Libraries are collections of code intended to be used from a programming language for a particular purpose; this includes "frameworks", "toolkits", and even the odd "platform", if its principal purpose is to be linked into executable code written by a programming language.
Lingua.NET: Discontinued/archived CodePlex parser generator. Archived content copied locally here.
Detail Pages:
- Acorn A small, fast, JavaScript-based JavaScript parser.
- Akavache An asynchronous, persistent key-value store created for writing desktop and mobile applications, based on SQLite3.
- Akka.NET A port of the Akka framework to the CLR.
- Allegro A cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying platform.
- Android Jetpack Collection of Kotlin-based libraries for making Android development easier/faster/etc.
- AngleSharp A .NET library that gives you the ability to parse angle bracket based hyper-texts like HTML, SVG, and MathML.
- The Apache site is a collection of numerous open-source projects, in all stages of life (incubating, maintained, archived).
- Apache Thrift The Apache Thrift software framework, for scalable cross-language services development, combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, OCaml and Delphi and other languages.
- Apache XMLBeans A technology for accessing XML by binding it to Java types.
- Armeria Microservice framework for building any type of microservice leveraging your favorite technologies (gRPC, Thrift, Kotlin, Retrofit, Reactive Streams, Spring Boot and Dropwizard).
- ASM An all purpose Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework.
- ASP.NET/ASP.NET Core Microsoft's HTML/HTTP server-side framework.
- AsyncAPI.NET A useful object model for AsyncAPI documents in .NET
- Avatar-2 An open source framework for dynamic instrumentation and analysis of binary firmware
- Awesome (lists) (Project Awesome) A curated collection of lists.
- Babel A transpiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
- BlitzJS A zero-API approach to connecting your Next.js front end to the back-end datastore.
- Blockly An editor that represents coding concepts as interlocking blocks.
- Bolts Framework(s) A collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
- Bond An open-source, cross-platform framework for working with schematized data, supporting cross-language serialization/deserialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data.
- Boost Wide-ranging collection of C++ templates and tools.
- bsdutils Alternative to GNU coreutils using software from FreeBSD.
- Byte Buddy A library for creating and modifying Java classes during the runtime of a Java application and without the help of a compiler.
- Capstone (Disassembler) A disassembly/disassembler framework.
- Capsule A fast and lean implementation of a family of hash-trie-based collections (sets, maps).
- Cecil A library to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL form.
- Cello (libcello) A library that brings higher level programming to C.
- Cerbos Authorization as a service (or library), decoupled from actual code.
- CGLib high level API to generate and transform Java byte code. It is used by AOP, testing, data access frameworks to generate dynamic proxy objects and intercept field access.
- Checker (Framework) Custom pluggable types for Java.
- Cherow A fast, Typescript-based Javascript parser.
- Chevrotain Parser buildint toolkit for JavaScript.
- Chromium An open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web.
- CilTools A set of tools to work with CIL in .NET applications.
- Circuits A Lightweight Event driven and Asynchronous Application Framework for the Python Programming Language with a strong Component Architecture.
- Code Contracts Library for expressing coding assumptions and preconditions/postconditions/invariants.
- Compost.js A data visualization library that lets you compose rich interactive data visualizations from a small number of basic primitives. The library is based on the functional programming idea of composable domain-specific languages.
- CoreNLP One stop shop for natural language processing in Java; enables users to derive linguistic annotations for text, including token and sentence boundaries, parts of speech, named entities, numeric and time values, dependency and constituency parses, coreference, sentiment, quote attributions, and relations.
- CppNet Quick and dirty port of jcpp (tools/jcpp) to C#, with features to support Clang preprocessing.
- CreateJS A suite of modular libraries and tools which work together or independently to enable rich interactive content on open web technologies via HTML5.
- CSPLib A library of test problems for constraint solvers.
- Dapper A simple object mapper for .NET.
- Dittytoy Create your generative music online using a simple Javascript API.
- DotNetMQ A new and independent Open Source Message Queue system that is entirely built in C# and .NET framework 3.5.
- dotnetRDF An open-source CLR library for RDF.
- DotNext A collection of .NET libraries intended to fill in gaps left by the CLR and standard library.
