simply that I've carefully avoided reading a character directly using GetChar. Instead, I've relied on the error handling in GetName, GetNum, and Match to do all the error checking for me. Astute readers will notice that some of the calls to Match (for example, the ones in Add and Subtract) are also unnecessary ... we already know what the character is by the time we get there ... but it maintains a certain symmetry to leave them in, and the general rule to always use Match instead of GetChar is a good one.

I mentioned an "almost" above. There is a case where our error handling leaves a bit to be desired. So far we haven't told our parser what and end-of-line looks like, or what to do with embedded white space. So a space character (or any other character not part of the recognized character set) simply causes the parser to terminate, ignoring the unrecognized characters.

It could be argued that this is reasonable behavior at this point. In a "real" compiler, there is usually another statement following the one we're working on, so any characters not treated as part of our expression will either be used for or rejected as part of the next one.

But it's also a very easy thing to fix up, even if it's only temporary. All we have to do is assert that the expression should end with an end-of-line , i.e., a carriage return.

To see what I'm talking about, try the input line

1+2 3+4

See how the space was treated as a terminator? Now, to make the compiler properly flag this, add the line

if Look <> CR then Expected('Newline');

in the main program, just after the call to Expression. That catches anything left over in the input stream. Don't forget to define CR in the const statement:

CR = ^M;

As usual, recompile the program and verify that it does what it's supposed to.


OK, at this point we have a parser that works very nicely. I'd like to point out that we got it using only 88 lines of executable code, not counting what was in the cradle. The compiled object file is a whopping 4752 bytes. Not bad, considering we weren't trying very hard to save either source code or object size. We just stuck to the KISS principle.

Of course, parsing an expression is not much good without having something to do with it afterwards. Expressions USUALLY (but not always) appear in assignment statements, in the form


We're only a breath away from being able to parse an assignment statement, so let's take that last step. Just after procedure Expression, add the following new procedure:

{ Parse and Translate an Assignment Statement }

procedure Assignment;
var Name: char;
   Name := GetName;
   EmitLn('LEA ' + Name + '(PC),A0');
   EmitLn('MOVE D0,(A0)')

Note again that the code exactly parallels the BNF. And notice further that the error checking was painless, handled by GetName and Match.

The reason for the two lines of assembler has to do with a peculiarity in the 68000, which requires this kind of construct for PC-relative code.

Now change the call to Expression, in the main program, to one to Assignment. That's all there is to it.

Son of a gun! We are actually compiling assignment statements. If those were the only kind of statements in a language, all we'd have to do is put this in a loop and we'd have a full-fledged compiler!

Well, of course they're not the only kind. There are also little items like control statements (IFs and loops), procedures, declarations, etc. But cheer up. The arithmetic expressions that we've been dealing with are among the most challenging in a language. Compared to what we've already done, control statements will be easy. I'll be covering them in the fifth installment. And the other statements will all fall in line, as long as we remember to KISS.


Throughout this series, I've been carefully restricting everything we do to single-character tokens, all the while assuring you that it wouldn't be difficult to extend to multi- character ones. I don't know if you believed me or not ... I wouldn't really blame you if you were a bit skeptical. I'll continue to use that approach in the sessions which follow, because it helps keep complexity away. But I'd like to back up those assurances, and wrap up this portion of the parser, by showing you just how easy that extension really is. In the process, we'll also provide for embedded white space. Before you make the next few changes, though, save the current version of the parser away under another name. I have some more uses for it in the next installment, and we'll be working with the single- character version.

Most compilers separate out the handling of the input stream into a separate module called the lexical scanner. The idea is that the scanner deals with all the character-by-character input, and returns the separate units (tokens) of the stream. There may come a time when we'll want to do something like that, too, but for now there is no need. We can handle the multi-character tokens that we need by very slight and very local modifications to GetName and GetNum.

