Ecstasy is a new, general-purpose, programming language, designed for modern cloud architectures, and explicitly for the serverless cloud. Actually, to be completely honest, it's the most amazing programming language ever. No, really, it's that awesome.
The Ecstasy project includes a development kit (XDK) that is produced out of this repository, a programming language specification, a core set of runtime modules (libraries), a portable, type-safe, and verifiable Intermediate Representation (IR), a proof-of-concept runtime (with an adaptive LLVM-based optimizing compiler in development), and a tool-chain with both Java and Ecstasy implementations being actively developed.
The Ecstasy language supports first class modules, including versioning and conditionality; first class functions, including currying and partial application; type-safe object orientation, including support for auto-narrowing types, type-safe covariance, mixins, and duck-typed interfaces; complete type inference; first class immutable types; first class asynchronous services, including both automatic async/await-style and promises-based (@Future) programming models; and first class software containers, including resource injection and transitively-closed, immutable type systems. And much, much more.
module HelloWorld
void run()
@Inject Console console;
console.println("Hello World!");
module FizzBuzz
void run()
@Inject Console console;
for (Int x : 1..100)
console.println(switch (x % 3, x % 5)
case (0, 0): "FizzBuzz";
case (0, _): "Fizz";
case (_, 0): "Buzz";
case (_, _): x.toString();
module Example1
@Inject Console console;
void run()
console.println("Hello world!");
@Inject ecstasy.Timer timer;
@Inject FileStore storage;
console.println($"root={storage.root} capacity={storage.capacity}");
@Inject Clock clock;
console.println($"Elapsed {timer.elapsed.milliseconds} ms");
module Example3
const Person(String name, Int age);
interface AgeAware
Int age;
mixin AverageAgeCalculator
into Array<AgeAware>
Int average()
Int sum = 0;
for (AgeAware el : this)
sum += el.age;
return size == 0 ? 0 : sum/size;
interface Extract<Element>
List insertAll(Int index, Iterable<Element> values);
void run()
@Inject Console console;
// for exactly the same reason (Iterator is a producer now) the two below don't compile
// Extract<AgeAware> array = new Array<Person>();
// val calc = new @AverageAgeCalculator Array<Person>();
val calc = new @AverageAgeCalculator Array<AgeAware>();
calc += new Person("Bob", 31);
calc += new Person("Sue", 25);
XTC Virtual Machine?
// fundamentals
+NOP ; traditional no-op (i.e. it does nothing)
+LINE_1 ; advance source code line counter by 1 line
+LINE_2 ; advance source code line counter by 2 line
+LINE_3 ; advance source code line counter by 3 line
+LINE_N #lines ; advance source code line counter by n lines
+ENTER ; variable scope begin
+EXIT ; variable scope end
+GUARD #handlers:(TYPE, STRING, addr) ; try { (+ catch type, var name, handler address) (implicit ENTER)
+GUARD_E addr ; } ... // ("E"=) end guarded block with a jump (implicit EXIT)
+CATCH ; begin an exception handler (implicit ENTER and VAR_IN for exception)
+CATCH_E addr ; ("E"=) end an exception handler with a jump (implicit EXIT)
+GUARDALL addr ; try { (+ "finally" address (implicit ENTER, also intercepts boundary-crossing-jumps and returns)
+FINALLY ; begin a "finally" handler (implicit EXIT/ENTER and VAR_I of type "Exception?")
