A compiled language.
Java Language Specification(s)
- CheerpJ: A Java-to-WebAssembly compiler. Github
- gcj: GCC Java front-end
- Jsweet: A Java to Javascript transpiler.
- 3D Programming in Java - Daniel Selman (PDF)
- Apache Jakarta Commons: Reusable Java Components - Will Iverson (PDF)
- Artificial Intelligence - Foundations of Computational Agents, Second Edition - David L. Poole and Alan K. Mackworth
- Building Back-End Web Apps with Java, JPA and JSF - Mircea Diaconescu, Gerd Wagner (HTML,PDF)
- Category wise tutorials - J2EE - Yong Mook Kim
- Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages, 2nd Ed. (2003) - Marty Hall and Larry Brown (:card_file_box: archived)
- Data Structures in Java for the Principled Programmer (2007) - Duane A. Bailey (PDF)
- Google's Java Style Guide
- Introduction to Computer Science "booksite" - by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne (HTML)
- Introduction to Computer science using Java - Bradley Kjell
- Introduction to Programming in Java - Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
- Introduction to Programming Using Java - David J. Eck (HTML, PDF, ePUB + exercises)
- Introduction to Programming Using Java (5th Edition - final version, 2010 Jun) - David J. Eck (HTML, PDF, ePUB + exercises)
- Java Application Development on Linux (2005) - Carl Albing and Michael Schwarz (PDF)
- Java, Java, Java Object-Oriented Problem Solving - R. Morelli and R.Walde
- Java Masters - Java Masters (HTML)
- Java Notes for Professionals - Compiled from StackOverflow documentation (PDF)
- Java Programming - Wikibooks
- Java Programming for Kids - Yakov Fain
- Java Projects, Second Edition - Peter Verhas (Packt account required)
- Learning Java Language - Compiled from StackOverflow Documentation (PDF)
- Microservices Best Practices for Java (PDF)
- Object-Oriented Programming in JavaTM Textbook - Rick Halterman (PDF per Chapter)
- OOP - Learn Object Oriented Thinking & Programming - Rudolf Pecinovsky (PDF)
- Open Data Structures (in Java) - Pat Morin (PDF)
- Playing with Java Microservices on Kubernetes and OpenShift - Nebrass Lamouchi (Leanpub account or valid email requested)
- Processing XML with Java (A Guide to SAX, DOM, JDOM, JAXP, and TrAX) (2002) - Elliotte Rusty Harold
- The Java EE6 Tutorial (PDF)
- The Java EE7 Tutorial - Eric Jendrock, et al (PDF)
- The Java Tutorials
- The Java Web Scraping Handbook - Kevin Sahin (PDF, HTML)
- Think Data Structures: Algorithms and Information Retrieval in Java - Allen B. Downey (PDF, HTML)
- Think Java: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, 2nd Edition - Allen B. Downey and Chris Mayfield (HTML, PDF) (Interactive version by Trinket) | 1st Ed (Interactive version by Trinket)
- Using RxJava 2 Tutorial - Lars Vogel, Simon Scholz (HTML)
- Welcome to Java for Python Programmers - Brad Miller
- Welcome to the Java Workshop (2006) - Trevor Miller
- What’s New in Java 8 - Adam L. Davis
- Writing Advanced Applications for the Java 2 Platform - Calvin Austin and Monica Pawlan (PDF)
Last modified 13 March 2025