The usual definition of an identifier is that the first character must be a letter, but the rest can be alphanumeric (letters or numbers). To deal with this, we need one other recognizer function

{ Recognize an Alphanumeric }

function IsAlNum(c: char): boolean;
   IsAlNum := IsAlpha(c) or IsDigit(c);

Add this function to your parser. I put mine just after IsDigit. While you're at it, might as well include it as a permanent member of Cradle, too.

Now, we need to modify function GetName to return a string instead of a character:

{ Get an Identifier }

function GetName: string;
var Token: string;
   Token := '';
   if not IsAlpha(Look) then Expected('Name');
   while IsAlNum(Look) do begin
      Token := Token + UpCase(Look);
   GetName := Token;

Similarly, modify GetNum to read:

{ Get a Number }

function GetNum: string;
var Value: string;
   Value := '';
   if not IsDigit(Look) then Expected('Integer');
   while IsDigit(Look) do begin
      Value := Value + Look;
   GetNum := Value;

Amazingly enough, that is virtually all the changes required to the parser! The local variable Name in procedures Ident and Assignment was originally declared as "char", and must now be declared string[8]. (Clearly, we could make the string length longer if we chose, but most assemblers limit the length anyhow.) Make this change, and then recompile and test. NOW do you believe that it's a simple change?


Before we leave this parser for awhile, let's address the issue of white space. As it stands now, the parser will barf (or simply terminate) on a single space character embedded anywhere in the input stream. That's pretty unfriendly behavior. So let's "productionize" the thing a bit by eliminating this last restriction.

The key to easy handling of white space is to come up with a simple rule for how the parser should treat the input stream, and to enforce that rule everywhere. Up till now, because white space wasn't permitted, we've been able to assume that after each parsing action, the lookahead character Look contains the next meaningful character, so we could test it immediately. Our design was based upon this principle.

It still sounds like a good rule to me, so that's the one we'll use. This means that every routine that advances the input stream must skip over white space, and leave the next non-white character in Look. Fortunately, because we've been careful to use GetName, GetNum, and Match for most of our input processing, it is only those three routines (plus Init) that we need to modify.

Not surprisingly, we start with yet another new recognizer routine:

{ Recognize White Space }

function IsWhite(c: char): boolean;
   IsWhite := c in [' ', TAB];

We also need a routine that will eat white-space characters, until it finds a non-white one:

{ Skip Over Leading White Space }

procedure SkipWhite;
   while IsWhite(Look) do

Now, add calls to SkipWhite to Match, GetName, and GetNum as shown below:

{ Match a Specific Input Character }

procedure Match(x: char);
   if Look <> x then Expected('''' + x + '''')
   else begin

{ Get an Identifier }

function GetName: string;
var Token: string;
   Token := '';
   if not IsAlpha(Look) then Expected('Name');
   while IsAlNum(Look) do begin
      Token := Token + UpCase(Look);
   GetName := Token;

{ Get a Number }

function GetNum: string;
var Value: string;
   Value := '';
   if not IsDigit(Look) then Expected('Integer');
   while IsDigit(Look) do begin
      Value := Value + Look;
   GetNum := Value;

(Note that I rearranged Match a bit, without changing the functionality.)

Finally, we need to skip over leading blanks where we "prime the pump" in Init:

{ Initialize }

procedure Init;

Make these changes and recompile the program. You will find that you will have to move Match below SkipWhite, to avoid an error message from the Pascal compiler. Test the program as always to make sure it works properly.

Since we've made quite a few changes during this session, I'm reproducing the entire parser below:

program parse;

{ Constant Declarations }

const TAB = ^I;
       CR = ^M;

{ Variable Declarations }

var Look: char;              { Lookahead Character }

{ Read New Character From Input Stream }

procedure GetChar;

{ Report an Error }

procedure Error(s: string);
   WriteLn(^G, 'Error: ', s, '.');

{ Report Error and Halt }
procedure Abort(s: string);

{ Report What Was Expected }

procedure Expected(s: string);
   Abort(s + ' Expected');

{ Recognize an Alpha Character }

function IsAlpha(c: char): boolean;
   IsAlpha := UpCase(c) in ['A'..'Z'];