+FINALLY_E ; ("E"=) end a "finally" handler (implicit EXIT)
+THROW rvalue ; raise exception
// function calls
// rvalue-fn, rvalue-param and lvalue-return support "local property" mode
// return values can specify the "next register" to allocate
// - first digit is # params: 0, 1, n, or "t"=tuple
// - second digit is # returns: 0, 1, n, or "t"=tuple
+CALL_00 rvalue-fn
+CALL_01 rvalue-fn, lvalue-return
+CALL_0N rvalue-fn, #:(lvalue)
+CALL_0T rvalue-fn, lvalue-treturn
+CALL_10 rvalue-fn, rvalue-param
+CALL_11 rvalue-fn, rvalue-param, lvalue-return
+CALL_1N rvalue-fn, rvalue-param, #:(lvalue)
+CALL_1T rvalue-fn, rvalue-param, lvalue-treturn
+CALL_N0 rvalue-fn, #:(rvalue)
+CALL_N1 rvalue-fn, #:(rvalue), lvalue-return
+CALL_NN rvalue-fn, #:(rvalue), #:(lvalue)
+CALL_NT rvalue-fn, #:(rvalue), lvalue-treturn
+CALL_T0 rvalue-fn, rvalue-tparams
+CALL_T1 rvalue-fn, rvalue-tparams, lvalue-return
+CALL_TN rvalue-fn, rvalue-tparams, #:(lvalue)
+CALL_TT rvalue-fn, rvalue-tparams, lvalue-treturn
// method calls ("NVOK"=invoke)
// REVIEW rvalue-target should not support lprops
// lvalue-param and lvalue-return support "local property" mode
// return values can specify the "next register" to allocate
// - first digit is # params: 0, 1, n, or tuple
// - second digit is # returns: 0, 1, n, or tuple
+NVOK_00 rvalue-target, METHOD
+NVOK_01 rvalue-target, METHOD, lvalue-return
+NVOK_0N rvalue-target, METHOD, #:(lvalue)
+NVOK_0T rvalue-target, METHOD, lvalue-treturn
+NVOK_10 rvalue-target, METHOD, rvalue-param
+NVOK_11 rvalue-target, METHOD, rvalue-param, lvalue-return
+NVOK_1N rvalue-target, METHOD, rvalue-param, #returns:(lvalue)
+NVOK_1T rvalue-target, METHOD, rvalue-param, lvalue-treturn
+NVOK_N0 rvalue-target, METHOD, #:(rvalue)
+NVOK_N1 rvalue-target, METHOD, #:(rvalue), lvalue-return
+NVOK_NN rvalue-target, METHOD, #:(rvalue), #:(lvalue)
+NVOK_NT rvalue-target, METHOD, #:(rvalue), lvalue-treturn
+NVOK_T0 rvalue-target, METHOD, rvalue-tparams
+NVOK_T1 rvalue-target, METHOD, rvalue-tparams, lvalue-return
+NVOK_TN rvalue-target, METHOD, rvalue-tparams, #:(lvalue)
+NVOK_TT rvalue-target, METHOD, rvalue-tparams, lvalue-treturn
// method and function binding
// - does NOT support "local property" mode nor "next register" REVIEW why not? agreed that rvalue-target and rvalue-param must not support lprops
+BIND_M rvalue-target, METHOD, lvalue-fn-result
+BIND_F rvalue-fn, #params:(param-index, rvalue-param), lvalue-fn-result
// construct calls
SYN_INIT ; default initializer
+CONSTR_0 CONSTRUCT ; "super" construct call
+CONSTR_1 CONSTRUCT, rvalue-param
+CONSTR_N CONSTRUCT, #params:(rvalue)
CONSTR_T CONSTRUCT, rvalue-tparams
// construction
// ("G"=) generic types; ("C"=) child classes;
// - rvalue parameters can be registers, constant values, or local-property indicators (PROPERTY)
// - lvalue will hold the newly constructed object
// - the lvalue can be a register or a local-property indicator (PROPERTY)
// - a new register of the constructed type is allocated if the lvalue is the next unallocated register
+NEW_0 CONSTRUCT, lvalue ; simple "new"
+NEW_1 CONSTRUCT, rvalue-param, lvalue
+NEW_N CONSTRUCT, #:(rvalue), lvalue
