_hyperscript (language,browser,presentation): Small scripting language for the web. ("The underscore is silent.")
.NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) (presentation,clr,ios,android,browser,windows,macos): Build native apps using a .NET cross-platform UI toolkit that targets the mobile and desktop form factors on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Tizen.
"/e/" OS (platform,operating system,android,mobile): A mobile operating system that describes itself as being “forked from Android and completely ‘ungoogled.’”
"Auctions and bidding: A guide for computer scientists" (reading,business): A paper/slides/video on the different kinds of auctions.
"Grow Your Own BaaS" (backend,reading,architecture): In this paper, the concepts of growing your own Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform using vendor agnostic concepts are explored. The proposal is to define, architect, and design a heterogeneous micro-applications based platform.
"Old Agile vs New Agile" (reading,process,agile): “When people say Agile today, they mean something different today than they did in 2001…it’s come to mean something else.”
"Serverless" (architecture,cloud,distribution): The serverless architecture, usually implying smaller atoms of functionality executing on cloud servers.
0MQ (Zero-MQ) (distribution): An open-source universal messaging library.
11 Promises From a Manager: Threads (reading,management): Twitter threads of "11 promises"
3BC-Lang (language,vm): Low-level language, tiny virtual machine, intermediate representation, embeddable, easy for beginners.
4 (language,esoteric): A completely emoji-based programming language.
49 Habits for Public Speaking Success (reading,books,speaking): Collection of tips for public speaking.
4coder (tool,editor): A minimalist, cross platform, programmable, code editing environment, catering to the needs of low level programmers.
4store (storage,native): RDF database
50 Big Ideas (reading,books,philosophy,thinking): A collection of ideas that define our world.
50 Philosophy Ideas (reading,books,philosophy,thinking): A collection of philosophy ideas.
50 Psychology Ideas (reading,books,psychology,thinking): A collection of ideas from psychology.
8Base (platform,distribution,backend): A Serverless GraphQL Backend-as-a-Service.
8 Pillars of Greek Philosophy (reading,books,philosophy,thinking): 8 core greek philosophies.
A+ (language,historical,archived): A powerful and efficient programming language, embodying a rich set of functions and operators, a modern graphical user interface with many widgets and automatic synchronization of widgets and variables, asynchronous execution of functions associated with variables and events, dynamic loading of user compiled subroutines, and many other features.
aamachine (vm,gamedev): A virtual machine for delivering interactive stories.
ABC (language): An interactive programming language and environment for personal computing, originally intended as a good replacement for BASIC.
ABCL (language): An Object-Oriented Concurrent System, looking to exploit both parallelism and object orientation.
Ably (platform,realtime): A simple API that handles everything realtime, and lets you focus on your code.
ABS (language,tool): Programming language that works best when you're scripting on your terminal.
Accelerate (language,functional): Embedded language for high-performance array computations.
Accengage (distribution,push notification,cloud): European leader in Push Notification Technology for mobile apps & websites.
Accento (conference,jvm): An amazing combination of high-caliber conference and well-founded, hands-on trainings for experienced Java/web developers.
ACCEPT (language): An approximate compiler for C and C++ programs based on Clang.
A Compiler Writing Journey (language development,language): Learn network programming and data structures by coding from scratch.
Acorn (library,ecmascript,parser): A small, fast, JavaScript-based JavaScript parser.
Actian (storage,object): Actian NoSQL (formerly Versant) object technology enables software developers to handle database requirements for extremely complex object models with ease and is used by the world’s largest companies for applications with very large scale data management requirements. Actian NoSQL doesn’t need mapping code to store or retrieve objects, so schema modifications can be handled without application downtime. Fault tolerance, synchronous and asynchronous replication, high availability and excellent scalability make Actian NoSQL ready for the enterprise.
Actionable Gamification (reading,books,gamedev): Beyond points, badges, and leaderboards.
ActionScript (language,presentation,archived,historical): Programming language for the Adobe Flash plugin for web browsers.
ActionScript VM (vm,presentation): Actionscript virtual machine.
ActiveMQ (distribution,message-passing,jvm): The most popular open source, multi-protocol, Java-based message broker.
ActivityPub (distribution,format,specification): A decentralized social networking protocol based upon the ActivityStreams 2.0 data format; it provides a client to server API for creating, updating and deleting content, as well as a federated server to server API for delivering notifications and content.
ActivityStreams (distribution,format,specification): Details a model for representing potential and completed activities using the JSON format; it is intended to be used with vocabularies that detail the structure of activities, and define specific types of activities.
Acton (language): A fault tolerant distributed programming platform for building mission critical systems.
Ada (language,object,native): General-purpose, strongly typed, performant, readable and safe language.
Ada++ (language,object,native): An open source programming language aimed at making Ada more accessible.
Adalo (platform,no-code,presentation): Mobile app-builder tool.
Adama (language,storage): RDF database
Adaptable (cloud): GitHub-based cloud deployment.
Adept (language): A blazing fast language for general purpose programming.
adventurelib (gamedev,python,interactive fiction): Basic functionality for writing text-based adventure games, with the aim of making it easy enough for young teenagers to do.
Adversaries Into Allies (reading,people,psychology): Win people over without manipulation or coercion
AdvSys (gamedev,language,interactive fiction): A Language for Writing Text Adventure Games
Aephea (format,presentation,browser): Effective and adaptable HTML authoring.
Aeron (distribution): Efficient reliable UDP unicast, UDP multicast, and IPC message transport.
Afnix (language,native,object,functional,vm): A multi-threaded functional writing system with dynamic symbol bindings that support the object oriented paradigm. The system features a state of the art runtime engine that supports both 32 and 64 bits platforms.
A-Frame (presentation): A web framework for building virtual reality (VR) experiences.
Agda (language,functional): Dependently typed functional programming language.
Agena (language): A procedural programming language suited to be used in scientific, mathematical, scripting, networking, and many other applications.
AIR (vm): A cross-platform framework used by a wide range of applications and games.
Aith (language): Low level functional programming language with linear types, Generalized Inline Functions, levity polymorphism and regions.
Akavache (storage,key-value,embedded,clr,library): An asynchronous, persistent key-value store created for writing desktop and mobile applications, based on SQLite3.
Akihabara (gamedev,place,browser): A set of libraries, tools and presets to create pixelated indie-style 8/16-bit era games in Javascript that runs in your browser without any Flash plugin, making use of a small small small subset of the HTML5 features, that are actually available on many modern browsers.
Akka (distribution,jvm,clr,actors,concurrency): A toolkit and runtime for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications.
Akka.NET (distribution,library,clr,actors): A port of the Akka framework to the CLR.
Alan (language,concurrency): Programming language that does concurrency for you and can thus separate how the software is written from how it runs.
Albatross (language): A Programming Language with Static Verification, a Proof Assistant, and a Theorem Prover.
Alda (language,music,sound): A text-based programming language for music composition.
Alef (language,concurrency,historical): A concurrent programming language designed for the Plan 9 operating system from Bell Labs.
Aleo (platform): Full-stack, secure applications with zero knowledge on layer 1.
Algebraic Effects (library) (library,ecmascript,effects): Manage side-effects in your javascript application cleanly with algebraic effects.
Algol (language): A predecessor "Ur-language" to most of the world's mainstream languages.
Alice (language,jvm): Introductory programming language.
Alice (AliceML) (language,functional,ml): A functional programming language based on Standard ML, extended with rich support for concurrent, distributed, and constraint programming.
Allegro (gamedev,library,windows,linux,macos,android,ios,wasm): A cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. and generally abstracting away the underlying platform.
AlloyTools (language): Open source language and analyzer for software modeling.
Alore (language): Explores optional typing in a Python-like programming language.
Alpaca (language,functional,ml,beam): Functional programming inspired by ML for the Erlang VM.
Alumina (language): An imperative, general-purpose, statically typed, compiled system programming language.
Amazon's Leadership Principles (management): Summary and analysis of Amazon's management framework.
Amazon Dynamo (storage,cloud,aws): A fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. DynamoDB lets you offload the administrative burdens of operating and scaling a distributed database so that you don't have to worry about hardware provisioning, setup and configuration, replication, software patching, or cluster scaling.
Amazon Ion (format,storage,serialization,binary,text,native,jvm,clr,python,nodejs,browser): A richly-typed, self-describing, hierarchical data serialization format offering interchangeable binary and text representations.
Amazon Lumberyard (gamedev,engine): Amazon's game development engine.
Amazon S3 (and Glacier) (storage,cloud,aws): Storage for the internet.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) (cloud): Huge collection of cloud-hosted services.
Amber-Lang (language): Write your scripts in a modern type-safe and runtime-safe programming language that handles many bugs and mistakes during the compilation process.
Amethyst (gamedev,rust): Data-driven game engine written in Rust.
Amiga E (language): An object-oriented/procedural/unpure functional/whatever language with quite a popular implementation on the amiga.
AML (Architecture Meta Language) (architecture,language): Used to specify the semantics of architecture description languages, ADLs; it is a very primitive language, having declarations for only three constructs: elements, kinds, and relationships.
AMPL (language,optimmizer): The most powerful and intuitive tool for developing and deploying complex optimization solutions in business & scientific applications.
Amplication (platform,backend,presentation,low-code,no-code,nodejs): Open-source application development tool.
Amsterdam Compiler Kit (tool,languages,native,language development): A cross-platform compiler and toolchain suite that is small, portable, extremely fast, and extremely flexible.
Amulet (language,functional,ml,archived): Simple functional programming language in the ML tradition, with support for higher-rank parametric polymorphic types and row-polymorphic records, pattern matching with algebraic data types, and tail recursion elimination.
Android (platform,android,mobile): The Android mobile platform.
Android and Windows (platform,reading,android,windows): A collection of links/articles on Android support in Windows (11).
Android Device Bus (adb) (tool,platform,mobile,android): The Swiss-Army knife command-line tool for Android development against either emulator AVD or physical device.
Android Jetpack (platform,mobile,android,library): Collection of Kotlin-based libraries for making Android development easier/faster/etc.
Android Jetpack Compose (platform,android,presentation): The functional-composition way to build UIs in Android; "Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development on Android".
Android OSS (platform,android): A collection of Android OSS links.
Android Performance (platform,android,mobile): Tools and practices for Android performance testing and tuning.
Android platform testing (platform,mobile,android): Links and notes on how to unit- (and other) test on Android.
Android Security (platform,android,mobile,security): Tools and practices for Android app security.
AngelScript (language,native): AngelScript is an extremely flexible cross-platform scripting library designed to allow applications to extend their functionality through external scripts. It has been designed from the beginning to be an easy to use component.
AngleSharp (library,clr,parsing): A .NET library that gives you the ability to parse angle bracket based hyper-texts like HTML, SVG, and MathML.
Angular (presentation,browser): Single-Page Application component-centric MVC-patterned framework for the browser.
ANI (language,concurrency,archived): Concurrent-by-default programming language.
ANIL (A Nice Intermediate Language) (language,transpiles,native): Python & C++ inspired programming language that transpiles to C and can be embedded within C source files.
Anko (language,go): Scriptable interpreter with syntax similar to Go.
Ant (tool,jvm,build): A Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other. The main known usage of Ant is the build of Java applications. Ant supplies a number of built-in tasks allowing to compile, assemble, test and run Java applications. Ant can also be used effectively to build non Java applications, for instance C or C++ applications. More generally, Ant can be used to pilot any type of process which can be described in terms of targets and tasks.
Ant Design (presentation,browser,ios,android): A design system for enterprise-level products.
Ante (language,metaobject,llvm): A compiled systems language focusing on providing extreme extensibility through the use of a compile-time API. Using such an API, compiler extensions can be created within the program itself, allowing for the addition of a garbage collector, ownership system, automatic linters, etc, all in a normal library without requiring any changes to the compiler itself.
Antimony (language,ecmascript,transpiler): Language that gets out of your way.
ANTLR (tool,language,jvm,clr,native,language development): Code-generating parser tool
Anvil (platform,browser,python): Build web applications using nothing but Python.
Anytype (platform,low-code,no-code,presentation,distribution): A next-generation software that breaks down barriers between applications, gives back privacy and data ownership to users.
Apache.org (place,jvm,clr,native,library,language,platform,reading,storage,presentation,tool,vm,cloud,backend): The Apache site is a collection of numerous open-source projects, in all stages of life (incubating, maintained, archived).
Apache Cordova (presentation,nodejs,ios,android,browser,windows,macos): Mobile apps with HTML, CSS and JS
Apache Derby (storage,jvm,relational,embedded): Full SQL-compliant RDBMS written in Java.
Apache Isis (presentation,distribution,jvm,ui generation): Provides apps with a standard, automatically generated UI.
Apache Jena (storage,jvm): A free and open source Java framework for building Semantic Web and Linked Data applications.
Apache Polygene (language,jvm): (Retired) Composite Oriented Programming implementation.
Apache Pulsar (distribution,message-passing,jvm,python,go): An open-source distributed pub-sub messaging system.
Apache Royale (presentation,platform,language): A productive, open-source frontend application technology that lets you code in MXML and ActionScript3 and output to different formats.
Apache Thrift (distribution,library,tool,native,clr,jvm,ios,android): A scalable cross-language services development that combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently and seamlessly between C++, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Erlang, Perl, Haskell, C#, Cocoa, JavaScript, Node.js, Smalltalk, OCaml and Delphi and other languages.
Apache TinkerPop (storage,graph,network): A graph computing framework for both graph databases (OLTP) and graph analytic systems (OLAP).
Apache Usergrid (backend,jvm): an open-source Backend-as-a-Service (“BaaS” or “mBaaS”) composed of an integrated distributed NoSQL database, application layer and client tier with SDKs for developers looking to rapidly build web and/or mobile applications.
Apache Wicket (presentation,jvm,browser): An open source, component oriented, serverside, Java web application framework.
Apache XMLBeans (library,jvm,xml,xsd): A technology for accessing XML by binding it to Java types.
Ape (language): An easy to use programming language and library written in C.
Apeji PX (language,jvm,concurrency,dataflow,parallelism): An object-oriented programming language extension for Java, intended to facilliate parallel computing on multi-core processors, GPU, Grid and Cloud.
Apex (language,platform,salesforce,object): A strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on Salesforce servers in conjunction with calls to the API. Using syntax that looks like Java and acts like database stored procedures, Apex enables developers to add business logic to most system events, including button clicks, related record updates, and Visualforce pages. Apex code can be initiated by Web service requests and from triggers on objects.
Apexlang (language): An interface definition language (IDL) for modeling software. Generate source code, documentation, integration, everything automatically.
APIHunt (distribution,place): Explore Top APIs and Tech Resources. Discover the Building Blocks for Your Digital Transformation Journey.
APL (language,historical): An array language, and one of the oldest programming languages still in use today, next to FORTRAN, Lisp and COBOL.
Appboy (distribution,push notification,cloud): Customer relationship suite for mobile marketers.
appery.io (presentation,cloud,backend): A low-code tool for building presentation tiers.
AppGameKit (gamedev): A game development engine, ideal for Beginners, Hobbyists & Indie developers.
AppHarbor (cloud,clr): A fully hosted .NET Platform as a Service.
Appian (platform,low-code): Enables developers to rapidly build solutions for enterprise business needs, such as defining applications that support a customer journey, optimize business operations, and enforce compliance with policies and regulations.
Application (mobile, web, desktop, whatever) ideas (place): A collection of collections of application development ideas.
AppSmith (platform,presentation,low-code): An open source web framework for building internal tools, admin panels, dashboards, and workflows. Appsmith lets you drag-and-drop components to build dashboards, write logic with JavaScript objects and connect to any API, database or GraphQL source.
Appwrite (platform,storage,backend,nodejs): An open-source platform that provides web and mobile developers with a set of easy-to-use and integrate REST APIs to manage their core backend needs.
April (language): The APL programming language (a subset thereof) compiling to Common Lisp.
Aqua (language,distributed systems): An open-source language for distributed workflow coordination in p2p networks; Aqua programs are executed on many peers, sequentially or in parallel, forming a single-use coordination network.
AquaVM (vm): Executes compiled Aqua, i.e., Aqua Intermediate Representation (AIR) scripts, and plays an integral role in the implementation of the Fluence peer-to-peer compute protocol; specifically, AquaVM allows expressing network choreography in scripts and composing distributed, peer-to-peer hosted services.
ArangoDB (storage,graph,document,key-value): Multi-model database
Arc (language,functional): A new dialect of Lisp.
Arc (browser) (presentation,browser,html,css,javascript): Browser challenger to Chrome, Edge, etc.
Arcade (gamedev,python): a modern Python framework for crafting games with compelling graphics and sound.
ArcadeDB (storage,relational,graph,key-value,document,jvm): a conceptual fork of OrientDB, a multi-model database, one DBMS that supports SQL, Cypher, Gremlin, HTTP/JSON, MongoDB and Redis; also supports Vector Embeddings.
Arcee (ai,small language model): Own your own small language models.
Archimate (language,architecture): A DSL for generating Archimate diagrams from source.
Architectural Decision Records (ADR) (architecture,reading): An Architectural Decision Record captures a single Architectural Decision, such as often done when writing personal notes or meeting minutes; the collection of ADRs created and maintained in a project constitute its decision log. All of these are within the topic of Architectural Knowledge Management.
ARchive (file format) (format,native): An early executable file format.
Arden (syntax) (language,format): A markup language used for representing and sharing medical knowledge and used in an executable format by clinical decision support systems to generate alerts, interpretations, and to screen and manage messages to clinicians.
Arend (language): Arend is a theorem prover and a programming language based on Homotopy Type Theory.
Argo (language,functional): Pragmatic functional programming language.
Argon (language): An interpreted multi-paradigm dynamically typed programming language, with syntax is mainly influenced by Python, Go and Rust.
Argus (language): An extension of the CLU language, utilizing most of the same syntax and semantics, designed to support the creation of distributed programs, by encapsulating related procedures within objects called guardians, and by supporting atomic operations called actions.
Aria (language,functional): Expressive, noiseless, interpreted, toy programming language.
Ark (language): Ark is a tiny, fast, and **somewhat** useful programming language focused on runtime stability and simple code syntax.
Ark (language): Systems programming language; goal is to a cleaner C without deviating from C's original goals of simplicity.
ArkScript (language,functional,vm): A small, fast, functional and scripting language for C++ projects.
ArkScript (language,functional,native): A small, fast, functional and scripting language for C++ projects.
ARM Assembly (language,native,object,metaobject): ARM and AArch64 Assembly links
Armeria (library,jvm,distribution,services): Microservice framework for building any type of microservice leveraging your favorite technologies (gRPC, Thrift, Kotlin, Retrofit, Reactive Streams, Spring Boot and Dropwizard).
Arrow (format,storage,serialization,columnar): The universal columnar format and multi-language toolbox for fast data interchange and in-memory analytics.
ART (Android RunTime) (vm,android,jvm): The VM engine for the Android platform that replaced Dalvik around Android 5/6.
Art of Game Design (reading,books,gamedev): An introduction to game design.
Art of the Start (reading,business,management): Startup bible for many folks.
Art of UNIX Programming (reading,books): How to build programs in the UNIX way.
Arturo (language,windows,macos,linux,vm): A "no-syntax" language running on top of a bytecode-VM.
as (GNU assembler) (language,assembly,tool,native): The GNU assembler.
Ascent (language,clr): A quick interpreted language inspired by MoLang.
ASCIIdoc (format): An authoring language for documentation that leverages "just" ASCII characters.
Aseba (language): Event-driven programming language for driving robots in an educational environment.
ASM (library,tool,jvm,assembly): An all purpose Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework.
ASM.js (language,assembly,ecmascript,browser,nodejs): An extraordinarily optimizable, low-level subset of JavaScript.
AsmL (language,clr): Abstract State Machine Language, an executable specification language based on the theory of Abstract State Machines.
ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation) (language): A standard interface description language for defining data structures that can be serialized and deserialized in a cross-platform manner.
ASP.NET/ASP.NET Core (platform,clr,distribution,library,presentation): Microsoft's HTML/HTTP server-side framework.
AspectC++ (language,native,metaobject,object,static,compiled): A strongly-typed aspect-oriented programming language starting from C++.
AspectJ (language,jvm,metaobject,object,static,compiled): A strongly-typed aspect-oriented programming language starting from Java.
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) (reading,language,concept,object,metaobject): A flavor of MOP that uses stronger compiler- or library-enforced restrictions to constrain metaobject programming to fewer places or possibilities, in the name of keeping the code more predictable and understandable.
Aspire (distribution,clr): An opinionated stack for building resilient, observable, and configurable cloud-native applications with .NET.
Assembly language (generic) (language,assembly,native): Collection of assembly language resources that don't fit in one of the other categories.
AssemblyScript (language,wasm): A TypeScript-like language for WebAssembly.
Asteria (language,ecmascript): A procedural, dynamically typed programming language that is highly inspired by JavaScript but has been designed to address its issues.
Astro (presentation,browser,cms): The web framework for content-driven websites.
Astro (language,native,wasm): Multiparadigm language with Python-ish syntax compiling to WASM and native code
Asymptote (language): Descriptive vector graphics language that provides a natural coordinate-based framework for technical drawing.
AsyncAPI.NET (library,clr,distributed systems): A useful object model for AsyncAPI documents in .NET
Async API (standard) (distribution,specification): Open source tools to easily build and maintain your event-driven architecture, powered by the AsyncAPI specification, the industry standard for defining ascychronous APIs.
Asynchronous Javascript And XML (AJAX) (distribution): A term coined that describes an approach to using HTML or XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, XML, XSLT, and most importantly the XMLHttpRequest object to make quick, incremental updates to the UI without reloading the entire browser page.
Athena Crisis (gamedev): A modern-retro turn-based tactical strategy game.
Atom (vm,register,win32): A programmable, register based virtual machine for Win32 computers.
Atom (text editor) (tool,editor,nodejs): The hackable text editor.
Atomic Game Engine (gamedev,windows,linux,macos,android,ios,browser): A multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript.
Atomic Habits (reading,psychology): Notes from the book.
ATProto (distribution): An open, decentralized network for building social applications.
ATS (language): Statically typed programming language that unifies implementation with formal specification.
Atto (language,functional): Insanely simple self-hosted functional programming language.
Aucoda (language,distribution): A "meta-compiler" that can take Au source and transpile to a different application language/platform.
Aurora (language,symbolic): A language that can accept not only text but symbols (formulae, etc) as input.
Austral (language): Systems language with linear types.
Authelia (distribution,authentication,authorization): Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps.
AutoHotKey (language,windows): The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows.
AutoIt (language): A freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting.
Autotools (tool,native,build): Portable build system used extensively in the GNU software suite.
Avail Programming Language (language,jvm): Multi-paradigmatic general purpose programming language (and environment) emphasizing support for articulate programming.
Avalonia (presentation,clr,windows,macos,linux,ios,android,wasm): A cross-platform .NET UI framework that supports all the major platforms.
Avatar-2 (tool,library,native): An open source framework for dynamic instrumentation and analysis of binary firmware
Avian (vm,jvm): A lightweight virtual machine and class library designed to provide a useful subset of Java's features, suitable for building self-contained applications.
Avro (format,storage,binary,schema,serialization): A data serialization system.
Awesome (lists) (Project Awesome) (place,platform,language,backend,cloud,distribution,format,gamedev,hardware,library,presentation,storage,tool): A curated collection of lists.
Awk (tool,language): Tool for text processing and manipulation.
aWsm (vm,wasm,llvm,linux,macos): A compiler and runtime for compiling WebAssembly into LLVM, then into sandboxed binaries.
Axum (language,clr,message-passing,concurrency,agent,dataflow): Discontinued MSR project to explore concurrency and channels as a direct part of the language.
Azure (cloud,backend): Huge collection of cloud services.
Azure DevOps (cloud,azure,devops): A collection of Azure tools for managing software development pipelines.
Azure Messaging (cloud,azure,messaging,distribution): A collection of Azure messaging-related links.
B4X (language,ios,android,native): A modern version of Visual Basic for multiple platforms.
Babel (language,library,tool,ecmascript,parser): A transpiler for writing next generation JavaScript.
Babelsberg (language,object,constraint): Object constraint language capabilities implemented in libraries.
BabylonJS (gamedev,engine): Open-source Web-centric game engine.
Back4App (backend,low-code): Parse backend hosting.
Backdoor Factory (BDF) (tool,native,windows,macos,linux,elf,pe,macho): Patch PE, ELF, Mach-O binaries with shellcode
Backlang (language): A new Rust, C# inspired Language for .Net
Backstage (platform,developer portal,backend,presentation): An open platform for building developer portals.
Bagel (language): Statically typed, reactive language with pure and impure functions.
BAIK (language): BAIK is a scripting language which syntax is in Indonesian for Windows and Linux on Server, Desktop, Laptop and Embedded Computer, including IoT. It supports GPIO, Animation, PDF, UTF8, Printer, OOP, GUI, CGI, Databases, Graphics and TCP/IP.
Bait (language): Bait is a compiled general purpose programming language with a simple syntax but still powerful feature set and standard library for building reliable software.
Ballerina (language,distribution,services,jvm,concurrency): A service-oriented programming language.
Barb (language,clr): A small dynamic scripting language for .NET.
Barn (language): Barn is a simple programming language written in GoLang and compiled to C++. Syntax is very simple, and Barn can call C/C++ functions natively so creating new bindings should be easy. Barn was written with the goal of being as fast and easy to use as possible. Barn is just a little project with which I can chill and just code.
Baserow (platform,backend,no-code): Open source no-code database and Airtable alternative.
bash (command-line shell) (tool,language,linux,macos,windows): Command-line shell and associated shell-scripting language.
Basic (and variants) (language): Various notes and implementations of the BASIC programming language.
Basic Computer Games (gamedev,basic): A collection of simple games from a book published in the early 80s.
Basil (language): Fast and flexible language exploring partial evaluation, context-sensitive parsing, and metaprogramming. Compiles JIT or AOT to native code.
Bastard Operator From Hell (BOFH) (place,reading,humor): Darkly humorous tales of truly evil sysadmins.
Batakjava (language,jvm,versioning): Implementation of Java with multi-versioned classes.
Batsh (language,tool,linux,macos,windows): A language that cross-compiles to bash and Windows batch command-line shell-scripting languages.
Battlesnake (gamedev,distribution): A multi-player programming game played by developers all over the world. All you need to play is a live web server that implements the Battlesnake API.
Bazel (tool,build): A fast, scalable, multi-language, extensible build system.
BBCBasic (language,basic,windows,macos,linux,android,ios,browser): A modern implementation BBC Basic using SDL2, for use across multiple platforms (mobile and desktop).
BBolt (storage,key-value,go): An embedded key/value database for Go.
BBytes (place,language): An interesting collection of links, which partly served to inspire this website itself.
BCPL (language): BCPL ("Basic Combined Programming Language") is a procedural, imperative, and structured programming language. A stripped down and syntactically changed version of BCPL, called B, was the language on which the C programming language was based. BCPL introduced several features of many modern programming languages, including using curly braces to delimit code blocks.
BDE Verify (tool,object): A Static Checker for C++
Beads (language): The Beads project is a daring attempt to generate a new language that will replace the current popular toolchain stack of HTML/CSS/JS/+Frameworks+Database, with a single language.
BEAM (Erlang platform) (platform,functional): Platform and virtual machine for Erlang and other languages.
BEAM VM (vm,functional): Erlang virtual machine low-level details
BeanShell (language,jvm): Object-ish scripting language early to the JVM.
Beef (language,native,llvm,windows,macos,linux): An open source performance-oriented compiled programming language which has been built hand-in-hand with its IDE environment.
Beehive (platform,distribution,low-code,no-code): An open source event and agent system, which allows you to create your own agents that perform automated tasks triggered by events and filters. It has modules to interface with, talk to, or retrieve information from Twitter, Tumblr, Email, IRC, Jabber, RSS, Jenkins, Hue etc.
Beej's Guide to Network Programming (distribution,networking,sockets,reading): Intro to C-level sockets (TCP/IP, UDP/IP) programming.
Behind Closed Doors (reading,management): The Secrets of Great Leadership.
Beluga (language,functional): Functional programming language designed for reasoning about formal systems.
Bend (language,concurrency,parallel): A massively parallel, high-level programming language.
BerkeleyDB (storage): Embedded file-based storage system. Sort of a SQLite before SQLite was popular.
Berry (language): A ultra-lightweight embedded scripting language optimized for microcontrollers.
Beryl (language): Beryl is a small, interpreted, embeddable scripting language with value semantics and first class functions. The main feature of Beryl is that the core interpreter can run without any dynamic memory allocation*, and it does not need to parse or compile scripts beforehand. It can also be built without any external dependencies, excluding some typedefines and constants needed from stddef.h and limits.h; however these could be provived from a custom header if needed.
Beta (language): BETA is a modern language in the Simula tradition; it is strongly typed language like Simula, Eiffel and C++, with most type checking being carried out at compile-time.
Bevy (gamedev,windows,macos,linux): A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust.
Bflat (language,native,clr,object): A native compiler for C# that comes with everything you need to build C# apps for any of the supported platforms.
Bhl (language): BeHavior Language is a strictly typed programming language specifically tailored for gameplay logic scripting.
Bicep (language,cloud,azure): A domain-specific language (DSL) that uses declarative syntax to deploy Azure resources.
Bigbone (distribution,mastodon,jvm): BigBone - A Mastodon Client Library for Java and Kotlin.
Bildr (platform,low-code,no-code): All-in-one platform for visual web app development. The full stack is handled so you can focus on building with all the powers of a seasoned developer at hand.
Bimble (language,static): A cutting-edge programming language that stands at the intersection of performance, reliability, and simplicity.
bingrep (tool,native,elf,pe,macho): Greps through binaries from various OSs and architectures, and colors them (ELF, Mach-O, PE)
binwalk (tool,hardware): A fast, easy to use tool for analyzing, reverse engineering, and extracting firmware images.
BIPLAN (Byte coded Interpreted Programming LANguage) (language,vm): An experimental compact programming language and virtual machinethat fits in less than 12KB of program memory and is implemented in less than 2000 lines of code.
Biscuit (language,llvm,native): A simple imperative programming language using LLVM backend implemented in C.
bison (tool,language,language development): Classic implementation (of yacc) for language development
Bit (platform,low-code): An open-source standard infrastructure for web components.
Bite (language,clr): A dynamically typed, object oriented programming language.
Bitsy (language,reading): the best language to implement when writing your first compiler or interpreter.
B-Juliet (language): A fairly minimal event-oriented language.
Bla (language,functional): An (unpure) functional language whose concept of environment is not implicit as in traditional languages, but made available explicitly as a first class value.
Blade (language): A simple, fast, clean, and dynamic language that allows you to develop applications quickly.
BlazeX (language): AOT compiled object oriented programming language.
Blazonry (language,dsl): A DSL for heraldry/blazonry designs (shields, flags, etc).
Bleach (language,dynamic): A programming language designed to give Computer Science students a more interesting and rewarding experience while taking their first "Introduction to Compilers" course.
Blech (language): Blech is a language for developing reactive, real-time critical embedded software.
BLint (tool,security,linux,macos,windows): A Binary Linter designed to evaluate your executables’ security properties and capabilities, utilizing LIEF for its operations; from version 2, can also produce Software Bill-of-Materials (SBOM) for compatible binaries.
BlitzJS (library,nodejs,browser): A zero-API approach to connecting your Next.js front end to the back-end datastore.
BlitzMax (language): A fast cross-platform, open-source programming language.
Bloaty McBloatface (tool,native,elf,macho): A size profiler for binaries (ELF, Mach-O)
Blockchain reading (reading,blockchain): A collection of resources on blockchain. Mostly for pedagogical purposes; thus far I have found no practical use for one.
Blockly (language,library,presentation): An editor that represents coding concepts as interlocking blocks.
Blocs (platform,low-code): Component-based visual website builder.
BLOG (language,probabilistic): A probabilistic modeling language, designed for representing relations and uncertainties among real world objects.
Bloodshed Compilers (place,language): Collection of compilers resources
Boardgame.io (gamedev,browser): An engine for creating turn-based games using JavaScript.
Bob (language): Bob is a simple object-oriented scripting language. Bob’s syntax is similar to C or C++ but it is dynamically typed and has automatic memory management.
Bob2 (language): Revised version of Bob derived from the Nuon work at VM Labs
Boba (language): A general purpose statically-typed concatenative programming language.
Bochs (vm,windows,linux,macos,ios,android,native): A portable IA-32 and x86-64 IBM PC compatible emulator and debugger mostly written in C++; it supports emulation of the processor, memory, disks, display, Ethernet, BIOS and common hardware peripherals of PCs.
Bog (language): Small, strongly typed, embeddable language. Written in Zig.
Bolin (language,native,macos,linux): A general purpose language that is readable, memory-managed, and fast.
Bolt (storage,key-value,go): An embedded key/value database for Go.
Bolt (language): Research language with finer-grained concurrency than Rust.
Bolt protocol (distribution,storage): A highly efficient, lightweight client-server protocol designed for database applications.
Bolts Framework(s) (library,android,ios,jvm): A collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier.
Bond (library,storage,native,clr,jvm,python): An open-source, cross-platform framework for working with schematized data, supporting cross-language serialization/deserialization and powerful generic mechanisms for efficiently manipulating data.