- Drools Drools is a rule engine, DMN (Decision Model Notation) engine and complex event processing (CEP) engine for Java.
- Durable Task Framework A library that allows users to write long running persistent workflows (referred to as orchestrations) in C# using simple async/await coding constructs. It is used heavily within various teams at Microsoft to reliably orchestrate long running provisioning, monitoring, and management operations.
- Dynamic Analysis Sanitizers reading Readings on software sanitizers.
- Dynamic Binary Translation (DBT) reading Reading on DBT
- Dynamic instrumentation tools Tools for binary instrumentation, analysis, and modification.
- Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) Enables language developers to more easily create dynamic languages for the .NET platform. In addition to being a pluggable back-end for dynamic language compilers, the DLR provides language interop for dynamic operations on objects.
- DynamoRIO Dynamic Instrumentation Tool Platform
- Edward A library for probabilistic modeling, inference, and criticism.
- ELSA An open source .NET Standard workflows library.
- Entity Framework A framework for retrieving and storing data to relational systems.
- EPIC stack Javascript/Web project starter stack.
- Espree An Esprima-compatible JavaScript parser.
- Esprima ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis.
- ESTree The format that caught on as a lingua franca for tools that manipulate JavaScript source code.
- Event Processing Language (EPL) A language, compiler, and runtime for complex event processing (CEP) and streaming analytics.
- EverPARSE A framework that automatically produces high-performance, formally proven C code for parsing binary messages.
- Evrete A lightweight Java rule engine.
- Fabulous F# Functional App Development, using declarative dynamic UI.
- FIDO2 .NET .NET library for FIDO2 / WebAuthn Attestation and Assertion.
- FIDO Authentication "The answer to the world's password problem."
- FJ (Functional Java) Functional library for Java.
- FlatBuffers An efficient OSS cross platform serialization library for a lot of mainstream programming languages. It was originally created at Google for game development and other performance-critical applications.
- Flexmark-Java A Markdown-to-AST parser library
- Fluent Validation A .NET validation library for building strongly-typed validation rules.
- Fluid Framework A collection of client libraries for distributing and synchronizing shared state, allowing multiple clients to simultaneously create and operate on shared data structures using coding patterns similar to those used to work with local data.
- FormTools A powerful, flexible, free and open source PHP/MySQL script you install on your website for managing your forms and data.
- Franc Natural language detection--infer the language from the text passed.
- Free Programming Books A collection of free learning resources (books).
- Frida Dynamic instrumentation toolkit
- Froebel A strictly typed utility library.
- FunctionalJ A library which makes it easy to use functional programming constructs in Java code.
- FunctionSimSearch Example C++ code to demonstrate how to do SimHash-based similarity search over CFGs extracted from disassemblies
- Gecode An open source C++ toolkit for developing constraint-based systems and applications. Gecode provides a constraint solver with state-of-the-art performance while being modular and extensible.
- Giraffe A functional ASP.NET Core micro web framework for building rich web applications.
- Hangfire Background processing in .NET/.NET Core applications, backed by persistent storage.
- Humanizer All your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities.
- Iguana A parsing framework based on context-dependent grammars and top-down general context-free parsing.
- ImageSharp A modern, cross-platform, 2D Graphics library for .NET.
- Infer.NET A framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models. It can also be used for probabalistic programming
- Instaparse What if context-free grammars were as easy to use as regular expressions?
- Irony .NET Language Implementation Kit.
- Jasmin An assembler for the Java Virtual Machine.
- Jasper Command Execution Engine and Messaging Solution for .NET Systems.
- JavaCpp-Presets The missing Java distribution of native C++ libraries.
- Java Generic Algorithms (JGA) A functors library for Java; the intent is to explore and exploit functors (an object that encapsulates a function or expression) as a design and implementation tool to reduce boilerplate coding.
- Javassist Java bytecode engineering toolkit.
- jBPM A toolkit for building business applications to help automate business processes and decisions.
- jc (JSON formatting tool) CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools and file-types to JSON or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and simplifying automation scripts.
- jcpp A complete, compliant, standalone, pure Java implementation of the C preprocessor. It is intended to be of use to people writing C-style compilers in Java using tools like sablecc, antlr, JLex, CUP and so forth.