{ Recognize a Decimal Digit }

function IsDigit(c: char): boolean;
   IsDigit := c in ['0'..'9'];

{ Recognize an Alphanumeric }

function IsAlNum(c: char): boolean;
   IsAlNum := IsAlpha(c) or IsDigit(c);

{ Recognize an Addop }

function IsAddop(c: char): boolean;
   IsAddop := c in ['+', '-'];

{ Recognize White Space }
function IsWhite(c: char): boolean;
   IsWhite := c in [' ', TAB];

{ Skip Over Leading White Space }

procedure SkipWhite;
   while IsWhite(Look) do

{ Match a Specific Input Character }

procedure Match(x: char);
   if Look <> x then Expected('''' + x + '''')
   else begin

{ Get an Identifier }

function GetName: string;
var Token: string;
   Token := '';
   if not IsAlpha(Look) then Expected('Name');
   while IsAlNum(Look) do begin
      Token := Token + UpCase(Look);
   GetName := Token;

{ Get a Number }

function GetNum: string;
var Value: string;
   Value := '';
   if not IsDigit(Look) then Expected('Integer');
   while IsDigit(Look) do begin
      Value := Value + Look;
   GetNum := Value;

{ Output a String with Tab }

procedure Emit(s: string);
   Write(TAB, s);

{ Output a String with Tab and CRLF }

procedure EmitLn(s: string);

{ Parse and Translate a Identifier }

procedure Ident;
var Name: string[8];
   Name:= GetName;
   if Look = '(' then begin
      EmitLn('BSR ' + Name);
      EmitLn('MOVE ' + Name + '(PC),D0');

{ Parse and Translate a Math Factor }

procedure Expression; Forward;

procedure Factor;
   if Look = '(' then begin
   else if IsAlpha(Look) then
      EmitLn('MOVE #' + GetNum + ',D0');

{ Recognize and Translate a Multiply }

procedure Multiply;
   EmitLn('MULS (SP)+,D0');

{ Recognize and Translate a Divide }

procedure Divide;
   EmitLn('MOVE (SP)+,D1');
   EmitLn('EXS.L D0');
   EmitLn('DIVS D1,D0');

{ Parse and Translate a Math Term }

procedure Term;
   while Look in ['*', '/'] do begin
      EmitLn('MOVE D0,-(SP)');
      case Look of
       '*': Multiply;
       '/': Divide;

{ Recognize and Translate an Add }

procedure Add;
   EmitLn('ADD (SP)+,D0');

{ Recognize and Translate a Subtract }

procedure Subtract;
   EmitLn('SUB (SP)+,D0');
   EmitLn('NEG D0');

{ Parse and Translate an Expression }

procedure Expression;
   if IsAddop(Look) then
      EmitLn('CLR D0')
   while IsAddop(Look) do begin
      EmitLn('MOVE D0,-(SP)');
      case Look of
       '+': Add;
       '-': Subtract;

{ Parse and Translate an Assignment Statement }

procedure Assignment;
var Name: string[8];
   Name := GetName;
   EmitLn('LEA ' + Name + '(PC),A0');
   EmitLn('MOVE D0,(A0)')

{ Initialize }
procedure Init;

{ Main Program }

   If Look <> CR then Expected('NewLine');

Now the parser is complete. It's got every feature we can put in a one-line "compiler." Tuck it away in a safe place. Next time we'll move on to a new subject, but we'll still be talking about expressions for quite awhile. Next installment, I plan to talk a bit about interpreters as opposed to compilers, and show you how the structure of the parser changes a bit as we change what sort of action has to be taken. The information we pick up there will serve us in good stead later on, even if you have no interest in interpreters. See you next time.



In the first three installments of this series, we've looked at parsing and compiling math expressions, and worked our way gradually and methodically from dealing with very simple one-term, one-character "expressions" up through more general ones, finally arriving at a very complete parser that could parse and translate complete assignment statements, with multi-character tokens, embedded white space, and function calls. This time, I'm going to walk you through the process one more time, only with the goal of interpreting rather than compiling object code.