BondLayer (platform,no-code): Visual website and mobile app builder.
BonitaSoft (platform,low-code,no-code): Reinvent and automate your business processes with the Bonita open source Digital Process Automation platform. Deliver automation projects rapidly and continuously and increase visibility for insights to improve your processes.
Boo (language,clr,static,compiled): Object-oriented language for the CLR incorporating Python-style syntax.
Boomerang (language): A general, open source, retargetable decompiler of machine code programs.
Boomerang (language,functional): Language for writing lenses (bidirectional transformations) that operate on ad-hoc, textual data formats.
Boomi Flow (platform,low-code): Caters to automation use cases, mobile applications, embedded workflows, and organizational collaboration.
Boost (library,native,tool,windows,macos,linux): Wide-ranging collection of C++ templates and tools.
Boost.Build (tool,native,build): Build system first used in C++ Boost library.
BOOX (hardware): E-ink options (tablets and monitors).
bore (tool,distribution,networking): bore is a simple CLI tool for making tunnels to localhost.
Borealis (language): Borealis is a small, elegant and consistent scripting language. Includes a C-like syntax that's easy to implement.
Boron (language): An embeddable scripting language similar to Rebol.
BorrowScript (language): Combining TypeScript with Rust's borrow-checker (therefore requiring no GC).
Bosatsu (language,functional): Python-ish pure and total functional programming language.
Boson (language,native): A hybrid programming language written in Rust.
Bosque (language,research,nodejs): A language rethinking intermediate representation/bytecode to be more tool-friendly.
Bottle (library,python,http,browser): A fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python, distributed as a single file module and has no dependencies other than the Python Standard Library.
Bottles (tool,platform,windows,linux): An application that allows you to easily manage windows prefixes on your favorite Linux distribution.
Box2D (gamedev,physics engine): Classic physics engine developed by Erin Catto and ported almost everywhere.
BoxyHQ (cloud,security,api): Security building blocks for developers.
BoxyHQ (backend,security,authentication): Collection of security APIs/services for security and privacy.
BQN (language): An APL-like programming language. Self-hosted!
Braid (language,functional,transpiler): Functional language with Reason-like syntax that compiles to Go.
Brain (language): A high-level, purely object-oriented, prototype based scripting language, mostly similar to the Self language.
Brainfuck (language,esoteric): The classic esoteric programming language.
Brain Rules (reading,books,psychology,thinking): Rules for how the brain works.
Breeze (BreezeJS, Breeze#) (cloud,backend,clr,javascript): Rich data for Javascript apps.
BridgeScript (language): A statically typed, platform independent programming language.
Bright ML (language,functional,ml): Statically-typed programming language based on "F-ing modules".
BrightstarDB (storage,graph,rdf,clr): A native RDF database for the .NET platform.
BRIL (Big Red Intermediate Language) (format,language,language development,tool): A programming language for learning about compilers.
BRL (language): The Beautiful Report Language. A language designed for server-side WWW-based applications, particularly database applications. It is based on Scheme, which makes the syntax extremely simple yet powerful. This implementation is a Java Servlet using the Kawa Scheme compiler.
Bromium (language,browser,jvm): A DSL/framework for running automated integration/end-to-end tests through the browser. It is especially effective for single page applications (SPA) and any front end that has a lot of dynamic stuff going on.
Browser Extensions (tool,browser): Tools which live as extensions in the browser.
Browser Reading (reading,presentation,browser,web): A collection of articles about browser-related development (how things work, etc)
Browsers (Web) (platform,presentation,browser): Standardized web browser programming.
Brython (language): A Python 3 implementation for client-side web programming.
bsdutils (library,native): Alternative to GNU coreutils using software from FreeBSD.
Bubble (platform,no-code): Web application builder.
Budibase (platform,backend,low-code,no-code): An open-source low code platform that helps you build and self-host internal tools in minutes.
Buffalo (platform,backend,presentation,native,browser): A Go web development eco-system, designed to make your life easier.
Build2 (tool,native,build): C++ build toolchain.
Builder (platform,cms,no-code): Drag and drop page builder and CMS.
Build tools and research (tool,reading,build): A collection of links around building, build systems, and build performance optimization
Build Your Own redis (storage,open-source): Learn network programming and data structures by coding from scratch.
Build-Your-Own-X (place,presentation,storage,language,vm,gamedev): A collection of links on how to build various things as a learning exercise.
Bulfinch (language): Just a little toy language to learn about register-based VMs.
Business metrics (reading,business): Some concepts/ideas/links around metrics for businesses.
Butler (platform,os,functional): A virtual operating system (written in Haskell) that runs multi-players applications on the web.
Butter (language): Aims to be a concise and friendly language for building efficient software.
buzz (language): Small/lightweight typed scripting language written in Zig.
Buzz2 (language): A small/lightweight statically typed scripting language written in Zig.
Byte Buddy (library,jvm,language): A library for creating and modifying Java classes during the runtime of a Java application and without the help of a compiler.
Bytecode Alliance (place,vm,web,wasm): A nonprofit organization dedicated to creating secure new software foundations, building on standards such as WebAssembly and WebAssembly System Interface (WASI).
Byte-Me (tool,jvm): A Java bytecode explorer.
Byzer (language,low-code,storage): A low-code open-source programming language for data pipeline, analytics and AI.
C (language,native): General-purpose, imperative, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations.
C-- (C-minus-minus) (language,assembly,native): A subset of C specifically aimed to make it useful as a high-level assembly language.
C# (clr,language,static,object,metaobject,compiled,windows,macos,linux): A statically-compiled, object-oriented language for the CLR.
C++ (language,native,object,metaobject): An object-oriented flavor of C.
C++/CLI (language,clr,object,native): An adaptation of C++ to the CLR platform; successor to "Managed C++".
C++11 Language Features (language,native,object,metaobject,functional): C++ 2011 version
C++14 Language Features (language,native,object,metaobject,functional): C++ 2014 version
C++17 Language Features (language,native,object,metaobject,functional): C++ 2017 version
C++20 Language Features (language,native,object,metaobject,functional): C++ 2020 version
C++ atomics, lock-free libraries and tools, and the memory model (native,reading): A collection of readings and research on C++ memory model and related concurrency/synchronization concepts.
C++ Error handling (native,reading): A collection of links and reading on the specific ways C/C++ do error-handling.
C++ FFI (language,native,windows,macos,linux,llvm): Some notes and details on how C++ can call native bindings.
C++ Standards (native): C++ Standards links
C2 (language,llvm,native): Evolution of C.
C3: Clipper Compatible Compiler (language): An xBase language compiler for 16, 32 and 64 bits.
c3c (language): A C-like language trying to be "an incremental improvement over C" rather than a whole new language.
C4 (C in Four Functions) (language,vm,native): C implementation, in four functions.
Cadence (distribution,workflow,state management): Fault-Tolerant Stateful Code Platform
Cadl (language,cloud,distribution,services): A language for describing cloud service APIs and generating other API description languages, client and service code, documentation, and other assets.
CafeOBJ (language): A language for writing formal (i.e. mathematical) specifications of models for wide varieties of software and systems, and verifying properties of them.
Caffeine (presentation,browser,wasm,ecmascript): A livecoding environment for web browsers, Deno, and WebAssembly; after adding it to a webpage, you can use it to make live persistent changes to that page and other pages running Caffeine, without reloading.
Cairo (language): A programming language designed for a virtual CPU of the same name, which presents a unique aspect, that it was not created for the physical constraints of our world but for cryptographic ones, making it capable of efficiently proving the execution of any program running on it.
Caja (language,object capability,browser): A JavaScript implementation for "virtual iframes" based on the principles of object-capabilities.
Cake (C# Make) (tool,clr): A free and open source cross-platform build automation system with a C# DSL for tasks such as compiling code, copying files and folders, running unit tests, compressing files and building NuGet packages.
Cakelisp (language,gamedev): A metaprogrammable, hot-reloadable, non-garbage-collected language ideal for high performance, iteratively-developed programs (especially games).
CakeML (language,functional,ml): A verified implementation of a significant subset of Standard ML.
Cal (cloud): Scheduling infrastructure for everyone.
CAL / OpenQuark (language,jvm,functional,platform): A lazy functional programming framework and language for the JVM.
Calca (tool,editor): The text editor that loves math and gives you answers as you type.
Calcit (language): An interpreter built with Rust, and also a JavaScript code emitter.
CalDAV (distribution,specification): Defines extensions to the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol to specify a standard way of accessing, managing, and sharing calendaring and scheduling information based on the iCalendar format.
Caledon (language,logic): Dependently typed, polymorphic, higher order logic programming language.
Callisto (language): A minimalist language on "versioned objects".
Calypso (language,functional): Mostly imperative language with some functional influences that is focused on flexibility and simplicity.
Camelot (language,functional,object,ml): A language of the ML family. `
Cane (language,sound): A small vector language designed for making beats with realtime MIDI.
Canopy (tool,language development,parser): A PEG parser compiler.
Cant (language): Programming language descended mainly from E and Scheme.
Capacitor (platform,ios,android,browser): An open source native runtime for building Web Native apps.
CapacitorJS (presentation,nodejs): Capacitor turns any web app into a native app so you can run one app across iOS, Android, and the Web with the same code.
Cappuccino (presentation,library,browser,ecmascript): A framework which makes it easy to create advanced web apps.
Capstone (Disassembler) (tool,library,native,assembly): A disassembly/disassembler framework.
Capsule (library,jvm): A fast and lean implementation of a family of hash-trie-based collections (sets, maps).
Carbon (native,object,llvm): An experimental successor to C++.
Carp (language,static,native): A statically-typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.
Casanova (clr,gamedev,static,object,metaobject,compiled): A declarative programming language for games, derived from F# and has full Unity integration.
Cascading StyleSheets (CSS) (presentation,browser): Collections of reading and links on the second triad of the HTML/CSS/JS browser layer.
Caspio (platform,low-code): Helps businesses build custom applications by optimizing customer experiences and internal workflows.
Cassandra (storage,distribution,key-value): An open source NoSQL distributed database trusted by thousands of companies for scalability and high availability without compromising performance. Linear scalability and proven fault-tolerance on commodity hardware or cloud infrastructure make it the perfect platform for mission-critical data.
Cassette (language): A new evolutionary highlevel and readable tape language (unlike brainf), with pattern matching, arity overloading, modules, lambdas (rather quotes) and much more; All topped on with a simple and aesthetic syntax.
Castile (language): A simple imperative language with union types (and a compiler for same, with multiple targets)
Castled (distribution,storage,reverse etl): Data synchronization framework focused on external apps.
Cat (language,static,functional): A statically typed functional stack-based programming language inspired by Joy.
Cat9 (language): A user shell script for LASH - a command-line shell that discriminates against terminal emulators, written in Lua.
Catala (language): A programming language for the law.
Category Theory (reading,mathematics,thinking): A collection of links on category theory.
cave_miner (tool,native,elf,macho,pe): Search for code cave in binaries (ELF, Mach-O, PE), and inject code in them
Cayley (storage,graph): An open-source database for Linked Data inspired by the graph database behind Google's Knowledge Graph (formerly Freebase).
CaylixOS (platform,operating system,mobile): A mobile operating system with greater emphasis on security.
CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) (format,binary): A data format whose design goals include the possibility of extremely small code size, fairly small message size, and extensibility without the need for version negotiation.
Cecil (library,language,clr,static analysis,code generation): A library to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL form.
Cedar (language,security,authorization): A language for defining permissions as policies, which describe who should have access to what, and a specification for evaluating those policies.
cel (Common Expression Language) (language): Implements common semantics for expression evaluation, enabling different applications to more easily interoperate.
Cell (language,native,clr,jvm): Flexible entirely-structural type system, orthogonal persistence, transactions, integrating with primary language (C++, Java, C#).
Cello (libcello) (library,language,native,functional): A library that brings higher level programming to C.
Cellular Architecture (architecture): Utilizing cellular principles in an architecture. (?)
Cerbos (library,authorization,cloud): Authorization as a service (or library), decoupled from actual code.
Cesium (language,clr): A C compiler for the CLR.
Céu (language): A reactive language that aims to offer a higher-level and safer alternative to C.
Ceylon (jvm,javascript,language,object,functional,metaobject,static): An object-oriented, strongly statically typed programming language with an emphasis on immutability.
CFML (Cold Fusion Markup Language) (language,jvm,clr): A scripting language for web development.
CGLib (library,jvm): high level API to generate and transform Java byte code. It is used by AOP, testing, data access frameworks to generate dynamic proxy objects and intercept field access.
ChaiScript (language,scripting): An easy to use embedded scripting language for C++.
Challenges for Game Developers (reading,books,gamedev): A collection of thinking and approaches to game design, wrapped in some challenges.
Changes (language,dsl,microlanguage): A microlang that makes it as concise as possible to write, read and analyze change logs.
Chaos (language,dynamic,procedural): Strongly typed, dynamic yet compilable, test-oriented procedural programming language that achieves zero cyclomatic complexity.
Chapel (language,native): A modern programming language that is parallel, productive, portable, scalable.
Charity (language): A categorical programming language.
Charly (language,vm,functional,concurrency): Fully parallel dynamically typed programming language.
Chart.js (presentation,browser): Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers.
Chavascript (language,ecmascript): A fully Hebrew scripting language, written on top of JavaScript.
Checked C (native,research,language): An extension to C that adds checking to C to detect or prevent common programming errors such as buffer overruns, out-of-bounds memory accesses, and incorrect type casts.
Checker (Framework) (tool,library,jvm,static): Custom pluggable types for Java.
Checkstyle (tool,jvm,java,static): A development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard by automating the process of checking Java code to spare humans of this boring (but important) task.
Cheerp C/C++ (language,browser,wasm,ecmascript,nodejs): A C/C++ compiler for Web applications - compiles to WebAssembly and JavaScript.
Cheetah3d (gamedev): A powerful and easy to learn 3D modeling, rendering and animation software which was developed from the ground up for Mac.
Chef (language,esoteric): A language where the programs produce magnificent meals.
Cherow (library,ecmascript,parser): A fast, Typescript-based Javascript parser.
Cherrybomb (tool,distribution): A CLI tool that helps you avoid undefined user behaviour by validating your API specifications.
Chess (Variants) (gamedev): A collection of links and ideas for chess variants.
Chevrotain (library,language,nodejs,parser): Parser buildint toolkit for JavaScript.
Chickadee (gamedev,lisp): A game development toolkit for Guile Scheme.
Chicory (vm,jvm,wasm): Native JVM WebAssembly runtime.
CHM (Computer History Museum) (place): Great collection of historical archives around computers, computing, software, and the people and places that built it all.
ChocoPy (language,python,static,language development): A restricted subset of Python 3 designed for classroom use in undergraduate compilers courses.
Choreo (backend,low-code,cloud): Low-code cloud native engineering for API developers. Engineer in low-code and pro-code simultaneously.
Chrome (browser) (platform,presentation,browser): (Chrome) Extensions are software programs that customize the browsing experience. They enable users to tailor Chrome functionality and behavior to individual needs or preferences. They are built on web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
Chromium (platform,library,browser): An open-source browser project that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable way for all Internet users to experience the web.
Chromium OS (platform,browser,os): An open-source project that aims to build an operating system that provides a fast, simple, and more secure computing experience for people who spend most of their time on the web.
ChucK (language): Strongly-timed, concurrent, and on-the-fly music programming language.
Ciao (language,functional,object,logic): General-purpose programming language which supports logic, constraint, functional, higher-order, and object-oriented programming styles. Its main design objectives are high expressive power, extensibility, safety, reliability, and efficient execution.
Ciao Prolog (language,logic,prolog): A modern Prolog implementation that builds up from a logic-based simple kernel designed to be portable, extensible, and modular.
Cicada (language): A dependently typed programming language and an interactive theorem prover.
CilTools (library,language,clr,static anlysis): A set of tools to work with CIL in .NET applications.
Cinder (native,windows,macos,linux,ios,android,gamedev): A creative library and toolkit for C++ development across platforms.
Circle (language,native,metaobject): Metaprogram C++ in C++. It encourages a seamless mixing of compile-time and runtime capabilities that upends decades of language design.
CircuitPython (language,python): A fork of MicroPython, designed for API uniformity across many microcontrollers.
Circuits (library,python,component): A Lightweight Event driven and Asynchronous Application Framework for the Python Programming Language with a strong Component Architecture.
Cish (language): A minimal, performant, strongly-typed, and multi-paradigm programming language focused on being practical and pragmatic, yet powerful enough to create readable, performant and concise code for any problem.
Cito (language): Automatically translates the Ć programming language to C, Java, C#, JavaScript, ActionScript, Perl and D. Ć is a new language, aimed at crafting portable programming libraries, with syntax akin to C#.
Citron (language,native): General purpose programming language (mainly for unix-like systems).
Citus (storage,relational): All the greatness of Postgres, plus the superpower of distributed tables. 100% open source.
CLAIRE4 (language,static,dynamic,functional,object): A general-purpose programming language, best suited to application software requiring sophisticated data modeling, rule processing or problem solving.
Clamshell (tool,python): A repl shell for using python as an interactive shell (like bash, fish, zsh etc).
Clang static analysis reading (tool,clang,llvm,native,reading): Collections of projects and articles around Clang static analysis.
Claro (language,jvm,static,concurrent): A statically typed JVM language that provides a well-lit path to building simple, highly concurrent, and scalable applications.
clasp (language,lisp,native,llvm): Bringing Common Lisp and C++ Together.
Clawn (language): Statically typed, simple, native language.
Clay (language): Programming language designed for Generic Programming.
Clean (language,functional): A general purpose, state-of-the-art, pure and lazy functional programming language designed for making real-world applications. Some of its most notable language features are uniqueness typing, dynamic typing, and generic functions.
Clean Architecture (reading,books,architecture,design): Bob Martin's screed on architecture. Captured for pedagogical analysis.
Clean Code (reading,books,design): Robert Martin's screed on writing "clean" code. Captured for pedagogical analysis.
ClearScript (language,clr,nodejs,windows): A library for adding scripting to .NET applications.
Clemens Vasters' Messaging Repo (place,distribution,messaging,pub-sub): Clemens' collection of messaging material and terminology.
Clickteam (gamedev,no-code,browser,windows,macos,ios,android): Game creation software.
Clickvote (cloud): Upvotes, links, and reviews.
Clio (language,functional,distribution,nodejs,browser): A pure functional lazy-evaluated programming language targeting decentralized and distributed systems.
Clip (language,object): A CA-Clipper 5.3 compatible compiler for Linux-UNIX and Cygwin with new OO-model, FiveWin and GTK compatible GUI and many other useful features.
clip (command-line illustration processor) (language,presentation): An open-source software package for creating charts and other data-driven illustrations.
Clipper (aka xBase) (language,storage): SQL-inspired language from dBase days.
CLIPS (language,platform,logic,rules,expert system,knowledge representation): A forward-chaining rule-based programming language/platform/engine written in C that also provides procedural and object-oriented programming facilities.
Cloe (language,lisp): A Lisp that aims to be simple and practical.
Clojure (jvm,language,functional,dynamic,object,metaobject): A Lisp for the JVM.
Cloud Adoption Patterns (patterns,cloud,architecture): Collection of patterns for adopting cloud.
Cloudboost (backend,cloud,platform,storage): Cloud platform for your app; similar to Parse + Firebase + Algolia + Iron.io all combined into one.
Cloud Design Patterns (reading,patterns,distribution,cloud): A pattern catalog from Microsoft about how to architect cloud applications.
Cloud Events (distribution,format,specification,messaging): A common information model for events.
Cloudflare Durable Objects (D1) (storage,relational,serverless): Serverless SQL databases to query from your Workers and Pages projects.
CloudFoundry (tool,cloud): An open source project with an open contribution and open governance model that gives users maximum flexibility to avoid vendor lock-in.
CloudMorph (cloud,backend,distribution,browser): Decentralize and self-host cloud gaming/application.
CLR (clr,platform,vm): A stack-based bytecode virtual machine.
CLR FFI (vm,clr,native): A collection of notes and links on .NET/CLR platform interop and native bindings.
CLR Interoperability (clr,platform,vm,specification): Links for the interoperability between the Common Language Runtime (CLR) and other platforms.
CLR Specifications (clr,platform,vm,specification): Specification links for the Common Language Runtime (CLR).
CLR virtual machine/execution engine specifications (vm,clr,specification): A collection of the specifications for the runtime of the CLR platform.
CLU (language): Programming language created at MIT.
Clue (language,lua): A programming language that compiles into Lua code with a syntax similar to languages like C or Rust.
Clutch (platform,low-code,no-code): Component-based web application designer/builder.
Clyde (language,gamedev): A language for writing game dialogues, supporting branching dialogues, translations and interfacing with your game through variables and events.
Cmajor (language,audio): A programming language for writing fast, portable audio software.
Cmajor (language): An experimental programming language strongly influenced by C++ and C#.
CMake (tool,native,build): Cross-platform build tool.
cmdpixl (tool,presentation): Totally practical command-line image editor.
CMM of WASM (vm,wasm,linux,macos): A compiler from WebAssembly to native code, via the OCaml backend.
Co (language,parsing,haskell,concurrency): Let’s explore some of these concepts in detail by implementing a programming language with support for coroutines and Go-style channels.
Co (language): A simple programming language developed as a hobby that can be compiled to native executables and WebAssembly modules, or run directly through its JIT compiler.
Co (language,functional,concurrent): A small dynamically typed imperative programming language with support for coroutines and channels, written in Haskell.
coala (language,language development): Command-line utility for linting and fixing code for all languages.
COBOL (language): Legacy business language that refuses to die.
Cobra (language,clr,object,functional,dynamic,static): Interesting mix of paradigms into a single CLR-hosted language.
CockroachDB (storage,cloud): A prime example of NewSQL with ACID guarantee of SQL and the scale of NoSQL. CockroachDB is open source and freely available for cloud-native and hybrid deployments. SQL. Geo-location of data. Horizonatal Scale. ACID transactions.
Coco (language,dynamic,nodejs,browser): A CoffeeScript dialect that aims to be more radical and practical.
CoCo (vm,python): A virtual machine based on the Python virtual machine.
Coconut (language,python): Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
CocoR (tool,language,clr,jvm,native): Parser generator toolkit.
Cocos (Cocos2d-x) (gamedev): A cross-platform game development framework that supports 2D and 3D game creation; provides graphics rendering, GUI, audio, network, physics, user input, etc.
Cod (language): An opensource concatenative stack-based general purpose programming language.
CodeChecker (tool,native,clang): An analyzer tooling, defect database and viewer extension for the Clang Static Analyzer and Clang Tidy
Code Contracts (library,clr,research): Library for expressing coding assumptions and preconditions/postconditions/invariants.
Code Generation (language development,language,reading): Information on how to generate code (binary or source)
Codenameone (platform,android,ios,windows,macos,browser,linux): A Write Once Run Anywhere mobile development platform for Java/Kotlin developers.
codesize (tool,native,pdb,elf,macho): Code size visualization tool with PDB/ELF/Mach-O support
Coding katas locations/sources (place): A collection of sites that have coding katas for practice.
CoffeeScript (language,nodejs,object,functional,dynamic): Unfancy JavaScript.
Cogent (language,functional,native,transpiler): A restricted, polymorphic, higher-order, purely functional language with uniqueness types and without the need for a trusted runtime or GC.
Cognate (language,literate): Quasi-concatenative stack language that uses embedded comments to read like English prose.
Coherence (storage,key-value,distribution): A scalable, fault-tolerant, cloud-ready, distributed platform for building grid-based applications and reliably storing data.
cola (language,object,functional): An ongoing project to create a springboard for investigating new computing paradigms. Everything in it is late-bound, the intention being that any paradigm (existing or yet to be invented, formal complexity notwithstanding) be easily and efficiently mapped to it and made available to the user.
Colin S Gordon's Electronic References (place,reading,language,nlp,computer science): A loosely-categorized collection of links to CS textbooks in a variety of areas that are freely available online.
Colm (language,tool,program transformation): A programming language designed for the analysis and transformation of computer languages.
Colyseus (gamedev,backend,nodejs): An open-source multiplayer solution that empowers game devs to Get To Fun Faster.
Comet (language,concurrency): A domain-specific language for hybrid optimization, featuring solvers for constraint programming, mixed integer programming, and constraint-based local search.
Common Language Runtime (CLR) (vm,clr): The execution engine and supporting structure for .NET programs.
Common Object File Format (COFF) (format,native,pe,coff): Executable file format.
Competing on Analytics (reading,books,business): TBD
Compiler correctness reading (language,reading,native,clr,llvm,language development): A collection of links and resources on compiler correctness, certification, validation, verification.
Compiler Explorer (Godbolt) (tool,language development,educational): Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly.
Compilers.NET (Website) (place,language): A collection of language links 2007 and earlier.
Compilers Implementation/Optimization Reading (language,reading,llvm,native,language development): Collection of articles on implementing languages.
Compiler Testing (language development): A collection of links and reading on compiler testing.
Compiler Validation (language development): Links on translation validation, equivalence checking, and more.
Compiler Verification (language development): Verifying compiler correctness and compilation of functional programs.
Compis (language): Contemporary systems programming language in the spirit of C.
ComponentPascal (language): A programming language in the tradition of Niklaus Wirth's Pascal, Modula-2, Oberon and Oberon-2.
Compose (language): Experimental programming language that aims to be teachable, scalable, modern, powerful & precise.
Compost.js (library,presentation,browser,nodejs): A data visualization library that lets you compose rich interactive data visualizations from a small number of basic primitives. The library is based on the functional programming idea of composable domain-specific languages.
Computer Architecture: Microarchitectural channels (hadware,assembly,native,reading,security): A collection of reading materials on computer microarchitectural channels.
Computer Hardware and Architecture (reading,native,assembly,hardware): A collection of links to various things computer hardware and architecture-related: cmmunities, competitions, conferences, courses, emulation & simulation, journals & publications.
Conan (tool,native): C++ package manager
Concept Maps (reading,thinking): A page of resources for Concept Maps.
Concrete (platform,cms): CMS for teams.
Concurnas (jvm,language): An open source JVM programming language designed for building reliable, scalable, high performance concurrent, distributed and parallel systems.
Cone (language): Fast, fit, friendly, and safe systems programming language.
Console (language,network): A DSL for a network service programming language.
Context (language): An interesting take on a procedural/object language.
Continuation-passing style (reading,language,language development): Readings and links on CPS.
Converge (language,compiled,metaobject): A dynamically typed object oriented programming language with compile-time meta-programming facilities.
Convox (backend,cloud): Deploy, scale, and manage your applications with ease on a Kubernetes-based open source platform.
Cool (language,language development,objects,static): A small language designed for use in an undergraduate compiler course project.
Coolify (platform,backend): Self-hostable Heroku alternative.
Copper (language): Experimental programming language that can be used as a replacement to C and C++.
Coq (language,dependent types): A formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an environment for semi-interactive development of machine-checked proofs.
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) (distribution,jvm,clr,native,object,specification): A Java/.NET interoperability-via-distribution platform.
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) (distribution,jvm,clr,native,object,specification): A distributed-objects platform, architecture, and specifications popular in the late 90s and early 2000s.
Core (language): A modern, minimal programming language.
Corecalc (presentation,spreadsheet): A research prototype implementation of core spreadsheet functionality in C#, intended as a platform for experiments with technology and novel functionality.
CoreCLR (vm,clr): The VM implementation of .NET Core
Core J2EE Patterns (reading,books,patterns,distribution,jvm): Patterns around enterprise Java circa 2000
CoreNLP (library,nlp,jvm): One stop shop for natural language processing in Java; enables users to derive linguistic annotations for text, including token and sentence boundaries, parts of speech, named entities, numeric and time values, dependency and constituency parses, coreference, sentiment, quote attributions, and relations.
Core War (vm,gamedev): A reproduction of the Core War game. Assembly compiler, Virtual Machine and GUI.
Corewars (gamedev,platform): A game of warrior vs warrior, programmed by two opponents, and placed into a virtual 'ring' to fight to the death.
CoronaSDK (gamedev,platform,ios,macos,windows): Cross-platform framework ideal for rapidly creating apps and games for mobile devices and desktop systems.
Cosmos (platform,operating system,clr): Cosmos is an operating system "construction kit". Build your own OS using managed languages such as C#, VB.NET, and more!
Cosmos (language,logic): A new logic programming language.
CosmosDB (storage,cloud): Microsoft's proprietary globally-distributed, multi-model database service "for managing data at planet-scale" launched in May 2017. It is schema-agnostic, horizontally scalable and generally classified as a NoSQL database.
Cotowali (language): Statically typed scripting language that transpile into POSIX sh.
Couchbase (storage,document,network): A full-featured, multi-service, multimodel database.
CouchDB (storage,native,document): Seamless multi-master sync documented-oriented native HTTP/JSON API with emphasis on reliability and concurrency.
Courses on Language Development (language development,place,language): A collection of links to (mostly academic) courses on how to build programming languages.
CovariantScript (language): An open source, cross-platform programming language.
Cow (language,esoteric): Language designed with the bovine in mind.
Cowgol (language): A self-hosted Ada-inspired programming language for very small systems. Cowgol is an experimental, Ada-inspired language for very small systems (6502, Z80, etc). It's different because it's intended to be self-hosted on these devices: the end goal is to be able to rebuild the entire compiler on an 8-bit micro, although we're not there yet.
Coyote (clr,language,research,static,compiled): A statically-compiled research language from Microsoft around explicit state machine management.
CPL (language,functional): An implementation of "A Categorical Programing Language" (CPL for short)[1][2] written in Haskell.
C-plus-Equality (or See-Equality) (language,esoteric,native): Feminist Software Foundation C+=, a new language for us feminists.
Cppcheck (tool,native): A tool for static C/C++ code analysis
Cppfront (language): An experimental compiler from a potential C++ 'syntax 2' (Cpp2) to today's 'syntax 1' (Cpp1), to learn some things, prove out some concepts, and share some ideas.
CppNet (tool,library,clr,language): Quick and dirty port of jcpp (tools/jcpp) to C#, with features to support Clang preprocessing.
CPython (language,vm,python): The original, "standard", C-based implementation of the Python language/platform.
CPython VM (vm,python): The CPython virtual machine.
CQL (Cassandra Query Language) (language,storage): Query language that's almost SQL that rides on top of the Cassandra storage system.
Crab (tool,native,llvm): A Language-Agnostic Library for Static Analysis
Crab (language): A community fork of a language named after a plant fungus. All of the memory-safe features you love, now with 100% less bureaucracy!
Crack (language,compiled,static,object): An imperative, object-oriented language along the lines of Java, Python and C++. It can be compiled in Just In Time and Ahead Of Time modes and has been tested on 32 and 64 bit x86 Linux Debian and Ubuntu systems.
Cradle (language,tool,dsl): A DSL for making flowcharts really easily.
CreateDB (storage,relational): Open-source, distributed SQL database.
CreateJS (presentation,gamedev,library,browser): A suite of modular libraries and tools which work together or independently to enable rich interactive content on open web technologies via HTML5.
Create Your Own Programming Language (reading,language,antlr,ruby,python,language development): Notes on the book "Create Your Own Programming Language"
Cricket (language,functional): A tiny lazy objective functional language.
Crow (language,native): An upcoming general-purpose, high-level programming language.
Crucial Conversations (reading,psychology,management,people,thinking): How to have important emotional conversations with people (when opinions vary, stakes are high, and emotions run strong).
Crumb (language,functional,dynamic): A high level, functional, interpreted, dynamically typed, general-purpose programming language, with a terse syntax, and a verbose standard library.
Crunch (language): Strongly & statically typed systems level language focused on ease of use, portability and speed.
Crust (platform,low-code,no-code): Open-Source Low-Code Platform and Salesforce Alternative
CryEngine (gamedev,engine): Full-featured multi-platform AAA game engine.
Cryptocurrency reading (reading): A collection of reading and links on why cryptocurrency is a crock.
Crystal (language,native,ruby): A Ruby-inspired statically-type-checked, native language.
CSCS (language,clr): Customized Scripting in C#
CSL (language): A simple lisp-like macro language for scripting high-level logic and data structures in a way that interfaces easily to the C programming language.
CSPLib (library,logic,constraint solution): A library of test problems for constraint solvers.
CSS snippets (presentation,browser): Cool CSS snippets I find along the way.
CSS Specifications (presentation,browser,css,specification): All the specification docs that make up CSS.
cT (language,presentation): An easy to use graphics- and mouse-oriented programming environment
CTO Links (reading,management): Curated and opinionated collection of resources around CTO/VP-ness.
Cub (language): an interpreted, dynamically typed, scripting language inspired by Swift.
Cubiml (language,functional,ml): A simple ML-like programming language with subtyping and full type inference.
CUE (Configure Unify Execute) Language (distribution,language): Validate, define, and use dynamic and text-based data.
Cuis-Smalltalk (languages,smalltalk,presentation): A free Smalltalk-80 environment with a specific set of goals: being simple and powerful.
Cuneiform (language,functional): Functional programming language (static type checking) for large-scale data analysis workflows.
CUP (language): Simple, C-like programming language.
cur (language,functional,metaprogramming): Powerful meta-programming for powerful types.
curl (tool,distribution): A command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs.
Curl (language,platform): Richer Internet Applications: the Curl language, development environment, runtime engine, and development libraries.