+NEW_T CONSTRUCT, rvalue-tparams, lvalue
+NEWG_0 CONSTRUCT, TYPE, lvalue ; generic-type "new"
+NEWG_1 CONSTRUCT, TYPE, rvalue-param, lvalue
+NEWG_N CONSTRUCT, TYPE, #:(rvalue), lvalue
+NEWG_T CONSTRUCT, TYPE, rvalue-tparams, lvalue
+NEWC_0 CONSTRUCT, rvalue-parent, lvalue ; virtual "new" for child classes
+NEWC_1 CONSTRUCT, rvalue-parent, rvalue-param, lvalue
+NEWC_N CONSTRUCT, rvalue-parent, #:(rvalue), lvalue
NEWC_T CONSTRUCT, rvalue-parent, rvalue-tparams, lvalue
+NEWCG_0 CONSTRUCT, rvalue-parent, TYPE, lvalue ; virtual generic-type "new" for child classes
+NEWCG_1 CONSTRUCT, rvalue-parent, TYPE, rvalue-param, lvalue
+NEWCG_N CONSTRUCT, rvalue-parent, TYPE, #:(rvalue), lvalue
NEWCG_T CONSTRUCT, rvalue-parent, TYPE, rvalue-tparams, lvalue
+NEWV_0 CONSTRUCT, rvalue-type, lvalue ; virtual "new"
+NEWV_1 CONSTRUCT, rvalue-type, rvalue-param, lvalue ; - CONSTRUCT may be on an interface (implies compile-time type)
+NEWV_N CONSTRUCT, rvalue-type, #:(rvalue), lvalue ; - rvalue-type is the virtual type
NEWV_T CONSTRUCT, rvalue-type, rvalue-tparams, lvalue
// returns
// - rvalues support a local-property mode
+RETURN_0 ; return (no return value)
+RETURN_1 rvalue ; return (single return value)
+RETURN_N #vals:(rvalue) ; return (multiple return value)
+RETURN_T rvalue-tuple ; return (multiple return from a tuple)
// next register allocation (variables, including refs)
// - does NOT support "local property" mode
+VAR TYPE ; uninitialized anonymous variable
+VAR_I TYPE, rvalue-src ; ("I"=) initialized anonymous variable
+VAR_N TYPE, STRING ; uninitialized ("N"=) named variable
+VAR_IN TYPE, STRING, rvalue-src ; ("I"=) initialized ("N"=) named variable
+VAR_D TYPE ; anonymous ("D"=) dynamic reference
+VAR_DN TYPE, STRING ; ("N"=) named ("D"=) dynamic reference
-VAR_C rvalue-ref ; ("C"=) capture variable: rvalue must be of type Ref or Var; local property mode is supported
-VAR_CN rvalue-ref, STRING ; ("N"=) named ("C"=) capture variable: rvalue must be of type Ref or Var; local property mode is supported
+VAR_S TYPE, #values:(rvalue) ; initialized anonymous ("S"=) Sequence variable
+VAR_SN TYPE, STRING, #values:(rvalue) ; initialized ("N"=) named ("S"=) Sequence variable
+VAR_T TYPE. #values:(rvalue) ; initialized anonymous ("T"=) Tuple variable
+VAR_TN TYPE, STRING, #values:(rvalue) ; initialized ("N"=) named ("T"=) Tuple variable
+VAR_M TYPE, #entries:(rvalue, rvalue) ; initialized anonymous ("M"=) Map variable
+VAR_MN TYPE, STRING, #entries:(rvalue, rvalue) ; initialized ("N"=) named ("M"=) Map variable
// "move" operations
// - rvalues do NOT support "local property" mode;
// - the lvalue can be a register or a local-property indicator (PROPERTY)
// - lvalue-dest can be a next unallocated register
// - for MOV the source could be unassigned
+MOV rvalue-src, lvalue-dest ; copy source to destination ("protection" proxy may be generated)
+MOV_VAR rvalue-src, lvalue-dest ; move ("R"=) Var-to-source to destination
+MOV_REF rvalue-src, lvalue-dest ; move ("R"=) Ref-to-source to destination (read-only)
+MOV_THIS #, lvalue-dest ; # (an inline unsigned byte) specifies the count of this-to-outer-this steps (0=this, 1=ImmediatelyOuter.this, etc.)
