I think of S4 as a stack-based, RPN, Forth-like, virtual CPU/VM that can have as many registers, functions, and amount of user ram as the system supports.
A register is identified by up to 3 UPPER-case characters, so there is a maximum or (26x26x26) = 17576 registers available. I tend to think of registers as built-in variables. Reading, setting, incrementing or decrementing a register is a single operation.
A function is identified by any number of UPPER-case characters. The maximum number of functions is set in the config.h file.
The number of registers, function vectors, and user memory can be scaled as desired to fit into a system of any size. For example, on an ESP-8266 board, a typical configuration might be 576 (2626) registers, 5000 functions, and 24K of user ram. In such a system, register names would be in the range of [aa.zz]. For a RPI Pico, I use 576 registers, 1000 functions, and 128K USER RAM. On a Arduino Leonardo, you might configure the system to have 26 registers and functions, and 1K USER. On a Windows or Linux system, I use 17576 registers (2626*26), 5000 functions, and 1MB USER.
There were multiple reasons why to do this:
Many interpreted environments use tokens and a large SWITCH statement in a loop to execute the user's program. In these systems, the "machine code" (i.e. - byte-code ... the cases in the SWITCH statement) are often arbitrarily assigned and are not human-readable, so they have no meaning to the programmer when looking at the code that is actually being executed. Additionally there is a compiler and/or interpreter, often something similar to Forth, that is used to create the programs in that environment. For these enviromnents, there is a steep learning curve ... the programmer needs to learn the user environment and the hundreds or thousands of user functions in the libraries (or "words" in Forth). I wanted to avoid as much as that as possible, and have only one thing to learn: the machine code.
I wanted to be free of the need for a multiple gigabyte tool chain and the edit/compile/run paradigm for developing everyday programs.
I wanted a simple, minimal, and interactive programming environment that I could modify easily.
I wanted an environment that could be easily configured for and deployed to many different types of development boards via the Arduino IDE.
I wanted to be able to use the same environment on my personal computer as well as development boards.
I wanted short commands so there was not a lot of typing needed.
S4 is the result of my work towards those goals.
The implementation of S4
Opcode | Stack | Description |
+ | (a b--n) | n: a+b - addition |
- | (a b--n) | n: a-b - subtraction |
* | (a b--n) | n: a*b - multiplication |
/ | (a b--q) | q: a/b - division |
^ | (a b--r) | r: MODULO(a, b) |
& | (a b--q r) | q: DIV(a,b), r: MODULO(a,b) - /MOD |
Opcode | Stack | Description |
b& | (a b--n) | n: a AND b |
b| | (a b--n) | n: a OR b |
b^ | (a b--n) | n: a XOR b |
b~ | (a--b) | b: NOT a (ones-complement, e.g - 101011 => 010100) |
Opcode | Stack | Description |
# | (a--a a) | Duplicate TOS (DUP) |
\ | (a b--a) | Drop TOS (DROP) |
$ | (a b--b a) | Swap top 2 stack items (SWAP) |
% | (a b--a b a) | Push 2nd (OVER) |
_ | (a--b) | b: -a (Negate) |
xA | (a--b) | b: abs(a) (Absolute) |
Opcode | Stack | Description |
c@ | (a--n) | Fetch BYTE n from address a |
@ | (a--n) | Fetch CELL n from address a |
c! | (n a--) | Store BYTE n to address a |
! | (n a--) | Store CELL n to address a |
- Register names are 1 to 3 UPPERCASE characters: [rA..rZZZ]
- LOCALS: S4 provides 10 locals per call [r0..r9].
- The number of registers is controlled by the NUM_REGS #define in "config.h".
- Register 'rI' is the FOR Loop index special
Opcode | Stack | Description |
rXXX | (--n) | read register/local XXX |
sXXX | (n--) | set register/local XXX to n |
iXXX | (--) | increment register/local XXX |
dXXX | (--) | decrement register/local XXX |
nXXX | (--) | increment register/local XXX by the size of a cell (next cell) |
- Word/Function names are ProperCase identifiers.
- They must begin with [A..Z], and can include lowercase characters [a..z].
- The number of words is controlled by the NUM_FUNCS #define in "config.h"
- NUM_FUNCS needs to be a power of 2.
- If a word has already been defined, S4 prints "-redef-".