Curry (language,functional): Haskell with Logic extensions.
CWEB (language,literate): Literate programming in C.
Cyber (language): Cyber is a fast, efficient, and concurrent scripting language. You can embed it into your applications, games, or engines on desktop or web. Cyber also comes with a CLI, so you can do scripting on your computer.
Cygwin (platform,linux,windows): An implementation of POSIX APIs on Win32, with accompanying *nix applications and libraries.
Cynefin (reading,management): A framework for making decisions.
Cypher (language,storage,graph): A graph database query language first popularized by Neo4j.
Cython (language,python): An optimizing static compiler for both the Python programming language and the extended Cython programming language (based on Pyrex, a Python-like language for rapidly and easily writing Python extension modules).
C∀ (Cforall) (language,native): A language design extending ISO C to engineer modern language features into C in an evolutionary rather than revolutionary way.
D (language,native,object,metaobject): General-purpose programming language with static typing, systems-level access, and C-like syntax.
D (Tutorial D) (language,storage): D is a set of prescriptions for what Christopher J. Date and Hugh Darwen believe a relational database management system ought to be like.
DaCE (language,parallel): Data-Centric Parallel Programming.
Dachs (language): Dachs is a general-purpose programming language designed to be enjoyable, statically-typed and dog-friendly. Dachs is intended to be used for efficient applications and tools development, not for system programming.
DADS (Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures) (place,computer science): A dictionary of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypal problems, and related definitions. Algorithms include common functions, such as Ackermann's function. Problems include traveling salesman and Byzantine generals.
Dafny (language,verification,clr,jvm,python,ecmascript): A verification=ready programming language.
Dagger (tool,ci-cd,devops): A portable devkit for CI/CD pipelines.
Dale (language): A system (no GC) programming language that uses S-expressions for syntax and supports syntactic macros.
Dalvik (vm,android): The virtual machine created for execution on Android devices.
Dapper (library,clr,storage): A simple object mapper for .NET.
Dapr (distribution): A portable, event-driven runtime that makes it easy for any developer to build resilient, stateless and stateful applications that run on the cloud and edge and embraces the diversity of languages and developer frameworks.
Dark (language,services): A startup effort around a service-oriented language and web development environment.
DarkBasicPro (language): Dark Basic Pro is an open source BASIC programming language for creating Windows applications and games.
Darke (tool,vcs): A version control and file synchronization system.
Darling (platform,tool,macos,linux): A translation layer for Linux to allow execution of macOS programs.
DarlingJS (gamedev,ecmascript,browser): Entity-Component-System based javascript game engine with dependency injections and modules. Create flexible architecture of a game.
Dart (language,static,strongly-typed,ios,android,vm): An open-source, scalable programming language, with robust libraries and runtimes, for building web, server, and mobile apps.
dasbox (gamedev): Simple framework allowing one to create games using daScript.
daScript (language): High-performance statically strong typed scripting language.
Dassie (language,clr): A compiler and core library
Data, context, and interaction (DCI) (architecture,reading): A paradigm used in architecture to program systems of communicating objects; it separates the domain model (data) from use cases (context) and roles that objects play (interaction).
Database/Data storage implementation (storage): Resources on how to build a database
Data concurrency and parallel programming (reading,storage,concurrency): Links about different ways to store data at high levels of concurrency
Data Format Description Language (DFDL) (format,storage): A language for describing text and binary data formats.
Datalog (language): A declarative logic language using Horn clauses; a lightweight deductive database system where queries and updates are expressed in the logic language
Data-Oriented Design (architecture,design,gamedev): A data-centric design approach, typically guided by low-level performance concerns in game development scenarios.
Datasets (teaching,storage): A collection of data sets to use for teaching purposes.
db4o (storage,object,embedded,jvm,clr): An object-oriented database using "native queries" (queries in the source language).
DBeaver (tool,storage): Free universal database tool and SQL client.
DBOS (platform,storage): A Database-Oriented Operating System.
DBOS (storage,backend): A Typescript framework built on the database that helps you develop transactional backend applications.
ddbug (tool,native,dwarf,pdf,macho,pe,elf): Display debugging information.
Death by Meeting (reading,books,business,management,meetings): Running effective meetings.
Debugging reading (native,reading,linux,windows): A collection of reading links and resources on debugging
Defold (gamedev,jvm,ios,android,browser,macos,windows,linux): 2D-focused, 3D-capable, cross-platform (iOS, Android, HTML 5, macOS, Windows, Linux) game engine.
Delinker (tool,native): Unlinks a binary executable to get back a set of .o object files for further transformation and re-linking.
DeltaScript (language,dsl,presentation): A lightweight, general-purpose Java framework used to develop GUI applications and games
Deno (platform,nodejs): A NodeJS-esque platform using V8 seeking to fix some of Node's quirks.
deployd (backend): A tool that makes building APIs simple by providing important ready-made functionality out of the box that meet the demands of complex applications.
DerbyJS (presentation,browser): MVC framework for writing realtime, collaborative applications that run i both NodeJS and browsers.
Derecho (distribution): An open-source C++ distributed computing toolkit that provides strong forms of distributed coordination and consistency at RDMA speeds.
Derw (language,functional,transpiler,ecmascript): Elm-inspired language that transpiles to TypeScript.
Design Docs (Google) (architecture,design,reading): How Google does design docs
Designing Data-Intensive Applications (reading,storage): How to think about building data-centric applications.
Designing Distributed Systems (reading,books,distribution,patterns): A relatively short distributed patterns book.
Design Patterns (GOF) (reading,books,patterns,object): The "original" patterns book.
Detect-It-Easy (tool,native,windows,linux,macos): Program for determining types of files for Windows, Linux and MacOS
DevBCN (conference,jvm): Barcelona Developer's Conference (formerly jBCNConf).
Developer Advocacy Handbook (reading,devrel): Notes from the book.
Developer Marketing Does Not Exist: The Authentic Guide to Reach a Technical Audience (reading,devrel): Notes from the book.
Developer Relations (reading,devrel): How to Build and Grow a Successful Developer Program (Notes from the book).
Developer Relations: The Essential Guide (reading,devrel): Notes from the book.
Developer Relations for Beginners (reading,devrel): Notes from the book.
Development process-related reading (Scrum, XP, Kanban) (reading): A collection of links to papers about the process of building software
devenv.sh (tool,environment management): Build, share, and run your local development environments with a single command.
DeviceScript (language,hardware): TypeScript for tiny IOT devices.
DeviceScript (language,embedded,hardware,ecmascript): TypeScript subset intended for embedded/hardware use.
DEVIntersection (conference,clr): The other major Microsoft conference not hosted by Microsoft.
DevNexus (conference,jvm,ecmascript): Atlanta JUG gone and created a conference.
DevOps (reading): Collection of blogs, articles, etc around "DevOps"
Devoxx (conference,jvm): Collection of "big" shows in Europe loosely around JVM topics.
DevReach (conference,jvm,clr,ecmascript): Bulgarian developer conference.
DevRelCon (conference,devrel): A conference on DevRel.
DevRelX Summit (conference,devrel): A conference on DevRel.
DFlat (presentation,library,native,console): An original text UI framework built piece-by-piece by Al Stevens in DDJ.
DFlex (presentation,browser): A Drag-and-Drop library for all JavaScript frameworks implementing an enhanced transformation mechanism to manipulate DOM elements.
Dg (language,python,vm): A (technically) simple language that compiles to CPython bytecode.
DGraph (storage,graph): Native GraphQL Database with graph backend.
Dhall (language): A statically-typed functional configuration language.
Diagrams (tool,architecture): Build architectural diagrams.
Diagrams As Code (architecture,tool): Generate valid diagrams from source code.
Dialect (language,windows): An interpreted programming language with GUI, networking, and object oriented capabilities.
Dialog (language,gamedev): A domain-specific language for creating works of interactive fiction.
Diamond (language,native): A language to make programming easier.
Diataxis (tool,documentation,presentation,reading,management): A way of thinking about and doing (organizing) documentation.
DiceDB (storage): An open source, redis-compliant, reactive, scalable, highly available, unified cache optimized for modern hardware.
Dictu (language,dynamic): A high-level dynamically typed, multi-paradigm, interpreted programming language.
Dino (language,object): High-Level scripting object-oriented language.
Dip (language): Dynamically typed interpreted programming language written in Python, which gives emphasis to readability and ease of use, while also providing the power of all of python’s libraries.
Directus (backend,storage,platform,cms): Headless CMS & API for Custom Databases.
Dis (vm): The virtual machine behind the Limbo programming language for the Inferno operating system.
Disco (language,functional): Functional teaching language for use in a discrete mathematics course.
Discourse (presentation,platform,forums): A platform for community discussion.
Discus (language,functional): Experimental dialect of Haskell which investigates static typing and program transformation in the presence of computational effects.
Disqus (cloud): Cloud-based discussion/threads system suitable for use by any static HTML-based site.
Distribution (networking, distributed systems, etc) reading (reading,distribution,list): Generalized reading topics about spreading code around the network.
Ditto (language): Super Kawaii Dependently Typed Programming Language.
Ditto (language,functional): Functional, statically typed, and pure.
Dittytoy (library,ecmascript,music): Create your generative music online using a simple Javascript API.
Django (library,python,http,browser): A high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
DML (language): A simple templating language designed for managing web sites based in static HTML files (no CGI, SSI, etc.). It has been obsoleted by DML2 which has in turn been obsoleted by XSLT.
DML2 (language): An object-oriented content storage and document formatting framework.
dnSpy (tool,clr): A debugger and .NET assembly editor.
DocBook (presentation,format): Collection of XML/XSLT tags for publishing articles, books, and other forms of content.
Docker (tool,platform,containers): Virtualization tool for containerizing code, configuration, and sometimes data as part of a deployment.
Docker/Container conversions (platform,container): a container-to-wasm image converter that enables to run the container on WASM.
Docker-Compose (tool,platform,containers): Running multiple Docker images collectively.
dogescript (language,esoteric): Wow so syntax very doge much future.
Dolphin Smalltalk (language,vm,smalltalk): Dolphin Smalltalk language, vm, etc.
DolphinVM (vm,language,smalltalk): Dolphin Smalltalk virtual machine.
Dolt (storage,distribution,relational): It's Git for Data.
Domain Specific Languages (language,dsl): A collection of reading and links on the implementation of DSLs.
Dora (language): JIT-compiler for the programming language Dora implemented in Rust.
DOS (platform,operating system): The original desktop operating system.
DotLisp (language,lisp,clr): A Lisp dialect for .NET.
Dotnet Core CLR (clr,platform,vm): Open-source implementation of the CLR.
dotNET Foundation (place,clr): The .NET Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization established to support an innovative, commercially friendly, open-source ecosystem around the .NET platform.
DotNetMQ (library,reading,clr,messaging): A new and independent Open Source Message Queue system that is entirely built in C# and .NET framework 3.5.
dotnetRDF (library,clr,storage,distribution): An open-source CLR library for RDF.
dotnetReleaser (tool,clr): Easily cross-compile, package and publish your .NET application to NuGet and GitHub.
DotNext (library,language,clr): A collection of .NET libraries intended to fill in gaps left by the CLR and standard library.
DotVVM (presentation,clr,browser): An open-source framework for ASP.NET to build interactive webapps with just C# and HTML (MVVM pattern).
DPMN (Discrete Process Modeling Language) (language,model): A graphical language to capture more than business processes.
Draak (language): A multilanguage macro compiler.
Draco (language): a new .NET programming language under development. If you want further details on the language itself or want to contribute ideas, head over to the [language suggestions repository](https://github.com/Draco-lang/Language-suggestions).
Draconic (language): A scripting language based off Python to run user scripts on the server safely.
Draftbit (platform,no-code,ios,android): Visual mobile app builder.
Dragon (language,windows,linux,macos,jvm,llvm): An innovative and practical general-purpose language.
DragonflyDB (storage,key-value,native): An in-memory datastore.
Dragonruby (gamedev): A zero dependency, cross platform, Ruby runtime built on top of mRuby, libSDL, and LLVM.
Draw.io (tool): Diagramming tool that integrates with Confluence and Github.
DreamBerd (language,esoteric): A perfect programming language.
Dream Maker (language): Uses a syntax similar to C/C++ to build networked multi-user worlds.
Dr Memory (tool,windows,linux,macos,android): Memory Debugger
Drools (library,jvm,rules,RETE): Drools is a rule engine, DMN (Decision Model Notation) engine and complex event processing (CEP) engine for Java.
DropboxMQ (distribution): Filesystem-based JMS implementation.
Dropwizard (backend,jvm): A Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services.
DropWizard (distribution,jvm): Pulls together stable, mature libraries from the Java ecosystem into a simple, light-weight package that lets you focus on getting things done.
DSL Evaluation Checklist (reading,language development): A collection of questions for evaluating DSLS.
DSLisp (language,lisp,clr): An interpreted language and host that integrates with .NET.
DTrace (language,dynamic tracing,platform,tool,macos,windows): A performance analysis and troubleshooting tool that is included by default with various operating systems, including Solaris, Mac OS X and FreeBSD.
Dub (cloud): Open-source link management infrastructure.
DuckDB (storage,relational): An in-process SQL OLAP database management system.
Duckscript (language): A simple, extendable and embeddable scripting language.
Duelyst (gamedev): Source and assets for CCG game.
DuneShell (tool,shell): A shell designed for powerful scripting; think of it as an unholy combination of bash and Lisp.
Durable Task Framework (library,clr,workflow): A library that allows users to write long running persistent workflows (referred to as orchestrations) in C# using simple async/await coding constructs. It is used heavily within various teams at Microsoft to reliably orchestrate long running provisioning, monitoring, and management operations.
DustyScript (language): The intent of this project is to write a programming language powerful enough to retain a 8/9-yr old's interest but simple enough... that the syntax can be grasped by them
DWARF (format,native,elf,reading,dwarf): Debugging format for ELF excutables
DWScript (language): A statically typed Delphi/Free Pascal-like language.
Dyalect (language,clr): A dynamic programming language for .NET platform.
DyBase (storage,embedded,object): A very simple object oriented embedded database for languages with dynamic type checking.
Dylan (language,object,functional,dynamic): A multi-paradigm functional and object-oriented programming language.
Dynamic Analysis Sanitizers reading (reading,language,tool,library,native,llvm): Readings on software sanitizers.
Dynamic Binary Instrumentation (DBI) reading (reading,language,native,object,llvm): A collection of reading and resources on dynamic program analysis
Dynamic Binary Translation (DBT) reading (reading,language,tool,library): Reading on DBT
Dynamic instrumentation tools (tool,library,native): Tools for binary instrumentation, analysis, and modification.
Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) (library,language,dynamic,clr): Enables language developers to more easily create dynamic languages for the .NET platform. In addition to being a pluggable back-end for dynamic language compilers, the DLR provides language interop for dynamic operations on objects.
DynamoRIO (tool,library): Dynamic Instrumentation Tool Platform
Dynasty (language,functional): Interpreted, dynamically-typed, lazily evaluated, purely functional programming language.
dynomite (storage,key-value,network): A generic dynamo implementation for different k-v storage engines.
Dyon (language): A rusty, dynamically typed scripting language.
DZSlides (presentation,slides): A one-file HTML template to build slides in HTML5 and CSS3.
E (language,object,distribution,dynamic,jvm,object capability): An object-oriented programming language for secure distributed computing.
E4X (ECMAScript for XML) (language,dynamic,nodejs): An early attempt to embed hierarchical data/XML syntax functionality within the ECMAScript language. Since deprecated.
Earl Grey (language,nodejs,browser): Programming language compiling to JavaScript.
EarScript (language,esolang): Takes the elegant and minimalistic design of brainfuck and adds "quality of life features" like goto statements, randomized control flow, multiple arrays, and a second dimension.
Easylang (language,presentation,browser): An easy programming language that runs in the browser.
eC (language,object): An expressive and intuitive C-style object-priented programming language.
Ecere (platform,windows,macos,linux,android,ios): A comprehensive API for building apps ranging from games to business, for desktop, mobile and web platforms.
ECMA (place): European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) website of standards and technical reports.
ECMAScript (aka Javascript) (language,browser,nodejs,dynamic,object,metaobject): A dynamic, object-oriented script language.
ECMAScript example of code as data (reading,nodejs,browser): An example of using code as data in ECMAScript
Economics (reading,thinking): Collections of articles and books on economics.
Economist: International Relations A to Z (reading,international relations): Geopolitics terms, from “Abraham accords” to “zero-sum game”, explained in plain English.
Ecstasy (XTC) (language,vm,compiled,services,cloud,distribution): An object-ish language designed to be cloud native from the ground up.
ECSY (gamedev,ecmascript,browser): A highly experimental Entity Component System framework implemented in javascript, aiming to be lightweight, easy to use and with good performance.
EdgeDB (storage): Open source, graph-relational database.
Edina (language,jvm): A simple stack-oriented compiled programming language.
edn (Extensible Data Notation) (format,distribution,jvm): A format for serializing data.
Edward (library,python,probabalistic): A library for probabilistic modeling, inference, and criticism.
Edward (language,python,probablistic): Probabilistic programming library/language for modeling, inference, and criticism. It is a testbed for fast experimentation and research with probabilistic models, ranging from classical hierarchical models on small data sets to complex deep probabilistic models on large data sets.
EEL (language,dynamic): A scripting and programming language, designed specifically for hard real time applications.
Eff (language,functional,effects): Functional language with handlers of not only exceptions, but also of other computational effects such as state or I/O.
Effective C++, 3rd Ed (reading,language,native): Third edition of Scott's classic.
Effective Enterprise Java (reading,books,architecture,distribution,jvm): A collection of topics for effective enterprise systems.
Effective Java (1st Ed) (reading,books,jvm): A collection of items describing how to best design/write Java code.
Effective Java (2nd Ed) (reading,books,jvm): A collection of items describing how to best design/write Java code.
Effective Python, 2nd Edition (reading,books,python): 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python
Effects and effect systems (reading) (reading,language,language development): Reading and notes about effects and effect systems in programming languages (and related).
EffectsJS (language,ecmascript,effects): Algebraic effects in javascript with scoped handlers, multishot delimited continuations and do notation.
Effekt (language,functional): Research language with effect handlers and lightweight effect polymorphism.
EFI (Executable Firmware Interface) (format,platform,pe): The specification (describing PE files as the standard) for executable format in EFI environments.
Egel (language,native): An untyped concurrent functional scripting language based on eager combinator rewriting with a concise but remarkably powerful syntax.
Egison (language,logic): A programming language that features extensible efficient non-linear pattern matching with backtracking for non-free data types.
Egret (gamedev,engine,android,ios,windows): An open mobile game and application engine which allows you to quickly build mobile games and apps on Android,iOS and Windows.
Eiffel (language,object): Object-oriented language that also implies an environment and "method" of writing software (much like Smalltalk). One of the early OO environments.
Ein (language,functional): Functional programming language for scalable development.
elastiC (language): A portable high-level object-oriented interpreted language with a C like syntax.
Electra (language,esoteric): An esolang where you code like an electrician.
ElectronJS (presentation,browser,windows,macos,linux): A framework for building desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, by embedding Chromium and Node.js into its binary, thus allowing one to maintain one JavaScript codebase and create cross-platform apps that work on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Elegant Puzzle (reading,management,books): Systems of engineering management.
Elemental low-code platform (platform,low-code,nodejs): A standards based, open low-code development platform built on nodejs with the ability to fallback to writing raw nodejs code when the provided tools cannot solve your problems.
Elena (language,object,windows,linux): A general-purpose language with late binding.
Eleventy (presentation,static site generator,browser): A simpler static site generator.
Eleventy (11ty) (tool,static site generator,nodejs): A JavaScript alternative to Jekyll.
ELFE (Extensible Language for Everyday (and the Internet of Things)) (language): A very simple and small programming language specifcally designed for everyday programming, notably for the Internet of Things.
Elixir (language,dynamic,functional,beam): A dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications
Elkhound (tool): A parser generator, similar to Bison. The parsers it generates use the Generalized LR (GLR) parsing algorithm. GLR works with any context-free grammar, whereas LR parsers (such as Bison) require grammars to be LALR(1).
Ella (language): Computer programming language interpreter written in Rust.
Elm (language,functional,browser): A functional language for reliable webapps.
Elmish (presentation,functional,browser): (Nothing yet)
Elsa (language,ecmascript): Minimal, fast and secure QuickJS wrapper written in Go.
ELSA (library,clr,workflow): An open source .NET Standard workflows library.
Elvish (language): An expressive programming language and a versatile interactive shell, combined into one seamless package.
emiT-C (language,esolang): A time-traveling programming language.
EML (language,functional,ml): A framework for specification and formal development of Standard ML (SML) programs.
Emojicode (language,esoteric): World’s only programming language that’s bursting with emojis.
Emscripten (language,native,wasm): C++ compiler that generates Javascript "assembly" for execution by any JS engine.
Emu (The EMbeddable Utility Language) (language,embedded): A clean, fast, flexible and free programming language.
Emulators written in JavaScript (vm,ecmascript): A list of emulators written in the JavaScript programming language.
Endless OS (platform,os): Laptop, key, and OS, all for humanitarian purposes.
Engineering Enablement (newsletter) (management,reading): This newsletter brings you the latest research and perspectives on the field of developer productivity and experience.
EngineYard (cloud,ruby): Easy Ruby on Rails deployment to AWS
Enki (language,functional): Intended to be a logic language for teaching programming to people with no programming experience.
Ensemble (distribution,library): The next generation of the Horus group communication toolkit.
Enso (aka Luna) (language,functional,low-code,no-code): Hybrid visual and textual functional programming. Aimed at union of data scientists and developers.
Enterprise (language,esoteric): A non-deterministic-unnecessarily-statically-typed™ Turing-complete-ish™, Quantum-out-of-the-box™ programming language.
Enterprise Integration Patterns (reading,distribution,books,patterns,message-passing): Hohpe/Woolf's classic messaging text.
Entity Component Systems (ECS) (gamedev,patterns,reading,architecture): A common architecture/design pattern for building games.
Entity Framework (library,storage,clr): A framework for retrieving and storing data to relational systems.
EO (Elegant Objects) (language,object,jvm): A "pure" object-oriented language.
EPIC stack (library,presentation,browser): Javascript/Web project starter stack.
Erasmatazz (place,gamedev): Chris Crawford's home for his thoughts on games and such.
Erg (language,static,python): A statically typed language that can deeply improve the Python ecosystem.
Erg (language): A statically typed language that can deeply improve the Python ecosystem.
ErgoAI (language,rules,logic,knowledge representation): An advanced multi-paradigm platform for knowledge representation and reasoning in an enterprise; it is a dialect of the object-based logic known as Frame Logic (or F-logic) with numerous extensions, including meta-programming in the style of HiLog, logical updates in the style of Transaction Logic, and defeasible reasoning. Applications include intelligent agents, Semantic Web, knowledge-based networking, ontology management, integration of information, security policy analysis, and more.
Erlang/OTP (language,functional,beam,actors,message-passing): An actors-based message-passing functional language running on BEAM.
Esoteric Programming Languages (language,esoteric): Languages that are silly, ridiculous, or out to punish innocent programmers.
Espree (library,parser,ecmascript): An Esprima-compatible JavaScript parser.
Esprima (library,parser,ecmascript): ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis.
esProc SPL (language,storage,jvm): A scripting language for data processing, executed in a Java progrma through JDBC.
Essays on distribution and networking (reading,distribution,networking): A collection of links to essays.
Essays on People (reading,people,management): A collection of essays on people.
Essays on Programming (reading): Random collection of long-form thoughts.
Essence# (clr,language): A Smalltalk-superset language for the CLR.
Essential Drucker (reading,books,management): Selections from the management works of Peter F Drucker
Esterel (language,reactive,parallel): A programming language, dedicated to programming reactive systems, and a compiler which translates programs into finite-state machines.
ESTree (library,format,ecmascript,parser): The format that caught on as a lingua franca for tools that manipulate JavaScript source code.
Eta (language,jvm,functional,static): A pure, lazy, strongly typed functional programming language on the JVM.
etalk (language): A Simple Object-Oriented Language
Euphoria (language): A powerful but easy-to-learn and easy-to-use programming language.
Eval (language,interpreter): A lightweight interpreter framework written in Swift, evaluating expressions at runtime, with operators and data types you define.
Eve (library,python,http,browser): An open source Python REST API framework designed for human beings to build and deploy customizable REST services.
Eve (language,functional): Programming language based on years of research into building a human-first programming platform.
EventBus (for Android) (library,android,messaging): An open-source library for Android and Java using the publisher/subscriber pattern for loose coupling.
Event-Driven .NET (platform,clr,microservices,architecture,distribution): An Event Driven Microservices Platform for .NET.
Event Processing Language (EPL) (language,library,jvm,clr,platform,vm): A language, compiler, and runtime for complex event processing (CEP) and streaming analytics.
Event Sourcing (architecture): An approach to building storage systems that tracks events rather than "truth".
EventStoreDB (storage,event store): Persist your application data as streams of events with an open-source database, the best data storage solution for event-sourced systems.
Evergine (gamedev,presentation): The graphics development engine for business and industry. Build high-quality 3D solutions and deploy to any platform.
EverPARSE (language,library): A framework that automatically produces high-performance, formally proven C code for parsing binary messages.
Evlan (language): A programming language and a virtual machine, similar to Java/JVM or C#/.NET, but with many advantages.
Evolving Frameworks (reading,articles,object,patterns): A paattern language for evolving object-oriented frameworks.
Evrete (library,jvm,rules,RETE): A lightweight Java rule engine.
exa (tool,linux,macos): A modern replacement for "ls".
Examples in Gamedev (gamedev): Links and articles on games built.
Excel LAMBDA (language,functional): Define custom functions using Excel's formula language.
execline (language): A (non-interactive) scripting language, like sh - but its syntax is quite different from a traditional shell syntax.
Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) (format,linux,elf,dwarf): Executable file format.
Executable and object file format reading (native,reading,windows,format,linux,macos,linux,elf,macho,pe,dwarf,pdb): Resources and reading around executable and object file formats.
Executables linking and loading reading (native,reading,windows,macos,linux): A collection of links and resources on the linking and loading of executables.
eXistdb (storage,xml): A high-performance open source native NoXQL/XML database and application platform built entirely around XML technologies.
Exograph (backend,storage): A powerful data modeling language and high-performance query engine that offers dynamically generated APIs.
Expr (language): Expression language and expression evaluation for Go.
Expresso (language,functional): Simple expressions language with polymorphic extensible row types.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) (format,distribution,presentation): Data or presentation format inspired by HTML and SGML, used extensively in software development.
Extensible-Storage-Engine (ESE, aka "Jet") (storage,relational): An embedded/ISAM-based database engine, that provides rudimentary table and indexed access.
Extism (vm,wasm,linux,macos,windows): Goal is to make all software programmable, and is a flexible, embedded runtime to make it easy to extend your software with WebAssembly.
eXtremeDB (storage,object,embedded,native,clr,jvm,python): Hybrid Persistent & In-memory Highly Scalable Distributed Client / Server
eXtreme Programming Explained (reading,books): The book describing the predecessor to agile.
F (language): A pure functional concatenative language originally designed as an extension of False.
F-- (language,functional): Uncurried minimal functional programming language.
F* (F-star) (language,functional): A general-purpose functional programming language with effects aimed at program verification.
F# (clr,functional,object,metaobject,fuzzy logic): An object/functional hybrid language.
Fable (language,presentation,functional,object,browser): A compiler that brings F# into the browser.
Fabulous (presentation,library,clr,functional): F# Functional App Development, using declarative dynamic UI.
Facet (language,functional): Call-by-value functional language with algebraic effects, quantitative type theory, and staging.
FaCT (language): Flexible and Constant Time Programming Language.
Factor (language): A concatenative, stack-based programming language with high-level features including dynamic types, extensible syntax, macros, and garbage collection.
Falcon (library,python,http,browser): A minimalist ASGI/WSGI framework for building mission-critical REST APIs and microservices, with a focus on reliability, correctness, and performance at scale.
Falcon (language): An open source, simple, fast and powerful programming language, easy to learn and to feel comfortable with, and a scripting engine ready to empower mission-critical multithreaded applications; provides six integrated programming paradigms: procedural, object oriented, prototype oriented, functional, tabular and message oriented.
FALSE (language): A language designed with two particular objectives: confusing everyone with an obfuscated syntax, and designing as powerful language as possible with a tiny implementation: in this case a compiler executable of just 1024 bytes (!), written in pure 68000 assembler.
Fancy (language): A pure dynamic object-oriented, self-hosted programming language for the Rubinius VM.
Fantom (language,jvm,clr,javascript,object,functional,actors,static,dynamic,metaobject): General-purpose object-oriented language intended for use across multiple platforms.
Fanx (language,presentation,object,static,jvm,ecmascript,native,android,ios,web): A full-stack programming language base on Fantom.
Farmer (cloud,azure,devops): F-sharp bindings to Azure management APIs?
Farnam Street Blog (reading,articles,management,philosophy,psychology,thinking): (No summary)
fasm (Flat Assembler) (language,assembly,native): The Flat Assembler
FAST (language): FAST is a new programming language, which combines the advantages of other programming languages: FAST supports functions as data types FAST is fully object-oriented and knows multiple inheritance FAST has dynamical memory management and garbage collection FAST includes library units on its own FAST speaks Assembler FAST knows macros FAST has a clear and consequent syntax FAST compiles within tenths of seconds and creates efficient code FAST has lots of useful features such as e.g. the prevention of the Division by Zero error. FAST programs are written as plain text and then sent thru the FAST compiler. Small and efficient code is created and a COM-File results. Up to now, FAST only compiles for MS-DOS (I just have not yet found out how to assemble a binary executable for WINDOWS).
FastAPI (library,python,http,browser): A modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python based on standard Python type hints.
FASTBuild (tool,native,macos,windows,linux,build): A high performance, open-source build system for Windows, Linux, and OS X.
Fault (language): A modeling language for building system dynamic models and checking them using a combination of first order logic and probability.
FaunaDB (storage,document,cloud): A global serverless database that gives you ubiquitous, low latency access to app data, without sacrificing data correctness and scale.
Faust (Functional Audio Stream) (language,audio): Faust is a functional programming language for sound synthesis and audio processing with a strong focus on the design of synthesizers, musical instruments, audio effects, etc.
Fay (language,functional,nodejs,browser): A proper subset of Haskell that compiles to JavaScript.
FBSL (Freestyle Basic Script Language) (language): A Visual Basic clone.
FDVM (vm,wasm,linux,macos,windows): WASM runtime to develop server-side WebAssembly applications.
fe (language): Tiny, embeddable language implemented in ANSI C.
Feedback Fallacy (reading,books,leadership,management): "Radical candor" feedback doesn't actually work; instead, prefer to accentuate what the individual already does well and build on that.
Felix (language): An advanced, statically typed, high performance scripting language with native C++ embedding.
Fennel (language): A lisp that compiles to Lua that aims to be easy to use, expressive, and has almost zero overhead compared to writing Lua directly.
Feral (language): Dynamically-typed, imperative, interpreted programming language revolving around minimalism.
ferite (language): A scripting language and engine all in one managable chunk, designed to be easily extended in terms of API, and to be used within other applications making them more configurable and useful to the end user.
Fermat (language,macos,windows,linux): A computer algebra system that does arithmetic of arbitrarily long integers and fractions, multivariate polynomials, symbolic calculations, matrices over polynomial rings, graphics, and other numerical calculations.
FermaT (FermaT Transformation System) (language): A powerful industrial-strength program transformation system based on the WSL language.
Fetlang (language,esoteric): Fetish-themed programming language.
Ficl (Forth Inspired Command Language) (language): A programming language interpreter designed to be embedded into other systems as a command, macro, and development prototyping language.
FIDO2 .NET (library,clr,infosec,webauthn): .NET library for FIDO2 / WebAuthn Attestation and Assertion.
FIDO Authentication (library,architecture,distribution,authentication): "The answer to the world's password problem."
FIFE (Flexible Isometric Free Engine) (gamedev): A free, open-source cross-platform game engine. It features hardware-accelerated 2D graphics, integrated GUI, audio support, lighting, map editor supporting top-down and isometric maps, pathfinding, virtual filesystem and more!
Figaro (language,probabilistic,jvm): A probabilistic programming language that supports development of very rich probabilistic models and provides reasoning algorithms that can be applied to models to draw useful conclusions from evidence.
FIJI (ForthIsh Java Interpreter) (language,jvm): An interactive environment with a procedural syntax similar to the Forth programming language.
Fika (language,functional,browser,beam): Statically typed functional programming language for the web, running on BEAM VM.
FileBytes (tool,native,elf,pe,macho,oat): Library to read and edit files in the executable formats
Fileformat (tool,native,windows,macos,linux): A set of libraries and tools for representation, manipulation, and analysis of binary files in various object file formats
Filestash (storage,file hosting): A file manager that let you manage your data anywhere it is located.
Finch (language): A new language with optimization of control flow and data structures.
Finch (language,object,dynamic): A simple bytecode interpreted, purely object-oriented, prototype-based, dynamically-typed programming language. It's mostly inspired by Smalltalk, Self, and Javascript.
Finite and Infinite Games (reading,books,philosophy,thinking): A Vision of Life and Possibility
Finite State Machines (reading): Collection of articles on finite state machines.