+MOV_THISA #, lvalue-dest, A_* ; same as above with an additional access modifier (A_TARGET, A_PUBLIC, A_PROTECTED, A_PRIVATE)
+MOV_TYPE rvalue-src, lvalue-dest ; place the type of the r-value into the l-value
+CAST rvalue-src, lvalue-dest, TYPE ; copy source to destination with cast
// Value comparisons (mostly Boolean checks)
// - rvalues support a local-property mode
// - lvalue return values can specify the "next register" to allocate
+CMP rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue-return ; T <=> T -> Ordered
+IS_ZERO rvalue-int, lvalue-return ; T == 0 -> Boolean
+IS_NZERO rvalue-int, lvalue-return ; T != 0 -> Boolean
+IS_NULL rvalue, lvalue-return ; T == null -> Boolean
+IS_NNULL rvalue, lvalue-return ; T != null -> Boolean
+IS_EQ rvalue, rvalue, lvalue-return ; T == T -> Boolean
+IS_NEQ rvalue, rvalue, lvalue-return ; T != T -> Boolean
+IS_LT rvalue, rvalue, lvalue-return ; T < T -> Boolean
+IS_LTE rvalue, rvalue, lvalue-return ; T <= T -> Boolean
+IS_GT rvalue, rvalue, lvalue-return ; T > T -> Boolean
+IS_GTE rvalue, rvalue, lvalue-return ; T >= T -> Boolean
+IS_NOT rvalue, lvalue-return ; !T -> Boolean
+IS_TYPE rvalue, rvalue-type, lvalue-return ; T instanceof Type -> Boolean
+IS_NTYPE rvalue, rvalue-type, lvalue-return ; !(T instanceof Type) -> Boolean
+IS_SVC rvalue, lvalue-return ; (T is a service) -> Boolean
+IS_CONST rvalue, lvalue-return ; (T is a const) -> Boolean
+IS_IMMUT rvalue, lvalue-return ; (T is an immutable) -> Boolean
// jumps (all addresses are relative to the PC of the jump op)
// - rvalues support a local-property mode
+JMP addr ; unconditional relative jump
+JMP_TRUE rvalue, addr ; jump if Boolean value is Boolean.True
+JMP_FALSE rvalue, addr ; jump if Boolean value is Boolean.False
+JMP_ZERO rvalue, addr ; jump if value is zero
+JMP_NZERO rvalue, addr ; jump if value is NOT zero
+JMP_NULL rvalue, addr ; jump if value is null
+JMP_NNULL rvalue, addr ; jump if value is NOT null
+JMP_EQ rvalue1, rvalue2, addr ; jump if value-1 is equal to value-2
+JMP_NEQ rvalue1, rvalue2, addr ; jump if value-1 is NOT equal to value-2
+JMP_LT rvalue1, rvalue2, addr ; jump if value-1 is less than value-2
+JMP_LTE rvalue1, rvalue2, addr ; jump if value-1 is less than or equal to value-2
+JMP_GT rvalue1, rvalue2, addr ; jump if value-1 is greater than value-2
+JMP_GTE rvalue1, rvalue2, addr ; jump if value-1 is greater than or equal to value-2
+JMP_TYPE rvalue, TYPE, addr ; jump if type of the value is “instanceof" specified type
+JMP_NTYPE rvalue, TYPE, addr ; jump if type of the value is NOT “instanceof" specified type
+JMP_COND COND, addr ; jump if the link-time condition evaluates to True
+JMP_NCOND COND, addr ; jump if the link-time condition evaluates to False
+JMP_NFIRST addr ; jump if this is NOT the first time the op has been executed
+JMP_NSAMPL rvalue, addr ; jump if this is NOT a selected sample based on the rvalue sample rate (a compile-time or run-time constant)
+JMP_INT rvalue, offset, #:(addr), addr-default ; if (value - offset) equals (0,1,2,...), jump to corresponding address, otherwise default
+JMP_VAL rvalue, #:(CONST, addr), addr-default ; if value equals a constant, jump to address, otherwise default
-JMP_VAL_N #:(rvalue), #:(CONST, addr), addr-default ; if values equals fields of a tuple constant, jump to address, otherwise default
// asserts
// (specifying CONSTRUCT as A_IGNORE implies a breakpoint only, and not a raised exception)
+ASSERT rvalue, CONSTRUCT ; assert boolean (zero parameter exception constructor)
+ASSERT_M rvalue, CONSTRUCT, STRING ; assert with a ("M"=) message (one String parameter exception constructor)
+ASSERT_V rvalue, CONSTRUCT, STRING, #vals(rvalue); assert with a message and ("V"=) values to print (one String parameter exception constructor)
// ("GP"=) general purpose register/local-property operations:
// - rvalues could be a register or a constant value or a local-property indicator (PROPERTY)
// - the lvalue(s) can be a register or a local-property indicator (PROPERTY)
// - a new register of type T is allocated if the lvalue is the next unallocated register
+GP_ADD rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T + T -> T
+GP_SUB rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T - T -> T
+GP_MUL rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T * T -> T
+GP_DIV rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T / T -> T
+GP_MOD rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T % T -> T
+GP_SHL rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T << Int -> T
