Open Source Low-Code Platform for Rapid Development of Enterprise Web Applications.
Write just the domain classes in plain Java. Get a web application ready for production.
You only write the code for your data structure and business logic. You do not write HTML, JavaScript, CSS, SQL, etc. The user interface and the database logic are automatically provided.
Learning how to write simple Java classes is enough to write complete applications. The OpenXava bundle is prepared for a rapid startup.
AJAX user interface with no page reloading. List mode with paging, ordering, filtering, adding / removing / moving columns, PDF reports, export to Excel, cards format, charts, etc. Detail mode with tabs, frames, dialogs, editors for references and collections, responsive layout, etc.
In addition to the classic web user interface for desktop you can get a mobile user interface for your application from the same code.
Browsers: Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Databases: Any supported by Hibernate, that is Oracle, DB2, AS/400, Informix, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL Server and practically all relational databases. Operating systems: Any with Java 8 (or better) support, that is Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix, AS/400, z/OS, etc. Application servers: Any with support for Servlets 3.0 (or better), including Tomcat, JBoss, WebSphere, Glassfish, WebLogic, etc. Enterprise portals: Any with JSR-168 or JSR-286 support including WebSphere Portal and Liferay.
LGPL license that allows you to develop commercial applications without paying any fees.
The standard labels and messages included in OpenXava are in English, Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Catalan, Indonesian, Italian, Polish, Serbian and Swedish. Moreover, it's pretty easy to add a new language.
250,000 downloads. 60 authors. Thousands of threads in the forums. Hundreds of applications developed. Hundreds of professionals in LinkedIn with OpenXava experience.
Complete Reference Guide in English, French, Russian, Chinese and Spanish. Free online course in English and Spanish where an invoicing application is developed from scratch. Book in English and Spanish available from Amazon. Hundreds of videos on YouTube.
Free support in community forums, though they have thousands of threads all questions are answered. Moreover, there is professional support available.
Thus you can migrate your current Java code easily to OpenXava, and vice versa. You can use any Java tool for OpenXava. Your Java developers are already OpenXava developers. OpenXava supports: JSR-338, JSR-317, JSR-303, JSR-330, JSR-220, JSR-153, JSR-311, JSR-339, JSR-370, JSR-168 and JSR-286.
MinuteProject: Generates an OpenXava application from an already existing database. Mogwai ERDesigner: An entity relationship modeling/design tool(ERD) that generates OpenXava applications. Moskitt: A CASE tool, built on Eclipse, that generates OpenXava applications from UML models.
Last modified 22 January 2025