Firebase (platform,storage,distribution,cloud): A (pseudo)real-time NoSQL that also has platform capabilities.
Firebird (storage,relational,clr,jvm,python,php,native): Open-source relational database originally developed by Borland.
Firecracker (vm): An open source virtualization technology that is purpose-built for creating and managing secure, multi-tenant container and function-based services.
Firefox (browser) (platform,presentation,browser): The Firefox browser as a platform.
FiveTran (language): A FORTRAN language targeting Mako (a game dev engine).
FixScript (language,native): An extensible scripting language designed for simple implementation and strong support for both backward and forward compatibility.
Fizzy (vm,wasm,linux,macos): Aims to be a fast, deterministic, and pedantic WebAssembly interpreter written in C++.
FJ (Functional Java) (library,jvm,language,functional): Functional library for Java.
Fjord (language,jvm,functional,object): F# for the JVM
Flagsmith (cloud,flags): Open source, fully featured, Feature Flag and Remote Config service.
Flapjax (language,platform,browser,nodejs): A new programming language designed around the demands of modern, client-based Web applications.
Flask (library,python,http,browser): A lightweight and highly customizable Python microframework for building APIs that are fast, flexible, and easy to work with.
FlatBuffers (format,binary,storage,library,serialization): An efficient OSS cross platform serialization library for a lot of mainstream programming languages. It was originally created at Google for game development and other performance-critical applications.
Flavor (Formal Language for Audio-Visual Object Representation) (language,object,audio,video): An object-oriented media representation language designed for simplifying the development of applications that involve a significant media processing component (encoding, decoding, editing, manipulation, etc.).
Flax (language): Level, general-purpose language with high level syntax and expressibility.
flex (tool,language): GNU implementation of the lex parser tool.
Flexmark-Java (jvm,library,parsing): A Markdown-to-AST parser library
Flint (platform,low-code): Low-code development platform based on kubernetes.
Flix (language,functional,jvm): Next-generation reliable, safe, concise, and functional-first programming language.
Flogo (platform,distribution,low-code,no-code): An open source, resource efficient, Go-based ecosystem for building event-driven apps. It is designed to abstract the event processing paradigm from event consumption enabling devs to build once, consume from anywhere and process using any of the supported actions.
Flora (language,logic,object): An advanced object-oriented knowledge representation and reasoning system.
Flow (language): A safe, functional strongly-typed programming language.
FlubuCore (tool,clr,build): A cross platform build and deployment automation system. You can define your build and deployment scripts in C# using an intuitive fluent interface.
Fluent Validation (library,clr): A .NET validation library for building strongly-typed validation rules.
Fluid (tool,macos,browser,presentation): Create a Real Mac App (or "Fluid App") out of any website or web application, effectively turning your favorite web apps into OS X desktop apps.
Fluid Framework (library,presentation,distribution,storage): A collection of client libraries for distributing and synchronizing shared state, allowing multiple clients to simultaneously create and operate on shared data structures using coding patterns similar to those used to work with local data.
Flutter (platform,native,mobile,ios,android,presentation,reactive,functional,linux,macos,windows): A functional/reactive cross-platform mobile framework.
Flutter Articles (platform,native,mobile,ios,android,presentation,reactive,functional,linux,macos,windows): A functional/reactive cross-platform mobile framework.
Flutter Examples (platform,native,mobile,ios,android,presentation,reactive,functional,linux,macos,windows): A functional/reactive cross-platform mobile framework.
Flutter for Windows (platform,windows,language): Collection of links and research around using Flutter to build Windows apps.
Fly (Fly.io) (cloud): Run your full stack apps (and databases!) all over the world. No ops required.
Flyway (storage,migration,relational): Relational(ish) database evolution and migration tool.
Folders (esoteric language) (language,esoteric): A programming language where the program is encoded into a directory structure; all files within are ignored.
FOLDOC (Free OnLine Dictionary Of Computing) (place,computer science): It includes definitions of acronyms, jargon, programming languages, tools, architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, standards, mathematics, telecoms, electronics, institutions and companies, projects, history, in fact any of the vocabulary you might expect to find in a computer dictionary.
Fonoster (presentation,platform,video,voice,sms): APIs for SMS, voice and video.
Foolang (language): Smalltalk-inspired language.
Force.com (platform): The Salesforce programming platform behind their CRM.
Foreign Function Interfaces (FFI) (language,reading,windows,macos,linux,android,ios): A collection of links and research on how various languages/vms handle interoperability with their host environment.
Forem (cloud,presentation): An open source platform for building modern, independent, and safe communities.
Forest (language,wasm,functional): Multi-syntax functional programming language that compiles to WebAssembly.
Formality (language): An efficient lightweight proof-gramming language.
Formbricks (cloud): Experience Management Suite built on the largest open source survey stack worldwide.
FormTools (platform,library,low-code,no-code): A powerful, flexible, free and open source PHP/MySQL script you install on your website for managing your forms and data.
Forpost (language): An embeddable, interpreted stack-based language which has simple, compact and effective implementation in ANSI C. Main features: heterogeneous arrays, higher-order functions, program/data equivalence.
Forscape (language): Scientific computing language.
Forsp (language): A Forth+Lisp Hybrid Lambda Calculus Language
Forth (language): Entirely stack-oriented programming language.
FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) (language): An older language focused on mathematics.
Fortress (language,jvm): Discontinued research language from Sun around secure high-performance computing.
FPGA hardware architecture (assembly,native,reading,hardware): A collection of reading materials on computer FPGA hardware and architecture: articles, courses, communities, HDL (Hardware Description Language), Open Source Hardware FPGA Projects, software, talks & videos.
Fractran (language): - Turing-complete esoteric programming language invented by the mathematician John Conway.
Fractran (language,esoteric): Turing-complete esoteric programming language invented by the mathematician John Conway.
Framework Laptops (hardware): Modular laptop, shipping, with swappable/upgradable components.
Franc (library,nodejs): Natural language detection--infer the language from the text passed.
Frappe (presentation,low-code): Open source, metadata driven, full stack framework in Python and Javascript; comes with Admin UI, Roles and Permissions and much more.
Frawk (language): An efficient awk-like language.
FreeBASIC (language,native,windows,linux): A set of cross-platform development tools, consisting of a (BASIC) compiler, GNU-based assembler, linker and archiver, and supporting runtime libraries, including a software-based graphics library.
FreeOberon (language): Cross-platform IDE for development in Oberon programming language made in the classical FreePascal-like pseudo-graphic style.
FreePascal (language,native,windows,linux,macos,ios,android,jvm,llvm): A mature, versatile, open source Pascal compiler.
Free programming books (reading,place,list): A collection of links to free/online reading about different languages and frameworks.
Free Programming Books (reading,language,vm,storage,architecture,backend,cloud,distribution,format,gamedev,hardware,library): A collection of free learning resources (books).
Frege (language,jvm,functional,static): A functional language heavily Haskell-inspired for the JVM.
Frenetic (language,distribution,network): An open-source Software Defined Network (SDN) controller platform designed to make SDN programming easy, modular, and semantically correct, based on programming languages.
Frida (tool,library,native,windows,macos,linux,ios,android): Dynamic instrumentation toolkit
Frink (language,jvm): A practical calculating tool and programming language designed to make physical calculations simple, to help ensure that answers come out right, and to make a tool that's really useful in the real world.
Froebel (library,nodejs,ecmascript,typescript): A strictly typed utility library.
FScript (language,jvm): An extremely simple scripting language.
FSNotesApp (tool,macos,ios,android): Modern notes manager for macOS and iOS. App respects open formats like GitHub Flavored Markdown, so you can easily write documents on iPhone and MacBook.
Ftwalk (language): A general purpose script programming language.
FTXUI (presentation,console): C++ Functional Terminal User Interface.
fuite (tool,browser): A tool for finding memory leaks in web apps.
Fun (language,browser,presentation): Programming language for the realtime web.
FuncSug (language,presentation): Language for GUI programming that allows program codes to follow the same order as the scenario.
Functa (language,functional,dynamic): Flexible, fully functional dynamic programming language.
FunctionalJ (library,jvm,functional): A library which makes it easy to use functional programming constructs in Java code.
Functional reading (language,concept,reading,functional): Ideas and concepts around functional programming.
FunctionSimSearch (tool,native,library): Example C++ code to demonstrate how to do SimHash-based similarity search over CFGs extracted from disassemblies
Funnel (language,jvm): A programming language based on Functional Nets.
Fusion (language): A programming language which can be translated automatically to C, C++, C#, D, Java, JavaScript, Python, Swift, TypeScript and OpenCL C.
Futhark (language,concurrency,functional,ml): A purely functional data-parallel programming language in the ML family.
Fux (language,llvm): A modern and flexible programming language, perfect for use in a variety of domains by both novice and expert developers.
Fuzion (language): A language with a focus on safety and performance. It unifies concepts found in other programming languages to improve productivity and shall provide tools for performance and correctness.
Fuzzing (as part of testing) (native,reading): A collection of reading and links on "fuzzing" during testing.
Fuzzy logic (reading,ai): Readings and links on fuzzy logic.
FX (tool,json,distribution): Command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer.
Fyrox (gamedev,rust): A feature-rich, production-ready, general purpose 2D/3D game engine written in Rust with a scene editor.
fzf (tool,shell,cli): A command-line fuzzy (search) finder.
Gaia (tool,pipeline): Build powerful pipelines in any programming language.
Gambas (language,native): A free development environment and a full powerful development platform based on a Basic interpreter with object extensions, as easy as Visual Basic.
Game Boy (Emulator/VM) (vm,gamedev): A collection of links and articles on the Game Boy handheld game device.
GameBoy Development (gamedev,platform): Links and resources on building games for the GameBoy.
Game Development Ideas (reading,gamedev): Collection of links and ideas for games.
Game Frame (reading,books): Using games as strategy for success.
GameMonkeyScript (language,gamedev,native): Similar to Lua, multithreaded.
Game Programming Patterns (reading,gamedev,patterns): Source repo for the book.
Gamification and Game Mechanics Made Simple (reading,books,gamedev): Notes on the book.
GAML (language): GAML is an agent-oriented language dedicated to the definition of agent-based simulations. It takes its roots in object-oriented languages like Java or Smalltalk, but extends the object-oriented programming approach with powerful concepts (like skills, declarative definitions or agent migration) to allow for a better expressivity in models.
Garnet (language): what if Rust was small?
Gatsby (GatsbyJS) (tool,static site generator,nodejs): React-based static site generator.
GCC (tool,native,windows,macos,linux,ios,android): A C/C++ (and other languages) compiler toolchain. g++, gcc, objdump, nm
GCC static analyzer options (tool,gcc): GCC static analysis options and readings.
gdb (GNU debugger) (tool,native): Links and resources for using the GNU debugger.
GDL (GNU Data Language) (language,storage,native): A domain-specific data analysis and visualization programming language and a data analysis environment.
GDScript (language): Scripting language built into the Godot game engine. GDScript is a high-level, dynamically typed programming language used to create content. It uses a syntax similar to Python (blocks are indent-based and many keywords are similar). Its goal is to be optimized for and tightly integrated with Godot Engine, allowing great flexibility for content creation and integration.
Gecode (library,language,logic): An open source C++ toolkit for developing constraint-based systems and applications. Gecode provides a constraint solver with state-of-the-art performance while being modular and extensible.
GeeCon (conference,jvm): Java conferences in eastern Europe.
GeneralScript (language): GeneralScript is a lightweight general purpose scripting engine which provides Scheme like syntax.
Genesis (language,esoteric): God's actual programming language.
Gentee (language,go,static,linux,macos,windows): Script programming language for automation.
GENTLE Compiler Construction System (tool,language): This compiler construction tool purports to provide a uniform framework for language recognition, definition of abstract syntax trees, construction of tree walkers based on pattern recognition, smart traversal, simple unparsing for source to source translation and optimal code selection for microprocessors.
Geode (storage,object,network): Apache Geode is a data management platform that provides real-time, consistent access to data-intensive applications throughout widely distributed cloud architectures. (Formerly GemStone GemFire.)
gh (Github CLI) (cloud,github,tool): The official GitHub CLI tool.
gh (Github CLI) command reference (cloud,github,tool): Output from the "gh reference" command (on 8 April 2022).
Ghidra (tool,decompilation,reverse engineering): An open-source decompilation/reverse-engineering tool.
Ghost (platform,content): A powerful app for new-media creators to publish, share, and grow a business around their content. It comes with modern tools to build a website, publish content, send newsletters & offer paid subscriptions to members.
Ghost (language): Small, class-based scripting language.
Ghostly (tool,windows,language): A GitHub notification client for Windows 10/11.
Gideros (gamedev,engine): Open-source multi-platform Lua-scripted game engine.
GIMI (language): This is GIMI, the Graphical Interfaced Multitasking Interpreter. One of the few GUIs made in QuickBASIC featuring multitasking. This one has its own script language for making programs, damm fast SVGA modes, lots of programs, and more!
Giml (language,functional): A functional programming language with emphasis on structural typing.
Giraffe (library,clr,functional,distribution): A functional ASP.NET Core micro web framework for building rich web applications.
Git (tool): Distributed version-control system.
Gitea (tool,git): Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD.
Gitea (backend,git): Private, Fast, Reliable DevOps Platform.
Github (tool,cloud): Popular open-source cloud repository built around Git.
Github Actions (tool,cloud,devops): Server-side pipeline execution on the GitHub platform.
GitHub Apps (cloud,github,tool): Applications for execution as part of a GitHub pipeline.
GitHub Tools (cloud,tool,github,git,devops): A collection of Git/GitHub-flavored tools.
GitQL (language,native): A query-only language for exercising SQL-like read-only interrogation of Git repositories.
Glass (language,esoteric): A powerful, general-purpose, OOP language capable to handle massive GUI and game rendering, yet it will be easy enough so any application could be written as quick as possible.
Gleam (language,beam,functional,static): A statically typed functional programming language for building scalable concurrent systems.
Glee (language): The Glee Programming Language is a new vector oriented interpretive computer programming tool. It is inspired by array oriented languages like APL, J, and K. It attempts to deliver many of the useful and powerful features of those languages for manipulating numeric data. Further, it strives to provide new functionality for consistent and powerful manipulation of character data. It is targeted at applications where languages like PERL, Python, and Java have found secure homes. These are all scalar languages so Glee has something new to bring to the party ... vector processing.
GLFW (gamedev,native): Open Source, multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan development on the desktop; provides API for creating windows, contexts and surfaces, receiving input and events.
GLICOL (language): Graph-oriented live coding language written in Rust. Make music with code.
Glide (language): Glide is a statically (and dynamically) typed language designed to make reading and writing data transformations easier. [refinement types]
Glimesh (presentation,platform,streaming): Live streaming platform.
Glinda (language,presentation): Combines live programming, GUIs, and a DSL for data science.
GLMS (language): A scripting language focused on linear algebra, heavily inspired by GLSL and JavaScript. [algebra, shaders]
Global Software Architecture Summit (GSAS) (conference,architecture): Barcelona, Architecture, October.
Glulx (vm,gamedev): An interpreter for interactive fiction games written in Inform7.
Gluon (tool,jvm,browser,windows,macos,linux,ios,android): Java OpenFX framework for creating cross-platform apps.
Gluon (tool,nodejs,browser): A new framework for creating desktop apps from websites, using system installed browsers and NodeJS.
Gluon (language,native,static): Static, type inferred and embeddable language written in Rust, inspired by Lua, Haskell, and OCaml, where each executing gluon thread gets a separate heap.
GluonJ (language,jvm,aspect-oriented,metaprogramming): An extension to Java for supporting revisers, a language construct like Ruby's open class.
Glush (tool,language development,parser): A new parser compiler based on Glushkov’s construction algorithm.
GNU MIX Development Kit (MDK) (platform,language,vm): MIX is Donald Knuth's mythical computer as described in his monumental work The Art Of Computer Programming. As any of its real counterparts, the MIX features registers, memory cells, an overflow toggle, comparison flags, input-output devices, and a set of binary instructions executable by its virtual CPU.
GNU Smalltalk (language,platform,vm,object,functional,object capability): The FSF implementation of the Smalltalk language/platform.
GNUStep (platform,linux,presentation): A foundation for a portable desktop environment (inspired by NeXTStep), seeking to be code-compatible with Apple's Cocoa.
Go (language): Compiled, statically typed in the tradition of Algol and C, with garbage collection, limited structural typing, memory safety features and CSP-style concurrent programming features added.
Go+ (language): Designed for engineering, STEM education, and data science.
Goal (language): Goal is an embeddable array programming language with a bytecode interpreter, written in Go. It provides both a command line intepreter (that can be used in the REPL), and a library interface. The core features are mostly there and tested, so Goal is usable both for writing useful short scripts and playing with the REPL. User testing and bug reports are welcome! Like in most array programming languages, Goal's builtins vectorize operations on immutable arrays, and encourage a functional style for control and data transformations, supported by a simple dynamic type system with little abstraction, and mutable variables (but no mutable values).
GOAL (part of Jak-Project) (gamedev,language,linux,windows): Port Jak 1 (NTSC "black label" version) to PC; over 99% of this game is written in GOAL, a custom Lisp language developed by Naughty Dog.
Goblin.tools (tool,ai): A collection of small, simple, single-task tools, mostly designed to help neurodivergent people with tasks they find overwhelming or difficult.
Goby (language,native,dynamic): An object-oriented interpreter language deeply inspired by Ruby as well as its core implementation by 100% pure Go.
Gödel (language,logic): A declarative, general-purpose programming language in the family of logic programming languages.
Godot Engine (gamedev,clr,object,windows,macos,linux,ios,android,browser): A free and open source community-driven 2D and 3D game engine.
Gofra (language): Concatenative programming language
Gogs (backend,git): A painless self-hosted Git service.
Golang Example (place,go): A collection of links to projects writing in the Go language.
GOLD (Parser) (tool,language development,language,jvm,clr,native,language development): Code-generating parser tool
Golo (jvm,language): A lightweight dynamic language for the JVM
Good Strategy Bad Strategy (reading,thinking,business,management): A book on how to differentiate good strategy from bad strategy.
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) (cloud): Huge collection of cloud services.
Google OSS (place): Google's collection of OSS projects.
Google re:Work Guides (reading,management): Practices, research, and tools from Google to improve your people processes.
Gosu (language,jvm,interpreter): A scripting language capable of loading XML schema definition files and XML documents as native types.
Gosu (gamedev,ruby,native,macos,windows,linux,ios): A 2D game development library for Ruby and C++.
GPP (language): GPP is a general-purpose preprocessor with customizable syntax, suitable for a wide range of preprocessing tasks. Its independence from any one programming language makes it much more versatile than the C preprocessor (cpp), while its syntax is lighter and more flexible than that of GNU m4. There are built-in macros for use with C/C++, LaTeX, HTML, XHTML, and Prolog files.
gptlang (language,ai): A new programming language implemented by GPT-4.
GPU hardware Architecture (assembly,native,reading,hardware): A collection of reading materials on computer GPU hardware and architecture: articles & papers, CUDA, open source hardware GPU projects, software, talks.
GraalVM (vm,jvm,python,nodejs,wasm): Polyglot VM from Oracle with support for a number of languages/platforms.
Grace (language,functional,dsl): Ready-to-fork interpreted, typed, and functional language.
Grace (language,object): Allow novices to discover programming in the simplest possible way. Other famous languages such as Java or Python are widely used by professionals, but may be hard to assimilate for a beginner in programming. That is what the object-oriented Grace language is made for.
Gradle (tool,jvm,android,build): Build tool for JVM and Android environments using Groovy (later Kotlin) as build language.
Grain (language,wasm): A new language that puts academic language features to work.
Granule (language,functional): Statically typed functional language with graded modal types for fine-grained program reasoning via types.
GraphDB(Lite) (storage,graph,rdf): Fully Featured RDF Database for Massive Data and Moderate Query Loads.
GrapheneOS (platform,operating system,mobile): A mobile operating system
GraphEngine (storage,graph): A distributed in-memory data processing engine, underpinned by a strongly-typed RAM store and a general distributed computation engine.
Graphics and Animation (presentation,opengl,3d,shaders): A collection of links and pages around graphics (but not UI) programming.
GraphQL (format,distribution,presentation,storage): A query language APIs can support to enable SQL-like behavior across APIs; supports both query and mutation, and can define complex entity descriptions.
GraphQL Mesh (distribution,storage): Allows use of GraphQL query language to access data in remote APIs that don't run GraphQL (and also ones that do run GraphQL); can be used as a gateway to other services, or run as a local GraphQL schema that aggregates data from remote APIs.
Graphviz (tool,presentation,language): The Graphviz layout programs take descriptions of graphs in a simple text language, and make diagrams in useful formats, such as images and SVG for web pages; PDF or Postscript for inclusion in other documents; or display in an interactive graph browser.
Gravity (language,native,dynamic): A class-based concurrent scripting language with a Swift-like syntax; embeddable; no external dependencies; register-based virtual machine.
Great International Developer Summit (conference,jvm): What used to be the Great Indian Developer Summit.
Greenfoot (language,jvm): Visual and interactive programming tutorial tool built on top of Java.
Gren (language): A pure functional programming language that is easy to learn, but powerful in use.
Gri (language): Gri is a language for scientific graphics programming. The word "language" is important: Gri is command-driven, not point/click. Gri can make x-y graphs, contour graphs, and image graphs, in PostScript and (someday) SVG formats. Control is provided over all aspects of drawing, e.g. line widths, colors, and fonts. A TeX-like syntax provides common mathematical symbols.
Groovy (jvm,language,functional,dynamic,object,metaobject): A powerful, optionally typed and dynamic language, with static-typing and static compilation capabilities, for the Java platform aimed at improving developer productivity thanks to a concise, familiar and easy to learn syntax.
Grouparoo (distribution,storage,reverse etl): Data synchronization framework.
gRPC (distribution): A high-performance, open source universal RPC framework
Gui4Cli (language): An interpreted, untyped, procedural programming language for easily creating Windows apps.
GUILE (language,lisp,functional,dynamic,ecmascript): The GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extensions.
Guix (platform,package management,operating system): An advanced distribution of the GNU operating system supporting transactional upgrades and roll-backs, unprivileged package management, and more. When used as a standalone distribution, Guix supports declarative system configuration for transparent and reproducible operating systems. It provides Guile Scheme APIs, including high-level embedded domain-specific languages (EDSLs) to define packages and whole-system configurations.
gute (gamedev,browser): Simple web games library.
GWBasic (platform,language,windows,gamedev): Ancient predecessor to modern BASIC, for DOS.
Gwion (language,sound): A strongly timed programming language for making music.
GYS (language,language development): the scripting engine which helps to create the embedded interpreter of your own language.
Hack (language): An object-oriented application language influenced by PHP.
Haiku (platform): The open-source flag-bearer for the now-defunct Be operating system.
Haka (language,security): An open source security oriented language (based on Lua) which allows to describe protocols and apply security policies on (live) captured traffic.
Hakaru (language,probabilistic,native): A simply-typed probabilistic programming language, designed for easy specification of probabilistic models and inference algorithms.
Halide (language): A language for fast, portable data-parallel computation.
Hamler (language,functional,beam): Haskell-style functional programming language running on Erlang VM.
Hamler (language,beam,functional): Haskell-style functional programming language running on Erlang VM.
Handbook of Software Architecture (architecture,place): Grady Booch's "thoughts" site.
Handel (language,presentation,browser,music,sound): A small procedural programming language for writing songs in the browser.
Hangfire (library,clr): Background processing in .NET/.NET Core applications, backed by persistent storage.
Happy New Moon with Report (vm,wasm,jvm,linux,macos,windows): An open-source implementation of WebAssembly written entirely in Java. It is used to run or test Web Assembly Modules (*.wasm) in Java.
Harbour (language,storage,native): Portable, xBase compatible programming language and environment.
Hare (language,static): A systems programming language designed to be simple, stable, and robust. Hare uses a static type system, manual memory management, and a minimal runtime.
Hascal (language): General purpose and open source programming language designed to build optimal, maintainable, reliable and efficient software.
HashLink (vm): Virtual machine target for the Haxe programming language.
Haskell (language,functional): Pure-functional language.
Haste (language,functional): an implementation of the Haskell functional programming language, geared towards web applications; compiler generates JavaScript code from Haskell.
Hasura (distribution): Instant GraphQL on all your data.
Hasura (backend,relational,graphql): Blazing fast, instant realtime GraphQL APIs on your DB with fine grained access control, also trigger webhooks on database events.
Haxe (language,gamedev,native,jvm,nekovm): High-level and strictly-typed, cross-compiles to many different targets.
Hazel (language): Hazel, a live functional programming environment with typed holes
Hazure (language,functional,ecmascript,ml): ML-Inspired programming language that transpiles to Typescript.
HBase (storage): Datastore for Apache "big data" projects.
HBR's 10 Must Reads 2021 (reading,management,hbr,strategy): Notes from the book.
HBR's 10 Must Reads for New Managers (reading,management,hbr,strategy): Notes from the book.
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Building a Great Culture (reading,management,hbr,culture): Notes from the book.
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Diversity (reading,management,hbr,strategy): Notes from the book.
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Entrepreneurship (reading,management,hbr,business): Notes from the book.
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Leadership (reading,management,hbr): Notes from the book.
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing People (reading,management,hbr): Notes from the book.
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself (reading,management,hbr,strategy): Notes from the book.
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Mental Toughness (reading,management,hbr,psychology): Notes from the book.
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Platforms and Ecosystems (reading,management,hbr,platform): Notes from the book.
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy (reading,management,hbr,strategy): Notes from the book.
HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy, Vol 2 (reading,management,hbr,strategy): Notes from the book.
HBR's Everyday Emotional Intelligence (reading,management,hbr,strategy): Notes from the book.
HBR's Guide to Making Every Meeting Matter (reading,management,meetings,hbr): HBR's collection of essays on holding productive/useful meetings.
HBR's Guide to Office Politics (reading,management,hbr): Notes from the book.
HBR's Guide to Performance Management (reading,management,hbr): HBR's collection of essays on performance management.
HBR Manager's Handbook (reading,management,hbr): Notes from the book.
HBuilder (presentation,ios,android): Yet another mobile presentation framework/library.
hdl (Hardware Description Language) (language,format,hardware): A specialized language used to describe the structure/behavior of real world circuits. It is used by circuit designers to simulate circuits and logic prior to wiring and fabricating a hardware circuit.
HeadlessCMS (place): A list of Content Management Systems for Jamstack sites.
Heaps (gamedev,android,ios,macos,windows,linux): A mature cross platform graphics engine designed to leverage modern GPUs that are commonly available on both desktop and mobile devices.
Heatrix (language,microlang,presentation): A microlang that let's you customize your visualizations using "directives".
Hecl (language,jvm,scripting): Mobile scripting language for the JVM.
Hedy (language,python): A gradual programming language to teach children programming.
Helios (backend,ios): An extensible open-source mobile backend framework with particular integration with iOS Core Data.
Helix (language,native): A high-performance general-purpose language that seamlessly integrates with C++, Rust, and Python.
Hemlock (language,functional,ml): Synthesizes the expressive type and module systems of ML-family languages, a unified parametric effects/mutability/type system, and the shared-nothing message-passing parallelism of Erlang.
Hercules (vm): An open source software implementation of the mainframe System/370 and ESA/390 architectures, in addition to the latest 64-bit z/Architecture.
Heresy (language,functional): A functional Lisp/Scheme dialect implemented in Racket, with syntax inspired by the BASIC family of programming languages.
Hermes (vm,javascript): A Javascript engine specifically for use by React Native.
Heroku (cloud,nodejs,jvm,python,ruby): Cloud host, owned by Salesforce, offering developer-friendly cloud deployment.
Heron (language,functional,nodejs,browser): A pure functional type-inferred language based on JavaScript.
Hessian (distribution,binary,protocol): Binary web service protocol makes web services usable without requiring a large framework, and without learning yet another alphabet soup of protocols.
Hetu (language): A lightweight scripting language written in Dart for embedding in Flutter apps.
Hexagonal architecture (architecture,reading): Divides work inside and outside of an app instead of into layers.
HexagonKt (distribution,jvm,kotlin,microservices): A microservices toolkit written in Kotlin, to ease the building of services (Web applications or APIs) that run inside a cloud platform.
Hexagons in Game Development (gamedev,reading): A collection of links around using hex-based maps in games.
Hexagony (language,esoteric): A two-dimensional, hexagonal programming language.
Hex Fiend (tool,macos,native,binary): A fast and clever open source hex editor for macOS.
Hexo (tool,static site generator,nodejs): Javascript-based static site generator
HGSL (language): A shading language that can be compiled into GLSL ES 3.0.
HHVM (vm): A virtual machine for executing programs written in Hack.
Hibiki (presentation,browser): A powerful new web framework for creating modern, dynamic, frontend applications without JavaScript, that can be fully scripted and controlled by backend code.
HiggsJS VM (vm,ecmascript): Higgs JavaScript Virtual Machine. A JIT compiler for JavaScript targetting x86-64 platforms.
High Scalability (Website) notes (reading,software,architecture,scalability): Collection of notes from the blog http://highscalability.com/
Hilla (presentation,browser,jvm): Integrates a Spring Boot Java back end with a reactive TypeScript front end. It helps you build apps faster with type-safe server communication, included UI components, and integrated tooling.
Hilvi (language): A programming language that is versatile but with a very small syntax.
Hime (language,jvm): A general programming langauge running on the JVM.
Historical Source That Every Developer Should See (place): Links to the modern era's software archaeology roots.
HLA (High Level Assembler) (language,native,assembly): A higher-level assembler for a variety of different targets. By Randall Hyde.
HLVM (vm,functional): High-Level Virtual Machine for statically-typed functional languages.
Hobbes (language): Built for high performance integration with C/C++ applications.
Homebrew (Linuxbrew) (tool,macos,linux): Package management tool for macOS, Linux.
HonKit (presentation,books,format,authoring): Building beautiful books using Markdown.
HonoX (library,presentation,browser): A simple and fast meta-framework for creating full-stack websites or Web APIs.
Hood.ie (backend,nodejs): A fast, simple and self-hosted backend as a service for your (web) apps, Open Source and free.
Hook (language): Cross-platform scripting language with a C-like syntax, dynamic typing, mutable value semantics approach, and memory management through reference counting.
Hope (language,functional): A lazily evaluated functional programming language developed in 1970's by Ross Paterson. It influenced the design of other lazy languages such as Miranda and Haskell.
Hopper (Disassembler) (tool,ios,macos,linux,native): Reverse engineering tool that lets you disassemble, decompile and debug your applications.
Hoppscotch (platform): OSS replacement for Postman for API testing/exploration.
Horde3d (gamedev): Small 3D rendering and animation engine written in an effort to create an engine being as lightweight and conceptually clean as possible.
Horizon (backend): A realtime, open-source backend for JavaScript apps built on top of RethinkDB.
Horse64 (language): Simple & versatile high-level programming language.
How to Design Programs (reading,language): A book on the design of programs from core principles, using Lisps as implementation languages.
How to Successfully Market and API (reading,marketing,sales,devrel): Notes from the book.
HTMX (presentation,browser): Thin layer over HTML, seeking to apply consistency and simplify the browser programming model.
Hug (library,python,http,browser): A Python framework designed to make developing APIs simple, fast, and enjoyable; it emphasizes performance and simplicity, allowing developers to create clean and efficient RESTful APIs with minimal setup.
Hugo (tool,static site generator,go): Go-based static site generator tool.
Hugo (presentation,web,static site generator): Static site generator written in Go and using that language for its programmatic control.
Hugorm (language): Mission-critical scripting language.
Humanizer (library,clr): All your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities.
Húngaro (language): A syntax based programming language.
Hunting Tech Debt via Org Charts (reading,management): "As I talk other people through their legacy modernization struggles, the first piece of advice I give them is to look at the org chart."
Hush (language): Hush is a unix shell based on the Lua programming language. Hush is written in Rust.
Husky (language): Programming language designed for many difficult tasks which haven't yet been seen as programmable at all.
Husky (language,ai): Research language aimed at next generation AI and software.
HVM (vm,functional,native): A pure functional compile target that is lazy, non-garbage-collected and massively parallel. It is also beta-optimal, meaning that, in several cases, it can be exponentially faster than most functional runtimes, including Haskell's GHC.
Hy (language,lisp,python): A lisp dialect built on top of python. This is achieved by converting hy code to python’s abstract syntax tree (ast). This allows hy to call native python code or python to call native hy code as well.
Hybris (language,dynamic,object): An object oriented scripting language with dynamic typing.
Hylo (language): A programming language that leverages mutable value semantics and generic programming for high-level systems programming.
HyperCard (platform,presentation,language,low-code,no-code): Apple's original "low-code" environment
HyperGraphDB (storage,graph): A general purpose, extensible, portable, distributed, embeddable, open-source data storage mechanism. It is a graph database designed specifically for artificial intelligence and semantic web projects, it can also be used as an embedded object-oriented database for projects of all sizes.
HyperSQL (jvm,platform,storage): Relational database written in Java.
Hypertalk (language): Apple's groundbreaking scripting language.
Hypertext Application Language (HAL) (format,distribution,hypertext): An open specification describing a generic structure for RESTful resources.
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) (format,presentation): Text format providing hyperlink capability; Internet standard.