Opcode | Stack | Description |
: | (--) | Define word/function. Copy chars to (HERE++) until closing ';'. |
ABC | (--) | Execute/call word/function ABC |
; | (--) | Return: PC = rpop() |
- Returning while inside of a loop is not supported; break out of the loop first. | ||
- Use '|' to break out of a FOR or WHILE loop. |
Opcode | Stack | Description |
. | (N--) | Output N as decimal number. |
, | (N--) | Output N as character (Forth EMIT). |
" | (?--?) | Output characters until the next '"'. |
- %d outputs TOS as an integer (eg - 123"x%dx" outputs x123x) | ||
- %c outputs TOS as a character (eg - 65"x%cx" outputs xAx) | ||
- %n outputs CR/LF | ||
- % |
0..9 | (--n) | Scan DECIMAL number. For multiple numbers, separate them by space (47 33). |
- To enter a negative number, use "negate" (eg - 490_). | ||
hNNN | (--h) | h: NNN as a HEX number (0-9, A-F, UPPERCASE only). |
'x | (--n) | n: the ASCII value of x |
(a--a b) | Copies XXX to address a, b is the next address after the NULL terminator. |
xZ | (a--) | Output the NULL terminated string starting at address a. |
xK? | (--f) | f: 1 if a character is waiting in the input buffer, else 0. |
xK@ | (--c) | c: next character from the input buffer. If no character, wait. |
Opcode | Stack | Description |
< | (a b--f) | f: (a < b) ? 1 : 0; |
= | (a b--f) | f: (a = b) ? 1 : 0; |
> | (a b--f) | f: (a > b) ? 1 : 0; |
~ | (n -- f) | f: (a = 0) ? 1 : 0; (Logical NOT) |
( | (f--) | IF: if (f != 0), continue into '()', else skip to matching ')' |
[ | (F T--) | FOR: start a For/Next loop. if (T < F), swap T and F |
rI | (--n) | n: the index of the current FOR loop |
] | (--) | NEXT: increment index (rI) and restart loop if (rI <= T) |
NOTE: A FOR loop always runs at least one iteration. | ||
- It can be put it inside a '()' to keep it from running. | ||
{ | (f--f) | WHILE: if (f == 0) skip to matching '}' |
} | (f--f?) | WHILE: if (f != 0) jump to matching '{', else drop f and continue |
uL | (--) | Unwind the loop stack. Use with ';'.eg = (uL;) |
uF | (--) | Exit FOR. Continue after the next ']'. |
uW | (--) | Exit WHILE. Continue after the next '}'. |
uC | (--) | Continue. Jump to the beginning of the current loop. |
Opcode | Stack | Description |
xBO | (n m--fh) | File: Block Open (block-nnn.s4, m: 0=>read, 1=write) |
xBR | (n a sz--) | File: Block Read (block-nnn.s4, max sz bytee). |
xBW | (n a sz--) | File: Block Write (block-nnn.s4, sz bytes). |
xBL | (n--) | File: Load code from file (block-nnn.src). This can be nested. |
xFL | (--) | File: Load code from ./Code.S4. |
xFS | (--) | File: Save code to ./Code.S4. |
xFO | (n m--h) | File: Open - n: file name, m: mode, h: file handle (0 means not opened) |
xFC | (h--) | File: Close - h: file handle |
xFD | (n--) | File: Delete - n: file name |
xFR | (h--c f) | File: Read - h: file handle, c: char, n: success? |
xFW | (c h--f) | File: Write - h: file handle, c: char, n: success? |
NOTE: File operations are enabled by #define FILES | ||
xPI | (p--) | Arduino: Pin Input (pinMode(p, INPUT)) |
xPU | (p--) | Arduino: Pin Pullup (pinMode(p, INPUT_PULLUP)) |
xPO | (p--) | Arduino: Pin Output (pinMode(p, OUTPUT) |
xPRA | (p--n) | Arduino: Pin Read Analog (n = analogRead(p)) |
xPRD | (p--n) | Arduino: Pin Read Digital (n = digitalRead(p)) |
xPWA | (n p--) | Arduino: Pin Write Analog (analogWrite(p, n)) |
xPWD | (n p--) | Arduino: Pin Write Digital (digitalWrite(p, n)) |
xR | (n--r) | r: a random number in the range [0..(n-1)] |
NB: if n=0, r is the entire 32-bit random number | ||
xT | (--n) | Milliseconds (Arduino: millis(), Windows: GetTickCount()) |
xN | (--n) | Microseconds (Arduino: micros(), Windows: N/A) |
xW | (n--) | Wait (Arduino: delay(), Windows: Sleep()) |