Since this is a series on compilers, why should we bother with interpreters? Simply because I want you to see how the nature of the parser changes as we change the goals. I also want to unify the concepts of the two types of translators, so that you can see not only the differences, but also the similarities.

Consider the assignment statement

           x = 2 * y + 3

In a compiler, we want the target CPU to execute this assignment at EXECUTION time. The translator itself doesn't do any arithmetic ... it only issues the object code that will cause the CPU to do it when the code is executed. For the example above, the compiler would issue code to compute the expression and store the results in variable x.

For an interpreter, on the other hand, no object code is generated. Instead, the arithmetic is computed immediately, as the parsing is going on. For the example, by the time parsing of the statement is complete, x will have a new value.

The approach we've been taking in this whole series is called "syntax-driven translation." As you are aware by now, the structure of the parser is very closely tied to the syntax of the productions we parse. We have built Pascal procedures that recognize every language construct. Associated with each of these constructs (and procedures) is a corresponding "action," which does whatever makes sense to do once a construct has been recognized. In our compiler so far, every action involves emitting object code, to be executed later at execution time. In an interpreter, every action involves something to be done immediately.

What I'd like you to see here is that the layout ... the structure ... of the parser doesn't change. It's only the actions that change. So if you can write an interpreter for a given language, you can also write a compiler, and vice versa. Yet, as you will see, there ARE differences, and significant ones. Because the actions are different, the procedures that do the recognizing end up being written differently. Specifically, in the interpreter the recognizing procedures end up being coded as FUNCTIONS that return numeric values to their callers. None of the parsing routines for our compiler did that.

Our compiler, in fact, is what we might call a "pure" compiler. Each time a construct is recognized, the object code is emitted IMMEDIATELY. (That's one reason the code is not very efficient.) The interpreter we'll be building here is a pure interpreter, in the sense that there is no translation, such as "tokenizing," performed on the source code. These represent the two extremes of translation. In the real world, translators are rarely so pure, but tend to have bits of each technique.

I can think of several examples. I've already mentioned one: most interpreters, such as Microsoft BASIC, for example, translate the source code (tokenize it) into an intermediate form so that it'll be easier to parse real time.

Another example is an assembler. The purpose of an assembler, of course, is to produce object code, and it normally does that on a one-to-one basis: one object instruction per line of source code. But almost every assembler also permits expressions as arguments. In this case, the expressions are always constant expressions, and so the assembler isn't supposed to issue object code for them. Rather, it "interprets" the expressions and computes the corresponding constant result, which is what it actually emits as object code.

As a matter of fact, we could use a bit of that ourselves. The translator we built in the previous installment will dutifully spit out object code for complicated expressions, even though every term in the expression is a constant. In that case it would be far better if the translator behaved a bit more like an interpreter, and just computed the equivalent constant result.

There is a concept in compiler theory called "lazy" translation. The idea is that you typically don't just emit code at every action. In fact, at the extreme you don't emit anything at all, until you absolutely have to. To accomplish this, the actions associated with the parsing routines typically don't just emit code. Sometimes they do, but often they simply return information back to the caller. Armed with such information, the caller can then make a better choice of what to do.

For example, given the statement

           x = x + 3 - 2 - (5 - 4)

our compiler will dutifully spit out a stream of 18 instructions to load each parameter into registers, perform the arithmetic, and store the result. A lazier evaluation would recognize that the arithmetic involving constants can be evaluated at compile time, and would reduce the expression to

           x = x + 0 

An even lazier evaluation would then be smart enough to figure out that this is equivalent to

           x = x 

which calls for no action at all. We could reduce 18 instructions to zero!

Note that there is no chance of optimizing this way in our translator as it stands, because every action takes place immediately.

Lazy expression evaluation can produce significantly better object code than we have been able to so far. I warn you, though: it complicates the parser code considerably, because each routine now has to make decisions as to whether to emit object code or not. Lazy evaluation is certainly not named that because it's easier on the compiler writer!