HyperText Transmission Protocol (distribution,protocol): Backbone protocol for the World Wide Web.
I (language,array): A language which generalizes the array and functional capabilities of the array-programming language J to deal with a much broader variety of data structures.
iBoxDB (storage,document,jvm,clr,native): Fast ACID Table-Style Document NoSQL Database.
iCal (iCalendar) (format): An open standard for calendar events and appointments.
iced (tool,native,clr,nodejs,rust): A high performance x86 (16/32/64-bit) instruction decoder, disassembler and assembler.
Icepanel (architecture): Bridge the gap between design and reality with collaborative modelling; designed for agile teams.
ICodeBetter (platform,low-code): An opinionated low code platform that helps you code business applications in a better way.
Icon (and Unicon) (language,object): Icon is a high-level, general-purpose programming language novel features including string scanning and goal-directed evaluation. Unicon is Icon with portable, platform-independent access to hardware and software features that have become ubiquitous in modern applications development, such as objects, networks, and databases.
IDA Pro (tool,disassembler,macos,windows,linux): A powerful disassembler and a versatile debugger.
Idempotence is not a Medical Condition (reading,articles,distribution): Idempotence is an essential property for reliable systems; what is it, how do we do it, how can it go wrong, what to do about it.
IDL (Interactive Data Language) (language,platform,low-code): A programming language used for data analysis.
Idris (language,functional,dependent types): A dependently typed functional programming language.
Iguana (language,tool,library): A parsing framework based on context-dependent grammars and top-down general context-free parsing.
IKOS (Inference Kernel for Open Static Analyzers) (tool,native): Static analyzer for C/C++ based on the theory of Abstract Interpretation.
IKVM (tool,vm,jvm,clr): A Java Virtual Machine and Bytecode-to-IL Converter for .NET.
IL2CPU (clr,language,assembly,native): An AOT compiler for .NET IL code to compile to assembly language for direct booting; creates NASM style assembly ready to assemble with NASM.
IllaCloud (cloud,low-code,no-code): A low-code platform for developers to build internal tools in minutes.
Ilograph Diagramming Language (IDL) (tool,language,architecture): Ilograph diagrams are defined using a the Ilograph Diagramming Language (IDL). IDL is a powerful, declarative, YAML-based language. Each Ilograph diagram defines its resources and perspectives in IDL.
ILSpy (tool,clr,language): Open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler.
ImageSharp (library,clr,presentation): A modern, cross-platform, 2D Graphics library for .NET.
Imba (language): A full-stack programming language for the web that compiles to performant JavaScript, with language-level support for defining, extending, subclassing, instantiating and rendering DOM nodes.
ImGui (presentation,native,windows,macos,linux,android): Bloat-free GUI for C++ with minimal dependencies.
ImHex (tool,native): Hex editor of choice for reverse engineering.
Imp (language): Imp is a simple, incomplete, interpreted, imperative programming language.
Impact (gamedev,browser,ecmascript,ios): A Javascript game engine for building HTML5 games for desktop and mobile browers.
Implementation Patterns (reading,books,patterns,language): A collection of patterns around language atoms.
IndexedDB (storage,browser,embedded): A low-level API for client-side storage of significant amounts of structured data, including files/blobs. This API uses indexes to enable high-performance searches of this data.
Infer.NET (clr,library,probabilistic programming): A framework for running Bayesian inference in graphical models. It can also be used for probabalistic programming
Inferno (platform,operating system,concurrency): An operating system created by Bell Labs that uses the same 9P distributed file system protocol (in Inferno lingo known as ‘Styx’), but can also run as a virtual machine on top of other operating systems as well as directly on hardware (specially well suited for embedded environments thanks to not requiring a MMU).
Infer Static Analyzer (tool,native,ios,macos,jvm,clr): A static analyzer for Java, C, C++, and Objective-C (and C# via InferSharp).
InfiniteGraph (storage,graph): Advanced Graph Database and Analytics for Enterprises and Government.
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (management,reading,people,psychology): Notes from and about the book.
InfluxDB (storage,time-series): Platform for building time series applications.
Inform (language,platform,gamedev,interactive fiction): A natural-language interactive fiction game development language and platform.
Inform 6 (language,gamedev): The latest version of the Inform 6 compiler, used for generating interactive fiction games.
Inform 7 (language,gamedev,literate): A programming language for creating interactive fiction, using natural language syntax.
Inger (language,native): a simple imperative programming language, much like C (only somewhat cleaner). Inger was developed to illustrate the process of building a compiler from scratch.
injectdso (tool,native,windows,macos,android): A collection of tools for injecting DSOs in processes under various operating systems.
Ink (language,gamedev): A narrative scripting language for games.
Ink (language,functional): Minimal programming language inspired by modern JavaScript and Go, with functional style.
Inko (language,object,concurrent): A statically-typed, safe, object-oriented programming language for writing concurrent programs.
inNative (vm,wasm,linux,macos,windows): An AOT (ahead-of-time) compiler for WebAssembly that creates C compatible binaries, either as sandboxed plugins you can dynamically load, or as stand-alone executables that interface directly with the operating system.
InnoDB (storage): A storage engine for the database management system MySQL and MariaDB.
InstantC (language,native): Run C / C++ like a scripting language.
Instaparse (library,jvm,functional): What if context-free grammars were as easy to use as regular expressions?
Instrew (tool,llvm): Leveraging LLVM for High Performance Dynamic Binary Instrumentation.
Interactive Fiction (gamedev,interactive fiction): A collection of links and pages on IF.
Intercal (language,esoteric): The first esoteric programming language.
IntercalScript (language,ecmascript): Systems programming language for the web that combines a simple and consistent syntax with a static type system that completely eliminates runtime type errors.
Internal (platform,low-code,no-code): Web application builder optimized/intended for internal enterprise use.
Interviewing (reading,management): Collection of links and ideas around tech intervews.
Intuitionistic (language): A language that has semantics based on intuitionistic type theory and compiles to LLVM bytecode without runtime garbage collection.
Inverted Computer Culture (philosophy,thought experiment): A thought experiment.
Inweb (language,literate): A modern system for literate programming used for Inform7 development.
Io (language,dynamic): Inspired by Self, Smalltalk and LISP.
Ioke (language,dynamic,static,jvm,clr): A dynamic, strongly typed, prototype-based programming language with a very simple homoiconic syntax somewhat similar to Io.
Ionic (presentation,android,ios,browser): An open source UI toolkit for building performant, high-quality mobile and desktop apps using web technologies — HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — with integrations for popular frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue.
iOS (Platform) (platform,ios): The Apple mobile device operating system (on top of the open-source Darwin kernel).
iOS Accessibility (platform,ios): Accessibility on the Apple mobile device operating system (on top of the open-source Darwin kernel).
iOS APIs and Design (platform,ios): Design and APIs around the Apple mobile device operating system (on top of the open-source Darwin kernel).
iOS App launch process (platform,ios): The process that takes place when launching an iOS app.
iOS AutoLayout (ios,reading,platform): Trying to understand how AutoLayout works.
iOS Concurrency (platform,ios): Threads and queues on the Apple mobile device operating system (on top of the open-source Darwin kernel).
iOS Core Data (platform,ios,reading): Making sense of iOS Core Data.
iOS Debugging (platform,ios): Debugging code on the Apple mobile device operating system (on top of the open-source Darwin kernel).
iOS Event Pipeline and Handling (platform,ios): How do events get queued and dispatched in iOS?
iOS Foundation (platform,ios): Using the Foundation frameworks on iOS.
iOS Open Source (platform,macos): A collection of iOS-related OSS links
iOS Performance (platform,ios): Performance and tuning the Apple mobile device operating system (on top of the open-source Darwin kernel).
iOS SwiftUI (platform,ios): SwiftUI user-interface style for the Apple mobile device operating system (on top of the open-source Darwin kernel) UI.
iOS UI (platform,ios): UI development for the Apple mobile device operating system (on top of the open-source Darwin kernel).
IPFS (InterPlanetary FileSystem) protocol (distribution,protocol): A peer-to-peer hypermedia protocol designed to preserve and grow humanity's knowledge by making the web upgradeable, resilient, and more open.
iPLAss (platform,jvm,low-code): Java-based open source low-code development platform for enterprise
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) (distribution,jvm): A chat protocol for the Internet.
Iron (IronMQ, IronWorker) (distribution,messaging): Iron is Workers as a Service/Containers as a Service/Messaging Queue as a Service/Key-Value Store as a Service.
IronJS (language,ecmascript,clr): An ECMAScript 3.0 implementation built on top of the Dynamic Language Runtime from Microsoft which allows you to embed a javascript runtime into your .NET applications.
Irony (library,clr): .NET Language Implementation Kit.
Irrlicht (gamedev,native,windows,macos,linux): An open source cross-platform realtime 3D engine written in C++.
ISPC (language): Intel Implicit SPMD Program Compiler is a compiler for a variant of the C programming language, with extensions for single program, multiple data programming. Under the SPMD model, the programmer writes a program that generally appears to be a regular serial program, though the execution model is actually that a number of program instances execute in parallel on the hardware. [C dialect]
ISWIM (language,functional): A (older?) functional language or vm that added imperative constructs.
It's Your Ship! (reading,management): "Management techniques from the best damn ship in the Navy." Destroyer captain's story of management principles learned from command.
IVy (language,research): Language and tool for specifying, modeling, implementing, and verifying protocols.
IvyScript (language,business rules): Used to write business rules, for manipulating process data and to define data mappings for the Axon.Ivy platform.
J (programming language) (language,native,windows,macos,linux,ios,android): A high-level, general-purpose programming language that is particularly suited to the mathematical, statistical, and logical analysis of data.
J* (language): J* is a dynamic embeddable scripting language designed to be as easy as possible to embed into another program.
Jacinda (language): Functional, expression-oriented data processing language. APL meets AWK. A command-line tool for summarizing and reporting, powered by Rust's regex library.
Jai (language): High-level programming language developed by Jonathan Blow.
jakt (language): Memory-safe systems programming language. Currently transpiles to C++.
JAMStack (architecture,presentation): Javascript, APIs, and Markdown presentation layer
Janet (language,lisp,native): A functional and imperative Lisp and bytecode interpreter, where lists are replaced by other data structures (arrays, tables (hash table), struct (immutable hash table), tuples).
Janino (language,jvm): A super-small, super-fast Java compiler. It can not only compile a set of source files to a set of class files like JAVAC, but also compile a Java expression, a block, a class body, one .java file or a set of .java files in memory, load the bytecode and execute it directly in the same JVM.
Jank (language): A general-purpose programming language which embraces the interactive, value-oriented nature of Clojure as well as the desire for native compilation and minimal runtimes.
JanusGraph (storage,graph): A scalable graph database optimized for storing and querying graphs containing hundreds of billions of vertices and edges distributed across a multi-machine cluster.
Jasm (language): A JVM assembler for the modern age.
Jasmin (language,library,tool,assembly,jvm): An assembler for the Java Virtual Machine.
Jasmin (language,assembly,jvm): An assembler for the Java Virtual Machine. It takes ASCII descriptions of Java classes, written in a simple assembler-like syntax using the Java Virtual Machine instruction set. It converts them into binary Java class files, suitable for loading by a Java runtime system.
Jason (language,logic): A fully-fledged interpreter for an extended version of AgentSpeak, a BDI agent-oriented logic programming language.
Jasper (library,clr,message-passing): Command Execution Engine and Messaging Solution for .NET Systems.
Java (jvm,language,compiled,static,object,metaobject): A statically-compiled, object-oriented language for the JVM.
Java/JVM Platform (jvm,platform,vm): The platform originally built by Sun for the Java programming experience, now expanded to include a number of languages, a ton of enterprise specifications, and hundreds if not thousands of popular libraries.
JavaCC (tool,language development): A parser generator.
Java Concurrency in Practice (reading,jvm,vm): Goetz's seminal work on how concurrency works and operates on the JVM.
JavaCpp-Presets (library,jvm,native,android,ios,linux,macos,windows): The missing Java distribution of native C++ libraries.
Java Decompiler (tool,jvm,decompiler): Tools to decompile and analyze Java bytecode.
JavaEE (Enterprise Edition) (distribution,jvm,specification): A collection of specifications and implementations for the JavaEE platform.
Java Generic Algorithms (JGA) (library,jvm,functional): A functors library for Java; the intent is to explore and exploit functors (an object that encapsulates a function or expression) as a design and implementation tool to reduce boilerplate coding.
Javaland (conference,jvm): Java in Germany
Javalin (backend,distribution,jvm): A simple Web framework for Java and Kotlin.
Java Platform Specifications (platform,jvm,specification): A collection of the various specifications (JavaEE, etc) that make up the Java platform
Java RMI (platform,jvm,distribution): Java's Remote Method Invocation distributed objects platform.
Javascript.NET (language,clr,nodejs): .Net bindings to the V8 JavaScript engine.
JavaScript Database (JSDB) (storage,nodejs,browser): (No summary)
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) (format,storage,specification,ecmascript,browser,nodejs,serialization): Object literal syntax from ECMAScript that's since taken off as a data storage and wire transfer format.
Javassist (library,language,jvm,code generation,metaobject): Java bytecode engineering toolkit.
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) (vm,jvm): The execution engine and supporting structure for Java programs.
JavaZone (conference,jvm): Java conference in Oslo, Norway.
JAX and variants (conference,jvm): The Conference for Java, Architecture and Software Innovation, from SMS Media.
JBake (tool,static site generator,jvm): A JVM-based static site generator.
jBPM (library,jvm,workflow): A toolkit for building business applications to help automate business processes and decisions.
jc (JSON formatting tool) (tool,library,python): CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools and file-types to JSON or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and simplifying automation scripts.
JCon Europe (conference,jvm): In-person Java community conference in Germany organized by the Java User Group Oberpfalz in cooperation with JAVAPRO Magazine.
jcpp (tool,library,jvm,native,language): A complete, compliant, standalone, pure Java implementation of the C preprocessor. It is intended to be of use to people writing C-style compilers in Java using tools like sablecc, antlr, JLex, CUP and so forth.
JCrete (conference,jvm): Heinz's unconference get-together on the isle of Crete.
Jeff Patton & Associates (place,reading,agile): A collection of articles/blogs on product thinking, design, and so on.
Jekyll (tool,static site generator,ruby): One of the original static site generators.
Jelly (language,jvm,xml): XML based scripting and processing engine for turning XML into executable code, usually for performing some sort of processing action.
Jelly (language,python): A recreational programming language inspired by J.
JESS (Java Expert System Shell) (library,language,jvm,rules,RETE): Rule engine language for Java based closely on CLIPS.
Jetlang (library,jvm,actors,distribution,message-passing): A high performance java threading library, based upon Retlang.
Jexer (library,presentation,jvm): An open-source 100% Java Text User Interface (TUI) originally designed to outwardly resemble the DOS-era Turbo Vision library--an advanced text windowing system framework to help new applications take full advantage of the terminal.
JFlex (tool,language,jvm,language development): A lexical analyzer generator (also known as scanner generator) for Java, written in Java.
Jikes (Java compiler) (language,jvm): A compiler that translates JavaTM source files as defined in The Java Language Specification into the bytecoded instruction set and binary format defined in The Java Virtual Machine Specification.
Jikes RVM (vm,jvm): A flexible open testbed to prototype virtual machine technologies and experiment with a large variety of design alternatives. Jikes RVM runs on many platforms and advances the state-of-the-art of virtual machine technologies for dynamic compilation, adaptive optimization, garbage collection, thread scheduling, and synchronization. It is self-hosted, i.e. its Java code runs on itself without requiring a second virtual machine. Most other virtual machines for the Java platform are written in native code (typically C or C++). A Java implementation provides ease of portability and a seamless integration of virtual machine and application resources such as objects, threads, and operating-system interfaces.
Jini (Apache River) (distribution,library,jvm): A programming model to build adaptive network systems that are scalable, evolvable, and flexible.
jint (language,ecmascript,clr): Javascript Interpreter for .NET.
J-Integra (tool,jvm,clr,com): Java/Microsoft interoperability tools (Java-COM, Java-.NET).
Jinx (language,gamedev): Designed for use in realtime applications such as video games.
JitBuddy (library,clr,native): Provides a small helper method to disassemble to a x86/x64 ASM listing the native code generated by the JIT of a managed method.
Jitsi (presentation,platform,video): Video conferences platform and SDK.
Jlama (ai,jvm): A modern Java inference engine for LLMs.
JLex (tool,language,language development): A Lexical Analyzer Generator for Java.
JME (language): Java Math Expression - a powerful mathematical evaluator in Spanish and a structured script language, JMEScript, that makes use of it.
jMonkeyEngine (gamedev,library,jvm): A modern developer friendly game engine written primarily in Java.
JMPLib (library,language,jvm,code generation,metaobject): A dynamic language implementation library.
JNation (conference,jvm): Get up to speed with the latest and greatest technology.
Job search links and articles (reading,business): A collection of links and articles about the candidate side of the recruiting process.
Job sites (place): Sites that carry information about employers. Useful for researching new companies, too.
JogAmp (presentation,place,opengl,openal,opencl,openmax): The home of high performance Java™ libraries for 3D Graphics, Multimedia and Processing. JOGL, JOCL and JOAL provide cross platform Java™ language bindings to the OpenGL®, OpenCL™, OpenAL and OpenMAX APIs.
Joget (platform,low-code): An open source no-code/low-code application platform that combines the best of rapid application development, business process automation and workflow management.
Join Java (language,jvm,concurrency): Language based on the join-pattern of join-calculus.
Jolie (language,distribution,services): A microservice/SOA programming language.
Joule (language,concurrency,dataflow): A message-based concurrent dataflow programming language, designed for building distributed applications.
Joy (language,jvm): A purely functional programming language based on composition of functions rather than lambda calculus.
JPC (Java PC) (vm,native): JPC is a fast modern x86 PC emulator capable of booting Windows up to Windows 95 (and windows 98 in safe mode) and some graphical linuxes; it has a full featured graphical debugger with time travel mode along with standard features like break and watch points.
JPrime (conference,jvm): Enter the Java dimension, from Bulgarian Java User Group.
jQuery, jQuery Mobile (presentation,browser,android,ios): Fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library (libraries). It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
jrnl (tool,management): A command-line tool for journaling work activities on a device.
JS++ (language): JS++ is a programming language designed for high-quality web and mobile development.
JSDB (JavaScript for Databases) (tool,storage): JSDB is JavaScript for databases, a scripting language for data-driven, network-centric programming on Windows, Mac, Linux, and SunOS; it works with databases, XML, the web, and email, as a JavaScript shell, to run CGI programs, or as a web server.
js-event-bus (library,nodejs,browser,messaging): Simple event bus for Javascript applications.
JsonDB (storage,document,jvm,embedded): A Opensource, Java-based, database.
JSON Web Token (JWT) (distribution,security,authentication,authorization,specification,format): An open, industry standard (RFC 7519) method for representing claims securely between two parties.
jSpringNL (conference,jvm): The NLJUG Spring conference.
js-queue (library,nodejs,browser): An ES6 stack which allows for Last In First Out (LIFO) queuing.
Juka (language,clr): A Rapid Prototyping Language built to run on Azure Microsoft Server.
Julia (language,functional,dynamic,native): A flexible dynamic language, appropriate for scientific and numerical computing, with performance comparable to traditional statically-typed languages.
Juliet (language): A general purpose programming language.
June (language,jvm): What ordinary Java would look like if it were simpler.
JunoDB (storage,key-value): PayPal's home-grown secure, consistent and highly available key-value store providing low, single digit millisecond, latency at any scale.
Jurassic (language,ecmascript,clr): A .NET library to parse and execute JavaScript code.
JustPy (presentation,library,python,browser): An object-oriented, component based, high-level Python Web Framework that requires no front-end programming and makes no distinction between front-end and back-end.
Juvix (language): A more elegant language for a more civilized age. Juvix synthesizes a high-level frontend syntax, dependent-linearly-typed core language, whole-program optimisation system, and backend-swappable execution model into a single unified stack for writing formally verifiable, efficiently executable smart contracts which can be deployed to a variety of distributed ledgers.
JVM (Platform) Data-related (jvm,platform,storage): Data storage and access on the JVM.
JVM-based languages (language,jvm): A collection of JVM-based languages and material
JVM Cross-Compilers (platform,jvm): A collection of links/tools to compiling either Java or JVM bytecode to other platforms.
JVM FFI (vm,jvm,native,llvm): A collection of links and notes around JVM foreign function interface and native bindings.
JVM Language Summit (conference,jvm,language,language development): An open technical collaboration among language designers, compiler writers, tool builders, runtime engineers, and VM architects.
JVM Security (platform,jvm,security): Collection of tools and practices around JVM security.
JVM Specifications (jvm,platform,vm,specification): Specification links for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
JWEB (language,literate,jvm): System of literate programming.
Jx9 (language,native,embedded): An embeddable scripting engine that implements a Turing complete programming language based on JSON.
JXRay (tool,jvm): JVM heap analysis tool.
Jython (vm,jvm,python,language,functional,dynamic,object,metaobject): Python implementation on the JVM.
K (language,array): A proprietary array processing programming language developed by Arthur Whitney and commercialized by Kx Systems.
KaboomJS (gamedev,browser,javascript): Javascript 2D game library.
KAGSA (language): KAGSA is a new Interpreted programming language based on Python, the language will be practical and reliable in your projects.
Kaitai Struct (library,language): A declarative language used to describe various binary data structures, laid out in files or in memory: i.e. binary file formats, network stream packet formats, etc.
Kalaam (language): Kalaam is the first-ever programming language in Hindi and has all the basic functionalities of a modern programming language. From for loops to while loops and from functions to conditional statements.
Kalix (cloud): Removes the hurdles of distributed data, distributed systems and all underlying architecture complexity.
kalk.dev (tool): A powerful command-line calculator application for developers.
Kalyn (language): Self-hosting compiler from a Haskell-like Lisp directly to x86-64, developed fully from scratch.
Kansas City Developer's Conference (conference,jvm,clr,architecture): One of the Midwest's best tech-agnostic conferences.
Kara (language): Experimental programming language inspired by Swift and Idris.
Kara (language,llvm,native): A statically typed, LLVM-based programming language.
Katahdin (language): A programming language where the syntax and semantics are mutable at runtime.
KataScript (language): KataScript is a simple scripting language with familiar syntax, designed to be easily embedded in C++ applications ([In-Browser Demo](https://brwhale.github.io/KataScript/)).
Kawa (language,jvm,lisp,scheme): A Scheme for the JVM (and one of the first at that).
KCL (language): KCL is an open-source, constraint-based record and functional language that enhances the writing of complex configurations, including those for cloud-native scenarios. With its advanced programming language technology and practices, KCL is dedicated to promoting better modularity, scalability, and stability for configurations. It enables simpler logic writing and offers ease of automation APIs and integration with homegrown systems. [Configuration]
KDB+ (storage,language,columnar,key-value): A timeseries columnar database and language (Q).
Keli (language,functional): A general purpose programming language where its semantics are mostly based on the pure functional programming model (as of Haskell's) which includes user-defined algebraic datatypes, case matching and higher-order functions, while its syntactic structure is strongly influenced by Smalltalk's message sending syntax, such as the unary, binary and keywords messages; moreover, it is almost homoiconic, in the sense that all non-literal expression are functions invocation, including object definition, control structures, type annotation etc.
Kempe (language): Compiled stack-based language.
Kernel (language): Conservative, Scheme-like dialect of Lisp in which everything is a first-class object.
Ketos (language,lisp,native): Lisp dialect scripting and extension language for Rust programs.
Kew (language): Kew is a powerful but small object-oriented programming language that offers many advanced features, including proper closures, first-class variables, relations, continuations, exceptions, dynamic variables, security, transactions, persistence....
Keystone (Assembler) (library,tool,language,windows,macos,linux): A lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture assembler framework.
KeystoneJS (backend,cms,nodejs): Scalable, extensible and open-source platform to build NodeJS applications
Keyv (storage,key-value): A consistent interface for key-value storage across multiple backends via storage adapters. It supports TTL based expiry, making it suitable as a cache or a persistent key-value store.
KFocus (hardware): Ubuntu-loaded laptops; "The Just-Works System".
Kha (gamedev,multimedia,android,ios,macos,windows,linux,jvm): Ultra-portable, high performance, open source multimedia framework.
Ki (language,lisp,browser,nodejs): A Lisp for your JavaScript
Kin (language): Kin is a straightforward programming language created with the purpose of aiding Kinyarwanda speakers in easily learning programming.
Kind (language,functional): A next-gen functional language.
Kinto (storage,browser,nodejs): A generic JSON document store with sharing and synchronisation capabilities.
Kinx (language): Looks like JavaScript, feels like Ruby, and it is the script language fitting in C programmers.
Kitten (language): A statically typed concatenative systems programming language.
Kivy (presentation,python,android,ios,macos,windows): Python cross-platform GUI framework.
Kivy (platform,python,android,ios,linux,macOS,windows): Build and distribute beautiful Python cross-platform GUI apps with ease.
KiXtart (language): KiXtart is a free-format scripting language and has rich built-in functionality for easy scripting. It supports COM (providing access to ADSI, ADO, WMI, etc) and thus is easily extensible. Since version 4.50 KiXtart comes with inbuild pre-tokenization system for faster loading and smaller scripts and providing some level of intellectual property protection through obfuscation. 4.60 is the first version with com implementation which allows you to use kixtart from any windows application. 4.70 is the latest version
Klaxon (language): Minimalist RPN language that compiles to x86-64 assembly
Klong (language): Klong is an array language, like K, but without the ambiguity. If you know K or APL, you may be disappointed by Klong. If you don't know any array languages, it might explode your brain. Use at your own risk!
Klotho (cloud,tool): Applies static analysis to create an adaptive architecture based on in-code annotations it introduces. It also produces the files needed to deploy, run and operate the application in your cloud of choice.
Knack (platform,no-code): Commercial no-code tool; at its core it is an easy online database.
Knowledge Graph Language (KGL) (language,storage,query): A query language for exploring knowledge graphs.
Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) (format,language,knowledge management): A computer-oriented language for the interchange of knowledge among disparate programs.
Ko (language,functional,concurrency): Generic type-safe language for concurrent, stateful, deadlock-free systems and protocol manipulations.
Koa (distribution,nodejs): Next-generation web framework for node.js.
Kobra (language,visual): A visual programming language for Machine Learning.
Kogut (language): Kogut is an experimental programming language which supports impurely functional programming and a non-traditional flavor of object-oriented programming. Its semantics is most similar to Scheme or Dylan, but the syntax looks more like ML or Ruby.
Koka (language,functional,research,effects): A function-oriented programming language that seperates pure values from side-effecting computations, where the effect of every function is automatically inferred; Koka has many features that help programmers to easily change their data types and code organization correctly, while having a small language core with a familiar JavaScript like syntax.
Komodo Edit (tool,editor): A fast and free multi-language code editor written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform.
KorGE (gamedev,native): KorGE Game Engine. Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine
Kotlin (jvm,browser,language,functional,static,object,metaobject): An object language originally for JVM and later adopted for Android.
Kotlin Multiplatform (platform,backend,presentation,ios,android,web,macos,windows,linux): (No summary)
Koto (language): Embeddable scripting language, written in Rust.
Kotter (presentation,console): A declarative, Kotlin-idiomatic API for writing dynamic console applications.
Krakatau (tool,jvm,decompiler): An assembler and disassembler and decompiler (to Java source) for Java bytecode, which allows you to convert binary classfiles to a human readable text format, make changes, and convert it back to a classfile, even for obfuscated code.
Kraken (OpenKraken) (presentation,browser,android,ios,macos): High-performance web rendering engine, built on Flutter.
Kubernetes (tool,platform,distribution,containers): An open source container orchestration engine for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
Kudu (cloud,azure,git,tool): The engine behind git/hg deployments, WebJobs, and various other features in Azure Web Sites.
Kuljet (language): Language for writing database-backed HTML applications. ()
Kumulos (cloud): Secure, easy to use mobile app messaging & management platform
Kusto (query language) (language,storage,azure): Query language for use with Azure Data Explorer.
Kuzzle (backend,platform): An Open Source backend solution that includes a scalable server, an HTTP/MQTT/websockets API, an admin console, plugins mechanism & a blazing fast real-time capabilities for search, pub/sub, geofencing or any complex use cases.
kvass (storage,key-value): A personal key-value data store.
L.in.oleum (language,language development): An unstructured, untyped, procedural programming language. And more specifically, it's a form of cross-platform assembly language.
L2 (language): Minimalist type-inferred programming language with procedural macro support.
Labrys (language,functional,llvm): Toy language based on LLVM that implements the System Fω type-system.
Lakka (platform,gamedev,linux,dos): The open source game console; a lightweight Linux distro that transforms a small computer into a retrogaming console.
Lama (language): Programming language developed for educational purposes as an exemplary language to introduce the domain of programming languages, compilers and tools.
lambda-ski (language,functional): Small functional language with a combinator based graph-reduction machine.
langcc (tool,language development,native): A collection of tools for language development.
Langium (language,library,tool,nodejs): An open source language engineering tool with first-class support for the Language Server Protocol, written in TypeScript and running in Node.js.
Language Development Syntax (language development,language): A collection of language syntax examples.
Lark (language): Lark is an experiment in designing a homoiconic language with a syntax inspired by SmallTalk. It's very early, so there isn't much to see yet, but you can play with it.
Lasca (language,functional,llvm): LLVM-based statically or dynamically typed strict functional programming language. Simplified OCaml if you will.
Launchrock (cloud): A launch site in minutes to capture early users and supercharge your marketing.
Lawrence Livermore National Labs (LLNL) (place,macos,linux,windows,library,distribution,architecture): Software portal for projects built at LLNL.
Lawvere (language,functional): Categorical programming language with effects.
LDPL (language,native): A free, powerful, compiled, open-source programming language designed from the ground up to be excessively expressive, readable, fast and easy to learn.
Leading Change (reading,books,management,leadership): How to not fail at digital transformation efforts.
Leafscript (language): Leafscript is a lightweight programming language created as a proof of concept by someone with no idea how to write a language. It's written entirely in Golang, and was inspired by the speed and simplicity of Lua.
Lean (language,functional): A functional programming language that makes it easy to write correct and maintainable code.
LeanQt (presentation): A stripped-down Qt version easy to build from source and to integrate with an application.
LearnAnything (place): Organize world's knowledge, explore connections and curate learning paths.
Learn X in Y Minutes (place,reading,language,tool): Website collection of numerous "Learn You" style tutorials.
Lemick (language,object): A typed and compiled language programming language with BASIC syntax, compiled into a platform-independent virtual machine assembler that is later transformed into a platform-dependent representation by the just-in-time compiler.
Lemon (tool,language): An LALR(1) parser generator maintained as part of the SQLite project.
Leo (tool,editor): An Outliner, Editor, IDE and PIM written in 100% Python.
Leo (language,functional): Functional, statically-typed programming language built for writing private applications.
Let's Build a Compiler (Jack Crenshaw) (language,reading,language development): A very good tutorial on writing a simple compiler in 16 articles. By Jack W. Crenshaw.
Letlang (language): Functional language with a powerful type system.
LevelDB (storage,browser,embedded,key-value): A very fast and lightweight, embedded database; part of the Chrome browser (exposed as IndexedDB).
Levels of War (reading,military): Differing levels of war (strategic, operational, etc) articles.
Lever (language,dynamic,logic): A language that has capabilities to absorb features from other languages. Otherwise it is very generic purpose programming system with a hint of inclination towards interactive graphics and audio programming.
Lia (language): High-Level Language for Rust.
Liberating Structures (reading,books,management): Simple Rules to Unleash a Culture of Innovation
libGdx (gamedev,jvm): Cross-platform game development built using Java/JVM languages.
libGdx Articles (gamedev,jvm): Articles about libGdx.
libGdx Ashley library (gamedev,jvm): Entity system library for libGdx.
libGdx Examples (gamedev,jvm): Examples of libGdx, a cross-platform game development built using Java/JVM languages.
libGdx Tutorials (gamedev,jvm): Tutorials about cross-platform game development built using Java/JVM languages.
libgit (library,tool): A portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to write native speed custom Git applications in any language which supports C bindings.
liblg (language,vm): Minimal stack-based VM.
liblg (vm): Minimal stack-based VM.
LibObjectFile (library,native,clr,elf,dwarf,ar): A .NET library to read, manipulate, and write linker and executable object files (ELF, DWARF, ar).
Libra (language): Libra - Lazy Interpreter of Binary Relational Algebra
Libra (language): Libra is a basic stack-based programming language simulated through Haskell. Heavily inspired by Porth and Forth
Library of Congress's Sustainability of Digital Formats (place,format): One of the premiere resources in the world for in-depth information about digital file formats. It covers over 525 formats, encodings and wrappers in a variety of content categories – sound recordings, still images, datasets, textual materials, moving images, website and web archives, geospatial, music composition, 3D and architectural drawings and many more.
Library to Instrument Executable Formats (LIEF) (library,tool,native,elf,pe,macho): The purpose of this project is to provide a cross platform library which can parse, modify and abstract ELF, PE and MachO formats.
libSQL (storage,native): A next-gen fork of SQLite.
libui (presentation,native): Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library in C that uses the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports.