xIAF | (--a) | INFO: a: address of first function vector |
xIAH | (--a) | INFO: a: address of HERE variable |
xIAR | (--a) | INFO: a: address of first register vector |
xIAS | (--a) | INFO: a: address of beeginning of system structure |
xIAU | (--a) | INFO: a: address of beeginning of user area |
xIF | (--n) | INFO: n: number of words/functions |
xIH | (--n) | INFO: n: value of HERE variable |
xIR | (--n) | INFO: n: number of registers |
xIU | (--n) | INFO: n: number of bytes in the USER area |
xSR | (--) | S4 system reset |
xQ | (--) | PC: Exit S4 |
; To enter a comment:
0( here is a comment )
; here is another comment
; if (c) { print("Yes") } else { print("No") }
rC #("Yes")~("No")
; x = (a == b) ? c : d;
rA rB=#(rC$)~(rD)sX;
; To make sure F < T
; S4 code: %%>($)
; Forth equivalent: OVER OVER > IF SWAP THEN
; C equivalent: if (f > t) { int x = f; f = t; t = x; }
; To do something (in this case, execute LP) N times:
1 rN[LP]
; Increment Register x, decrement register Y
iX dY
; To print numbers from F to T:
; S4 code: rF rT[rI." "]
; Forth equivalent: F @ T @ FOR I . NEXT
; C equivalent: for (int i = F; i <= T; i)) { printf("%d ", i); }
; One way to copy N bytes from A to B (n f t--)
N A B s2 s1 1[r1 c@ r2 c! i1 i2]
; One way to copy N CELLS from A to B (N A B--)
N A B s2 s1 1[r1 @ r2 ! n1 n2]
; A simple benchmark for a 100 million FOR loop:
1000#* 100* xT$ 1[] xT$-." ms"
; A simple benchmark for a 100 million WHILE loop:
1000#* 100* xT$ {1-} xT$-." ms"
; Define a word to display the currently defined code:
:CODE xIAU xIH 1-[rI c@ #,';=(rI 1+ c@': =(13,10,))];
; Exit S4:
In run(start) (S4.cpp), in the "switch" statement, there are cases available for direct support of new instructions, mostly unused lowercase characters. New functionality can be put there by comandeering one of the /* FREE */ cases.
S4 also has "extended" instructions. These are triggered by the 'x' case. All extended instructions begin with 'x'. For extended instructions, function doExt() is called. It behaves in a similar way to run(), by setting 'ir = *(pc++)' and a switch statement. The "default:" case calls an external function, doCustom(ir, pc). That is where I usually put system-specific functionality; (eg - pin manipulation for Arduino Boards). Function doCustom(ir, pc) needs to return the address where pc should continue.
As an example, I will add Gamepad/Joystick simulation to S4 as extended instructions. This example uses the HID-Project from NicoHood (https://github.com/NicoHood/HID).
Import the library into Arduino using "Import Library".
In the doCustom(ir, pc) function (S4.ino), add a new case for ir. In this case, I am adding case 'G'.
addr doCustom(byte ir, addr pc) {
ir = *(pc++);
switch (ir) {
case 'G': pc = doGamePad(ir, pc); break;
return pc;
Then it is a simple matter of implementing doGamePad(ir, pc):
\#ifdef __GAMEPAD__
\#include <HID-Project.h>
\#include <HID-Settings.h>
addr doGamePad(byte ir, addr pc) {
ir = *(pc++);
switch (ir) {
case 'X': Gamepad.xAxis(pop()); break;
case 'Y': Gamepad.yAxis(pop()); break;
case 'P': Gamepad.press(pop()); break;
case 'R': Gamepad.release(pop()); break;
case 'A': Gamepad.dPad1(pop()); break;
case 'B': Gamepad.dPad2(pop()); break;
case 'L': Gamepad.releaseAll(); break;
case 'W': Gamepad.write(); break;
isError = 1;
return pc;
addr doGamePad(addr pc) { printString("-noGamepad-"); return pc; }
The last thing to do is #define __GAMEPAD__. This is best done in "config.h".
#elif __BOARD__ == XIAO
#define __GAMEPAD__
#define STK_SZ 8
#define LSTACK_SZ 4
#define USER_SZ (22*1024)
#define NUM_REGS (26*26)
Now in S4, you can do things like:
3 xGP xGW 0(Press button 3)
3 xGR xGW 0(Release button 3)
Last modified 22 January 2025