Since we're operating mainly on the KISS principle here, I won't go into much more depth on this subject. I just want you to be aware that you can get some code optimization by combining the techniques of compiling and interpreting. In particular, you should know that the parsing routines in a smarter translator will generally return things to their caller, and sometimes expect things as well. That's the main reason for going over interpretation in this installment.


OK, now that you know WHY we're going into all this, let's do it. Just to give you practice, we're going to start over with a bare cradle and build up the translator all over again. This time, of course, we can go a bit faster.

Since we're now going to do arithmetic, the first thing we need to do is to change function GetNum, which up till now has always returned a character (or string). Now, it's better for it to return an integer. MAKE A COPY of the cradle (for goodness's sake, don't change the version in Cradle itself!!) and modify GetNum as follows:

{ Get a Number }

function GetNum: integer;
   if not IsDigit(Look) then Expected('Integer');
   GetNum := Ord(Look) - Ord('0');

Now, write the following version of Expression:

{ Parse and Translate an Expression }

function Expression: integer;
   Expression := GetNum;

Finally, insert the statement


at the end of the main program. Now compile and test.

All this program does is to "parse" and translate a single integer "expression." As always, you should make sure that it does that with the digits 0..9, and gives an error message for anything else. Shouldn't take you very long!

OK, now let's extend this to include addops. Change Expression to read:

{ Parse and Translate an Expression }

function Expression: integer;
var Value: integer;
   if IsAddop(Look) then
      Value := 0
      Value := GetNum;
   while IsAddop(Look) do begin
      case Look of
       '+': begin
               Value := Value + GetNum;
       '-': begin
               Value := Value - GetNum;
   Expression := Value;

The structure of Expression, of course, parallels what we did before, so we shouldn't have too much trouble debugging it. There's been a SIGNIFICANT development, though, hasn't there? Procedures Add and Subtract went away! The reason is that the action to be taken requires BOTH arguments of the operation. I could have chosen to retain the procedures and pass into them the value of the expression to date, which is Value. But it seemed cleaner to me to keep Value as strictly a local variable, which meant that the code for Add and Subtract had to be moved in line. This result suggests that, while the structure we had developed was nice and clean for our simple-minded translation scheme, it probably wouldn't do for use with lazy evaluation. That's a little tidbit we'll probably want to keep in mind for later.

OK, did the translator work? Then let's take the next step. It's not hard to figure out what procedure Term should now look like. Change every call to GetNum in function Expression to a call to Term, and then enter the following form for Term:

{ Parse and Translate a Math Term }

function Term: integer;
var Value: integer;
   Value := GetNum;
   while Look in ['*', '/'] do begin
      case Look of
       '*': begin
               Value := Value * GetNum;
       '/': begin
               Value := Value div GetNum;
   Term := Value;

Now, try it out. Don't forget two things: first, we're dealing with integer division, so, for example, 1/3 should come out zero. Second, even though we can output multi-digit results, our input is still restricted to single digits.

That seems like a silly restriction at this point, since we have already seen how easily function GetNum can be extended. So let's go ahead and fix it right now. The new version is

{ Get a Number }

function GetNum: integer;
var Value: integer;
   Value := 0;
   if not IsDigit(Look) then Expected('Integer');
   while IsDigit(Look) do begin
      Value := 10 * Value + Ord(Look) - Ord('0');
   GetNum := Value;

If you've compiled and tested this version of the interpreter, the next step is to install function Factor, complete with parenthesized expressions. We'll hold off a bit longer on the variable names. First, change the references to GetNum, in function Term, so that they call Factor instead. Now code the following version of Factor:

{ Parse and Translate a Math Factor }

function Expression: integer; Forward;

function Factor: integer;
   if Look = '(' then begin
      Factor := Expression;
       Factor := GetNum;

That was pretty easy, huh? We're rapidly closing in on a useful interpreter.


Before going any further, there's something I'd like to call to your attention. It's a concept that we've been making use of in all these sessions, but I haven't explicitly mentioned it up till now. I think it's time, because it's a concept so useful, and so powerful, that it makes all the difference between a parser that's trivially easy, and one that's too complex to deal with.

