(by (author), (publisher))

8 Simple Rules for Designing Multithreaded Applications

  1. Identify truly independent computations
  2. Implement concurrency at the highest level possible
  3. Plan early for scalability
  4. Make use of thread-safe libraries
  5. Use the right threading model (don't use explicit threads if an implicit model will do)
  6. Never assume a particular order of execution
  7. Use thread-local storage or associate locks to specific data
  8. Dare to change the algorithm for a better chance of concurrency


Barrier -- sync object that blocks all threads until every thread has arrived; upon arrival of last thread, all threads are released to continue

Benign Data Race -- data race w/no adverse consequences

Complete Binary Tree -- binary tree in which each level (except perhas the deepest) is full; leaf nodes placed as far left as possible

CRCW/CREW/ERCW/EREW -- Concurrent vs Exclusive Read vs Write

Data Decomposition -- identify independent work forcusing on dividing large data sets that can be processed concurrently

Data Flow Parallelism -- execute an instruction when args are ready (as opposed to the original sequence in which instruction was written)

Data Race -- 2+ threads accessing same resource/location where one is attempting to update

Deadlock -- 1+ threads are waiting for an event that will never occur

Fork-Join Parallelism -- threads are forked/spawned, execute, and join before continuing

Livelock -- threads doing same computation are unable to proceed due to the actions of some other thread (Robin Hood & Little John meeting on the log bridge)

Modulo Locks -- associate multiple indexed objects w/ single lock

Mutex/Mutual Exclusion -- only allow one thread to execute given portion of code

Race Condition -- flaw in which result depends on timing or sequence of multiple threads' execution

Reduction -- computation that takes large data set and computes a value from that data; operation performed must be associative & commutative

Semaphore -- Sync object w/ associated non-negative count w/2 operations: post (increment count) & wait (if ct != 0, decrement count, else block until ct > 0)

Starvation -- thread is not allowed to proceed (usually due to higher-priority threads getting scheduled first)

Task Decomposition -- identify independent work focusing on the computations to be performed by the threads

Tags: reading   books   concurrency  

Last modified 22 January 2025