(towards transcendent reality)
("The Master of Those Who Know")
(Do as you would be done by)
(Selfless or selfish?)
(something worth dying for?)
(a troubled and paradoxical virtue)
(the scourge of drama)
(Master or slave of the passions?)
(a necessary evil?)
(Matter over mind)
(anything goes?)
(The greatest happiness principle)
(Condemned to be free)
(Is evil good for us?)
(The iron hand of destiny)
(A mystery no mind can hope to unravel)
(belief that is blind to reason)
(when faith becomes fanatic)
(beyond belief)
(not doing God)
(when world-views collide)
(politics by other means)
(thou shalt not... come what may?)
(Heaven or hell on earth)
(Social progress and individual freedom)
(Bludgeoning of the people by the people?)
(adherence to the old and tried)
(to enslave or to set free?)
(the measles of the human race)
(melting pot or salad bowl?)
(society by consent)
(Government of laws, not of men)
*("Workers of the world, unite!")
(a toxic synthesis of left & right)
(the starless midnight of racism)
(equal, not the same)
(a clash of civilizations)
(the unequal sharing of blessings)
(life in the global village)
(Rome's ancient genius)
(The addition of strangeness to beauty)
(the shock of the new)
(the omnipotence of dreams)
(protecting the servants)
(survival of the fittest)
(the quest for mother earth)
(the butterfly effect)
(the meaning of space & time)
(the strange poetry of atoms)
(the beginning of space & time)
Last modified 22 January 2025