Lice (language,jvm): A multi-paradigm programming language running on JVM
Life (vm,wasm,linux,macos,windows): A secure & fast WebAssembly VM built for decentralized applications.
Lightning (presentation,salesforce,browser,low-code): Presentation layer for the Salesforce platform.
Lightscript (language,ecmascript): A Concise Syntax for JavaScript. A close superset of ES7 with JSX and Flow, built with Babel.
Light Table (IDE) (tool,language): A Chromium-based IDE tool.
lila (li[chess in sca]la) (gamedev,jvm): A free online chess game server focused on realtime gameplay and ease of use.
Lily (language,static,library): A programming language focused on expressiveness and type safety.
Limbo (storage,relational): A SQLite rewrite in Rust.
Limbo (language,concurrency): A concurrent programming language for the Inferno operating system that was also an ancestor to Go.
LineageOS (platform,operating system,mobile,android): A free and open source operating system for mobile devices.
Linear ML (language,functional,parallel,ml): Functional language for parallel programming.
Linguist (library,ruby): Language Savant; used on GitHub.com to detect blob languages, ignore binary or vendored files, suppress generated files in diffs, and generate language breakdown graphs.
Links (language,functional,browser): A functional programming language designed to make web programming easier.
linq2db (library,clr,storage): LINQ to database provider.
Linux (OS) (platform,linux): The original open-source operating system.
Linux Tools (platform,linux): Discussions and topics around performance on the Linux OS.
Lioness (language): A high-level, dynamic, programming language designed for mathematical purposes.
LiquidFun (gamedev,physics engine,android,ios,windows,macos,linux,browser): a 2D rigid-body and fluid simulation C++ library for games based upon Box2D. It provides support for procedural animation of physical bodies to make objects move and interact in realistic ways.
Lisa (Lisp-based Intelligent Software Agents) (language,lisp,native,logic): A production-rule system implemented in the Common Lisp Object System (CLOS), and is heavily influenced by CLIPS and the Java Expert System Shell (JESS).
Lisp (jvm,clr,native,language,functional,dynamic,object,metaobject): The original dynamic functional(ish) homoiconic (consistent symbology) language.
LispE (language): A Lisp with Data Structure, Arithmetic Type, Array Instructions, Pattern Matching and many many different instructions and libraries.
Lit (presentation,browser): Elements on top of WebComponents.
Lit (presentation,browser,webcomponents): A simple library for building fast, lightweight web components.
LiteDB (storage,clr,embedded,document): An open source MongoDB-like database with zero configuration - mobile ready.
Literate (language,literate): A literate programming tool for any language
Literate programming (language): The prose-combined-with-code concept started by Knuth.
literateprogramming.com (place,language,tool,literate): A website dedicated to literate programming and documentation/code tools.
LITTLE (language): A new programming language, looking like LISP, but pure Object-Oriented.
Littlefoot (language,ecmascript,object): A little language for little people.
LiveCode (platform,presentation,language,low-code): Commercial open-source cross-platform low-code (natural language expression) platform.
LiveKit (presentation,video): SFU and SDKs for high-performance, scalable WebRTC.
Lively Kernel (presentation,object,browser): A new approach to Web programming available that provides a complete platform for Web applications, including dynamic graphics, network access, and development tools.
LiveScript (language,dynamic,nodejs,browser): A language which compiles to JavaScript that has a straightforward mapping to JavaScript and allows you to write expressive code devoid of repetitive boilerplate.
Liz (language,lisp): General-purpose language based on Zig.
Lizard (language,dsl): A domain-specific language to define and control hardware behaviour.
LLJVM (Low Level Java Virtual Machine) (vm,jvm): A set of tools and libraries for running comparatively low level languages (such as C) on the JVM.
llrl (language,lisp,llvm): Lisp-like programming language powered by Rust + LLVM.
LLVM (platform,library,vm,native): A compiler and back-end native compilation/linking toolchain.
LLVM (toolchain) (tool,language,library,llvm,language development): A collection of tools and libraries for building languages (and language-related tools).
LMAX Disruptor (library,jvm,concurrency): A framework which has "mechanical sympathy" for the hardware it's running on, and that's lock-free.
LMQL (language,ai,llm): A programming language for LLMs; Robust and modular LLM prompting using types, templates, constraints and an optimizing runtime.
Lobster (language,native): A statically typed programming language with a Python-esque syntax that combines the advantages of an expressive type system and compile-time memory management with a very lightweight, friendly and terse syntax, by doing most of the heavy lifting for you. While it is a general purpose language, its current implementation is biased towards games and other graphical things, with plenty of “batteries included” functionality.
Logica (language,storage): A logic programming language that compiles to StandardSQL and runs on Google BigQuery.
LogicJS (library,logic,nodejs): Logic programming for JavaScript.
Logic Programming (language,concept,logic,relational,rules): Discussions of logically-dependent expressionism in programming, aka logic programming.
Logo (language): The classic "turtle" language.
LogSeq (platform,knowledge base): A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration.
Logtalk (language,logic): A declarative object-oriented logic programming language that extends and leverages the Prolog language with modern code encapsulation and code reuse mechanisms while also providing improved predicate semantics.
LokiJS (storage,ecmascript,browser,nodejs,document): Super fast in-memory javascript document oriented database.
Loko (language): An interactive interpreter for the Logo programming language targeting MakoVM, an extremely simple stack-based virtual machine intended for the creation of video games.
LoLa (language): Small programming language meant to be embedded into games.
LOLCODE (language,esoteric): Programming in l33tsp33k
LOLCODE Specification (1.2) (language,esoteric): The 1.2 version of the LOLCODE language
Lombok (Project Lombok) (tool,jvm,library): A java library that automatically plugs into your editor and build tools, spicing up your java.
LoopbackJS (backend,nodejs): A highly extensible Node.js and TypeScript framework for building APIs and microservices.
Lore (language): General-purpose programming language featuring multi-functions, structs and traits, structural typing enabling component-based programming, and intersection and semantic types.
Love2D (gamedev): Lua-based game engine.
Low-Code/No-Code reading (reading,low-code,no-code): A collection of thoughts about low-code and no-code platforms.
Low-code platforms (definition, reading, etc) (platform,reading,low-code): Reading and notes around low-code platforms.
Lowdefy (platform,low-code): An open-source low-code framework to build web apps, admin panels, BI dashboards, workflows, and CRUD apps with ease.
Lox (language): jlox & clox implementations of educational Lox language from great book "Crafting Interpreters".
LPS (Logic Production Systems) (language,logic): Aims to close the gap between logical and imperative computer languages, by performing actions to generate models to make goals of the logical form if antecedent then consequent true. Model generation serves as a global imperative, which generates commands to make consequents true whenever antecedents become true.
LSCRIPT (language): The Lcomp Scripting Engine is a scripting engine written in Visual BASIC for DOS 1.0 that can be used by a programmer to write automatated scripts to perform routine actions in DOS. It can be used as a simple automation tool or a vast programming language
LSTS (language): LSTS is a proof assistant and maybe a programming language. Proofs in LSTS are built by connecting terms, type definitions, and quantified statements. Terms can be evaluated to obtain Values. Types describe properties of Terms. Statements describe relations between Terms and Types.
Lua (language,native,gamedev,object): Scripting language often embedded into game engines for extensibility.
Luau (language): Fast, small, safe, gradually typed embeddable scripting language derived from Lua.
Lua VM (vm,language,dynamic): Implementation docs and notes for the Lua virtual machine.
Luban (language,jvm): (No summary)
Lucee (presentation,browser,jvm): CFML application server/engine. Lucee provides a lot of functionality (tags and functions) to deal with all kinds of web related actions. Manipulating images, PDF files, XML, string, numbers, dates and a lot more.
Lucet (vm,wasm,linux): A native WebAssembly compiler and runtime designed to safely execute untrusted WebAssembly programs inside your application.
Luf (language): Statically typed, embeddable, scripting language written in Zig.
Lumberyard (gamedev): Amazon's game engine for AAA games.
Luna (language): Data processing and visualization environment.
Lush (language,lisp,maths,native): An object-oriented programming language designed for researchers, experimenters, and engineers interested in large-scale numerical and graphic applications; designed to be used in situations where one would want to combine the flexibility of a high-level, weakly-typed interpreted language, with the efficiency of a strongly-typed, natively-compiled language, and with the easy integration of code written in C, C++, or other languages.
Lux (language,jvm,nodejs,functional,static): Functional, statically-typed Lisp that will run on several platforms, such as the Java Virtual Machine and JavaScript interpreters.
Luxe (gamedev): 2D-first/3D game engine prioritizing design and workflow for rapidly expressing ideas.
Luxury (language): Statically programming language which is targeting embedded programming.
lviv (language,functional,scheme): Stack-based RPN functional programming language. Written in Scheme.
LWJGL (LightWeight Java Game Library) (gamedev,library,jvm): A Java library that enables cross-platform access to popular native APIs useful in the development of graphics (OpenGL, Vulkan), audio (OpenAL) and parallel computing (OpenCL) applications.
Lys (language,wasm): A language that compiles to WebAssembly.
M (MUMPS: Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System) (language,storage): A procedural language with a built-in NoSQL database; or, it’s a database with an integrated language optimized for accessing and manipulating that database.
m4 (language): A general-purpose macro processor (a text-replacement tool, employed to re-use text templates).
Mach-O (format,macos,elf,dwarf,macho): macOS executable file format.
macOS (OS) (platform,macos): The Apple operating system (on top of the open-source Darwin kernel) that ships with Apple computers.
macOS (OS) Development (platform,macos): Writing code for the Apple operating system (on top of the open-source Darwin kernel) that ships with Apple desktop computers.
macOS (OS) usage (platform,macos): Tips on using the Apple desktop operating system (on top of the open-source Darwin kernel) that ships with Apple computers.
macOS (OS) Virtual Machine Notes (platform,macos): Running the Apple desktop operating system (on top of the open-source Darwin kernel) in a virtual machine.
macOS Open Source (platform,macos): A collection of macOS-related OSS links
macOS Setup (platform,macos): macOS Setup tools and scripts.
Macro Lambda Calculus (language): lambda calculus using interaction nets, providing CLI and API. Its browserified version is available as [an online demo](https://codedot.github.io/lambda/).
Magic-trace (tool): High-resolution traces of what a process is doing
Magmide (language): A dependently-typed language intended to make provably correct code possible for working software engineers.
Magnet (language): Magnet is an object-oriented programming language, that is prototype-based to the point of real types being absent in favor of duck types. E.g. every object providing a read method that returns a readable, is considered "readable" (meaning it can represent a string). Since this causes a recursion, there must be some "primal" readable to end that: Such primal readable is also known as a String Object in Magnet. Furthermore, Magnet is syntax driven. This means: Everything that can be done to reduce code, retain simplicity and to amaze the developer, IS done!
Magpie (language,jvm,native,vm): A small dynamically-typed programming language built around patterns, classes, and multimethods. It has a prototype interpreter that runs on the JVM and an in-progress bytecode VM written in C++.
Magpie (language): A toy language interpreter, written in Go. It has C-style syntax, and is largely inspired by Ruby, Python, Perl and c#.
MailChimp (cloud): Email/marketing platform.
Makam (language): Tool for rapid language prototyping.
Make (tool,native,build): A build tool with some dependency-based tracking available.
Maker (language): Maker, a Forth-inspired compiled language targeting Mako. Mako is an extremely simple stack-based virtual machine intended for the creation of video games.
Makeshift (language): Programming language that was designed to bootstrap the Ashet Home Computer.
Mako (gamedev,vm): A simple virtual game console
MakoForth (language): MakoForth is a small Forth dialect targeting MakoVM, an extremely simple stack-based virtual machine intended for the creation of video games. MakoForth should be moderately familiar to anyone who has been exposed to ANS-Forth. The major notable differences are the use of # as line comments, loop...(break)...again|until|while looping constructs and the inclusion of syntax for inline double-quoted string constants. Cells are always 32-bit two's complement signed integers.
Malbolge (language,esoteric): A programming language designed to be difficult (or impossible) to program in.
MAME (vm): A multi-purpose "vintage" software emulation framework.
Management and Admins Reading (reading,management): Thoughts, notes, and links on how to work with admins
Management frameworks (reading,management): A collection of leadership/management frameworks/scaffolding, for thinking about how to frame steps and thinking.
Manager Pool (reading,books,management,patterns): Collection of management patterns.
Managing Humans (reading,books,management): Managing technical teams of people.
Managing Oneself (reading,books,management): Most of us have to learn to manage and develop ourselves, which also means know how and when to change the work we do.
Mango (library,jvm,functional): A Java library of a iterators, algorithms and functions.
MANOOL (language): MANOOL is a programming language designed with an idea to maximize the expressive power / implementation complexity ratio.
Manticore (language,parallel): High-level parallel programming language aimed at general-purpose applications running on multi-core processors.
Mantra (language,jvm): (Might be a TParr class assignment?)
MapDB (storage,jvm): Provides concurrent Maps, Sets and Queues backed by disk storage or off-heap-memory. It is a fast and easy to use embedded Java database engine.
Marco (language): Safe, Expressive Macros for Any Language
Mare (language): Reimagining of the Pony language in Crystal.
MariaDB (storage,relational): Open-source relational database.
Markdig (library,markdown,parser): A CommonMark-compatible Markdown parser.
Markdoc (tool,format): A Markdown-based syntax and toolchain for creating custom documtation sites.
Markdown (format,text,presentation): Text-based markup language originally intended for easy HTML creation.
Marketing Myopia (reading,books,business,management,leadership): The reason growth is threatened, slowed, stopped is not because the market is saturated; it is because there has been a failure of management.
Marko (presentation,browser): Bringing back progressive HTML rendering to the masses.
MarkovJunior (language): MarkovJunior is a probabilistic programming language where programs are combinations of rewrite rules and inference is performed via constraint propagation. MarkovJunior is named after mathematician Andrey Andreyevich Markov, who defined and studied what is now called Markov algorithms.
Marp (presentation): Markdown presentation ecosystem.
Marten (storage,document,event store,clr): Transactional Document DB and Event Store on PostgreSQL.
Maru (language,lisp): A tiny self-hosting lisp dialect, a symbolic expression evaluator that can compile its own implementation language.
Marvin (language,object): A programming language that was designed with DCI in mind. It builds heavily on C#. The first versions of Marvin can be seen as extensions to C# where versions in the road map will most likely reshape some of the fundamentals to provide even better support for DCI.
Mash (language): Untyped, lightweight, crossplatform OOP language.
MASICA (language): An educational interactive TinyBASIC interpreter targeting MakoVM, an extremely simple stack-based virtual machine intended for the creation of video games.
Mass (language,assembly): Aims to provide the developer flexibility to adjust every step of the compilation process.
MassiveJS (library,nodejs,storage): A data mapper for Node.js that goes all in on PostgreSQL and embraces the power and flexibility of SQL and the relational model.
Mastodon (platform,social media): a free, open-source social network server based on ActivityPub where users can follow friends and discover new ones. On Mastodon, users can publish anything they want: links, pictures, text, video. All Mastodon servers are interoperable as a federated network (users on one server can seamlessly communicate with users from another one, including non-Mastodon software that implements ActivityPub)!
Mastodon (cloud,social media,ruby): Free, open-source decentralized social media platform.
Mattermost (tool,process,collaboration): An open source platform for secure collaboration across the entire software development lifecycle.
Maude (language): Maude is a high-performance reflective language and system supporting both equational and rewriting logic specification and programming for a wide range of applications. Maude has been influenced in important ways by the OBJ3 language, which can be regarded as an equational logic sublanguage. Besides supporting equational specification and programming, Maude also supports rewriting logic computation.
Maxine-VM (vm,jvm): A meta-circular research VM; a next generation, highly productive platform for virtual machine research..
Mazeppa (language,functional): A modern supercompiler for call-by-value functional languages.
Mbeddr (language): A set of integrated and extensible languages for embedded software engineering, plus an IDE.
MCPL (language): MCPL is a simple typeless language which is based on BCPL. It makes extensive use of pattern matching somewhat related to that used in ML and Prolog, and some other features come from C.
MDL (language,gamedev,dynamic,functional): A programming language, a descendant of the language Lisp whose initial purpose was to provide high level language support for the Dynamic Modeling Group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) Project MAC.
MDP (presentation,console): A command-line based markdown presentation tool.
Mech (language): Language for developing data-driven, reactive systems like animations, games, and robots.
MediaCloud (cloud): An open-source platform for media analysis.
Medusa (language,python): An attempt at making Python stronger and faster like Medusa herself!
MedusaVM (vm,python): Aims at running pre-existing Python code without any or minimal modification at a much faster rates compared to the usual implementations by leveraging Dart and the DartiumVM.
Meeting Design (reading,management,meetings): Notes from the book.
Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change (reading,books,business): Innovation and disruption.
Megamek (gamedev,jvm): An open-source implementation of BattleTech, in Java.
Melody (language): Melody is a language that compiles to regular expressions and aims to be more easily readable and maintainable.
Memgraph (storage,graph): A streaming graph application platform that helps you wrangle your streaming data, build sophisticated models that you can query in real-time.
Memory Management and Garbage Collection (reading and references) (reading,language,platform,vm,jvm,clr,python,ecmascript): Papers, books, and thoughts around manual and automatic memory management (GC).
Mendix (platform,low-code): Commercial (free trial) low-code application development platform.
Mercat (language): Mercat is not really useful for anything much. It is, on the other hand, an excellent example of how to implement a self-hosted recursive-descent-parsed language and virtual machine
Mercury (language,logic,functional): A logic/functional programming language which combines the clarity and expressiveness of declarative programming with advanced static analysis and error detection features. Influences from Prolog, ML, and Haskell.
Merlin (language,actors): An simple actor-based programming language.
Mermaid (tool,architecture): Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown.
Meson (tool,native,build): Yet another build tool for C++.
MessagePack (format,binary,storage,specification,serialization): An efficient binary serialization format.
Message passing (reading) (reading,language,distribution,actors,message-passing): A mechanism of communication or control flow in which a block of data is explicitly constructed and communicated to the recipient.
MetaCall (language): MetaCall is an extensible, embeddable, and interoperable cross-platform polyglot runtime. It supports NodeJS, Vanilla JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Ruby, C#, Java, WASM, Go, C, C++, Rust, D, Cobol and more.
Metadata-Connect (storage,metadata): A massively scalable metadata (data about the data) management platform hosted in the cloud.
Metadesk (library,parser): An ergonomic parser library for a simple—yet versatile—plaintext language.
METAL (language): METAL is a 100% free extended BASIC language metacompiler for PowerMac.
MetaLang 99 (language): A functional language for C99 preprocessor metaprogramming.
Metalua (language): A Lua code analysis tool, as well as a compiler for a superset of Lua 5.1 supporting Compile-Time Meta-Programming.
Metamine (language): Completely declarative programming language.
Metaobject Protocol (MOP) (language,concept,reading,object,metaobject): Building on top of object systems, metaobject protocols allow for changing the "surface area" of objects at runtime.
Metawidget (presentation,distribution,ui generation,jvm,browser,android): A smart widget that populates itself, either statically or at runtime, with UI components to match the properties of your domain objects.
Meteor (platform,nodejs,browser,ios,android): An open source framework for seamlessly building and deploying Web, Mobile, and Desktop applications in Javascript.
Mewl (language,esoteric): Program in cats' language.
MewMew (language,esoteric): /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ MewMew Programming Language - Program in Cats' Language
micro-mitten (language): Bare-bones Rust-like programming language, stripped down to simplify control-flow structures and the type system.
MicroPython (language,python): Implements the Python 3.4 syntax and some of the core datatypes.
Microservices (architecture,reading): Reading on microservices architecture.
Microservices (resources) (distribution,place): A collection of resources and links on microservices.
Microservices DSL (language,distribution,microservices): A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) to specify (micro-)service contracts, their data representations and API endpoints.
Microsoft Office (libraries, specifications, etc) (library,format,browser,clr,jvm,python): Various libraries to manipulate Microsoft Office files.
Microsoft Office Protocols and Formats (format,windows,msoffice): Detailed technical specifications for Microsoft protocols that are implemented and used by Office to interoperate or communicate with other Microsoft products.
Microsoft Open Specifications Site (place,format,language,clr,windows): A single site with many of Microsoft's Open Specification documents
Microsoft OSS (place): Microsoft's collection of open-source projects.
Microsoft PowerApps (platform,low-code): Low-code apps on Microsoft platform.
Microsoft PowerToys (tool,windows): Collection of useful utilities for Windows.
Microsoft Resarch (MSR) (place,research): Microsoft's collection of research projects.
Microsoft SQL Server (storage,relational,windows,clr): Microsoft's relational database implementation.
Microsoft XNA (gamedev): Microsoft's (since-cancelled) game development framework.
MicroWF (library,clr,state machine): A simple finite state machine (FSM) with workflow character where you define your workflows in code.
Middleman (tool,static site generator): A static site generator using all the shortcuts and tools in modern web development.
Mill (tool,build,scala): A fast JVM build tool that supports Java, speeding up common development workflows by 5-10x compared to Maven or SBT.
mimir (library,logic,rules): An experimental rule engine written in Clojure.
min (language): Tiny concatenative programming language and shell.
Min (language,jvm,message-passing): A Prototype-based language with syntax inspired by Io and Ruby, topped with Python's indentation (but only when you want to).
MingW32 (platform,linux,windows): Win32 port of GCC and other utilities for running on the Win32 platform.
MiniAgda (language): Prototypical dependently typed languages with sized types and variances.
MiniGDX (gamedev,library,jvm): A minimalist game framework using Kotlin multiplatform.
miniKanren (language,logic,rules,expert system): An embedded Domain Specific Language for logic programming.
Minio (storage): S3 compatible object storage.
MiniScript (language): MiniScript is modern, elegant, easy to learn, and easy to embed in your own C#, C++ or Kotlin projects.
miniVM (vm,dynamic): A small and fast cross-language Virtual Machine (VM) written in good ol' C, meaning it can compile and run just about anywhere.
Minix (platform,os): The classic educational operating system that was the inspiration and starting point for Linux.
Minsk (language,clr): A handwritten compiler in C#, illustrating basic concepts of compiler construction.
Mint (tool,ios,macos): A package manager that installs/runs executable Swift command-line tool packages.
Mint (language,presentation,browser): A refreshing programming language for the front-end web.
Minze (library,ecmascript,browser): Dead-simple JS framework for native web components.
MIPS Assembly (language,native,mips,assembly): A brief overview of MIPS assembly.
Mirah (language): Mirah is a customizable programming language featuring static types, local type inference and a heavily Ruby-inspired syntax. Mirah currently includes a typer/compiler backend for the JVM which can output JVM bytecode.
Mirah (language,jvm,ruby,static,dynamic): A programming language based on Ruby language syntax, local type inference, hybrid static–dynamic type system, and a pluggable compiler toolchain.
Miranda (language,functional): A pure, non-strict, polymorphic, higher order functional programming language that later inspired Haskell.
Mirth (language): a new concatenative programming language, inspired by Forth, Joy, Haskell, Idris, Rust, Lisp, ATS, and monoidal category theory.
Misc (language): Misc is a simple but powerful programming language, designed especially for performing efficient calculations. Development of the Misc Engine is currently continued as part of the Descend project
Miso (presentation,browser): A small, production-ready, "isomorphic" Haskell front-end framework for quickly building highly interactive single-page web applications.
Mission-Critical Meetings (reading,management,meetings): Notes from the book.
Mistral (language,distribution): An experimental language for distributed programming, with an emphasis on the specification and maintenance of a virtual overlay network.
Mithril (presentation,browser): Another client-side JS framework for building Single-Page Applications.
MIX-MIXAL (language): MIX is Donald Knuth's mythical computer as described in his monumental work The Art Of Computer Programming. As any of its real counterparts, the MIX features registers, memory cells, an overflow toggle, comparison flags, input-output devices, and a set of binary instructions executable by its virtual CPU. You can program the MIX using an assembly language called MIXAL, the MIX Assembly Language.
Mizu (tool,distribution,kubernetes): API traffic viewer for Kubernetes enabling you to view all API communication between microservices. Think TCPDump and Wireshark re-invented for Kubernetes
Mkdocs (tool,documentation): A static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation; doc source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file.
ML (language,functional,ml): A strictly-functional language that later inspired OCaML and others.
Mlatu (language,functional): Statically typed, stack-based purely functional programming language designed for simplicity, speed, and safety.
ML-I (language): ML/I is a general purpose macro processor.
MLIR (platform,library,vm,native): A hybrid IR which can support multiple different requirements in a unified infrastructure.
mLite (language,functional,ml): A lightweight (and slightly odd) inhabitant of the ML universe that is much like ML, but with dynamic typing, guards, and a Haskell-style apply operator.
MLKit (language,library,functional,ml): A compiler toolkit for the Standard ML language, including The MLKit with Regions, which features a native backend for the x64 architecture, based on region inference, and SMLtoJs, which features a JavaScript backend targeting web browsers.
MLSub (library,language): Prototype type inference engine.
Mn (language): A truly minimal concatenative programming language.
MoarVM (vm): A VM with adaptive optimization and JIT compilation, built for Rakudo
Mobile Angular UI (presentation,ios,android,angular,browser): A mobile UI HTML/CSS/JS framework based on Angular and Twitter Bootstrap.
mobl (language,presentation,android,ios): A mobile application language and framework.
Mochi (language,python): A dynamically typed programming language for functional programming and actor-style programming.
Modeling Languages (place,language): A website about modeling languages.
Modern Compiler Implementation (language,reading,books,language development): This book covers compiler theory, design, and implementation.
Modern Programming Languages (language development,reading): Notes and materials from the book.
Modula-2 (language): A programming language developed by Niklaus Wirth at ETH in Zurich, Switzerland in the late 70's.
Modula-3 (language): Critical Mass Modula-3.
Moirai-kt (language,distribution): A scripting language that calculates the worst-case execution time (WCET) before executing each script.
Mojo (language,native,python): The usability of Python with the performance of C, unlocking unparalleled programmability of AI hardware and extensibility of AI models.
Monaca (platform,tool,browser,android,ios): Cross-platform hybrid mobile app development platform and tools in the cloud.
Monads (language,reading,functional): Collection of articles on monads (and monoids and related subjects).
Mond (language,clr): A scripting language for .NET Core.
MongoDB (storage,document,network): Document-oriented network storage.
Monicelli (language,esoteric): An esoteric programming language, come se fosse antani.
Monkey (language): Monkey is a programming language designed by Thorsten Ball.
Monkey-2 (language): Monkey2 is an easy to use, cross platform, games oriented programming language from Blitz Research.
Monkey-X (language): A games oriented programming language from Blitz Research.
Mono.Cecil (library,tool,clr): A library to inspect, modify and create .NET programs and libraries.
MonoGame (gamedev,clr): Spiritual successor to XNA; a CLR-based open source game framework.
Monte (language,object capability): A nascent dynamic programming language reminiscent of Python and E; it is based upon The Principle of Least Authority (POLA), which governs interactions between objects, and a capability-based object model, which grants certain essential safety guarantees to all objects.
Moon (tool,build,jvm,scala): Help is for repositories with multiple projects, any number of languages, and team members constantly pushing changes, and will simplify the experience of working in and maintaining a complex monorepo.
Moonscript (language): A dynamic scripting language that compiles to Lua.
Mops (language): A full featured, stand-alone development environment for programming the Macintosh written by Mike Hore. Inspired by Smalltalk and the commercial language Neon, Mops is based on Forth with extended object-oriented features such as multiple inheritance, early and late binding, persistent objects, and garbage collection.
morloc (language,functional,polyglot): Typed, polyglot, functional language.
morph (language): A mostly pure functional programming language
Morphic (presentation,object): A style of "direct-manipulation" (of objects) user interface first seen in the Self language/environment and later adopted by other object platforms.
Motion (language): Motion is a clean, dynamically typed programming language, created in C with no dependencies.
Motoko (language,distribution): Simple high-level language for writing Internet Computer canisters
Motor (vm,wasm,linux,macos): A WebAssembly runtime which aims for secure and efficient execution of WebAssembly programs.
Motorway (language): An esoteric programming language based around the British motorway network.
Mouse (language): A small computer programming language developed by Dr. Peter Grogono in the late 1970s and early 1980s; originally intended as a small, efficient language for microcomputer systems with limited memory; illustrates some of the concepts involved in creating a simple interpreter for a programming language.
Move (language): A new programmable platform for blockchains and other applications where safety and correctness are paramount.
Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) (place): Web development resources.
MPS (tool,language,dsl,language development): A language development workbench.
MPS (Meta-Programming System) (language,functional,object,dynamic,metaobject): JetBrains' language-development workbench and environment.
MQTT (distribution,messaging,format,specification): A Client Server publish/subscribe messaging transport protocol.
MQTTnet (library,distribution,mqtt,messaging,clr): A high performance .NET library for MQTT based communication. It provides a MQTT client and a MQTT server (broker).
MRI (Matz's Ruby Interpreter) (vm,ruby): The original fully-interpreted Ruby VM.
MSBuild (tool,clr,native,build): A build system from Microsoft heavily inspired by Ant.
Mu (language): Minimal-dependency hobbyist computing stack.
Mu (Autodesk Graphics DSL/Shader language) (language): Principally targeted towards computer graphics applications; over the years its syntax and runtime has been refactored and evolved from a simple shading language to a nearly full featured general language. However Mu is still probably best suited for computer graphics than other computing tasks.
Mu (Code Editor) (tool,python): A simple Python editor for beginners.
Mu (Scripting language) (language,embedded,native): A lightweight scripting language designed to be easily embedded into existing projects.
Multi-Dimensional and Hierarchical Database Toolkit (library,storage,native): A Linux-based, open sourced, C/C++ toolkit of portable software that supports fast, flexible, multi-dimensional and hierarchical storage, retrieval and manipulation of information in data bases ranging in size up to 256 terabytes.
Multi-Paradigm Design in C++ (language,concept,reading,books,object): Some ways to think about object-oriented design and design in general.
Multipliers (reading,management): How the best leaders make everyone smarter.
Mun (language,vm,llvm): A programming language empowering creation through iteration.
Muon (language): Modern low-level programming language.
Murder Engine (gamedev,engine): A pixel art ECS game engine.
Mutiny (library,jvm,reactive): Provides a simple but powerful asynchronous development model to build reactive applications.
Mux (presentation,video): An API that enables developers to build unique live and on-demand video experiences.
Myia (language): Myia is a new differentiable programming language. It aims to support large scale high performance computations (e.g. linear algebra) and their gradients. The main application Myia aims to support is research in artificial intelligence, in particular deep learning algorithms.
mypy (language,python,static): Mypy is an optional static type checker for Python that aims to combine the benefits of dynamic (or "duck") typing and static typing.
Myst (language): Structured, dynamic, general-purpose language.
N8N (distribution,workflow automation): Node-based workflow automation tool for developers.
Naked Objects (reading,presentation,platform,ui generation): The practice of generating UI (and, optionally, persistence) directly from domain objects without compilation requirements.
Naked Objects Framework (presentation,distribution,clr,browser,ui generation): Turns a POCO domain model (that follows a few simple conventions) into a complete application.
Nannou (gamedev,rust): A library that aims to make it easy for artists to express themselves with simple, fast, reliable code.
Nanopass (language,dsl): An embedded domain-specific language for creating compilers that focuses on creating small passes and many intermediate representations; reduces the boilerplate required to create compilers making them easier to understand and maintain.
NanoVM (vm,jvm): A java virtual machine for the Atmel AVR ATmega8 CPU, the member of the AVR CPU family used e.g. in the DLR Asuro robot, manufactured by AREXX engineering.
NanoVM (vm,jvm): A really tiny Java Virtual Machine.
Nasal (language,archival): Not another scripting language!
nasm (Netwide Assembler) (language,assembly,native): A portable-ish assembler.
Natalie (language,ruby,native): A (work-in-progress) Ruby implementation, compiled to C++ (native).
NativeScript (platform,ios,android): Single-source Javascript-based cross-mobile platform.
NATS (distribution): A simple, secure and high performance open source messaging system for cloud native applications, IoT messaging, and microservices architectures.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) places (place,nlp): A collection of NLP links.
Natural Language Processing for Semantic Search (reading,books,nlp): Learn how to make machines understand language as people do. This free course covers everything you need to build state-of-the-art language models, from machine translation to question-answering, and more.
Nature (language): Nature is the modern systems programming language and compiler, striving for elegant and concise syntax while prioritizing the writing and reading experience for developers. Key features of nature at the language level include: Type system, null safety, generics, union types In-house compiler/assembler/linker, not reliant on llvm. Supports compilation for amd64/riscv64/wasm architectures Non-intrusive interaction with C for efficient and high-performance development Progressive GC, supports both automatic and manual GC Built-in vec/map/set/tup data structures Package and module management Function tags/closures/error prompts/runtime stack traces/coroutines Integrated SSA/linear scan register allocation/reflection/assembler & linker
Nazo ML (language,functional,ml): Experimental implementation of temporal-logic-based Hindley-Milner type system.
nCine (gamedev): A cross-platform 2D game engine with an emphasis on performance, written in C++11 and optionally scriptable in Lua.
NDatabase (storage,clr,object): OODBMS native and transparent persistence for .NET.
Neat (language,native,llvm): A "D-lite" (subset of D) language.
Nebula Graph (storage,graph): The graph database built for super large-scale graphs with milliseconds of latency.