In the early days of compiler technology, people had a terrible time figuring out how to deal with things like operator precedence ... the way that multiply and divide operators take precedence over add and subtract, etc. I remember a colleague of some thirty years ago, and how excited he was to find out how to do it. The technique used involved building two stacks, upon which you pushed each operator or operand. Associated with each operator was a precedence level, and the rules required that you only actually performed an operation ("reducing" the stack) if the precedence level showing on top of the stack was correct. To make life more interesting, an operator like ')' had different precedence levels, depending upon whether or not it was already on the stack. You had to give it one value before you put it on the stack, and another to decide when to take it off. Just for the experience, I worked all of this out for myself a few years ago, and I can tell you that it's very tricky.

We haven't had to do anything like that. In fact, by now the parsing of an arithmetic statement should seem like child's play. How did we get so lucky? And where did the precedence stacks go?

A similar thing is going on in our interpreter above. You just KNOW that in order for it to do the computation of arithmetic statements (as opposed to the parsing of them), there have to be numbers pushed onto a stack somewhere. But where is the stack?

Finally, in compiler textbooks, there are a number of places where stacks and other structures are discussed. In the other leading parsing method (LR), an explicit stack is used. In fact, the technique is very much like the old way of doing arithmetic expressions. Another concept is that of a parse tree. Authors like to draw diagrams of the tokens in a statement, connected into a tree with operators at the internal nodes. Again, where are the trees and stacks in our technique? We haven't seen any. The answer in all cases is that the structures are implicit, not explicit. In any computer language, there is a stack involved every time you call a subroutine. Whenever a subroutine is called, the return address is pushed onto the CPU stack. At the end of the subroutine, the address is popped back off and control is transferred there. In a recursive language such as Pascal, there can also be local data pushed onto the stack, and it, too, returns when it's needed.

For example, function Expression contains a local parameter called Value, which it fills by a call to Term. Suppose, in its next call to Term for the second argument, that Term calls Factor, which recursively calls Expression again. That "instance" of Expression gets another value for its copy of Value. What happens to the first Value? Answer: it's still on the stack, and will be there again when we return from our call sequence.

In other words, the reason things look so simple is that we've been making maximum use of the resources of the language. The hierarchy levels and the parse trees are there, all right, but they're hidden within the structure of the parser, and they're taken care of by the order with which the various procedures are called. Now that you've seen how we do it, it's probably hard to imagine doing it any other way. But I can tell you that it took a lot of years for compiler writers to get that smart. The early compilers were too complex too imagine. Funny how things get easier with a little practice.

The reason I've brought all this up is as both a lesson and a warning. The lesson: things can be easy when you do them right. The warning: take a look at what you're doing. If, as you branch out on your own, you begin to find a real need for a separate stack or tree structure, it may be time to ask yourself if you're looking at things the right way. Maybe you just aren't using the facilities of the language as well as you could be.

The next step is to add variable names. Now, though, we have a slight problem. For the compiler, we had no problem in dealing with variable names ... we just issued the names to the assembler and let the rest of the program take care of allocating storage for them. Here, on the other hand, we need to be able to fetch the values of the variables and return them as the return values of Factor. We need a storage mechanism for these variables.

Back in the early days of personal computing, Tiny BASIC lived. It had a grand total of 26 possible variables: one for each letter of the alphabet. This fits nicely with our concept of single-character tokens, so we'll try the same trick. In the beginning of your interpreter, just after the declaration of variable Look, insert the line:

           Table: Array['A'..'Z'] of integer;

We also need to initialize the array, so add this procedure:

{ Initialize the Variable Area }

procedure InitTable;
var i: char;
   for i := 'A' to 'Z' do
      Table[i] := 0;

You must also insert a call to InitTable, in procedure Init. DON'T FORGET to do that, or the results may surprise you!