- JESS (Java Expert System Shell) Rule engine language for Java based closely on CLIPS.
- Jetlang A high performance java threading library, based upon Retlang.
- Jexer An open-source 100% Java Text User Interface (TUI) originally designed to outwardly resemble the DOS-era Turbo Vision library--an advanced text windowing system framework to help new applications take full advantage of the terminal.
- Jini (Apache River) A programming model to build adaptive network systems that are scalable, evolvable, and flexible.
- JitBuddy Provides a small helper method to disassemble to a x86/x64 ASM listing the native code generated by the JIT of a managed method.
- jMonkeyEngine A modern developer friendly game engine written primarily in Java.
- JMPLib A dynamic language implementation library.
- js-event-bus Simple event bus for Javascript applications.
- js-queue An ES6 stack which allows for Last In First Out (LIFO) queuing.
- JustPy An object-oriented, component based, high-level Python Web Framework that requires no front-end programming and makes no distinction between front-end and back-end.
- Kaitai Struct A declarative language used to describe various binary data structures, laid out in files or in memory: i.e. binary file formats, network stream packet formats, etc.
- Keystone (Assembler) A lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture assembler framework.
- Langium An open source language engineering tool with first-class support for the Language Server Protocol, written in TypeScript and running in Node.js.
- Lawrence Livermore National Labs (LLNL) Software portal for projects built at LLNL.
- libgit A portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to write native speed custom Git applications in any language which supports C bindings.
- LibObjectFile A .NET library to read, manipulate, and write linker and executable object files (ELF, DWARF, ar).
- Library to Instrument Executable Formats (LIEF) The purpose of this project is to provide a cross platform library which can parse, modify and abstract ELF, PE and MachO formats.
- Lily A programming language focused on expressiveness and type safety.
- Linguist Language Savant; used on to detect blob languages, ignore binary or vendored files, suppress generated files in diffs, and generate language breakdown graphs.
- linq2db LINQ to database provider.
- LLVM A compiler and back-end native compilation/linking toolchain.
- LLVM (toolchain) A collection of tools and libraries for building languages (and language-related tools).
- LMAX Disruptor A framework which has "mechanical sympathy" for the hardware it's running on, and that's lock-free.
- LogicJS Logic programming for JavaScript.
- LWJGL (LightWeight Java Game Library) A Java library that enables cross-platform access to popular native APIs useful in the development of graphics (OpenGL, Vulkan), audio (OpenAL) and parallel computing (OpenCL) applications.
- Mango A Java library of a iterators, algorithms and functions.
- Markdig A CommonMark-compatible Markdown parser.
- MassiveJS A data mapper for Node.js that goes all in on PostgreSQL and embraces the power and flexibility of SQL and the relational model.
- Metadesk An ergonomic parser library for a simple—yet versatile—plaintext language.
- Microsoft Office (libraries, specifications, etc) Various libraries to manipulate Microsoft Office files.
- MicroWF A simple finite state machine (FSM) with workflow character where you define your workflows in code.
- mimir An experimental rule engine written in Clojure.
- MiniGDX A minimalist game framework using Kotlin multiplatform.
- Minze Dead-simple JS framework for native web components.
- MLIR A hybrid IR which can support multiple different requirements in a unified infrastructure.
- MLSub Prototype type inference engine.
- Mono.Cecil A library to inspect, modify and create .NET programs and libraries.
- MQTTnet A high performance .NET library for MQTT based communication. It provides a MQTT client and a MQTT server (broker).
- Multi-Dimensional and Hierarchical Database Toolkit A Linux-based, open sourced, C/C++ toolkit of portable software that supports fast, flexible, multi-dimensional and hierarchical storage, retrieval and manipulation of information in data bases ranging in size up to 256 terabytes.
- NiceGUI A Python-based UI framework, which shows up in your web browser.
- NLTK A leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data.
- Node Rules A light weight forward chaining Rule Engine, written in JavaScript for both browser and node.js environments.
- Nools Rules engine inference and enforcement in JS.
- NRefactory Currently unmaintained parser/compiler frontend for C#.