NeDB (storage,document,embedded,nodejs,browser): The JavaScript Database, for Node.js, nw.js, electron and the browser.
Negotiation reading (reading,business): Collections of articles and links on negotiation.
Neit (language): Not sure what kind of language it is.
Neko (Language) (language,vm): A high-level dynamically typed programming language and virtual machine.
Neko (VM) (vm,gamedev): The NekoVM is a target for several compilers, including Haxe.
Nelua (language,static): Minimal, simple, efficient, statically typed, compiled, meta programmable, safe and extensible systems programming language with a Lua flavor.
Nemerle (language,clr,object,functional,metaobject): A general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language for the .Net platform; metaprogramming is based on macros bearing some similarity to Lisp.
Neo4J (storage,graph): Industry standard for graph-oriented database.
Neon (language): High-level, statically typed, garbage collected, imperative programming language intended for teaching and learning the craft of programming.
Neosphere (gamedev,ecmascript,windows,linux,macos): A lightweight game engine and development platform using JavaScript for game coding, based on the original Sphere engine by Chad Austin but with a redesigned, modern API and brand-new command-line development tools.
Neptune (language): Fast, concurrent and embeddable scripting language.
Netflix OSS (place): Netflix's collection of OSS projects.
Netlify (cloud): JAMstack-focused cloud platform.
Netlify CMS (tool,cms,presentation): Git-based CMS for static site generators.
NetLogo (language,jvm,agent): A programming language and IDE for agent-based modeling as a dialect of Logo and emphasizing the decentralized, interconnected nature of the phenomena you can model.
Neut (language,functional): Dependently-typed programming language based on the Calculus of Constructions.
Never (language,functional,static): A statically typed functional programming language.
NewLang (language): A high-level programming language that combines standard algorithmic constructs with declarative programming and tensor computing for machine learning problems.
newRPL (language): newRPL is a re-implementation of the HP48/49/50 series calculators programming environment. The RPL scripting language is being redesigned and recreated with even more powerful features.
Newspeak (language,platform,vm,object,functional,object capability): A language in the tradition of Self and Smalltalk, dynamic and reflective, but designed to support modularity and security.
Nexe (tool,nodejs,native): A tool to create a standalone executable out of nodejs apps.
Nextcloud (storage,file hosting): A personal cloud which runs on your own server.
NextJS (presentation,browser): Browser-based React framework.
NeXTSpace (platform,linux,presentation): A desktop environment that brings a NeXTSTEP look and feel to Linux.
NHost (backend,platform): An open-source Firebase alternative with GraphQL; easy-to-use, full-featured backend-as-a-service (Baas) for your web and mobile apps.
Niall (language,array): An array language, like APL, J, or K, but with a more english-like syntax.
Nice (language,jvm,object): A new programming language that extends the ideas behind object-orientation in order to better support modular programming and static type safety and incorporates features from functional programming.
NiceGUI (presentation,library,python,browser): A Python-based UI framework, which shows up in your web browser.
Nickel (language,configuration): Write complex configurations. Modular, correct and boilerplate-free.
Nickle (language): A programming language based prototyping environment with powerful programming and scripting capabilities.
Nim (language): A compiled, garbage-collected systems programming language with a design that focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).
Nimskull (language): An in development statically typed systems programming language; with sustainability at its core. We, the community of users, maintain it.
Ninja (tool,native,build): A small build system with a focus on speed.
Nit (language): Nit is an expressive language with a script-like syntax, a friendly type-system and aims at elegance, simplicity and intuitiveness.
Nitric (distribution,cloud,serverless): A framework for cloud and serverless apps.
Nitrite (storage,embedded,jvm,document): An open source nosql embedded document store written in Java with MongoDB like API that supports both in-memory and single file based persistent store.
Nix (language): Expression language for the Nix package manager. The Nix expression language is a pure, lazy, functional language.
Nix/NixOS/nixpkgs (tool,language,platform): A tool that takes a unique approach to package management and system configuration.
Nixt (language): Interpreted lisp inspired programming language written in Rust.
NLTK (library,python,nlp): A leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data.
NMemory (storage,in-memory,relational): A lightweight non-persistent in-memory relational database engine that is purely written in C# and can be hosted by .NET applications.
Nocobase (storage,no-code): An open source and free no-code development platform.
NocoDB (storage,presentation,low-code,nodejs): The Open Source Airtable alternative.
NodeJS (platform) (nodejs,platform): A platform built around the V8 (Javascript) engine.
Node-RED (language,platform,low-code,no-code): An open-source flow-based development tool for visual programming developed originally by IBM for wiring together hardware devices, APIs and online services as part of the Internet of Things. Node-RED provides a web browser-based flow editor, which can be used to create JavaScript functions.
Node Rules (library,nodejs,rules,browser): A light weight forward chaining Rule Engine, written in JavaScript for both browser and node.js environments.
NodeScript (language,gamedev): A language intended for use in puzzle games.
Noisecraft (language,browser): Browser-based visual programming language and platform for sound synthesis.
Noja (language): A very high level language in the same range of abstraction as languages like Ruby, Python and Javascript.
Nomad (distribution,containers): A simple and flexible scheduler and workload orchestrator to deploy and manage containers and non-containerized applications across on-prem and clouds at scale.
Noms (storage,distribution,relational): The versioned, forkable, syncable database.
Nools (library,nodejs,rules): Rules engine inference and enforcement in JS.
No One Understands You (reading,books,psychology): and What To Do About It
North-Hollywood Python (language,python): A strongly-typed, memory-safe, compiled dialect of Python, that transpiles to human-readable C.
NosDB (storage,clr,document): A 100% native .NET Open Source NoSQL Database, extremely fast and linearly scalable and allows your .NET applications to handle extreme transaction loads (XTP).
Nosica (language): An Object-Oriented language, with a syntax similar to Java or C++, and with advanced high level features such as a strong type system, automatic memory management, and global code optimisation.
Notable Design Patterns for Domain-Specific Languages (patterns,language,dsl): We describe eight recurring patterns that we have identified as being used for DSL design and implementation.
notc (language): This is a simple interpreter with c-like syntax.
Noulith (language,dynamic): Browser-based visual programming language and platform for sound synthesis.
Novika (language): A moldable, concise, expressive language in the spirit of Forth, Self, Red/Rebol, and Lisp.
Nox (language): A programming language focusing on performance and memory/thread safety.
NPL (language,parallel): NPL or Neural Parallel Language is an open source, high-performance scripting language.
NRefactory (library,tool,clr,language): Currently unmaintained parser/compiler frontend for C#.
nScript (language): Script language similar to C.
NScript (language): A tool similar to Microsoft's WScript except that it allows scripts to be written in .NET languages such as C#, VB.NET and JScript.NET.
Nu (language,dynamic,functional,macos): An interpreted Lisp that builds on the Objective-C runtime and Foundation framework.
Nu (gamedev,clr): the world's first practical functional 2D and 3D cross-platform game engine.
Nuklear (presentation,desktop): A single-header ANSI C immediate mode cross-platform GUI library.
nullc (language): Fast C-like programming language with advanced features.
NuoDB (storage): Distributed SQL database.
nuweb (language,literate): A Simple Literate Programming Tool.
Nuxt (tool,static site generator,nodejs): Vue-based static site generator.
NXUI (presentation,clr): NXUI (nex-ui), next-gen UI - Create minimal Avalonia applications using C# 10 and .NET 6 and 7.
Nylo (language): A declarative programming language that takes some constructs from functional and logic paradigms, aims to be simple and clear, but powerful.
nyx (language): Dynamically typed scripting language.
Oak (language): Expressive, simple, dynamic programming language.
OASIS Advanced Message Queue Protocol (AMQP) (distribution,format,messaging,specification): The global standard enterprise messaging protocol.
OAT (Android Runtime) (format,android,native): Android runtime file format.
OAuth (format,distribution,security,authentication): Specification for third-party authentication.
Oberon (language,native,clr): Predecessor to Pascal and a lot of concepts: Oberon, Oberon-2, Active Oberon, Modula-2/3, Oberon-07, and Component Pascal (Blackbox Oberon).
Oberon+ (language,native): A successor to Pascal with some interesting elements.
Objeck (language): An object-oriented programming language with functional features.
ObjectBox (storage,vector,local): Highspeed database securely stores your data privately on-device and syncs it seamlessly with millions of devices on-premise and optionally with any cloud.
Object-capability model (reading,language,security,object,object capability): A capability describes a transferable right to perform one (or more) operations on a given object.
Object Constraint Language (format,specification,object-oriented): A formal language used to describe expressions on UML that typically specify invariant conditions that must hold for the system being modeled or queries over objects described in a model.
ObjectDB (storage,object): A powerful Object-Oriented Database Management System (ODBMS) whose native API is the Java Persistence API (JPA).
Objective-C (language,native,object,dynamic,compiled,macos,ios,message-passing): The other object-oriented take on C, based much more directly on the message-passing principles of Smalltalk.
Objective-C (Platform) (platform,ios,macos): The platform underlying the Objective-C (and, by extension, Swift) languages.
Objective-J (language,ecmascript,dynamic): A new programming language that is a superset of JavaScript and based on Objective-C.
Objective Lua (language,dynamic): An almost pure superset of Lua that welds the Objective C object orientation system and syntax on top of the classic Lua language.
Objective-S (language): Smalltalk-ish language.
Objectivity/DB (storage,linux,macos,windows): A scalable, high performance, distributed Object Database (ODBMS).
ObjectScript (language,jvm,scripting): A general purpose object-oriented programming language for the JVM.
Object Thinking (language,concept,reading,books,object): Approaches to object-oriented design and thinking.
Obsidian (tool,notes,macos,linux,windows): A powerful knowledge base on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files.
OCaml (language,object,functional,native,ml): An object-functional hybrid language and platform.
OCaml for the Masses (reading,articles,functional,object): Why the next language you learn should be functional
Occam (language,concurrency): A concurrency language?
Occam-pi (language,concurrency,native): A concurrent programming language using the process-oriented programming model, which aims to make it straightforward to write correct, expressive concurrent programs.
Ockam (platform,library,tool,cloud,authentication,authorization,security): A suite of open source tools, programming libraries, and managed cloud services to orchestrate end-to-end encryption, mutual authentication, key management, credential management, and authorization policy enforcement – at massive scale.
Octave (GNU Octave) (language,scientific,linux,macos,windows): GNU Matlab replacement/supplement/version.
Octokit (library,tool,clr,jvm,native): A GitHub API client library with various bindings.
OData (distribution,library): OASIS standard for data over HTTP-based communication.
Ode (language): A stack-based, concatenative, functional programming language with an interactive online development environment written in JavaScript.
Odin (language,native): Designed with the intent of creating an alternative to C around simplicity, high performance, built for modern systems, and joy of programming.
Ogol (language): Variant of the Logo computer language.
Ohm (language,library,tool,ecmascript,language development): A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
OhMyForm (presentation,browser,low-code,no-code): Create stunning embedable forms for recruiting, market research, surveys and more; open source alternative to TypeForm, TellForm, or Google Forms.
Oil (language,tool): A new Unix shell.
Oilpan (library,memory management,native): A mark-sweep tracing GC library hosted by the V8 ECMAScript engine for C++ applications.
Okta (language): A new open source, general-purpose programming language that, although it's still in its childhood, aims to provide a simple platform to create low level, efficient software.
Olin (backend,distribution,wasm): Olin is like the JVM for WebAssembly. It wraps WebAssembly with a set of functions to access the outside world and keeps track of things like how many instructions were used, how many syscalls were made and how much memory was used.
OllyDbg (tool,windows,native,disassembler): A 32-bit assembler level analysing debugger for Microsoft® Windows.
OMeta (OMeta/JS) (language,metaobject): An object-oriented language for pattern matching, based on a variant of Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) which we have extended to handle arbitrary data types; OMeta's general-purpose pattern matching facilities provide a natural and convenient way for programmers to implement tokenizers, parsers, visitors, and tree transformers, all of which can be extended in interesting ways using familiar object-oriented mechanisms.
OMG (Object Management Group) (place,specification,object-oriented): An international (27 countries), membership-driven (230+ organizations) and not-for-profit consortium with focus to generate technology standards (250+) that provide quantifiable real-world value to all vertical industries.
OmniSharp (tool,library,clr): A family of open-source projects for .NET.
OMR (vm): Reliable components for building language runtimes.
One (language): An open source, self-hosted, bootstrapping system programming language which makes it easy to build reliable and efficient software.
Onion Architecture (architecture,reading): Layers presented as circles, each wrapping around a previous one, forming an "onion".
Onsen UI (presentation,browser,android,ios): The fastest way to develop beautiful HTML5 hybrid and mobile web apps.
Onyx (language,wasm,procedural): A data-oriented, procedural programming language, compiling solely to WebAssembly.
OOC (language,native,object): A small programming language with a clear and concise syntax that compiles to C99.
Ook! (language,esoteric): A programming language designed for orang-utans.
Oolong (gamedev,ios): iPhone game engine
OOUI (presentation,clr,browser): a small cross-platform UI library for .NET that uses web technologies; presents a classic object-oriented UI API that controls a dumb browser.
Opa (language,distribution,functional): An attempt at an "all-in-one" presentation, middleware, and storage system.
Opal (language,functional,dynamic,object,metaobject,nodejs,browser,ruby): Ruby (hearts) JavaScript.
Open3D Development Engine (O3DE) (gamedev,engine): Open-source, real-time 3-D engine.
OpenAI (library): API and SDKs for using OpenAI.
OpenAI (distribution,service,natural language): Collection of AI services for natural language and images.
Open API Specification (OAS) (distribution,format,specification): A standard, programming language-agnostic interface description for REST APIs, which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of a service without requiring access to source code, additional documentation, or inspection of network traffic.
OpenComal (language): OpenComal is a portable and free implementation of the Comal programming language written by moi. Currently supported platforms are Unix, MsDos and Win32 (95, 98, NT, 2000, XP and whatever they come up with next :-) Comal is a crossover between Basic and Pascal, with the best features of both and none of the drawbacks of either.
OpenCRUD (distribution,format,specification): A GraphQL CRUD API specification for databases.
OpeNER (library,nlp,ruby,python,jvm): Goal is to provide a set of ready to use tools to perform some natural language processing tasks, free and easy to adapt for Academia, Research and Small and Medium Enterprise to integrate them in their workflow. More precisely, OpeNER aims to be able to detect and disambiguate entity mentions and perform sentiment analysis and opinion detection on the texts, to be able for example, to extract the sentiment and the opinion of customers about certain resource (e.g. hotels and accommodations) in Web reviews.
OpenFin (platform,browser,financial): A web runtime and operating environment designed for enterprise app development.
openFrameworks (gamedev,native): A collection of open-source frameworks for easier creative development.
Open Grid Forum (place,distribution,format): An open global community committed to driving the rapid evolution and adoption of modern advanced applied distributed computing, including cloud, grid and associated storage, networking and workflow methods. OGF is focused on developing and promoting innovative scalable techniques, applications and infrastructures to improve productivity in the enterprise and within the international research, science and business communities.
OpenJDK JVM (vm,jvm): A collection of links and reading specific to the OpenJDK.
Open Liberty (library,jvm,service): A lightweight open framework for building fast and efficient cloud-native Java microservices.
OpenLibrary (place,reading,library): An open, editable library catalog, building towards a web page for every book ever published.
Open RA (gamedev,clr): An open-source game engine for Westwood Studios-style RTS games.
OpenResty (platform): Web software management and diagnostics platform(s)?
OpenRTS (gamedev,jvm): Real-Time Strategy game 3D engine coded in pure java.
Open Smalltalk (vm,language): Cross-platform virtual machine for Squeak, Pharo, Cuis, and Newspeak.
opensource.facebook.com (place): Facebook's home page for open-source projects.
Open-Source Games (gamedev): A collection of open-source games; capturing them here for play and research purposes.
OpenTelemetry (cloud,platform,diagnostics,specification): High-quality, ubiquitous, and portable telemetry to enable effective observability.
OpenVidu (presentation,platform,video): Platform and SDKs to build on-premises WebRTC video conferences.
OpenXava (platform,low-code,jvm): Low-Code Platform for Rapid Development of Enterprise Web Applications.
OpenXML SDK (library,clr,msoffice): Provides tools for working with Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents.
OpenZz (language): OpenZz is an interpreted dynamic parser which is well suited to rapid development of parsing solutions, starting from rapid language prototyping to full fledged compilers. OpenZz is a dynamic LALR(1) parser which allows its grammar to be modified and extended by commands written in its own language as well as through functionality provided by external libraries. OpenZz is implemented as a C library and exports C-bindings, so it can be joined with other code libraries both by static linking and runtime module loading. OpenZz is being developed by the INFN for use in the compilation chain of the APE("ah-pei") series of highly parallel processing computers. APE systems are developed for performing LQCD physics research.
Operating System (Documentation Project) (place,platform,os): This independent project aims to be one of the best online resources available in public for all people who are looking for informations about operating systems and their producers. Facts about the history of operating systems are preserved in long term.
OptaPlanner (library,jvm,logic): A JVM-based constraint logic problem solver.
Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) (format,storage,columnar): A highly efficient way to store Hive data. It was designed to overcome limitations of the other Hive file formats.
Oqtane (presentation,clr,wasm): A Modular Application Framework for Blazor (.NET WebAssembly).
Oqtane (platform,cms,clr): An open source and cross-platform CMS and application framework for building modern digital experiences on .NET; composed of reusable web UI components implemented using C#, HTML, and CSS, with both the client and server code is written in C#.
Oracle Apex (platform,low-code,no-code): "World's most popular enterprise low-code application platform."
Orbit (library,distribution,actors,jvm): Virtual actor framework for building distributed systems.
Orbital (library,jvm,functional,logic,maths): A Java class library providing object-oriented representations and algorithms for logic, mathematics, and computer science. This Java library provides computer algebra, numerical algorithms, theorem proving, search and planning etc. Generally speaking, the conceptual idea behind the Orbital library is to provide extensional services and components for Java, which surround the heart of many scientific applications.
Orca (language,esoteric): An esoteric programming language designed to quickly create procedural sequencers, in which every letter of the alphabet is an operation, where lowercase letters operate on bang, uppercase letters operate each frame.
Orca Jam (tool,wasm): A launcher and sandbox for applications based on WebAssembly that allows downloading applications from a webpage and running them in a sandbox, as well as saving them in a local library for offline use.
Orchard Framework (library,clr,cms): Open-source, modular, multi-tenant application framework and CMS for ASP.NET Core.
Oredev (conference,jvm,architecture): Tech conference in Malmo, Sweden.
OrientDB (storage,graph,relational): Multidimensional open-source database.
OrioleDB (storage): A new storage engine for PostgreSQL, bringing a modern approach to database capacity, capabilities and performance to the world's most-loved database platform.
Orion (language): Orion is a high level, purely functional Lisp dialect.
Orleans (distribution,library,actors,clr): Actors-based implementation for distributed systems implementation.
Orly (storage,graph): An open-source graph database
OSTEP: Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (place,reading,linux,macos,android,ios,operating system): a free online operating systems book! The book is centered around three conceptual pieces that are fundamental to operating systems: virtualization, concurrency, and persistence. In understanding the conceptual, you will also learn the practical, including how an operating system does things like schedule the CPU, manage memory, and store files persistently.
Outsystems (platform,low-code,clr): Using visual, model-driven development, AI-powered tools that improve the entire application lifecycle, and a cloud-native platform, you can quickly and easily build, deploy and manage the software that makes a difference.
OverScript (language): OverScript is a simple and powerful C-like statically-typed language written in C# and is great for both embedding in .NET programs and building standalone applications. The project was developed from scratch without looking back at traditional approaches to creating languages. The unique approach allows the language to go beyond the standard features and have great potential for improvement.
Owin (distribution,specification,clr): Open Web Interface for .NET.
Owncloud (storage,file hosting): A personal cloud which runs on your own server.
Ox (language,windows,linux,macos): An object-oriented statistical system.
Oxide (language): An interpreted scripting language with a Rust influenced syntax.
OxygenBasic (language): BASIC compiler. Run programs directly, or compile to 32/64 bit binary. Supports C headers and assembly code. Supports Unicode source scripts.
Oz (language) and Mozart (programming system) (language,functional,object,concurrency,logic,metaobject): The Mozart Programming System combines ongoing research in programming language design and implementation, constraint logic programming, distributed computing, and human-computer interfaces. Mozart implements the Oz language and provides both expressive power and advanced functionality. Oz is a multiparadigm programming language including logic, functional (both lazy evaluation and eager evaluation), imperative, object-oriented, constraint, distributed, and concurrent programming.
P (language): A statically-compiled research language from Microsoft around explicit state machine management.
P# (clr,language): A statically-compiled research language from Microsoft around explicit state machine management.
P5 (presentation): A JavaScript library for creative coding, with a focus on making coding accessible and inclusive for artists, designers, educators.
Package by Feature Architecture (architecture,reading): Capitalizes on cohesion and coupling by moving the layering a level down — to the class level — and focusing on coupling and cohesion at a higher level by keeping all classes related to the same feature in the same package/module.
PAIP (language): PAIP (pipe) is a universal filter application. It uses plugins to transmit and convert data. They can be nested, so the inner structures can become quite complex (non-linear). The command-line interface is similar to a programming language and very easy.
Paka (language): A language designed to be everything that the author wants in a language.
PANDA (Platform for Architecture-Neutral Dynamic Analysis) (tool,native): A platform for doing dynamic analysis across several platforms.
Panda3D (gamedev,python): An open-source, completely free-to-use engine for realtime 3D games, visualizations, simulations, experiments, whatever.
Papers We Love (reading,language,vm,storage): A collection of academic papers gathered by a popular "user group" dedicated to reading through them.
Paper websites (presentation,browser): Can you build a website from a piece of paper?
Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming (reading,ai,nlp): Norvig's classic, on the Web.
parboiled (library,jvm,language development): A mixed Java/Scala library providing for lightweight and easy-to-use, yet powerful and elegant parsing of arbitrary input text based on Parsing expression grammars (PEGs).
Parquet (format,storage,binary,columnar,schema,serialization): An open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval.
Parrot (vm): Virtual machine implementation for Perl and other dynamic languages.
Parse Platform (backend,nodejs): Open-souce backend platform running on NodeJS.
Parser (programming language) (language): Scripting language used for web development and server-side scripting.
Parser Construction Kit (PCK) (tool,language): Multi-input parser generator toolkit.
Parsing (language syntax) (reading,language development,tool,library): A collection of links on parsers, parser generators, parsing algorithms, and so on.
Parsix (library,jvm,language,reading): High level parsing to ensure input is in the right shape and satisfies all constraints that business logic requires.
Pascal (and Object Pascal) (language,object): A procedural language with added object extensions popularized by Borland as Delphi.
PascalABC.NET (language,clr): A new generation Pascal programming language that combines simplicity of classic Pascal, a great number of modern extensions and broad capabilities of Microsoft .NET Framework.
PascalABCNet (language): PascalABC.NET is the new generation Pascal programming language that combines simplicity of classic Pascal, a great number of modern extensions and broad capabilities of Microsoft .NET Framework. It's ree, simple and powerful IDE. Built-in form designer for rapid development of Windows desktop applications.
Pascal Script (language): Pascal Script is an Object Pascal/Delphi/Lazarus-compatible interpreter with bytecode compiler that delivers a scripting environment for application programs.
Pashmak (language,object,dynamic,python): An interesting developing language.
Passerine (language,vm,native): A small, concise, extensible functional scripting language, powered by a VM written in Rust.
PATAT (tool,presentation,haskell): Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc.
Patat (Presentations Atop The ANSI Terminal) (presentation,console): Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc.
Patch (language,microlang,dsl,ecmascript): A tiny Javascript class (1k compressed) with zero dependencies that makes pretty deep links easy.
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture 1 (POSA1) (reading,books,patterns): A collection of patterns by "the gang of five".
Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture 2 (POSA2) (reading,books,patterns): Another collection of patterns.
Patterns around testing software (pattern,software,testing): Pattern languages and ideas around software testing (usually unit testing).
Patterns of Distributed Systems (reading,books,distribution,patterns): Martin Fowler series, on distributed systems.
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (reading,books,patterns,distribution): Martin Fowler's enterprise systems text.
Pawn (language,vm): A curly-brace language with a small-footprint VM. Represents data as 4/8-byte "cells". Compiles to CPU-specific bytecode.
PaxScript (language,archival): An interpreter of 4 object-oriented scripting languages: paxBasic, paxC, paxPascal and paxJavaScript.
Payload (backend,cms,nodejs): Free and Open-source Headless CMS and Application Framework built with TypeScript, Node.js, React and MongoDB.
PCBasic (language,basic): Free, cross-platform emulator for the GW-BASIC family of interpreters.
PDF24 Tools (tool,presentation,pdf): Free and easy-to-use online PDF tools that make you more productive.
Peachpie (language): PeachPie is a modern PHP compiler based on the Microsoft Roslyn compiler platform and drawing from our popular Phalanger project. It allows PHP to be executed within the .NET framework, thereby opening the door for PHP developers into the world of .NET - and vice versa.
PEAK Trellis (distribution,events,python): Python event management without callbacks.
PearPC (vm): An architecture-independent PowerPC platform emulator capable of running many PowerPC operating systems, including pre-Intel versions of Mac OS X, Darwin and Linux.
PeggyJS (tool,parser,ecmascript): A simple parser generator for JavaScript that produces fast parsers with excellent error reporting.
Pen (language): Programming language for scalable development.
Pendulum (language): Synchronous reactive language (OCaml extension) to program reactive systems on the Web.
People in language development (reading,language development): Notable names.
Pepper (language,dynamic): An interpreted programming toy language that with a focus on simplicity and verbosity; dynamically-typed, built-in garbage collection, it's basically a weird hybrid between C, JavaScript and Python.
Peregrine (language): Easy to use systems programming language with Python-like syntax.
Performance tools and research (tool,reading): A collection of links around performance tools
Peridot (language): An experimental language for exploring the applications of two level type theory to high-performance functional programming
Perl (language,dynamic): A language inspired by regular expressions--and it got worse from there somehow.
Perst (storage,object,clr,jvm,android,embedded): Open source, dual license, object-oriented embedded database system (ODBMS).
Peter (language): Gemtree Peter is a visual programming tool designed for a simple and fast generation of the programs for Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP/Vista. Its principal characteristic is the graphical presentation of the program structure. The program sections are assembled using the mouse like a jigsaw puzzle. Thanks to the justification check of the element combinations, carried out already at the time of the program generation, there is no chance of syntactic failure origination. The program presentation by means of a tree structure enables a considerable improvement of the program lucidity. The creation of the program is quickly becoming extraordinary easy and flexible.
Pharo (language,dynamic,message-passing,vm): A dynamic reflective pure object-oriented language supporting live programming inspired by Smalltalk.
Phasar (tool,llvm): A LLVM-based static code analysis framework
Phaser (gamedev,browser): HTML 5 game engine.
Philosophy and Psychology (reading,psych,philosophy): A collection of links (usually to articles) about the various forms of thinking we do.
Phix (language): An open source, self-hosted, interpreted or compiled programming language with a strong emphasis on simplicity and plain human-readable error messages.
Photino (presentation,browser,clr): A lightweight open-source framework for building native, cross-platform desktop applications with Web UI technology.
PhotonOS (platform,docker,linux): An open source, minimal Linux container host that is optimized for cloud-native applications, cloud platforms, and VMware infrastructure.
PHP (language,object): Language designed for building web page generators/servers.
Picat (language,logic): A simple, and yet powerful, logic-based multi-paradigm programming language aimed for general-purpose applications. (Pattern-matching, Intuitive, Constraints, Actors, Tabling)
Piccola (language): A small, pure language for building applications from software components.
Pico (language): A tiny but expressive programming language that was especially designed to teach advance computer science concepts to students in other sciences than computer science (such as Physics and Chemistry).
PicoLisp (language): A Lisp, prominently featuring simplicity and minimalism built around one internal data type: a cell.
Pict (language,functional,ml): A concurrent programming language based on the pi-calculus.
Piet (language,esoteric): A language where the programs are works of modern art.
Pikachu (language,esoteric): Pika pika.
Pikelet (language,functional): Small, functional, dependently typed programming language.
Pikt (language,esoteric): A pixel-based, Turing complete esoteric programming language that generates fast and lightweight programs out of aesthetically pleasant image sources.
PILL (language,functional): A scripting language for applications.
Pin (tool,library): A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Tool.
Pinafore (language,presentation): A language that allows you to structure information and create user interfaces for it.
Pine64 (hardware,linux): A collection of OSS-inspired hardware: laptops, tablets, phones, e-ink readers, and more.
Pineapple (language): A language that focus on maintainability.
Pinecone (language): A brand new, easy to learn, general purpose, multi-paradigm, high performance programming language.
PingCAP (storage,relational): NewSQL database that supports HTAP workloads.
Pipedream (tool,cloud,low-code,no-code): Pipedream is an integration platform for developers.
Pipedream (distribution,workflow automation): Workflow automation and API integration platform.
Pipefish (language): A data-oriented scripting language.
Pipelines (language,python): An experimental programming language for data flow.
Piston (gamedev,rust): A modular open source game engine.
PIXAR's 22 Rules of Storytelling (reading,storytelling): A helpful list for becoming a better storyteller from the world’s animation experts.
Pixie (language,vm,lisp,native,dynamic): A small, fast, native lisp with "magical" powers.
PixiJS (presentation,browser,gamedev): A rendering library that will allow you to create rich, interactive graphics, cross platform applications, and games without having to dive into the WebGL API or deal with browser and device compatibility.
Pizza (language,object,functional,metaobject,jvm,archival): One of the original extension-languages to Java.
PL/0 Language Tools (language,library,vm): An implementation of PL/0 including a tree-based interpreter and virtual machine.
Plaid (language): A radical new programming language designed for the nascent age of concurrent, component-based computing incorporating typestate-oriented programming, concurrency by default, object model, linear type system with access permissions and integrated structural and nominal typing, and gradual typing.
Plan9 (platform,operating system,concurrency): A distributed research operating system developed at Bell Labs by the same team that created Unix and C. Over the years there have been four major releases or ‘Editions’; after the Fourth Edition the project adopted a ‘open source’ model and changes are published daily in a public repository; a distributed computing environment assembled from separate machines acting as CPU servers, file servers, and terminals. The pieces are connected by a single file-oriented protocol and local name space operations.
PlanetScale (storage,relational): A serverless MySQL platform based on the Vitess horizontal scaling MySQL technology.
Planet Scale (storage): A serverless MySQL platform based on the Vitess horizontal scaling MySQL technology.
PlantUML (language): Language for defining UML diagrams.
Plasmic (platform,low-code,browser): Visual web app builder on top of React.
Platform Revolution (reading,books,architecture): How networked markets are transforming the economy and how to make them work for you.
Plato (language): Plato is an efficient and (hopefully!) fun programming language inspired by JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, and Haskell. Plato is designed to be easy to teach and learn while being efficient and robust enough for professional coding, particularly in the realm of 3D graphics. Plato is a statically typed functional language that looks and behaves in many ways like an object-oriented scripting language, but with a lot less complexity.
Play (platform,no-code,ios,android,presentation): Visual app builder intended for use on mobile devices. "Design, test and share powerful mobile products—directly from your mobile device."
PlayN (gamedev,jvm,browser,android,ios): a Java library for writing games which can be deployed to Windows/Mac/Linux desktop Java, iOS devices, Android devices, and HTML5 browsers.
PLC (language): PLC is a simple, powerful way to add custom scripting to any program. A basic C parser and interpreter is included, and new scripting languages can be designed easily.
Plutus (language): Plutus Core is the scripting language embedded in the Cardano ledger and forms the basis of the Plutus Platform, an application development platform for developing distributed applications using the Cardano blockchain.
Pluvo (language,functional,windows,linux): A functional and imperative programming language intended to be highly practical for scripting and CGIs, interpreted using a just-in-time compiler. Its hybrid dynamic and strict typing is flexible enough to allow duck typing. Its functions are, more specifically, closures, and it allows object orientation using prototypes.
PLZoo (Programming Languages Zoo) (language,place,vm): The Programming Languages Zoo is a collection of miniature programming languages which demonstrates various concepts and techniques used in programming language design and implementation.
Pocketbase (backend,low-code,no-code): Open Source backend for your next SaaS and Mobile app in 1 file.
Pocketlang (language,native,functional,vm): A lightweight, fast, embeddable scripting language.
Pogo, Pogoscript (language,nodejs): Little language that emphasizes readability, DSLs, and asynchronous primitives.
Pointless (language,dart): A scripting language for learning and fun.
Polly (library,clr,distribution): A .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback in a fluent and thread-safe manner.
Poly (language,functional): A general-purpose language based on the idea of treating types as first-class values.
Polyglot (library,language,jvm,parsing): Extensible compiler front end framework for language implementation on the JVM.
Polyglot (language): Experiment with PHP+C polyglot snippets and a transpiler written in OCaml.
Polylang (language): TypeScript-like language that compiles to zero knowledge computation.
Polylith (architecture,language): A software architecture that applies functional thinking at the system scale. It helps us build simple, maintainable, testable, and scalable backend systems.
Polymer (Project) (presentation,browser): Libraries, tools, and standards for a better web: LitElement, lit-html, web components, ...