Now that we have an array of variables, we can modify Factor to use it. Since we don't have a way (so far) to set the variables, Factor will always return zero values for them, but let's go ahead and extend it anyway. Here's the new version:

{ Parse and Translate a Math Factor }

function Expression: integer; Forward;

function Factor: integer;
   if Look = '(' then begin
      Factor := Expression;
   else if IsAlpha(Look) then
      Factor := Table[GetName]
       Factor := GetNum;

As always, compile and test this version of the program. Even though all the variables are now zeros, at least we can correctly parse the complete expressions, as well as catch any badly formed expressions.

I suppose you realize the next step: we need to do an assignment statement so we can put something INTO the variables. For now, let's stick to one-liners, though we will soon be handling multiple statements.

The assignment statement parallels what we did before:

{ Parse and Translate an Assignment Statement }
procedure Assignment;
var Name: char;
   Name := GetName;
   Table[Name] := Expression;

To test this, I added a temporary write statement in the main program, to print out the value of A. Then I tested it with various assignments to it.

Of course, an interpretive language that can only accept a single line of program is not of much value. So we're going to want to handle multiple statements. This merely means putting a loop around the call to Assignment. So let's do that now. But what should be the loop exit criterion? Glad you asked, because it brings up a point we've been able to ignore up till now.

One of the most tricky things to handle in any translator is to determine when to bail out of a given construct and go look for something else. This hasn't been a problem for us so far because we've only allowed for a single kind of construct ... either an expression or an assignment statement. When we start adding loops and different kinds of statements, you'll find that we have to be very careful that things terminate properly. If we put our interpreter in a loop, we need a way to quit. Terminating on a newline is no good, because that's what sends us back for another line. We could always let an unrecognized character take us out, but that would cause every run to end in an error message, which certainly seems uncool.

What we need is a termination character. I vote for Pascal's ending period ('.'). A minor complication is that Turbo ends every normal line with TWO characters, the carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF). At the end of each line, we need to eat these characters before processing the next one. A natural way to do this would be with procedure Match, except that Match's error message prints the character, which of course for the CR and/or LF won't look so great. What we need is a special procedure for this, which we'll no doubt be using over and over. Here it is:

{ Recognize and Skip Over a Newline }

procedure NewLine;
   if Look = CR then begin
      if Look = LF then

Insert this procedure at any convenient spot ... I put mine just
after Match. Now, rewrite the main program to look like this:

{ Main Program }

   until Look = '.';

Note that the test for a CR is now gone, and that there are also no error tests within NewLine itself. That's OK, though ... whatever is left over in terms of bogus characters will be caught at the beginning of the next assignment statement.

Well, we now have a functioning interpreter. It doesn't do us a lot of good, however, since we have no way to read data in or write it out. Sure would help to have some I/O!

Let's wrap this session up, then, by adding the I/O routines. Since we're sticking to single-character tokens, I'll use '?' to stand for a read statement, and '!' for a write, with the character immediately following them to be used as a one-token "parameter list." Here are the routines:

{ Input Routine }

procedure Input;

{ Output Routine }

procedure Output;

They aren't very fancy, I admit ... no prompt character on input, for example ... but they get the job done.

The corresponding changes in the main program are shown below. Note that we use the usual trick of a case statement based upon the current lookahead character, to decide what to do.

{ Main Program }

      case Look of
       '?': Input;
       '!': Output;
       else Assignment;
   until Look = '.';

You have now completed a real, working interpreter. It's pretty sparse, but it works just like the "big boys." It includes three kinds of program statements (and can tell the difference!), 26 variables, and I/O statements. The only things that it lacks, really, are control statements, subroutines, and some kind of program editing function. The program editing part, I'm going to pass on. After all, we're not here to build a product, but to learn things. The control statements, we'll cover in the next installment, and the subroutines soon after. I'm anxious to get on with that, so we'll leave the interpreter as it stands.

I hope that by now you're convinced that the limitation of single-character names and the processing of white space are easily taken care of, as we did in the last session. This time, if you'd like to play around with these extensions, be my guest ... they're "left as an exercise for the student." See you next time.













Tags: language   reading   language development  

Last modified 22 January 2025