- Ockam A suite of open source tools, programming libraries, and managed cloud services to orchestrate end-to-end encryption, mutual authentication, key management, credential management, and authorization policy enforcement – at massive scale.
- Octokit A GitHub API client library with various bindings.
- OData OASIS standard for data over HTTP-based communication.
- Ohm A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
- Oilpan A mark-sweep tracing GC library hosted by the V8 ECMAScript engine for C++ applications.
- OmniSharp A family of open-source projects for .NET.
- OpenAI API and SDKs for using OpenAI.
- OpeNER Goal is to provide a set of ready to use tools to perform some natural language processing tasks, free and easy to adapt for Academia, Research and Small and Medium Enterprise to integrate them in their workflow. More precisely, OpeNER aims to be able to detect and disambiguate entity mentions and perform sentiment analysis and opinion detection on the texts, to be able for example, to extract the sentiment and the opinion of customers about certain resource (e.g. hotels and accommodations) in Web reviews.
- Open Liberty A lightweight open framework for building fast and efficient cloud-native Java microservices.
- OpenLibrary An open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published.
- OpenXML SDK Provides tools for working with Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.
- OptaPlanner A JVM-based constraint logic problem solver.
- Orbit Virtual actor framework for building distributed systems.
- Orbital A Java class library providing object-oriented representations and algorithms for logic, mathematics, and computer science. This Java library provides computer algebra, numerical algorithms, theorem proving, search and planning etc. Generally speaking, the conceptual idea behind the Orbital library is to provide extensional services and components for Java, which surround the heart of many scientific applications.
- Orchard Framework Open-source, modular, multi-tenant application framework and CMS for ASP.NET Core.
- Orleans Actors-based implementation for distributed systems implementation.
- parboiled A mixed Java/Scala library providing for lightweight and easy-to-use, yet powerful and elegant parsing of arbitrary input text based on Parsing expression grammars (PEGs).
- Parsing (language syntax) A collection of links on parsers, parser generators, parsing algorithms, and so on.
- Parsix High level parsing to ensure input is in the right shape and satisfies all constraints that business logic requires.
- Pin A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Tool.
- PL/0 Language Tools An implementation of PL/0 including a tree-based interpreter and virtual machine.
- Polly A .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner.
- Polyglot Extensible compiler front end framework for language implementation on the JVM.
- Prisma An auto-generated and fully type-safe database client providing a simplistic yet extremely powerful API.
- Processing An open-source graphical library and integrated development environment (IDE) built for the electronic arts, new media art, and visual design communities with the purpose of teaching non-programmers the fundamentals of computer programming in a visual context.
- Proguard Library to read, write, analyze, and process java bytecode.
- pSpaces Implementations of Tuple Spaces (aka object spaces) across several languages/platforms.
- PyAutoGui Lets Python scripts control the mouse and keyboard to automate interactions with other applications.
- Python.NET A package that allows Python code to interact with the CLR, and may also be used to embed Python into a .NET application.
- Python UI frameworks/libraries A collection of links to (and on) Python GUI libraries/frameworks.
- QBDI (QuarkslaB Dynamic binary Instrumentation) A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation framework based on LLVM.
- QuestPDF Modern .NET library for PDF document generation.
- Quick.Ref Cheat Sheets A collection of "cheat sheets"/quick-reference-guides for various tools and platforms and languages and ....
- Reading in software A collection of links and articles on software and development.
- Rest# (Rest-Sharp) HTTP client library for the CLR.
- Retlang A high performance C# threading library (see Jetlang for a version in Java). The library is intended for use in message based concurrency similar to event based actors in Scala. The library does not provide remote messaging capabilities. It is designed specifically for high performance in-memory messaging.
- Rich CLI A command line toolbox for fancy output in the terminal.
- RISC-V Software A collection of links to software (tools, libraries, etc) around the RISC-V CPU/assembly specification.
- Robot Framework A generic open source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation (RPA).
- RocksDB A library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage.
- Rococoa Allows you to call Objective-C code through Java classes and interfaces that you define.
- Rools A small rule engine for Node.
- ruby-opengl OpenGL wrapper for Ruby.
- Rules Engine A Json based Rules Engine with extensive Dynamic expression support.
- RxJava A library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
- Scapy Python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library.