Pony (language,native,object capability): Open-source, object-oriented, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high-performance programming language.
Portable Document Format (PDF) (format,presentation,language): A cross-platform format for rendering pixel-correct pages.
Portable Executable (PE) (format,native,windows,pdb,pe): Win32 executable file format.
PortableGL (gamedev,presentation,graphics): An implementation of OpenGL 3.x-ish in clean C.
Portable Unix Documentation (PUD) (format): Currently provides two mini-languages for authoring in the UNIX environment. The two mini-languages are for writing UNIX manual pages and FAQ documents. Source documents in PUD languages can be compiled to either cross-linked html or to troff. The troff output can be further compiled into PostScript, PDF, and plain text.
Porter (platform): Kubernetes powered PaaS that runs in your own cloud
PostgresQL (storage,relational): Open-source relational database.
PostScript (format,language): A dynamically typed, concatenative programming language page description language in the electronic publishing and desktop publishing business.
Potassco (clingo, gringo, clasp, clingcon, aspcud, asprin) (language,platform,tool): Potassco, the Potsdam Answer Set Solving Collection, bundles tools for Answer Set Programming (ASP), which offers a simple and powerful modeling language to solve combinatorial problems. With our tools you can concentrate on an actual problem, rather than a smart way of implementing it.
Potion (language,vm): An object- and mixin-oriented (traits) language by _why the lucky stiff.
PouchDB (storage,browser,nodejs,object): Open-source JavaScript database inspired by CouchDB.
PowerFX (language): A low-code, strongly typed, declarative, and functional language, with imperative logic and state management available as needed for general purpose programming language based on spreadsheet-like formulas.
POWER-KI (language): POWER-KI allows HYBRID PROGRAMMING, i.e. the development of applications with components created with different languages in a single package, making the most of each of them. In fact from POWER-KI it is possible to directly execute PyThon code, C / C ++ code using WRAP and javascript in the Web User Interface. In this way, for example, it is possible to create applications based on Python code that take advantage of the POWER-KI Native Cloud for the user interface or create C / C ++ functions for maximum performance.
PowerLoom (platform,knowledge representation,logic,rules,expert system): a language and environment for constructing intelligent, knowledge-based applications using a fully expressive, logic-based representation language (a variant of KIF) and a natural deduction inference engine that combines forward and backward chaining to derive what logically follows from the facts and rules asserted in the knowledge base.
PowerMops (language): A full featured, stand-alone development environment for programming the Macintosh written by Mike Hore.
PowerShell (language,object,clr,windows): Cross-platform strongly dynamic typed object-based with functional features automation and configuration language.
Practical Compiler Construction (language development,language,compiler): A no-nonsense tour through a C compiler.
Pragma (language): Pragma generates a GraphQL API based on your data models, authorization rules, and custom Javascript functions.
Pragmatic Programmer (reading,books): The best non-technical programming book in the world.
Pragmatic Thinking & Learning (reading,thinking,psychology,philosophy): Andy Hunt's thoughts on thinking.
Prefect (platform,distribution,low-code): "Build, run, and monitor data pipelines at scale." Use a flexible Python framework to easily combine tasks into workflows, then deploy, schedule, and monitor their execution through the Prefect UI or API.
Preql (language): Preql is an interpreted, relational programming language, that specializes in database queries and compiles to SQL.
Presentation Patterns (reading,books,patterns,speaking): A collection of patterns around public speaking.
Present-RPC (distribution): Simple, idiomatic RPCs for Java, Javascript, Android, iOS, and more
Presto (PrestoDB, PrestoSQL) (storage): Open source distributed SQL query engine for running interactive analytic queries against data sources of all sizes.
Pretty Laughable Language (language,lisp,compiler): An educational C-like toy programming language that compiles to x64 binary.
Primi (language,php): A scripting language written in and interpreted in PHP.
Priml (language,ai): A new programming language aimed at facilitating systems and AI infrastructure development.
Prince of Persia (gamedev): The classic Apple ][ game.
Prisma (library,storage,orm,nodejs,python): An auto-generated and fully type-safe database client providing a simplistic yet extremely powerful API.
Prismic.io (backend,cms): Headless, API-driven "content platform" CMS.
Probase (storage): The goal of Probase is to make machines “aware” of the mental world of human beings, so that machines can better understand human communication. We do this by giving certain general knowledge or certain common sense to machines.
Processing (library,presentation,jvm,browser,python,android): An open-source graphical library and integrated development environment (IDE) built for the electronic arts, new media art, and visual design communities with the purpose of teaching non-programmers the fundamentals of computer programming in a visual context.
Processing (language): Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code. Since 2001, Processing has promoted software literacy within the visual arts and visual literacy within technology. There are tens of thousands of students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists who use Processing for learning and prototyping.
Product Roadmaps (reading,management,books): Developing product roadmaps.
Program analysis (reading,language,tool): A collection of links around program analysis
Programmer fonts (tool,fonts): A collection of fonts commonly used or recommended by programmers.
Programming Debug Binary (PDB) (format,native,windows,pe,pdb): Debugging file format for Windows executables.
Programming Dojo (place,language,vm): This site was designed to improve the awareness of different programming languages.
Programming Language Concepts (reading,language,books): Notes and links from the book of the same name.
Programming language lists (language,list): A collection of lists of programming languages.
Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation (language,reading,language development): Notes on the book.
Programming Language sites/links (place,language): A collection of language sites and links
Programming Paradigms for Dummies: What Every Programmer Should Know (language,reading): Notes from the VanRoy paper.
Progressive Web applications (PWAs) (presentation,reading): Collection of resources and ideas on PWAs.
Proguard (tool,library,jvm): Library to read, write, analyze, and process java bytecode.
Project Reactor (platform,functional,jvm): A fourth-generation reactive library, based on the Reactive Streams specification, for building non-blocking applications on the JVM.
Project Tye (distribution,architecture,containers,clr): An experimental developer tool that makes developing, testing, and deploying microservices and distributed applications easier.
Prolog (language,logic,prolog): A recursive-cut, declarative, logic programming language.
Prompto (language,platform): Platform and differing-syntax languages for cloud development.
Prose (language,jvm): A simple language inspired by Io and Ioke that compiles to Clojure and ClojureScript.
PROSE Framework (tool,language): A framework of technologies for programming by examples: automatic generation of programs from input-output examples.
Protocol Buffers (distribution): a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible way of serializing structured data for use in communications protocols, data storage, and more.
Prowl (language): A statically-typed stack-based programming language that draws from a wide range of inspirations, mainly functional, logic, and stack-based languages.
PRQL (Pipelined Relational Query Language) (language,storage,tool): A modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement.
pSpaces (distribution,library,jvm,clr,go,nodejs,browser): Implementations of Tuple Spaces (aka object spaces) across several languages/platforms.
Psychology (reading) (reading,thinking): A collection of articles and links on psychology and the brain.
Public Speaking Topic Secrets for College, Community, Toastmasters and TED Talks (reading,books,speaking): Exercises for figuring out speaking topics.
PubNub (distribution): Cloud platform for realtime message broadcast/consumption.
Puffin (gamedev,clr): A cross-platform 2D C# game engine.
Pug (presentation,language,browser): A little language that compiles into the HTML. It has cleaner syntax with additional features like if statements and loops. It can also be used as a server side templating language for server languages like NodeJS.
PumpkinOS (platform,os): A PalmOS-compatible.
Punk-C (language,tool,native,elf): A hacked version of C (on top of Lua) for use in the Witchcraft tool set.
Pure (language,functional): A pure type system implemented in OCaml.
Pure (language,functional,llvm): A modern-style functional programming language based on term rewriting; it offers equational definitions with pattern matching, full symbolic rewriting capabilities, dynamic typing, eager and lazy evaluation, lexical closures, built-in list and matrix support and a C-based FFI.
PureBasic (language,windows,linux,macos): A modern BASIC programming language.
Pure Data (language): An open source visual programming language for multimedia.
PureScript (language,functional,strongly-typed,nodejs,browser): A strongly-typed language that transpiles to JavaScript.
PursuedPyBear (gamedev,python): Game development engine/library for Python.
Puter (platform,presentation,vm,storage): Cloud-hosted OS-like platform.
PuzzleScript (gamedev,language): A language/environment for creating turn-based, keyboard-controlled games where you're moving a thing, or several things around.
PXP (language): A superset of PHP with extended syntax and runtime capabilities.
PyAutoGui (presentation,python,library): Lets Python scripts control the mouse and keyboard to automate interactions with other applications.
Pycopy (language): Pycopy - a minimalist and memory-efficient Python dialect. Good for desktop, cloud, constrained systems, microcontrollers, and just everything.
Pyew (tool,python,native,windows,linux,pe,elf,pdf): A (command line) python tool to analyse malware.
Pygame (gamedev,python): A commonly-cited/-quoted Python game toolkit.
Pygame Zero (gamedev,python): Toolkit on top of Pygame for building games for game-building beginners.
Pyodide (language,python,wasm,browser): Python with the scientific stack, compiled to WebAssembly; may be used in any context where you want to run Python inside a web browser.
Pyonkee (language,macos): A real visual-programming environment for iPad, based on Scratch from the MIT Media Lab.
PyPy (vm,language,python): A replacement for CPython, built using the RPython language that was co-developed with it.
Pyramid (library,python,http,browser): The Start Small, Finish Big Stay Finished Framework
Pyret (language): Python like scripting language.
Pyro (language,probabalistic): A universal probabilistic programming language (PPL) written in Python and supported by PyTorch on the backend, enabling flexible and expressive deep probabilistic modeling, unifying the best of modern deep learning and Bayesian modeling.
Python (platform,language,functional,dynamic,object,metaobject): A dynamic language and platform.
Python.NET (library,python,clr): A package that allows Python code to interact with the CLR, and may also be used to embed Python into a .NET application.
Python Tricks, The Book (reading,books,python): A Buffet of Awesome Python Features
Python UI frameworks/libraries (presentation,library,python): A collection of links to (and on) Python GUI libraries/frameworks.
Python VMs (vm,python): Overview of different Python virtual machines/interpreters.
py-wasm (vm,wasm,python,linux,macos,windows): A python implementation of the WebAssembly interpreter.
Pyxell (language): Multi-paradigm, statically typed programming language, compiled to machine code via C++.
q (language): Programming language focusing on performance and efficiency.
Q (Scripting Language) (language,vm,embedded,native): Q is a scripting engine that implements C-like language, compiler, and bytecode interpreter.
q3vm (vm,native): Single file (vm.c) bytecode virtual machine/interpreter for C-language input.
q5JS (presentation): A small and fast alternative (experimental) implementation of p5.js.
QBDI (QuarkslaB Dynamic binary Instrumentation) (tool,library,llvm): A Dynamic Binary Instrumentation framework based on LLVM.
QBE (language development,language,intermediate language,native): Compiler backend that offers 90% of LLVM with about 10% of the complexity.
QCon (conference,jvm,native,architecture): InfoQ's conferences
QED (language,ecmascript): A programming language for web app development that sits on top of Javascript and provides features that simplify application development compared to using native JS.
Qemu (platform,os): A Unix clone.
Qi (language): Lightweight and fast programming language designed to be written in Chinese.
Qiew (tool,native,pe,elf): Hex/File format viewer.
Qogo (language): This application was developed to teach 5 to 10 year olds the principles of programming via the venerable "Turtle Graphics" paradigm. It is written in TCL so it runs on all computer platforms. It features a full IDE with undo support and interactive construction as well as being able to save newly created commands as new instructions.
QOI (Quite OK Image) format (format,image): An image format that losslessly compresses RGB and RGBA images to a similar size of PNG, while offering a 20x-50x speedup in compression and 3x-4x speedup in decompression.
Qore (language,concurrency): a modular, multi-threaded, SQL-integrated dynamically typed scripting language with optional hard typing and procedural and object-oriented features, powerful and easy-to-use data types, structures, and operators, a clean and easy-to-lean/read syntax.
Qovery (platform): Kubernetes powered PaaS that runs in your own cloud.
Qt (presentation,native,windows,macos,linux): One framework. One codebase. Any platform. Qt is the fastest and smartest way to produce industry-leading software that users love.
QuakeC/VM (language,gamedev): The language from the game Quake.
Quarkly (platform,no-code,presentation,tool): Design tool for creating websites and web apps.
Quasar (presentation,browser): An open-source VueJS-based framework, to quickly create response++ websites/apps.
QuestDB (storage,timeseries): Database designed to process time series data.
QuestPDF (library,clr,pdf): Modern .NET library for PDF document generation.
Quick.Ref Cheat Sheets (place,language,storage,presentation,tool,library,format,distribution,reading): A collection of "cheat sheets"/quick-reference-guides for various tools and platforms and languages and ....
QuickBase (platform,low-code): An application development platform that unites business and IT teams by enabling problem solvers of any technical background to work together to safely, securely and sustainably create an ecosystem of applications.
Quil (language): A Portable Quantum Instruction Language.
Quirrel (language,gamedev,native): Dynamic script language.
Quorum (language): Quorum is a general purpose programming language designed for several purposes. First, we regularly run experiments with people at various age and experience ranges, investigating ways to make the language easier to use. Evidence gathered from these studies is filtered back into the design, making quorum an "evidence-based" programming language. Second, as our team is interested in issues of equity for all people, perhaps especially people with disabilities, we are careful to design libraries that are friendly to the broad population. This means many internal libraries in the language have support for accessibility.
Qwik (presentation,browser): An Open-Source framework designed for best possible time to interactive, by focusing on resumability of server-side-rendering of HTML, and fine-grained lazy-loading of code.
R (language,maths,native,windows,macos,linux): A free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.
R3 (language): R3 is a Colorforth like laneguage, a FORTH dialect, R3 is a 64 bits, very small dictionary and simple working, strong typed, many version for windows/linux/mac and raspberry pi.
R4 (language): R4 is a Colorforth like laneguage, a FORTH dialect, R4 is 32bits, very small dictionary and simple working, strong typed, many version for windows/linux/mac and raspberry pi.
Racket (platform,language,functional,object,metaobject): Racket language/platform is a Lisp, but has numerous language implementations built on it.
Racket (language): A general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language and a multi-platform distribution that includes the Racket language, compiler, large standard library, IDE, development tools, and a set of additional languages including Typed Racket (a sister language of Racket with a static type-checker), Swindle, FrTime, Lazy Racket, R5RS & R6RS Scheme, Scribble, Datalog, Racklog, Algol 60 and several teaching languages.
RAD Basic (language): 100% compatible with your Visual Basic 6 projects.
Radiance (language,wasm): Simple language that compiles to WASM.
Radish (language): Radish is an easy-to-learn, object-oriented programming language written in C#. If you know JavaScript, you know Radish.
Ragel (language): Ragel compiles executable finite state machines from regular languages. Ragel targets C, C++ and ASM. Ragel state machines can not only recognize byte sequences as regular expression machines do, but can also execute code at arbitrary points in the recognition of a regular language. Code embedding is done using inline operators that do not disrupt the regular language syntax.
Railo (presentation,browser,jvm): An open-source CFML server.
Raku (language,object,functional): A multi-paradigmatic, high-level, general-purpose, gradually typed language that supports Procedural, Object Oriented, and Functional programming.
RapidAPI (cloud,backend): World’s largest API marketplace.
RapidBATCH (language): A general-purpose scripting language platform for automation.
RaptorJIT (language): Dynamic language for system programming (LuaJIT fork).
RascalMPL (language,object,metaobject,tool): An experimental domain specific language for metaprogramming, such as static code analysis, program transformation, program generation and implementation of domain specific languages.
Ratchet (presentation,ios,android,browser): Build mobile apps with simple HTML‚ CSS‚ and JS components.
Ratpack (distribution,jvm): A set of Java libraries for building scalable HTTP applications.
Rave (language): Rave is a statically typed, compiled, procedural, general-purpose programming language.
RavenDB (storage,document,clr): Document-oriented database in .NET.
Raven-Lang (language,jvm): An experimental programming language built (using ANTLR) for the JVM platform; the main goal of this project is to create a fast jvm language that lacks the verbosity of java while maintaining interoperability.
Ravenscript (language,gamedev): A scripting language for the first-person team shooter game Ravenfield based on Lua.
Ravi (language): Ravi is a dialect of Lua with limited optional static typing and features a JIT compiler powered by MIR as well as support for AOT compilation to native code.
ravynOS (platform,operating system,macos): An OS aimed to provide the finesse of macOS with the freedom of FreeBSD.
Raylib (gamedev,native): A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming.
React (presentation,browser): SinglePageApplication component-based functional framework for the browser.
React Game Kit (gamedev,browser): Component library for making games with React & React Native.
Reactive ML (language,functional,ml): Synchronous reactive language that combines the temporal expressiveness of synchronous languages with the power of functional programming.
Reactive Streams (distribution,format,vm,clr,jvm,nodejs,browser): An initiative to provide a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure. This encompasses efforts aimed at runtime environments (JVM and JavaScript) as well as network protocols.
ReactiveUI (presentation,clr,ios,android,windows,macos,linux): Use the Reactive Extensions for .NET to create elegant, testable user interfaces that run on any mobile or desktop platform.
React Native (presentation,platform,ios,android): An implementation that takes React source and executes it on mobile devices.
ReactOS (platform,windows): The open-source Windows clone.
Reading about Virtual Machines (vm,reading): A collection of interesting links and reading on VM-related topics.
Reading in Algorithms and Data Structures (reading): A collection of books and articles on algorithms and data structures. Language-agnostic.
Reading in Artificial Intelligence (reading,ai,machine learning,fuzzy logic,logic,expert system,nlp): A collection of language-agnostic links on AI and Machine Learning.
Reading in mathematics (reading,thinking): A collection of notes, articles, and free books on maths.
Reading in software (reading,language,tool,library,vm,architecture): A collection of links and articles on software and development.
Reading list: Computer Science (reading,computer science,list): Collection of articles, books I recommend around general Comp Sci topics.
Reading list: Hardware (reading,hardware,list): Collection of articles, books I recommend around hardware topics.
Reading on Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) (reading,language,language development): A collection of articles and other links.
Reading on software licensing (reading): A collection of links around the licensing of software.
Readings on operating systems (reading,os): Collection of links and notes on reading on operating systems.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) (format,distribution): XML-based format for syndicated sites.
Realm (Realm Database, Realm Object Server) (storage,platform,jvm,ios,android,clr,browser,nodejs): Object database intended as a replacement for SQLite and other mobile data storage systems.
RealWorld (distribution): Exemplary fullstack Medium.com clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, ... multiple front-ends, multiple back-ends, all operating off of the same API specification.
Real World Haskell (reading,functional,native): Full text of the book online
Reaqtor (distribution,functional,reactive): Reaqtor is a framework for reliable, stateful, distributed, and scalable event processing based on Rx.
Reason (language,functional,ml): Simple, fast & type safe code that leverages the JavaScript & OCaml ecosystems.
Rebol (language,platform,presentation,native): A lean, extensible platform that operates over a variety of operating systems and devices.
Red (language,native): A next-generation programming language strongly inspired by Rebol, but with a broader field of usage thanks to its native-code compiler, from system programming to high-level scripting
Redex (tool,language): A great way to experiment with semantics, including reduction relations (roughly, the part of the semantics that says how the program runs) and type systems.
RedHat Cloud Services (backend,cloud): RedHat's entry into the cloud-hosting services game.
Redis (storage,key-value): An in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Streams, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps.
RedisGraph (storage,graph): A graph database module for Redis.
Redline Smalltalk (language,platform,vm,jvm,dynamic,object,message-passing): Smalltalk implementation for the JVM.
Redox (platform,os,rust): A Unix-like Operating System written in Rust, aiming to bring the innovations of Rust to a modern microkernel and full set of applications.
Redux (presentation,ecmascript,browser): State management for React.
RedwoodJS (backend,nodejs,browser): The App Framework for Startups
Refactoring to HTML (reading,books,presentation,browser): Early thoughts about how to get back to HTML-first web page design.
Reflow (language,distribution,storage): A language and runtime for distributed, incremental data processing in the cloud.
Regent (Regent-Lang) (language,dataflow): A language for implicit dataflow parallelism.
Rel (storage,relational): A desktop database management system that implements the "Tutorial D" database language.
Relate (platform,low-code): Website builder
Relational Model (storage,relational,model): Thoughts/articles on the relational model of storage.
Release It! (reading,books): Patterns/concepts around what it takes to make software "production-ready".
reMarkable (hardware): E-ink writable tablet intended as producer and consumer replacement for paper.
RemedyBG (tool,debugger,x64,assembly): A 64-bit Windows debugger which ships as a portable 5 MB executable requiring no installation.
Remix (presentation,browser): A full stack web framework that lets you focus on the user interface and work back through web standards to deliver a fast, slick, and resilient user experience.
Remote: Office Not Required (reading,management,remote work): DHH's screed on remote work. Most of it is now (2021) more widely-accepted as a given, but still useful as a reference.
Remote management (reading,management): Topics and links around remote management of teams.
Remult (platform,backend,ecmascript): A CRUD framework for full-stack TypeScript.
Ren'Py (gamedev,python): A visual novel engine that helps you use words, images, and sounds to tell interactive stories that run on computers and mobile devices. These can be both visual novels and life simulation games.
Renjin (language): JVM-based interpreter for the R language for the statistical analysis. The primary goals of the project are to provide a modern interpreter that serves as a drop-in replacement for GNU R, but is easier to integrate with other systems, offers better performance, and is more extensible.
ReoScript (language,ecmascript,clr): Sn ECMAScript-like script language runner for .NET applications. By using ReoScript, the application would be able to run own extended script library.
Replicache (distribution,storage,browser): An in-browser persistent key-value store that is git-like under the hood.
Replicant (platform,operating system,mobile): A mobile operating system focusing more on older devices.
Replit (tool,cloud): Build software collaboratively from anywhere in the world, on any device, without spending a second on setup.
Representational State Transfer (REST) (distribution,architecture): Collection of links and reading and notes on Fielding's dissertation.
Req (language): A simple and opinionated HTTP scripting language. It is designed for easily making HTTP requests, and working with their responses. Below is an example that calls out to the GitHub API and displays the user making the call.
Rescript (language): A robustly typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable JavaScript.
Rescript (language,browser): A robustly typed language that compiles to efficient and human-readable JavaScript. It comes with a lightning fast compiler toolchain that scales to any codebase size.
Reshape (tool,storage,relational): A zero-downtime schema migration tool for Postgres.
Resource Description Framework (RDF) (format,specification,distribution): A data format for Semantic Web involving triplets of data.
Resources List: Compilers (reading,language development,computer science,list): Collection of articles, books I recommend around general compilers/interpreters topics.
Rest# (Rest-Sharp) (library,distribution,clr): HTTP client library for the CLR.
REST Assured (distribution,jvm): Java DSL for easy testing of REST services
RestDB.io (storage,network,document,presentation,backend): Simple online NoSQL database backend with automatic APIs and low code javascript hooks.
Restful Objects (distribution,format,specification,hypertext): A generic way to expose a domain model through a REST (or more precisely, hypermedia) API.
reStructuredText (reST) (format,text,documentation): Plaintext markup syntax and parser system.
RestX (distribution,jvm): The lightweight Java REST framework.
RetDec (tool,llvm,native,elf,pe,macho,coff,ar): A retargetable machine-code decompiler based on LLVM
RethinkDB (storage,document,network): Distributed document database.
Retlang (library,clr,actors,message-passing): A high performance C# threading library (see Jetlang for a version in Java). The library is intended for use in message based concurrency similar to event based actors in Scala. The library does not provide remote messaging capabilities. It is designed specifically for high performance in-memory messaging.
Retool (platform,low-code): Build internal tools, remarkably fast.
Reversing/reverse engineering (reading,native,ios): A collection of notes and reading on going from executable code back to source (or source-like).
RevoltChat (distribution,chat): Open-source user-first chat service.
Rework (reading,business,management): DHH's book on business (and, to a much lesser degree, management).
Rewrite (language): Rewrite is estimated to be a Turing complete, s-expression based term rewriting system. Its original intention is operating over s-expressions to expand asserted template occurrences while aiming to be intuitive enough to introduce code templating to non-technical users. To try Rewrite within browser, please refer to [Rewrite Playground](https://contrast-zone.github.io/rewrite/playground/index.html).
Rexx (language): A structured, high-level programming language designed for ease of learning and reading.
RFD (Request For Discussion) (architecture,reading): A means by which architectural (and other) decisions can be made collaboratively.
Rhai (language): An embedded scripting language for Rust inspired by ChaiScript.
Rhovas (language,distribution): A programming language for API design and enforcement.
Riak (storage,key-value): Highly available, operationally simple, distributed database.
Ribbon (language): Ribbon is a dynamic interpreted programming language. It's inspired by the likes of Python, Javascript and a little bit of Lua.
Rich CLI (library,python): A command line toolbox for fancy output in the terminal.
Rick Roll (language,esoteric): A light meme based, process oriented, dynamic, strong, esoteric programming language.
RIFE2 (distribution,jvm,presentation,browser,web): A full-stack, no-declaration, framework to quickly and effortlessly create web applications with modern Java.
Ring (native,windows,macos,linux,language,object,metaobject,functional,static): A language supporting Imperative, Procedural, Object-Oriented, Functional, Meta programming, Declarative programming using nested structures, and Natural programming.
Rintagi (platform,low-code): Open-source low-code development platform for mission-critical applications.
Rio (language): A script-feeling, safe, naturally compatible replacement for C, with no runtime nor std lib of its own.
RISC-V Assembly (language,assembly,native,hardware): Assembly language for the RISC-V architecture.
RISC-V Reading (reading,hardware,assembly,language,native): A collection of resources and reading around the RISC-V CPU/assembly platform.
RISC-V Software (language,assembly,native,tool,library): A collection of links to software (tools, libraries, etc) around the RISC-V CPU/assembly specification.
Rivescript (language,web): A RiveScript interpreter for JavaScript. RiveScript is a scripting language for chatterbots.
Rivet (language): A general-purpose programming language, focused on simplicity, safety and stability.
Robin (language): A functional programming language with eager evaluation, latent typing, and a homoiconic syntax (see Scheme), based on a radically simple core semantics (see Pixley) in which both functions and macros are defined in terms of a more basic abstraction, the fexpr.
Robomongo / Robo 3T (tool,storage): Shell for SQL and MongoDB.
Robot Framework (tool,library,python,automation,RPA,test): A generic open source automation framework. It can be used for test automation and robotic process automation (RPA).
RobotWar (gamedev,language): Links to games in which one programs a robot to do battle in an arena.
Roc (language,functional,wasm,native): A fast, friendly, functional language.
Rock (language): Little language made with Rust and LLVM. Aim to follow the enforced safeness of the Rust model with a borrow checker (SoonT) and achieve high native performances thanks to LLVM. Rock is highly inspired from Livescript and Rust, and will also borrow (pun intended) some features from Crystal, from functional languages like Haskell, and even from Rust itself.
RocketMQ (distribution,message-passing): A unified messaging engine, lightweight data processing platform.
RocksDB (storage,library,relational,key-value): A library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage.
Rockstar (language,esoteric): A dynamically typed computer programming language, designed for creating programs that are also song lyrics.
Rococoa (library,ios,macos,jvm): Allows you to call Objective-C code through Java classes and interfaces that you define.
ROFLKODE (language,esoteric): An imperative, block structured, statically-typed programming language that is very similar to Adam Lindsay's language LOLCODE.
Roman II (language): Roman II is a dynamic programming language with a naive mark and sweep garbage collector, all written from the ground up in about 5000 lines of the GNU11 dialect of C.
Rools (library,nodejs,rules,RETE): A small rule engine for Node.
Ropper (tool,native,elf,pe,macho): ROP gadget finder and binary information tool (ELF, PE, Mach-O)
Rowy (platform,storage,backend,no-code): An open-source Airtable-like UI for your database and to build serverless cloud functions visually in the context of your data.
Roy (language,ecmascript): An experimental programming language that targets JavaScript. It tries to meld JavaScript semantics with some features common in static functional languages.
RPG (language,jvm): An older imperative language (with some modern implementations).
RPL2 (language): Reverse Polish Lisp/2 release 4.1.31, half-compiled high-level language using shared libaries and mainly aiming at scientific calculations and complex algorithms
rpn (language): rpn - Reverse Polish Notation CLI calculator. A math functional language using reverse (postfix) polish notation
RPython (language,vm,python): A translation and support framework for producing implementations of dynamic languages, emphasizing a clean separation between language specification and implementation aspects.
rst (ReStructured Text) (format,text,python): A file format created by the Python community to write documentation. A markdown language like HTML but is much more lightweight and easier to read.
Rubinius (vm,native): A modern language vm that supports a number of programming languages.
Ruby (language,functional,dynamic,object,metaobject): A dynamic language.
RubyMotion (platform,ios,macos,android): Bridge for writing cross-platform apps in Ruby.
ruby-opengl (gamedev,presentation,ruby,library): OpenGL wrapper for Ruby.
Ruffle (presentation,flash,browser): A Flash Player emulator built in the Rust programming language.
Rulebook (library,language,jvm,rules,logic): 100% Java, Lambda Enabled, Lightweight Rules Engine with a Simple and Intuitive DSL.
RuleML (language,logic): A unifying system of families of languages for Web rules specified, in part, through schema languages (normatively, in Relax NG) for Web documents and data originally developed for XML and later transferred to other formats such as JSON.
Rules Engine (library,clr,rules,RETE): A Json based Rules Engine with extensive Dynamic expression support.
Rune (language): Embeddable dynamic programming language for Rust.
RuneScript (language,gamedev): An in-house language that is currently being used for RuneScape content development; aims to create a compiler for that language based on pictures given by mods, along with an IDE that can be used to modify scripts or configs written in RuneScript and compile them to bytecode.
Rust (language,native): Native language intended to supplement or replace C/C++ someday.
RustScript (language): RustScript is a functional scripting language with as much relation to Rust as Javascript has to Java.
RxDB (storage,nodejs,reactive): A fast, offline-first, reactive database for JavaScript Applications.
RxJava (library,jvm,reactive): A library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
S4 (vm): A minimal and extendable stack machine VM/CPU
SaberVM (vm,functional): A VM intended to be openly targeted by functional language compilers.
SaC (language): Single-Assignment C is an array programming language predominantly suited for application areas such as numerically intensive applications and signal processing. Its distinctive feature is that it combines high-level program specifications with runtime efficiency similar to that of hand-optimized low-level specifications. Key to the optimization process that facilitates these runtimes is the underlying functional model which also constitutes the basis for implicit parallelisation. This makes SAC ideally suited for harnessing the full potential of a wide variety of modern architectures ranging from a few symmetric cores with shared memory to massively parallel systems that host heterogeneous components including GPUs and FPGAs.
Safari (Browser) (platform,presentation,browser): The Apple macOS/iOS Web browser as a platform.
SAFE Stack (platform,clr,browser,distribution,presentation): Full-stack web development based on F# throughout each layer.
Sage (language): A compiled language for anything from OS-dev to the web!
SailsJS (backend,nodejs): A Model-View-Controller web application framework developed atop the Node.js environment
SAL (Source code Annotation Language) (language,native,tool): By using source code annotations, you can make the intent behind your code explicit. These annotations also enable automated static analysis tools to analyze your code more accurately, with significantly fewer false positives and false negatives.
Salt (vm,language,functional,llvm): Compilation target that functional programmers always wanted.
Saltcorn (platform,low-code,no-code,nodejs): A platform for building database web applications without writing a single line of code. Use the intuitive point-and-click, drag-and-drop user interface to build the whole application
Samples (place,native): Collection of collections of sample files (usually for tools to test on).
Sanic (library,python,http,browser): The lightning-fast asynchronous Python web framework.
Sapphire (Ruby in Steel) (tool,ruby,windows): A professional Ruby development environment for Visual Studio.
SASM (tool,language,assembly,native): Simple crossplatform IDE for NASM, MASM, GAS, FASM assembly languages
Sather (language): An object oriented language that has garbage collection, statically-checked strong typing, multiple inheritance, separate implementation and type inheritance, parameterized classes, dynamic dispatch, iteration abstraction, higher-order routines and iters, exception handling, assertions, preconditions, postconditions, and class invariants. Sather code can be compiled into C code and can efficiently link with C object files.
SATySFi (language): SATySFi (pronounced in the same way as the verb “satisfy” in English) is a new typesetting system equipped with a statically-typed, functional programming language. It consists mainly of two “layers” ― the text layer and the program layer. The former is for writing documents in LaTeX-like syntax. The latter, which has OCaml-like syntax, is for defining functions and commands. SATySFi enables you to write documents markuped with flexible commands of your own making. In addition, its informative type error reporting will be a good help to your writing.
sbt (Scala Build Tool) (tool,build,jvm,scala): A Scala-based DSL to express parallel processing task graph.
Scala (jvm,language,functional,static,object,metaobject): A functional/object hybrid for the JVM.
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) (format,language): An XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation.
Scale (language): Open Source stack-based concatenative programming language.
Scapy (library,python,distribution,tool): Python-based interactive packet manipulation program & library.
scc (Sloc, Cloc, and Code) (tool,static): A very fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations and COCOMO estimates written in pure Go
SchemaCrawler (tool,storage,relational): A relationaldatabase schema discovery and comprehension tool.
Scheme (