Apple Open-Source
The Programming Languages Laboratory at Johns Hopkins: Variety of inactive projects and papers, including BigBang, TinyBang, FeatherweightJava (FJ), and a few more. Most only of interest for background research.
Jeremy Morgan's website: Lots of Linux-related articles, tutorials, tutorials, courses (on Pluralsight), videos, podcast, and live streams. makes books, information, and software for Atari and other classic computers available on the Web.
Code Catalog: A Collection of Code Examples from Prominent Open Source Projects (HTML)
Free Smalltalk Books, collected by Stéphane Ducasse | Stef's Free Online Smalltalk Books
Free Tech Books
Goalkicker - Programming Notes for Professionals books
IBM Redbooks
InfoQ Minibooks
InTech: Computer and Information Science
JSBooks - directory of free javascript ebooks
Killed by Microsoft: A collection of all the projects Microsoft has killed over its lifetime
Learneroo Resources to Learn Programming
The Lost Ways of Programming: Commodore 64 BASIC: Interactive article showing the REPL-istic nature of the Commodore64's BASIC shell. (Apple ][+ BASIC shell was basically much the same way.) "I believe that how we interact with a programming environment when programming is more important than the specific programming language that we are using. This has never been widely studied and we have interesting things to learn from past systems, including Commodore 64 BASIC. We should look at the history and recreate past programming experiences in order to learn from them, following a method that a historian of science, Hasok Chang, calls complementary science. Reading about interactions is not enough. To get a sense of how the interaction worked, you need to experience it yourself, at least in a limited form. This is best done with an interactive article."
Microsoft Guides to Software
Microsoft Press: Free E-Books
Microsoft Technologies 1, including books on Windows Azure, SharePoint, Visual Studio Guide, Windows phone development,, Office365, etc. collection by Eric Ligman
Microsoft Technologies 2, including books on Windows Azure, SharePoint, Visual Studio Guide, Windows phone development,, etc. collection by Eric Ligman
O'Reilly's Open Books Project
Papers we love
Pixabay: Free images, videos, and music you can use anywhere. (Requires sign-up)
Programming - Wikibooks
Red Gate Books
Rip Tutorials
MalwareSourceCode: Git repo filled with the source code for malware for a variety of different languages and platforms.
Detail Pages:
- Akihabara A set of libraries, tools and presets to create pixelated indie-style 8/16-bit era games in Javascript that runs in your browser without any Flash plugin, making use of a small small small subset of the HTML5 features, that are actually available on many modern browsers.
- The Apache site is a collection of numerous open-source projects, in all stages of life (incubating, maintained, archived).
- Application (mobile, web, desktop, whatever) ideas A collection of collections of application development ideas.
- Awesome (lists) (Project Awesome) A curated collection of lists.
- Bastard Operator From Hell (BOFH) Darkly humorous tales of truly evil sysadmins.
- BBytes An interesting collection of links, which partly served to inspire this website itself.
- Bloodshed Compilers Collection of compilers resources
- Build-Your-Own-X A collection of links on how to build various things as a learning exercise.
- Bytecode Alliance A nonprofit organization dedicated to creating secure new software foundations, building on standards such as WebAssembly and WebAssembly System Interface (WASI).
- CHM (Computer History Museum) Great collection of historical archives around computers, computing, software, and the people and places that built it all.
- Clemens Vasters' Messaging Repo Clemens' collection of messaging material and terminology.
- Coding katas locations/sources A collection of sites that have coding katas for practice.
- Colin S Gordon's Electronic References A loosely-categorized collection of links to CS textbooks in a variety of areas that are freely available online.
- Compilers.NET (Website) A collection of language links 2007 and earlier.
- dotNET Foundation The .NET Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization established to support an innovative, commercially friendly, open-source ecosystem around the .NET platform.
- ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) website of standards and technical reports.
- Erasmatazz Chris Crawford's home for his thoughts on games and such.
- Free programming books A collection of links to free/online reading about different languages and frameworks.
- Golang Example A collection of links to projects writing in the Go language.
- Google OSS Google's collection of OSS projects.
- Handbook of Software Architecture Grady Booch's "thoughts" site.