+GP_SHR rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T >> Int -> T
+GP_USHR rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T >>> Int -> T
+GP_AND rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T & T -> T
+GP_OR rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T | T -> T
+GP_XOR rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T ^ T -> T
+GP_DIVREM rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue-quotient, lvalue-remainder; T /% T -> T, T
+GP_DOTDOT rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T .. T -> Range<T> (inclusive end)
+GP_DOTDOTEX rvalue1, rvalue2, lvalue ; T .. T -> Range<T> (exclusive end)
+GP_NEG rvalue, lvalue ; -T -> T
+GP_COMPL rvalue, lvalue ; ~T -> T
// ("L"=) local property and ("P"=) property load/store operations
// - lvalue return values can specify the "next register" to allocate
// - for P_GET and P_REF, an rvalue-target of "black hole" indicates a constant property
+L_GET PROPERTY, lvalue ; get local property (move local property value to a register or local property)
+L_SET PROPERTY, rvalue ; set local property (move register value to local property)
+P_GET PROPERTY, rvalue-target, lvalue ; get property (move target property value to a register or local property)
+P_SET PROPERTY, rvalue-target, rvalue ; set property (move register value to target property)
+P_VAR PROPERTY, rvalue-target, lvalue-dest ; move Var-to-property to destination
+P_REF PROPERTY, rvalue-target, lvalue-dest ; move Ref-to-property to destination
// register/local-property inc/dec ("A"=after, aka "post" / "B"=before, aka "pre"):
// - the lvalue-target indicates the register or the local-property indicator (PROPERTY)
// - the lvalue can be a register or a local-property indicator (PROPERTY)
// - a new register of type T is allocated if the lvalue is the next unallocated register
+IP_INC lvalue-target ; in-place increment; no result
+IP_DEC lvalue-target ; in-place decrement; no result
+IP_INCA lvalue-target, lvalue ; T++ -> T
+IP_DECA lvalue-target, lvalue ; T-— -> T
+IP_INCB lvalue-target, lvalue ; ++T -> T
+IP_DECB lvalue-target, lvalue ; --T -> T
// ("IP"=) in-place ("___ and assign") ops:
// - the lvalue can be a register or a local-property indicator (PROPERTY)
// - the rvalue can be a register or a constant value or a local-property indicator (PROPERTY)
+IP_ADD lvalue, rvalue2 ; T += T
+IP_SUB lvalue, rvalue2 ; T -= T
+IP_MUL lvalue, rvalue2 ; T *= T
+IP_DIV lvalue, rvalue2 ; T /= T
+IP_MOD lvalue, rvalue2 ; T %= T
+IP_SHL lvalue, rvalue2 ; T <<= Int
+IP_SHR lvalue, rvalue2 ; T >>= Int
+IP_USHR lvalue, rvalue2 ; T >>>= Int
+IP_AND lvalue, rvalue2 ; T &= T
+IP_OR lvalue, rvalue2 ; T |= T
+IP_XOR lvalue, rvalue2 ; T ^= T
// ("P"=) property ("IP"=) in-place inc/dec:
// - the rvalue-target indicates the object on which to get/set the property value
// - the rvalue-target supports the "local property" mode
// - the lvalue return value can be a register or a local-property indicator (PROPERTY)
// - lvalue return values can specify the "next register" to allocate
+PIP_INC PROPERTY, rvalue-target ; in-place increment; no result
+PIP_DEC PROPERTY, rvalue-target ; in-place decrement; no result
+PIP_INCA PROPERTY, rvalue-target, lvalue ; T++ -> T
+PIP_DECA PROPERTY, rvalue-target, lvalue ; T-- -> T
+PIP_INCB PROPERTY, rvalue-target, lvalue ; ++T -> T
+PIP_DECB PROPERTY, rvalue-target, lvalue ; --T -> T
// ("IP"=) in-place ("___ and assign") ("P"=) property ops:
// - the rvalue-target indicates the object on which to get/set the property value
// - the rvalue-target supports the "local property" mode
// - the rvalue2 can be a register or a constant value or a local-property indicator (PROPERTY)
+PIP_ADD PROPERTY, rvalue-target, rvalue2 ; T += T
+PIP_SUB PROPERTY, rvalue-target, rvalue2 ; T -= T
+PIP_MUL PROPERTY, rvalue-target, rvalue2 ; T *= T
+PIP_DIV PROPERTY, rvalue-target, rvalue2 ; T /= T
+PIP_MOD PROPERTY, rvalue-target, rvalue2 ; T %= T
+PIP_SHL PROPERTY, rvalue-target, rvalue2 ; T <<= Int
+PIP_SHR PROPERTY, rvalue-target, rvalue2 ; T >>= Int
+PIP_USHR PROPERTY, rvalue-target, rvalue2 ; T >>>= Int
+PIP_AND PROPERTY, rvalue-target, rvalue2 ; T &= T
+PIP_OR PROPERTY, rvalue-target, rvalue2 ; T |= T
+PIP_XOR PROPERTY, rvalue-target, rvalue2 ; T ^= T
// ("I"=) index-based (tuple and single-dimensioned array) ops
// - all rvalues support the "local property" mode
// - lvalue return values can specify the "next register" to allocate
+I_GET rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, lvalue ; T = T[ix]
