(by Robert Daigneau, Addison-Wesley (ISBN-13 978-0-321-54420-9) )
Web Service API Styles
- RPC API (18): How can clients execute remote procedures over HTTP?
- Message API (27): How can clients send commands, notifications, or other information to remote systems over HTTP while avoiding direct coupling to remote procedures?
- Resource API (38): How can a client manipulate data managed by a remote system, avoid direct coupling to remote procedures, and minimize the need for domain-specific APIs?
Client-Service Interaction Styles
- Request/Response (54): What's the simplest way for a web service to process a request and provide a result?
- Request/Acknowledge (59): How can a web service safeguard systems from spikes in request load and ensure that requests are processed even when the underlying systems are unavailable?
- Media Type Negotiation (70): How can a web service provide multiple representations of the same logical resource while minimizing the number of distinct URIs for that resource?
- Linked Service (77): Once a service has processed a request, how can a client discover the related services that may be called, and also be insulated from changing service locations and URI patterns?
Request and Response Management
- Service Controller (85): How can the correct web service be executed without having to write complex parsing and routing logic?
- Data Transfer Object (94): How can one simplify manipulation of request and response data, enable domain layer entities, requests, and responses to vary independently, and insulate services from wire-level message formats?
- Request Mapper (109): How can a service process data form requests that are structurally different yet semantically equivalent?
- Response Mapper (122): How can the logic required to construct a response be reused by multiple services?
Web Service Implementation Styles
- Transaction Script (134): How can developers quickly implement web service logic?
- Datasource Adapter (137): How can a web service provide access to internal resources like database tables, stored procedures, domain objects or files with a minimum amount of custom code?
- Operation Script (144): How can web services reuse common domain logic without duplicating code?
- Command Invoker (149): How can web services with different APIs reuse common domain logic while enabling both synchronous and asynchronous request processing?
- Workflow Connector (156): How can web services be used to support complex and long-running business processes?
Web Service Infrastructures
- Service Connector (168): How can clients avoid duplicating the code required to use a specific service and also be insulated from the intricacies of communication logic?
- Service Descriptor (175): How can development tools acquire the information necessary to use a web service, and how can the code for Service Connectors be generated?
- Async Response Handler (184): How can a client avoid blocking when sending a request?
- Service Interceptor (195): How can common behaviors like authentication, caching, logging, exception handling, and validation be executed without having to modify the client or service code?
- Idempotent Retry (206): How can a client ensure that requests are delivered to a web service despite temporary network or server failures?
- Service Registry (220):
- Enterprise Service Bus (221):
- Orchestration Engine (224):
Web Service Evolution
- Single-Message Argument (234): How can a web service with an RPC API (18) become less brittle and easily accommodate new parameters over time without breaking clients?
- Dataset Amendment (237): How can a service augment the information it sends or receives while minimizing the probability of breaking changes?
- Tolerant Reader (243): How can clients or services function properly when some of the content in the messages or media types they receive is unknown or when the data structures vary?
- Consumer-Driven Contracts (250): How can a web service API reflect its clients' needs while enabling evolution and avoiding breaking clients?
Last modified 11 March 2025