- HeadlessCMS A list of Content Management Systems for Jamstack sites.
- Historical Source That Every Developer Should See Links to the modern era's software archaeology roots.
- Jeff Patton & Associates A collection of articles/blogs on product thinking, design, and so on.
- Job sites Sites that carry information about employers. Useful for researching new companies, too.
- JogAmp The home of high performance Java™ libraries for 3D Graphics, Multimedia and Processing. JOGL, JOCL and JOAL provide cross platform Java™ language bindings to the OpenGL®, OpenCL™, OpenAL and OpenMAX APIs.
- Lawrence Livermore National Labs (LLNL) Software portal for projects built at LLNL.
- LearnAnything Organize world's knowledge, explore connections and curate learning paths.
- Learn X in Y Minutes Website collection of numerous "Learn You" style tutorials.
- Library of Congress's Sustainability of Digital Formats One of the premiere resources in the world for in-depth information about digital file formats. It covers over 525 formats, encodings and wrappers in a variety of content categories – sound recordings, still images, datasets, textual materials, moving images, website and web archives, geospatial, music composition, 3D and architectural drawings and many more.
- A website dedicated to literate programming and documentation/code tools.
- Microservices (resources) A collection of resources and links on microservices.
- Microsoft Open Specifications Site A single site with many of Microsoft's Open Specification documents
- Microsoft OSS Microsoft's collection of open-source projects.
- Microsoft Resarch (MSR) Microsoft's collection of research projects.
- Modeling Languages A website about modeling languages.
- Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Web development resources.
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) places A collection of NLP links.
- Netflix OSS Netflix's collection of OSS projects.
- OMG (Object Management Group) An international (27 countries), membership-driven (230+ organizations) and not-for-profit consortium with focus to generate technology standards (250+) that provide quantifiable real-world value to all vertical industries.
- Open Grid Forum An open global community committed to driving the rapid evolution and adoption of modern advanced applied distributed computing, including cloud, grid and associated storage, networking and workflow methods. OGF is focused on developing and promoting innovative scalable techniques, applications and infrastructures to improve productivity in the enterprise and within the international research, science and business communities.
- OpenLibrary An open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published.
- Facebook's home page for open-source projects.
- Operating System (Documentation Project) This independent project aims to be one of the best online resources available in public for all people who are looking for informations about operating systems and their producers. Facts about the history of operating systems are preserved in long term.
- OSTEP: Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces a free online operating systems book! The book is centered around three conceptual pieces that are fundamental to operating systems: virtualization, concurrency, and persistence. In understanding the conceptual, you will also learn the practical, including how an operating system does things like schedule the CPU, manage memory, and store files persistently.
- PLZoo (Programming Languages Zoo) The Programming Languages Zoo is a collection of miniature programming languages which demonstrates various concepts and techniques used in programming language design and implementation.
- Programming Dojo This site was designed to improve the awareness of different programming languages.
- Programming Language sites/links A collection of language sites and links
- Quick.Ref Cheat Sheets A collection of "cheat sheets"/quick-reference-guides for various tools and platforms and languages and ....
- Samples Collection of collections of sample files (usually for tools to test on).
- ScottLogic Blog A collection of blogs from a UK consulting company.
- Scratchapixel A free educational site that progressively introduces you to the world of computer graphics.
- Software Foundations A broad introduction to the mathematical underpinnings of reliable software.
- Staticgen A list of static site generators for Jamstack sites.
- Teach Yourself Computer Science A collection of links for learning CS for those who didn't study it at school.
- The Big List of Naughty Strings The Big List of Naughty Strings is a list of strings which have a high probability of causing issues when used as user-input data.
- The Online Books Page Listing over 3 million free books on the Web
- The Signal A collaborative blog between the Digital Strategy Directorate and the Digital Content Management Section at the Library of Congress. Initially created in 2011 to share about digital preservation efforts, the blog has traced the evolution of digital practices at the Library over the course of a decade.
- Twitter Open Source Twitter's collection of OSS projects.
- UseTheSource An open-source projects collection.
- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) An international community that develops open standards to ensure the long-term growth of the Web.
Last modified 07 September 2024