+I_SET rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, rvalue ; T[ix] = T
// ("I"=) index-based ("IP"=) in-place ops:
+IIP_INC rvalue-target, rvalue-ix ; ++T[ix] (no result)
+IIP_DEC rvalue-target, rvalue-ix ; --T[ix] (no result)
+IIP_INCA rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, lvalue ; T[ix]++ -> T
+IIP_DECA rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, lvalue ; T[ix]-— -> T
+IIP_INCB rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, lvalue ; ++T[ix] -> T
+IIP_DECB rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, lvalue ; --T[ix] -> T
+IIP_ADD rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, rvalue2 ; T[ix] += T
+IIP_SUB rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, rvalue2
+IIP_MUL rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, rvalue2
+IIP_DIV rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, rvalue2
+IIP_MOD rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, rvalue2
+IIP_SHL rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, rvalue2
+IIP_SHR rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, rvalue2
+IIP_USHR rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, rvalue2
+IIP_AND rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, rvalue2
+IIP_OR rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, rvalue2
+IIP_XOR rvalue-target, rvalue-ix, rvalue2
// ("M"=) multi-dimensioned array ops
M_GET rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), lvalue ; T = T[ix*]
M_SET rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), rvalue ; T[ix*] = T
M_VAR rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), lvalue ; Var<T> = &T[ix*]
M_REF rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), lvalue ; Ref<T> = &T[ix*]
// ("M"=) multi-dimensioned array ("IP"=) in-place ops:
MIP_INC rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix) ; ++T[ix] (no result)
MIP_DEC rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix) ; --T[ix] (no result)
MIP_INCA rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), lvalue ; T[ix]++ -> T
MIP_DECA rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), lvalue ; T[ix]-— -> T
MIP_INCB rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), lvalue ; ++T[ix] -> T
MIP_DECB rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), lvalue ; --T[ix] -> T
MIP_ADD rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), rvalue2
MIP_SUB rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), rvalue2
MIP_MUL rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), rvalue2
MIP_DIV rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), rvalue2
MIP_MOD rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), rvalue2
MIP_SHL rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), rvalue2
MIP_SHR rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), rvalue2
MIP_USHR rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), rvalue2
MIP_AND rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), rvalue2
MIP_OR rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), rvalue2
MIP_XOR rvalue-target, #:(rvalue-ix), rvalue2
pre-defined variables/constants:
index r/w name type description
----- --- -------------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------
-0x01 r/w (n/a) auto frame-local stack; auto type: each pop/read *MUST* correspond 1:1 with a previous push/write
-0x02 w (n/a) any black hole (basically the /dev/null of registers)
-0x03 r this:target the "this" that was used to invoke the method (only in virtual context)
-0x04 r this:public type is meta.PublicType (only in virtual context)
-0x05 r this:protected type is meta.ProtectedType (only in virtual context)
-0x06 r this:private type is meta.PrivateType (only in virtual context)
-0x07 r this:struct Struct type is meta.StructType (only in virtual or construct context)
-0x08 r this:service Service the run-time service within which the currently executing code is running (any context permitted)
-0x09 r super Function type is the appropriate compile-time generic form (only in virtual context)
-0x0A (n/a) *reserved
-0x0B (n/a) *reserved
-0x0C (n/a) *reserved
-0x0D (n/a) *reserved
-0x0E (n/a) *reserved
-0x0F (n/a) *reserved
-0x10 (n/a) *reserved
Ecstasy is a new, general-purpose, programming language, designed for modern cloud architectures, and explicitly for the serverless cloud. Actually, to be completely honest, it's the most amazing programming language ever. No, really, it's that awesome.
Last modified 22 January 2025