SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)


SMART is a framework for ensuring a goal is well stated.


5 Essential Mentorship Questions

  1. What is it that you really want to be and do?

  2. What are you doing really well that is helping you get there?

  3. What are you not doing well that is preventing you from getting there?

  4. What will you do different tomorrow to meet those challenges?

    • Someone must have good work ethic and be focused on the right priorities. Otherwise "you're making good time, but you're lost."
    • We also show off our best side and hide weaknesses. Probe whether the person has the aptitude to change behavior.
  5. How can I help / where do you need the most help?

Project retrospectives

Ask did the project achieve its objectives?

Ask did we work according to our principles:

Ask how happy were you working on this project?

Solicit feedback about the project and team:

Objective assessment:

Lessons learned:


OKRs are a process for setting, communicating, and monitoring goals and results in organizations.


Key Results:


RACI Model

The RACI Model is a process for clarifying roles on teams, used in project management.

Steps in a RACI process:

Zones of Collaboration

Zones of Collaboration is a framework to clarify what work your team has control over, and what work your team does not have control over.

Zone 1: What work is your team solely responsible for driving?

Zone 2: What work does your team need to influence to be successful?

Zone 3: How is your team interfering with the work of other teams? How are other teams interfering with the work of your team?


From the book ...

* Autonomy
* Relatedness
* Competence

* Mastery
* Values
* Purpose

Mastery, Autonomy, and Purpose

From the book Drive by Daniel Pink. These are the things that intrinsically motivate us.

Feels like a shortened/bastardized version of ARC/MVP.

Radical Candor

Radical candor is a simple tool for ensuring that your team gets the right kind of guidance.

It has a graph with two axes:

With four quadrants:

Delivering radical candor is HHIPP:


A dividing line that splits what is supposed to be a single, unified team into two or more subgroups.

Addressing faultlines:

GROW Model

GROW is a model for structuring your coaching or mentoring sessions.



Options (or Obstacles):

Will (or Way Forward):


SBI is a framework that promotes feedback based on identifying behavior and impact in a specific situation.

First, always ask for permission to give feedback.




Types of "Yes"

From the book Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss. There are three types of "yes" that someone gives:

Attributing irrationality

From the book Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss. If someone appears to be acting irrationally, consider:

BICEPS model

BICEPS is a model for representing one's core needs. Use it so that others feel understood and valued.







Diminishers vs Multipliers

From the book Multipliers by Liz Wiseman. It defines the characteristics of a Diminisher versus a Multiplier.

Empire Builders vs Talent Magnets:

Tyrants vs Liberators:

Know-It-Alls vs Challengers:

Decision Makers vs Debate Makers:

Micromanagers vs Investors:

The Coaching Habit

From The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier. Seven essential questions for coaching others:

Good Strategy

From the book Good Strategy Bad Strategy by Richard Rumelt.


Guiding Policy:

Coherent Actions:

Effecting Change

From the book Switch by Chip Heath and Dan Heath.

Your brain is two systems: The emotional side (the Elephant) provides the energy, while the rational side (the Rider) provides the planning and direction.

Direct the Rider:

Motivate the Elephant:

Shape the Path:

Customer Service

The LATTE method used by Starbucks, from the book The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

  1. Listen
  2. Acknowledge the problem
  3. Take problem-solving action
  4. Thank them, and
  5. Explain what you've done


BANT is a sales qualification framework.

Weekly manager updates

  1. What you did last week
  2. Priorities for next week
  3. Team & organizational highlights & lowlights
  4. What's on your mind
  5. Fires

Form, Storm, Norm, Perform

The developmental stages of a team. The manager or external facilitator must facilitate this social process and speed the team through the four stages.

Four states of a team

From the blog post Staying on the path to high performing teams:

Tags: reading   management  

Last modified 22 January 2025