- Scion A suite of software for standard state machine support.
- SDL A library commonly used for core input and output of games.
- Selfie An educational software system of a tiny self-compiling C compiler, a tiny self-executing RISC-V emulator, and a tiny self-hosting RISC-V hypervisor.
- Service Weaver Service Weaver is a programming framework for writing and deploying cloud applications from a single monolithic binary into microservices.
- SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) A simple interface to the various components of your PC, to ease the development of games and multimedia applications. It is composed of five modules: system, window, graphics, audio and network.
- ShapeCrawler A .NET library for manipulating PowerPoint presentations.
- Silk.NET One-stop-shop for high-speed .NET multimedia, graphics, and compute; providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX; use to spruce up your games and applications with cross-platform 3D graphics, audio, compute and haptics.
- Simple State Machine Library A simple library for realization state machines in C# code.
- spaCy A free, open-source library for advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python.
- SPARTA a library that provides the basic blocks for building high-performance static code analyzers based on Abstract Interpretation
- Spectre Console A .NET library that makes it easier to create beautiful console applications.
- SPOON A metaprogramming library to analyze and transform Java source code; it parses source files to build a well-designed AST with powerful analysis and transformation API.
- Spring Rod Johnson's "everything but EJB" application server based on dependency injection.
- SQL.js (SQLite in JavaScript) A javascript library to run SQLite on the web.
- SQLglot A no dependency Python SQL parser, transpiler, optimizer, and engine.
- SQLite A C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine.
- Starcounter "Fused" ACID memory centric database engine and C# VM.
- Stateless A simple library for creating state machines in C# code.
- Streamlit Turns data scripts into shareable web apps in minutes. All in pure Python. No front‑end experience required.
- Streamlit Turns data scripts into shareable web apps in minutes.
- Structurizr Builds upon "diagrams as code", allowing you to create multiple diagrams from a single model, using a number of tools and programming languages.
- Suave A simple web development F# library providing a lightweight web server and a set of combinators to manipulate route flow and task composition.
- SweetJS Semantic macros for ECMAScript.
- Tangle Radically simple multiplayer networking apps.
- Terminal.GUI Console-based user interface toolkit.
- TerraFx.Interop.Windows Interop bindings for Windows.
- Textual A Rapid Application Development framework for Python.
- textX DSL library for Python.
- The Witchcraft Compiler Collection A collection of compilation tools to perform binary black magic on the GNU/Linux and other POSIX platforms.
- Tokamak SwiftUI-compatible framework for building browser apps with WebAssembly and native apps for other platforms.
- Tone.js A Web Audio framework for creating interactive music in the browser.
- Tracer Set of Dynamic Binary Instrumentation and visualization tools for execution traces.
- Umbraco Open-source CMS running on top of .NET.
- UnQLite Embedded C-bindings document and key/value store.
- uom A library to represent quantities and perform conversions between units of measurements with double or arbitray precision.
- Vaadin A open source Java web app development platform for Java. With Vaadin, your UI code runs securely on the server, right next to your business logic that you can access with native Java API. Vaadin takes care of routing and server-client communication transparently, quickly, and securely, so you can focus on what matters - building a great app for your users.
- Valgrind An instrumentation framework for building dynamic analysis tools.
- ValLang A Java library for typed immutable data: numbers, lists, sets, maps, relations, algebraic data-types.
- Vavr A functional library for Java. It helps to reduce the amount of code and to increase the robustness. A first step towards functional programming is to start thinking in immutable values. Vavr provides immutable collections and the necessary functions and control structures to operate on these values.
- WebAssembly for .NET Create, read, modify, write and execute WebAssembly (WASM) files from .NET-based applications.
- Wolverine Next Generation .NET Mediator and Message Bus.
- Workflow Core A light weight workflow engine targeting .NET Standard. Think: long running processes with multiple tasks that need to track state. It supports pluggable persistence and concurrency providers to allow for multi-node clusters.
- xState A state management library for Javascript.
- ZeroC Comprehensive RPC framework with support for C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python and more.
- ZIO Type-safe, composable asynchronous and concurrent programming for Scala
- Zircon An extensible, multiplatform and user-friendly tile engine.
Last modified 17 September 2024